Chapter 2

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The silence in the room drifted her thoughts to the vision of the two naked men from last night. She was reminded of how their tongues and fingers felt on her skin. One was desirable with the strong scent that made her blush. The other's touch was frantic, lustful and aggressive that urged her to obey her darkest desires. She indulged in her sluttish thought of having both of them for herself. The moment was dangerous yet exciting.

Cindy's parts were sore to touch so the pillow was all she had for comfort. Lunch was served in the afternoon in the main cafeteria. She lazily dragged herself to the common cafeteria only to find Zeke and Amber pulling gum between their teeth.

She was torn from her thoughts and brought back to the bitter reality that she couldn't escape; Zeke had broken up with her. The night he had invited her for a dinner date and never showed up...

"Oh hey Cindy," he chuckled. Amber pulled him close kissing him on the lips. She scrutinized her.

"You look awful today." Amber and her cronies chuckled.

Amber has hated Cindy ever since. It started back in the first year of university where the two of them needed to work in a team to submit a project. Amber had arranged a get-together with her friends so she conducted a brief meeting explaining a few action points and left. Cindy never really liked her approach and did the project in her own way. Although the project was got a straight A, Cindy wrote her name off the project explaining the circumstances.

The next time a group assignment came up, Amber had worked up a sizeable amount of cronies to conduct the project behind her back. Cindy never really liked the same things she did and soon, they hated each other for everything.

Amber had fancied Zeke since the beginning of second year but Cindy only found out when one of her classmates had asked her to kiss Zeke in a game of truth and dare. She began to grow fond of him so she asked him out. He seemed okay with it at the time. That scarred Amber. She had made it motive to turn the class toward her, hopefully swaying Zeke to his side. It was a success.

"Buzz off..." Cindy shoved past them. "Zeke is totally better off without you!" Amber called after her. Cindy scoffed.

"Bye!" he waved after her, returning to sucking faces with Amber. She found a different table, far away from them. Unfortunately, last night would never come back. They relied on her to quench their lustful desire and it made her feel mature. She wanted to keep it this dirty little secret of hers to recall on a bad day.

She was still sluggish from lack of sleep, so there was little motivation to do anything. The day passed binging on a popular television series. It was about children going into a parallel universe of monsters. A bag of popcorn made it a pleasantly relaxing evening. She was still getting used to returning back to her normal student life.

The hubbub of the cafeteria was worse during dinner time. This time Zeke and Amber were doing the pokey challenge in the middle of the cafeteria. I guess this was their new found excitement. Cindy was glad she found the same corner table for her pork curry bowl away from her ex-boyfriend.

Zeke and Amber pulled away when the entrance to the cafeteria burst into bright blue flames, revealing two distinct figures as the smoke cleared. Cindy couldn't contain her emotions. The vivid memory of their hot builds soaked in sweat came rushing back into her thoughts. Yet, another side of her was cautious, fearing what would occur next. The conflict in her mind began indulging her thoughts and another didn't want to be turned to ash. Being the wiser, she hid.

Amber sashayed toward them. "Looking for someone?" She fluttered her doe eyes.

"Babe, move out of the road or my partner here 'll strip that body naked in front of the whole cafeteria." That was Hawks. The cafeteria echoed with a singular long drawl "Oh"

Cindy pulled her hair back in a bun and covered in with a hoodie. Leaving her plate unfinished, she crawled beneath her table, making sure to stay out of vision. Through the labyrinth around people's feet and shifting tables, she reached for the opposite exit of the cafeteria. "That's Cindy," was the last thing she heard Amber say. That sent a chill down her spine.

She crawled out of the cafeteria in the lower lobby, her heart beating heavily in her chest. She had to put a finger to her lip when on-lookers passed her by. Her panic caused her to bolt for her life. She wasn't sure what Amber told them but she needed to hide, fast. After mashing the elevator button an exhaustive number of times, it arrived on the ground floor.

Cindy was scared – shit scared. She fidgeted for the keys in her pocket, however her hands were uncooperative. The moment the doors slide open enough, she darted to her room. However, Toya was standing on the far end of the corridor. When she turned tail, Hawks appeared on the other end. Her heart was throbbing. They leisurely ambled toward her.

Cindy unlocked the door to her room and bolted it from behind. She ran to the window and put out one foot on the ledge. That was when the door swung open revealing Hawks and Toya. Two feathers returned to Hawk's wing after they had picked the lock on her front door.

"I'll jump if you come closer!" Cindy warned.

"That isn't an option," Toya smirked. A few crimson feathers fastened around her waist and feet, lifting her off the ledge and placing her back into the room against her will. The few feathers tied her wrists in a cuff behind her back.

"What do you want?" she felt defeated. Toya knelt close and lifted her chin toward him. "It was inconsiderate to not show up when my request was clear"

His touch rekindled the fire in her body, soaking her thongs. She needed him to tear it from her. It was making her uncomfortable. "Man I'm exhausted now, say do we fuck here tonight?" He looked for Hawk's approval.

"Is there an alternative?" Hawks sat himself on the bed. "I feel the same way." Toya agreed.

"Please..." Cindy mumbled. Her thoughts were jumbled. What was it she wanted to say?

"Plead once more" Toya played with her lower lip. Cindy choked. Declining their lustful desire seemed perilous.

"No..." She whispered but Hawks was already unbuttoning his shirt.

"Let that echo loudly across the dorm" Toya undid his trousers.

Would Zeke come back to me if he saw me this way? Will he change his mind?

Hawks lay on the bed while Toya bent Cindy over, exposing her bosoms to welcome his massive load. Cindy lowered herself so that Hawks could take her tip in his mouth. Gosh, Cindy loved the way his tongue played dirty.

She suddenly felt a massive length fill the emptiness on her behind. It moved in and out uncomfortably. She hated how the beastly and boorish creature found his way with her. Yet, his fire made her teats firm and goose bumps dotted her arms. Her insides were filled with him and made her ecstatic. Wait, why?

Her courage was spent when this new sensation welcomed her. Hawk's placed a palm on her cheek, forcing her to gaze at him. "Eat it," He gestured to the growing bulge in his pants.

It took endurance to unzip him bare as she was being belabored between her haunches. She took it in her mouth and caressed his length with her lips. "Fuck, that's hot!" His breath escaped his lungs when a burst of liquid entered her throat, her gaze unwavering from his.

Toya had pulled out from her rump, admiring what he saw.

If Zeke was here he'd beg her to come back. Maybe he missed out.

She rested on top of Hawk's hard chest, breathing with his rhythm. Her chest heaved up and down.

"That was punishment for not showing up today" Toya remarked.

"I highly enjoyed it." Cindy retorted trying to one him up. A menacing laughter crept up on his face.

"Don't wish for something you'll regret" He smirked, buttoning his trousers. Something in her didn't want to.

"Remember, show up tomorrow." Toya said in a firm voice. "And thanks for leaving this behind." A small card landed in her palm. It was her student ID. 

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