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Alice's POV

I stood on the peak of the buildings tower watching for the phantom thief G. I could hear commotion inside the museum a man in a strange custom was chased outside. I had put Cross's mask in a side bag I brought with me. My silver hair and red eyes glowed in the moon light. I giggled as I watched Kanda trip him then beat him senseless. Then another phantom thief G appeared on the roof Allen then ambushed him and took the crown. Then Link got taken over by G and started fighting Allen and Kanda during the fight they found out Link is a CROW.

I watched silently as they started to fight Link seriously Allen stuck his sword into Link's mid stomach. After a funny your not died talk Link passed out. Marie said " I can track him he has a unique cry."

I said " are we done " Allen said " Yes General Alice tomorrow we are going to trace the location and find innocence." I said " That's sounds good " I stretched my arms when I felt a pang of pain hit my head. I said " Damn it not again" Allen said " General Alice, GENERAL ALICE" I felt myself fall back then everything went black

Allen's POV

I heard General Alice say " Damn it not again." I turned to look at her and saw her eyes closed and falling back. I said " General Alice, GENERAL ALICE." I saw her falling and fast it looked like she passed out. I knew I wouldn't make it to save her she was going down to fast and was to far away. I shouted " Marie catch General Alice." Marie ran to General Alice and jumped up catching her in his arms Marie landed on his feet. He said " General Alice please wake up." Me, Kanda and Link ran down to General Alice and Marie. Kumoi asked through the radio earring " Allen what happened to General Alice." I said " Chief General Alice passed out and fell off the tower she was standing on Marie was able to catch her but she won't wake up."

I then heard Dircetor Lvellie say " Walker it is probably because she hasn't slept let her rest." I then heard Kumoi speak " Allen I don't think she has slept since General Cross's disappearance make sure she at least get a half a night of sleep. By the way Allen make sure you all take turns watching her I was told by the pope and Vatican that she tends to have nightmare's that cause her to unconsciously active a self defense of some sort. Her rose and vines curl around her body and attacks anyone who it deems dangerous. I have a simple idea of how to keep that from happening keep General Cross's mask in her hands that should be enough to keep her calm." I said " Got it Chief".

Kanda said " Who is going to carry her on our way to the inn." Marie said " I will since I caught her."

We then started to walk to the inn when we got there Link got our room keys Marie and Kanda are sharing a room beside General Alice, me and Link are sharing a room in front of General Alice's. Link said " I will watch her first every 2 hours we will switch." We all nodded and Marie carried her to her room and set her on the bed. We left Link with her and closed the door.

Narrator's POV

Link carefully took out Cross's mask from Alice's side bag and placed in her hands immediately Alice brought it to her chest and curled her body around it. Her legs curled to her chest and her arms around his mask.

After three hours

Link went back to the room and got Allen and Tim to watch her. Allen sat on the chair in front of Alice's bed Tim landed on Alice's head using his tiny hands he pet her head. Alice mumbled in her sleep " Cross " Allen chuckled and said " my master sure is lucky." Alice mumbled " *** " something inside Allen woke up at that time. Allen's pulsed and his eyes turned a demonic yellow. The 14th said " huh how did I get here." The 14th looked around and stopped when he Timcampy. The 14th heard Alice whisper " Cross " the 14th's eyes widened at her voice and his head snapped to look at her. The 14th said " That voice that sliver hair it couldn't be well there is only one way to find out."

The 14th stood up and picked Alice up in his arms. The 14th kissed her ear and whispered " Alice ******* ". Alice's eyes snapped open and the 14th took a good look at her blood red eyes he said " yeah you're Alice." The 14th put Alice down on her feet. Alice said " *** it's I missed you and having my original memories back." The 14th asked " what do you mean what is wrong with your Noah memories." Alice said " The girl I was reincarnated as her innocence is special it accepted and did not reject me. I learned though as a result it is trying to seal away my Noah memories." The 14th said " Don't worry I have a feeling your powers and Noah's memories will awaken once my brother makes a move."

Alice said " One other thing... um you know Cross Marian the one you made watch other Mana." The 14th said " Yes what about him." Alice said " Well the me that doesn't have memories of our past and him there...lovers." The 14th whisper screamed " WHAT". The 14th whispered " Alice have you forgotten who you love and who loves you."

Alice whisper yelled " It isn't my fault I didn't have my meomires to tell him " I'm sorry Cross I already have a lover *** ". The 14th rubbed his eyes and asked " How many times?" Alice said " How many times what." The 14th said " how many times have you two done it." Alice said looking down " Well they became lovers when Alice was 15 so I would say 20 times." The 14th said " 20 times, that means when I finally make this body mine I will fuck you 40 times and make sure you remember the reason why we love each so much."

Alice said " *** what about Cross what am I going to tell him." The 14th said " That womanizer I beat he will find someone right after we tell him. Alice I will not lose you to someone who doesn't even know who you are." Alice winced and held her head " I only have a few minutes left it is trying to seal me away again." Alice said " What about the Earl and the rest of our "family" do you think they will remember me."

The 14th said " My curse on them was for them not to be able to control the gate and not to remember you the 15th Alice *******. But once you are seen by them they will immediately remember you."

Alice said after wincing " I have to go.." Alice then passed out and Allen's eyes went back to normal and he quickly caught her in his arms. Allen said " What happened?" He placed Alice on the bed and put Cross's mask in her arms. When he heard a knock on the door he went to open it. Kanda said " Two hours are up bean sprout". Allen turned to Alice and then back to Kanda and said " Okay come on Tim let's go sleep." Tim nodded then followed Allen out.

The next morning

Alice woke up Marie was the last one to watch her. Alice's eyes blinked open and Marie said " Good morning General how do you feel." Alice sat up and held Cross's mask close to her chest. Alice said " Fine what happened last night." Marie said " well you passed out then fell off the tower peek you were standing on I was able to catch you thought so you don't have a scratch." Alice said with a smile " Thank you Marie". Marie blushed and said " No problem "

Link said at the door " General Alice we have to leave in a few more minutes" Alice got up and off the bed she said "Ok could you guys wait outside while I freshen up it will only take but a few minutes." Marie and Link nodded and left her room shutting the door behind them. Alice sighed and headed to the bathroom/ restroom Alice took a quick shower and then brushed her hair out with the brush she had in her side bag." Alice put back on her clothes quickly and side bag she put Cross's mask back in the bag.

She then headed out the door.

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