Chapter 18

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"Well played boys!" Dabi smiled to the two armed security in the front seat of the car. "Good work back there"

He lit a cigarette by the edge of his thumb, lowered the glass pane and released the smoke into the breeze. He watched the smoke leave his lips. Cindy grew breathless when there weren't enough tears in her body that would match the sorrow she felt for her loss. She felt better dead than stay in the car.

He tossed the cigarette outside the window and turned to her. "That revealing skirt is doing things to my dick" He stroked a finger on her knee. She jerked her leg away from him on touch.

"Sh, I'm here now," he licked the tears that dribbled down the side of her face. His lips caressed her wet cheek and continued to plant kisses down her neck. She tried to move away from him but he hugged her close. Her breathlessness mixed with the smell of smoke that reeked from his body and the lack oxygen made her choke.

He let her go and turned to the window. Cindy's heavy breath filled the silence for the rest of the journey.

When they arrived at the club, Dabi handed the boys their pay. When the car drove away, he pulled her closer to him, her hands still tied behind her back. Her face was a shade of red and swollen eyes refused to look at him. She felt dry and lifeless to touch when he dragged her into a familiar room.

He sat her on the bed and lay beside her. "Miss me?" He cupped his hands around her swollen face.


"I'm going to rip that dress apart with those hands cuffed"He traced the curvature of her plump features. He lay her on her belly and uncuffed her wrists. Her arms fell beside her like a lifeless puppet, hoping she'd wake up from this horrid dream.

He lay silently beside her in bed and took her face in his palms once again and planted a gentle kiss on her lips. She didn't kiss back. He licked her lips demanding entry into her mouth. Her lips weakly parted and head pressed against the wall, he tongued her mouth to unleash her wild side that never showed.

"Talk to me," he breathed. She couldn't believe that she was here with the man who had torn control of her entire life.

"What do you want from me?" She pulled away, her voice trembling.

"Become legit and flaunt it for me" She had heard him say those words before.

"Does the word consent mean anything to you?" She replied snarkily.

"Sexy," He kissed her again before he left the room. She was traumatized. The words of her classmates' warning rung repeatedly in her ears. The regret swallowed her from within.

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