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Ngành hóa học (Chemistry)

CRYSALIS Interpret a protein’n 3-D structure

DENDRAL Interpret molecular structure

TQMSTUNE Remedy Triple Quadruple Mass Spectrometer (keep it tuned)

CLONER Design new biological molecules

MOLGEN Design gene - cloning experiments

SECS Design complex organic molecules

SPEX Plan molecular biology experiments

Ngành điện tử (Electronics)

ACE Diagnosis telephone network faults

IN -ATE Diagnosis oscilloscope faults

NDS Diagnosis national communication net

EURISKO Design 3-D micro-electronics

PALLADIO Design and test new VLSI cicuits

REDESIGN Redesign digital circuits to new

CADHELP Instruct for computer aided design

SOPHIE Instruct circuit fault diagnosis

Ngành địa chất (Geology)

DIPMETER Interpret dipmeter logs

LITHO Interpret oil well log data

MUD Diagnosis / remedy drilling problems

PROSPECTOR Interpret geologic data for minerals

B.ng 4 Công ngh. (Engineering)

REACTOR Diagnosis / remedy reactor accidents

DELTA Diagnosis / remedy GE locomotives

STEAMER Instruct operation - steam power-plant

Ngành y học (Medicine)

PUFF Diagnosis lung disease

VM Monitors intensive - care patients

ABEL Diagnosis acid - base / electrolytes

AI/COAG Dianosis blood disease

AI/ RHEUM Diagnosis rheumatoid disease

CADUCEUS Diagnosis internal medicine disease

ANNA Monitor digitalis therapy

BLUE BOX Diagnosis / remedy depression

MYCIN Diagnosis / remedy bacterial infections

ONCOCIN Remedy / manage chemotherapy patient

ATTENDING Instruct in anesthetic manegement

GUIDON Instruct in bacterial infections

Máy tính điện tử (Computer systems)

PTRANS Prognosis for managing DEC computers

BDS Diagnosis bad parts in switching net

XCON Configune DEC computer systems

XSEL Configure DEC computer sales order

XSITE Configure customer site for DEC computers

YES/MVS Monitor / control IBM

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
