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Alice's POV

As we walked down the street we was a orphanage up ahead it sign said Hearst Orphanage. Allen asked " Marie are you sure this is it." Marie said " Yeah this is where g's cries stopped last night". We all heard screaming inside Allen rushed to the door he knocked and shouted " Excuse me is ev..." With a loud bang the front door flew open a boy with short hair at the front and sides and long at the back, haircut and brown eye that is wearing shorts, roller skates and short sleeved shirt flew straight toward Allen. They were both thrown back and bumped there foreheads together. Kanda caught the boy and Link caught Allen. Allen had a big cut on his forehead. He cried " Pweeeeh I'm bleeding I'm bleeding Pweeeeh." Kanda said " Hey nice to see you again phantom thief G." Kanda made a evil face and said holding the blade to the boy neck " Now confess if you want your body back unharmed!"

The dierctor a nun of the orphanage offered them to come in and talk things over. As they were talking other I got a bad feeling. I with a bang a level 4 blasted through the wall. Allen shielded the girl, nun and Timothy. The children on the other hand were outside the door so some got injured they cried " Mother it hurts". They attracted the level 4 flew to there direction Allen and Kanda kicked it in the face at the same time. An said at the same time " Akuma " Marie attacked the level 4 with his Noel Organon and said" Noel Organon melody of sorrow. " His strings wrapped around the level 4 throwing it to a wall. Link was getting the kids, nun, Timothy and Emilia to basement. When we heard screaming I stood there and said " Allen, Kanda, Marie will you three not die if I leave." They said " No go help them we got this."

The level 4 said " Not so fast." And raced toward me turned I head to the level 4 and said " Do really want to piss me off cuz if you want me to release some pent up rage on you I will destory you along with this stupid barrier and other fucking akumas." The level 4 stopped in it's tracks and said "SORRY " Then ran to attack the three who just looked very confused. I turned on my heel and said " Be careful now you three." I waved and then disappeared down stairs. When I got there Link was turned into a doll along with the children and the nun, Emilia was injured of her shoulder.

Timcampy flew to my side and I said to Timothy " Timothy I need you to active your innocence." Timothy cried " Pweeeeh who am I even supposed to possess." I snapped at him screaming " Timothy Hearst! stop your damn crying and listen." Timothy immeadlty stopped everyone thought in there head " Damn she is scary." I said with a smirk " Damn straight, now Timothy concentrate you want to save your family don't you." Timothy nodded his head quickly and I said " Good now think let your emotions build think of wanting to save them." Suddenly the level 3 jumped to attack me. Emilia jumped in front of me and blocked the attack with her body I said " Emilia !" I caught Emilia in my arms and the level 3 said " How about you die now pretty lady." Timothy screamed " NO Emilia." The sphere on Timothy's head began to glow and before the level 3 could attack me and Emilia. The level 2 akuma that had turned Link the nun and children into dolls. Grabbed the arms of the level 4 and threw him back.

The orb on his forehead glowed. The level 3 transformed into white.

{the pic on top is from the 3rd episode and is timothy's anti-aukma form/weapon.}

I said " Good job Timothy." I asked Emilia " Can you stand on your own." Emilia said " Yes they just injured my arm." I put Emilia down on her feet and said " Let me fix that." I placed my hand over her injury and whispered " Nima Ru hi to ya ".

The gash on her right shoulder quickly closed and leaving no scar. I said with a evil smile " By the way if ether of you tell anybody about what I just did I will give you both hell." They both nodded quickly and I said " Okay good now Timothy I will lead them outside to the other exorist and you hit the bunny looking akuma from the back then steal your body back." I ran and jumped over the two akuma. I landed perfectly on my feet and said " Follow me you ugly ass akuma's ." They said " What did you call us you bitch."

I said " If you idiots don't like it come and get me." I ran outside and heard them chase after me I heard a bang and turned around Timothy had punched the level 2 akuma from behind and stolen back his body. I said " Allen heads up ". Allen looked toward me and I pointed up. He looked up to see Timothy's body fall from the sky and down on to him. Timcampy floated to Allen. I said " Kanda, Allen, Marie do you all need help." Kanda said " No thanks ". I said " Fine if you all need help just say so I will be on the roof." I jumped up and landed on a roses I created as I jumped under my feet. I sat on the edge of the unbroken part of building roof. I said " By the way Timothy possessed the level 2 akuma with his innocence." They all screamed " what " I simply giggled. Timothy used the power of the akuma he possessed to turn other level 2 into a doll then punched through the akuma. The level 3 behind the level 2 however was not affected by his attack. Timothy's body got up and ran after the white akuma saying " Hey listen to me." I shouted " Oh Timothy that won't work on him he is a level four." Timothy got sent back flying to the wall. I am guessing Timothy got the idea he could possess the level 3 because the level 2 he possessed was purified.

Timothy's body fell to the ground once more and the level 3 akuma was about to attack him. When Link protected him with his feather charms. Allen was about to go help them when the level 4 akuma let out a ear spliting scream. Making Link unable to keep the barrier up. The level 4 took this chance to attack when his punched was stopped by a man in red clothing and his face covered in a white veil. The mans hand reformed he said " Activate Devouring Device Primordial Void and sucked the level 3 akuma into his hand.

Link said " Madaro how you are only a crow." The level 4 then said "Can't be how did he break the barrier?" Kanda said " A new type of exorcist?" Kanda raised his sword as Allen said "This seriously bites, we haven't done much work today." Allen then raised his sword. The level 4 said " You guys are persisent."

Allen raced foward and pointed his gun arm toward Allen's face. Allen used his sword to move it and the level for began to shot Allen jumped over the level 4 using his sword. The level 4 said " how agile you are." Kanda then attacked saying " Sagen-style Exploding soul slicer." Kanda cut the level 4's arm it then explode. Allen took this chance to attack swinging his sword suddenly the level 4 caught it with it's teeth." Allen said" Teeth!?" The level 4 akuma threw the sword away from Allen throwing Allen to a wall.

The level 4 contiuned to shoot at Allen. Until Allen was cornered Allen looked toward his sword and said " Crown Clown" his sword floated in the air and then turned toward him and the akuma the sword went straight through the level 4 and kept flying till it went through Allen stomach. The akuma said " You idiot you got stabbed to." Allen said " My sword only hurts Noah and akuma." Allen's body began to pulse and blood poured out his mouth. He then began to scream in agony. The level 4 screamed " Disappear" it opened it's mouth about attack Allen. Allen stopped screaming put his hand on the akuma's cheek making the akuma close it's mouth. Allen said in a different voice his eyes changed to a demonic yellow " Good Morning."

The level 4 with tears " Noah". I said " I believe you all have had enough fun for now." Stood up and jumped off the ledge of the building. I landed on ground in behind the level 4 and flicked my wrist vine and torns came up from the ground and ripped off the akuma's head. Snapped my fingers and the akuma's body and severed morfed into a rose. Then turned to dust.

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