Battle Training

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The next day of school came around with everything being somewhat normal. Being the second day and the fact they had to deal with learning of dorming, most of the morning was videos about dorm life and how to avoid teenage pregnancy as well as learning how to handle any problems in regards to everyday life now. For the most of it, Shoko was't paying as much attention mainly because she was fully invested in getting a bun in her oven to just give a 'fuck you' to Endeavor. Once they were out of the annoying seminars and done with lunch, the members of class A were sitting in the classroom waiting for their teacher to arrive.

"I AM...COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" All Might came through the door in his buff form and an older costume for most of the students to marvel. However, Izuku started to snicker a bit with this surprising Momo.

"What's so funny?"

"*snort* Look at his hips. The elastic is a bit tight. He put a little too much junk in the trunk." The AFO user tried desperately to hold back from busting a gut laughing with Himiko seeing the same and turning red from trying not to laugh as well.

"Heroics 101, this is the class that turns newbie heroes in training like you all into the dazzling pros of tomorrow. Today, I will be in charge of teaching you all. And this year's first class will be...BATTLE TRAINING!" The blond pro held up a card that said 'Battle Training' on it before holding a small remote up to press a button. "And what hero would be complete without their HERO COSTUME!" The walls opened up to 21 briefcases with numbers on them to show the seat numbers of people. "Get changed and meet me on Ground Beta on the double!"


"You honestly think I'll be that easy to beat Kaachan. Hate to burst your bubble, but I am LITERALLY a human quirk vault!" Izuku held his hands out with several quirks active to prove a point.

'He's not wrong about that.' Everyone thought this as Izuku grabbed his costume and went down the hall to the changing room.

At Ground Beta

Class A came down to the training area with All Might standing near the wall for some reason. "Hey dad, what's up with the way you're standing?" Izuku questioned coming out in an italian leather suit.

" reason." He seemed to avert from the issue for Himiko to come over and notice what looked like a bit of torn fabric on the pro's hip.

"You ripped your spandex didn't you?"

"....Maybe a little."

Izuku and Himiko started laughing uncontrollably for the rest of the class to come and hear them. "Ok...All jokes aside though, let me help out." Izuku walked over to his father using his sowing quirk to adjust the fabric with a little more breathing room to avoid a repeat of what happened. "Alright, That should avoid you showing your butt when you squat as well. I don't think mom would be too kind to showing your 'All Mighty Ass' to children and being charged for it."

"Yeah. Don't feel like showing off my glutes to anyone but your mother either."

Izuku stared at his father a bit silent before walking back to the group. 'TMI. Just...did not want to hear what you and mom do in your free time.'

All Might gave the rundown of what was going to happen with everyone being in groups of two except for one being a group of three since the number was odd facing off against another group with a random person having a second chance. The rundown was the classing hero vs villain cliche of heroes finding a bomb in a building that the villains are trying to use to destroy the city. The way to win this was to have the heroes touch the fake bomb within a time limit or subdue the villains or let the time run out or subdue the heroes if you were the villains. Teams were random and the matches were drawn by lots.

"Alright. I'm gonna stop you there for a sec dad." Izuku pointed this out for everyone to look at him. "You and I both know that this is somewhat too tilted if someone is paired or faces me."

"I CAN BEAT YOU WITH ONE HAND TIED BEHIND MY BA-" Himiko gave Bakugou a punch to the face to shut him up with Izuku continuing.

"I honestly think we should try and either A make a different situation for a match in regards to me, or B make a handicap where it at least helps the people I'm facing have a chance of winning."

"You got a point there Iz-I mean young Midoriya. Then how about instead of one match being three on three, that match has you portraying the 'super villain' and the heroes are trying to save hostages."

"That could work. So who's gonna be the hostages?"

"Right here." Mina spoke up with her and the girls smiling.

"We'll flip a coin or something."

"Fair enough. I get to have fun either way, but I'll still treat this like a real exercise so the girls can grow as well. If I take it easy it wouldn't be fair for you all since real villains won't."

"Damned asshole. He gets all the chicks." Mineta grumbles before being frozen in place and made into a grape popsicle by Shoko.


The girls and boys flipped a coin to see who would face off against Izuku first. Fortunately, or more unfortunately for the boys, they were the first up to face Izuku with the girls waiting inside a room devising a plan to hopefully win their turn.

"So....what do you know about Mido and his quirks?" Hagakure asked.

"To be honest, I don't think we'll win when it's our turn. Knowing him he'd probably toy with us and more than likely find some way to destroy our clothes." Himiko points out for Hagakure to think for a second.

"Maybe I can do something about that. He can't mess with what he can't see."

"That's not technically true since he has both Infrared and X ray vision based quirks. I think he also has Ultraviolet sight as well but I'm not sure."

"So he knows what I look like most likely!?" Ochako, Shoko and Himiko nodded for Toru to cover her body. "I feel"

"Eh. You learn to live with it, but you can tell when he's using one. For X-ray his eyes turn blue and for Infrared his eyes look like a thermal camera. He's also used a different one that turns his eyes purple so I think that's the ultraviolet sight quirk."

"Just distract him with your boobs and you'll be fine." Shoko bluntly says.

"Ok. but what about the rest of us? I'm not looking to show my body to Midoriya." Kyoka protests as Izuku finishes tying them in a fake hostage knot.

"Oh come on, I have some modesty. The only person I might use those on is Toru. Mainly out of curiosity as to what she looks like."

"Oh don't gimme that Midoriya, you don't want to look at me because of my tiny breasts."

"Kyoka. I'm not a judge of someone's body just to diminish them, whenever I look at someone even in perverted fashion I find something to compliment them on. Don't throw yourself under the bus just because your breasts don't take up 25% of your body weight like Himiko's do. Now I can adjust the size of your breasts if you want me to but I have to warn you, body augmentation quirks are painful. Very painful. As for what I like about you, mainly the fact that your earphone jacks move to show your mood. I find it adorable." Kyoka blushed a bit at this. "Also, I think that ass of yours is more than enough to arouse a lot of men. Tight, compact, and also easy to dominate in size." Izuku started laughing before a kick to his crotch came from the aux cord girl.

"Can't fault him for being honest can you? Despite the fact that he's almost as much of a pervert as Mineta. Almost. YOU ALSO DIDN'T HAVE TO TIE ME UP LIKE THIS WAS BONDAGE, IZUKU!" Himiko shouts, Izuku laughs before floating up off the ground and manifesting the same iron helmet that his father wears to finish his super villain get up.

"Is it bad that I kind of want to see what you look like now?" Ochako turns towards the invisible girl. Toru doesn't respond and just shrugs at this statement.

"Wonder where he got that mask from?"


"Tomura? Have you seen my mask?" Hisashi walks into the room holding a finger to his chin in thought.

"MY EYES!!!" A man with most of his face and body having burns on it shouts in a joking manner.

"Haha. Haha. Go fuck yourself Dabi." Hisashi flips off the newest recruit of the league.

With Izuku:

"Can we get this exercise started some time this week? I'm getting bored and hungry." Izuku complains as he floats in the center of the fake building.

"Alright. Heroes can go in." Izuku sat down on thin air as if sitting on an invisible throne before manifesting himself a golden chalice filled with wine.

"Hey Dad-Might? How's about a bet?"

"What do you have in mind?" All Might asks over the communicator in Izuku's ear.

"If I can take out all of them without spilling my drink, you and Dad for One have to switch bodies for a day."

"...How about a nice dinner with the girls."

"Oh come on, where's your sense of adventure? It'd be funny."

"Let's say I agree, what do I get if I win?"

"I heal your wounds and help you get rid of that extra 3 inches on your waistline."

"Change the offer on your end to give you the chance to have kids in UA without backlash."

The white haired boy thought about this before smiling. "Fair enough. I'm probably gonna get Shoko pregnant soon anyway. Deal. Oh and by the way, can I steal their quirks?"

"J-just give them back when the exercise is done."

"OI!!! DEKU!!! GET DOWN HERE AND FIGHT MEH!!!" Bakugou charged at Izuku with Izuku dodging and drinking the whole glass in one go.

"HEY! What about the bet!?"

"I said that I wouldn't spill any wine. I never said I'd never drink it all." He placed the small cup down in the middle of the air only for it to not fall.. "Now." In a flash, Izuku knocked Bakugou through a wall to see the rest of the guys staring at him with shock. "Who wants to go first?"

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! THIS IS FOR TAKING ALL THE SEXY BABES!!!" Mineta threw balls on his head at Izuku. Using an intangible quirk, Izuku avoided all the attacks before getting up to the small man and kick the small midget into a wall with his lower half sticking out.

"I wouldn't wanna be that guy." Kaminari pointed out before getting punched by Izuku in a similar fashion in the wall. "I spoke too soon... ow..." Kaminari's muffled voice is heard from within the concrete structure. One by one, Izuku knocked out every one of the guys before getting to Bakugou who recovered. In an instant, he tied the ash blond up as if he was lassoing him with both his hands and feet tied together behind his back.

"I reckon that's a win in my book. Face down in the dirt with another man beating your ass. Is it Wednesday already Kacchan?"


"Fuck me yourself coward." Izuku snapped his fingers and turned Katsuki back into Katsumi as punishment for the insult.


"Alright. Time to reset with the girls being the heroes now and the boys being the hostages." The guys all laughed themselves to a different room while the girls left the building for Izuku to carry Katsumi without turning her back to her normal self.


"When have you NOT been one? This changes next to nothing and arguably makes you better looking so put a sock in it."


"How is it gay when you're literally a woman right now? You are aware that I can leave you like this and if Kirishima fucks you, You will get pregnant." The redhead stopped for a moment hearing the fact he was pulled into this conversation.

"Why did I get-"

"Reference. You were just an example Kirishima. Unless you wanna tap this" Izuku adjusts Katsumi on his shoulder causing her to bounce slightly to emphasise who he was talking about before continuing "I don't judge who you like."

Getting to the room they were in, Izuku tied up everyone before looking at Katsumi with only her hands and feet tied. "What?" In one strike, Izuku slices off the ash blond's hero costume leaving her in her boxers that her male counterpart was wearing and ties a blindfold over her eyes. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" He did however have the decency to put a bra on Katsumi. However it was lingerie and her bra had vertical slits exposing her nipples.

"Now for the next part of your punishment." Izuku tosses him on Mineta's lap for her front half to be facing the small pervert.


"IT'S NOT MY FAULT! YOU'RE ON ME ALMOST NAKED IN THE BODY OF A WOMAN!" Izuku silently laughed before hearing All Might speak.

"I have a feeling we'll be needing a new student after this is over. You may have gone a bit too far this time Izuku." All Might says to him.

"It's what she gets for body shaming Himiko for over 5 years. Frankly she deserves this."

"*sigh* Hero team can enter now."

Izuku smirked before altering his body to turn himself invisible. To make it so he's completely unable to be seen, he takes off his clothes and walks out to the lower levels.

With the girls

As the eight entered, they remained vigilant, hoping to avoid a sneak attack by Izuku. "Is there any way we can find him?" Ochako looked around frantically while Kyoka placed her jacks in the walls.

"I'm hearing a lot of movement on the third level. Doesn't sound like people walking though."

"Sounds like the boys but... One voice sounds feminine."

"Heheheh. He probably turned Kacchan into a girl." Shoko and Ochako thought about this before busting out laughing at this along with Himiko. The other five girls didn't get this before seeing an image of Izuku in front of them.

"We've got company!" Everyone saw Izuku walk towards the other side of the hallway with Tsu using her tongue to grab him.

"I got him!" This was stopped when an invisible force grabbed her tongue by how it felt and pulled her towards it. "THE HECK IS GOING ON!?" She was grabbed and quickly tied up with her tongue pressed up against her body in a form that wrapped around her similar to bondage.

"Well would you look at that, she can use that tongue to get herself off." Himiko pulls a hand notebook out of her cleavage to check off something in it."Alright. Let's go help her out... Where are you, Izuku?"

There was a silence before Shoko was grabbed with a hand covering her mouth and pulled into a side room. Before the others could react she had vanished with the room being completely empty. "Ok. Kyoka. You know where she we-"

"Kyaa!!!" Momo screams in fright, feeling something touch her, the other girls whip around to face her and their jaws drop. The color scheme of her outfit had been swapped, her hair was now red, her costume was now black and the only thing that remained the same was her utility belt and encyclopedia on her butt.

"THE HECK HAPPENED TO HER!?" Mina shouts with Kyoka trying to find out where Izuku was. Before she could do anything, she found herself falling into a portal with it zipping up away from everyone's view.

"Well there goes our ears. Any ideas now?" Toru asks before shaking a bit looking in front of them. "AAAHHHH!!! HE'S NAKED!" She placed her hands from what it looked on her face with neither of the girls seeing anything.

'Mental note. Hagakure can see me when I'm invisible. Then that means...' Izuku looked over to see a silver haired girl with violet blue eyes and a rather ample body wearing only boots and gloves. Her hair was similar in appearance to Ochakos with two pseudo bangs framing her more oval like eyes, her longer bangs curled at the bottom similar to his own hair. "Sweet! I can see Hagakure's bod!"

"STOP LOOKING AT MY NAKED BODY! I'M EMBARRASSED ENOUGH KNOWING I CAN BE SEEN NOW!" Hagakure shouts with Himiko pulling what looked like a can of spray out and throws it at where the voice of Izuku was coming from. It exploded to show green paint coating his body for her and Mina to quickly grab some ropes made by Momo and tie him up as he was rubbing the paint from his eyes. To add a bit of payback, Himiko made sure it was in the similar fashion he tied her up to smirk.

"Did I really have to be tied up like some guy that likes bondage?" She hears Izuku say, despite him still slightly being invisible.

"Call this payback." Himiko laughs with All Might announcing on the speaker.


"Guess I should let those two out of my pocket dimension now." Two portals open up with one having Kyoka come through one of the portals holding a pina colada, meanwhile Shoko stumbles out clearly disheveled, naked and covered in semen.


" H-he made me a Momma..." Shoko stumbles and falls over onto Momo bringing her down too. "It would take me more time to tell you what he did to this body than it took him to do them. Those....tentacles."

"He made me drinks." Kyoka says casually as she sips the pina colada. "They don't have alcohol."

"Well I think I've had my fun." The girls whip around hearing a feminine voice that most of them don't recognise, only to see Izumi once again where the invisible form of Izuku was. "Mind letting me out of this Himi?"

"I think you deserve to be punished for what you did Little Missy." Himiko grabs a specific end of the rope and gives it a quick tug. This causes the knots and bindings around Izumi to tighten.

"Ahhn... Oh you're gonna get me all riled up Himiko. And you know what happens when I'm riled up." Izumi grins evilly at Himiko, flashing her green eyes an ominous red for a brief moment.

"Can we avoid this being something that turns into a porno or anything like that?" Ochako looks around seeing Tsu still tied up in a suggestive way seeing as the others couldn't figure out how to free her, Momo getting covered in the white fluids that covered Shoko with her body oozing out more, Kyoka drinking from a non alcoholic beverage with a cocktail umbrella in it., and Toru trying to rub her eyes clean out of what she's seen.

"I'm gonna be honest. I'm both terrified and turned on." Mina bluntly states.

"CAN SOMEONE FUCKING TURN ME BACK INTO A MAN NOW SO I CAN KILL THE FUCKING GRAPIST WHO'S GOT SOMETHING POKING ME!?" Katsumi shouts for the entire class to know things are just going to get stranger as they go through the year.

And that finishes this chapter. See what Izuku and the girls do next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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