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Alice's POV

I pulled his sword out from his stomach. I asked " Allen you okay". Allen's hair covered his face he slid to the ground. Kanda shouted " hey bean sprout General Alice is talking to you." Allen looked up at me and Kanda with his own clear blue eyes then said " Kanda how many times have I told you my name is Allen Walker." I sighed and extended my hand to him. He smiled gently and took my hand. I pulled Allen up he stood up on his feet. Everyone that had turned into a doll turned back to normal with out any problems. Once people from the outside most likely finders figured out how to remove the barrier and removed it. We all headed out through the front. There were three finders outside along with Reever and jiji from the European science division also the cop from the other night and a girl wearing the same clothing as the Madarao guy.

I waved at Reever and said " Hey Science chief Reever". Reever smiled and said " Hello General Alice I don't mean to pry but how are you handling General Cross's disappearence." I said looked down to cover my face with my hair " I am going to be quiet honest with you I am currently hanging by a thread. If anyone pushed me hard enough I would proablely explode." I heard Reever gulp and I looked up at him with my red eyes glowing. Timcampy flew from Allen to me and he shook his head. I snapped out of it when Allen pet my head softly. My head snapped to look at him my eyes no longer glowings. Allen sttured " G-g-g enral Alice I 'm sorry I don't know why I did that." Allen turned a bright red and I giggled and said " Thank you Allen sorry guys that was a bad joke I guess."

I said " Well Timothy will you come to the black order with us now."Everyone fucosed there attietion on Timothy. TImothy smirked and said " I Timothy Hearst will become a exoricst and fight akuma. It won't be cheap though." We all brusted into luaghter we then got ready to leave and go back to the black order. Timothy and Emelia said goodbye to there family Emeila came with us also so she could be a finder and watch over Timothy.

During the boat ride to the black order european branch island Allen fainted. Marie carried Allen his and links room me and Link followed behind him. Marie set Allen down on the left bed. I said " Link go report to Lvellie our mission I will watch Allen and Marie go get your wounds looked at." They both bowed there heads then left closing the door behind them. I grabbed a chair from one of the desks and placed it by his bedside and sat down. I unbuttoned his shirt and pulled the top of his body up so he could be sitting up. I laid his head gently on my shoulder and pulled off his shirt placing it down on the beside. I laid him back down on the bed.

I took this moment to look at his wounds. His right side of his chest has a large scar and several cuts and bruise I am also positive he has a few broken bones. I sigh and say " Allen you are such a trouble maker. I swear I don't know what I am going to do with you." I put my hands over Allen's body and chanted " Nima Ru hi to ya ". Immeadlty his body was encased in a transparent white light and his wounds soon disappeared. Once I was sure he was all healed I brought my hands to my lap and the the light disappeared. I breathed in deeply and let it out slowly then before I knew it I had passed out.

14th POV

My eyes fluttered open I looked around to see Alice passed out on the floor I then look at my arms and chest to see there are no cuts and bruises, my skin color is a dark brown. I said " Damn it Alice you shouldn't be wasting your energy on healing this body I can do that by myself." I got off the bed and picked Alice up in my arms then set her down the bed I laid on. I sighed and then brushed away a piece of hair away from her face. I then stared at her soft looking lips I traced her bottom lip. She mumbled " Cross " a single tear fell from her eye and rolled down her cheek. I leaned down and kissed it away. I said " Cross is a idiot for leaving you alone. I am gonna kill him for playing with your heart."

I whispered in Alice's ear " Wake up Alice ******* ". I watched as Alice's eyes fluttered open and she cupped my cheek with her hand. I leaned down kiss her cheek and then her nose, finally I tasted her sweet lips. Our kiss was rough and passionate I wanted more I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance. She parted her lips granting me entrance I pushed my tongue into her mouth and our tongues moved together in perfect sync. We pulled away for air I laid my forehead on hers. Alice's eyes were switching from demonic to normal. Alice said " You really bring out the real me." I said with lust and love filled eyes " I miss it your true from form I miss your beautiful pitch black hair and those demonic eyes filled with so many emotions."

Alice said " I miss you two *** when will I be able to see you again and when will my Noah memories finally surface. I long for your arm and embrace I need you your anger, love and chaos, your gentle touch I need it all." I said kissing her forehead " All in good time my love now I think it's time you rest you healed this body so you most be exhausted now sleep." Alice nodded and as soon as she closed her eyes she fell asleep. I chuckled and said to myself " It seems I don't have time ether." I shut my eyes then gave Allen back his body waking him from his dream.

Allen's POV

I saw General Alice on my she was holding my left hand while sleeping. I rubbed my head and said " Was I doing something just now." I looked down at chest to see there were no wounds or bruise. I mumbled " What in the world." I heard a knock at the door and links voice say " General Alice I have made my report may I come in." I quickly put on my shirt and covered Alice with the blanket. I said " Link come in." Link came in and said looking at me " Walker what happened to your wounds and why is General Alice sleeping in your bed." I said stratching the back of my neck " Umm I woke up and she was on the floor and my wounds were gone. I put her in my bed for she could rest comfortably." Link said " Very well Walker also you should probably put General Cross's mask in her hands before she begins to have a nightmare."

I quickly uncovered her and put the mask in her hands then covered her again. I said " Link let's go get something to eat we can leave General Alice by herself can't we." Link said thinking for a moment " I believe we can go for a little bite since we are at your headquarters it should be fine to leave the General alone for a few minutes." I said "Yay " we then left the room.

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