Chapter 3

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Amber and Zeke were sucking faces in the middle of the classroom. When she entered her classmates craned their necks, all eyes were pinned on her. Her ex-boyfriend furrowed her brows forcing his girlfriend off his lap. He strut toward her desk.

"Yo Cindy, everyone was wondering about you yesterday." Amber put her hands on her hip, a little sarcasm in her voice.

"Shut up, like you care." Cindy snarled. She took her seat in the middle row.

"Who the hell were those guys?" Zeke slammed a palm on her table, making his ex-girlfriend flinch.

"No one you should be worried about." Cindy snapped.

"Were those villains?" Diana, another girl from the class asked.

"Villains are not cool." Lana, one of Amber's cronies said.

"Cindy, watch yourself." Amber lowered her voice. "You could get into some serious trouble."

Their words sounded pretentious and hollow to her ears. She knew they craved her scent and loved tasting her curves. Maybe Amber didn't have that. Their warning could not surmount the enough times they pretended they hid secrets from her and didn't know what happened.

The noisy folk were dismissed to their seats when the professor walked in. Cindy skillfully slept through the entire lecture placing her open textbook in front of her.

"Cindy?" A voice woke her up from deep sleep. She shot up on her chair, wiping a drool from the side of her mouth. Three of her classmates – Rose, Diana and Ross came into focus.

"Thought you'd join us – for lunch." Rose hesitated, tucking her long maroon locks behind her ear. They looked at each other in agreement. This is what she hated most about them, always looking to each other for approval. It made her gag.

"Why?" Cindy's scrunched her brows.

"There's nothing better than a hearty conversation over lunch" Ross smiled.

"Why bother now?" Cindy argued.

"Look, we're just trying to help." Diana huffed. "We don't want to force you but remember we tried."

If Cindy could express how much she missed Zeke, she's run out of words. However, secretly she knew that they wanted the best for Amber and whatever Cindy was never mattered to them.

"Go away," Cindy mumbled turning her head away so they couldn't see the tears welling up in her eyes.

Class resumed and she slept through the rest of the day. She had two hours to kill before heading to the club by her watch.

"Yo loser!" Someone grinned at Cindy. The next thing she knew the kid was clutching his belly, wincing in pain. Amber had given him a fist in his gut.

Losers... Cindy thought.

After he fell to the floor, Amber marched beside Cindy. "What do you want?" Cindy sighed, half-heartedly. They were enemies for a reason.

"Look, we may have our differences but as love rivals, try harder." She coaxed, unwrapping a creamy wafer. "Snack?"

"Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?"

"I hate to personally admit it but the class agrees, we're all worried for you."

"Is it because you like someone new who I happen to know but isn't Zeke?" Cindy said sarcastically

"We're hanging out in my room tonight. Take it you're lucky I am inviting you," Amber glanced at her sideways.

"No thanks, I have plans." Cindy marched on ahead. Amber couldn't keep up. So she crushed the wrapper and regretfully watched her leave.

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