Quiet Day

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The morning was relatively calm for the members of class A. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and Shoko was hurling in the bathroom. No wait, that isn't right.

"Who's in the bathroom?" Izuku woke up hearing the sound of Shoko tossing her cookies.

"I am. I think something last night didn't sit with me well or something."

"I knew I shouldn't have let Sero cook with me. I had to get up last night to go barf in the toilet as well." Izuku gave a sigh before asking. "You need anything?"

"Maybe just antacid or something."

"Gotcha." Izuku went into his pocket dimension to grab a small container and placed it in a cup he had. He then grabbed some water from the sink in the common area of his and the girl's dorm room and met Shoko in the bathroom. She somewhat calmed down with her sitting on the bathroom floor somewhat nauseated. "Here you go." Izuku knelt down and gave the dual hair colored girl the glass for her to smile.

"Thanks." She started drinking with Izuku sitting next to her to wait for Shoko to finish. As he waited, the AFO user noticed Shoko was only wearing a white see through button up shirt with it open and a white pair of panties to smirk. She finished and felt a little better before handing the glass to Izuku. "I think that should help. Appreciate your help."

"Don't worry. Now that we're done with that, should I consider your attire an open invitation?" He smiled with Shoko coming right to his face with a smirk.

"You really are a slave to my body, aren't you?"

"What can I say, I love a woman that's bold enough to just barely leave the important parts out of the eyeview." The two started to adjust their bodies before a knock on the door came.

"Hey, any chance whoever is in there can hurry up. I really gotta pee." Nejire was heard from outside for the two to let out a sigh.

"Well there goes our bathroom fun." Izuku groaned in a bit of dissatisfaction.

"Maybe, but we don't have school today, so we can have a little fun in the bed or showers if you want~" Shoko moved up with her underwear down halfway to show off her ass as a way to seduce Izuku.

"Well mama always said the devil would tempt me in ways I couldn't imagine. Who knew It'd be so easy to fall for them."

Izuku and Shoko exited the bathroom with Nejire practically rushing inside and shutting the door. They paid this little mind and went right for Izuku's room for a bit of morning 'stress relief' between them.

Few hours later

After a bit of time lazing around the dorm room, Izuku and the girls came down towards the common space to see everyone doing some of what they do when they have time off. Most were just sitting around playing a game, talking to classmates, or seeing what's new on social media like most average or somewhat average teenagers. Coming over to the sofa, Izuku laid with his feet up looking over to Tsu and Mina.

"Hey Tsu. I wanted to apologize for yesterday about the whole tongue thing. I hope I didn't hurt you or anything."

"I'm fine. Besides, I've been through worse."

"To be fair, I should probably also apologize about the whole helping tie you up thing. Kinda went a little kinky." Mina awkwardly laughed as Tsu just blankly stared at her. Izuku patted her thigh in consolidation.

"I think Himiko was a fan of that if you ask me. Also, it could be worse."

Before the group could ask how, they heard screaming coming from upstairs. "WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE THINGS TRYING TO DO!?" Mineta came falling down the stairs of the girls' side with him stopping on the bottom floor. "Why the hell are those worm things trying to eat meAAAHHHH!!!" He stopped when one was seen biting his ass for everyone to hold in the urge to laugh.

"Let me guess, you were trying to enter my room or one of the girls with the Wigglers catching you red handed with something."

"NO I WASN-AAAHHHH! GODDAMN THIS HURTS!" Another Wiggler came to bite his side for Izuku to see something in the small pervert's hands. Pulling it out, he noticed it was a pair of panties from Camie for her to get sickened.

"Gross! He took my used underwear!"

"Probably using it to fap with his baby weiner. Ain't that right, baby weiner haver?"

"THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME AHHH!!" Another Wiggler came to bite his ear for the midget to soon be surrounded by them.

"Admit what you were trying to do and I may let you live...within the next five seconds." Before Mineta was able to ask, Izuku counted down for him to panic.


"No I don't."


Izuku looked at his hand to see it was connected to Fuyumi's chest massaging the inside of the TA's blouse. "So I am." Izuku let go before condemning Mineta again. "I still don't want you taking my girls' underwear to sedate your sick needs. If you want to find a way to sedate them, get a girlfriend."

Looking around, Mineta noticed all the girls looking away trying to ignore him. "....I hope you have testicular cancer!"

"Woah. Woah. Woah. That's not something I'd even want Kacchan to get. That's just cruel." Izuku was stunned that something like that was said to him. "Despite me having quirks that let me never have to worry about that, You shouldn't want someone to get cancer, you mutated fruit."

"OW! GET THESE THINGS TO STOP BITING ME!!!" Mineta yells before his nose is bitten by another wiggler.

"The only thing I find more annoying than your perverted schemes and actions is your screams in pain. Wigglers, release him." Izuku commands the sock puppet plants to stop biting the grape. Most of them do but Bling gets one more bite in on Mineta's ear before sinking back into the floor from whence they came.

"I'm kinda surprised that you wouldn't want me to get ball cancer Deku. But you're probably fuckin planning something to do to me you freak." Bakugou says, raising an eyebrow to the All for One user.

"You're many things Kacchan but someone I'd want to get cancer is not one of them. That doesn't mean I wont mess with you when you decide to be a complete dick to me just because I breathed."

"I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRYAAHHH!" Mr Wiggles came behind him to bite his ass for Shoko to smirk.

"Get that out of your mouth, you have no idea where it's been." She pulls off a small piece of sausage to toss towards the fancy Wiggler for him to let go and eat that instead. "That probably tastes much better than his disgusting butt."


"Ugh, what will it take for you to shut up and get off Izuku's dick. Do you want to fight him or something?" Himiko groans, rubbing her ears from all the shouting.


"Have you seen yourself when you're a chick? You're much more a blonde bimbo than she is." Shoko says in her typical monotone voice.

"To be frank. I think he'd make a better woman than a man." Ochako adds in. "Then again, most girls don't like men that shout at them or that dont treat them with respect they deserve."

"SHUT UP! NOT LIKE I'D WANT YOUR FUCKING CUNT ANYWA-" Camie stopped him with a hit to the groin to level the ash blond before going any farther with that comment.

"Like...whoops. My foot slipped....my bad."

"Alright I think you've lost talking privileges for today, in the portal you go." Izuku picked up Katsuki by the nape of his neck and the belt loop of his pants before throwing him into an ominous portal before closing it with a zipper.

"Where did that one lead?" Nejire questions but Izuku just shrugs.

"I have no idea. I think somewhere between Mitsuki's house and North Dakota."

"Who's Mitsuki?" Momo asks.

"Bakugou's/Kacchan's mom." Izuku and the girls replied.

As they continued their talks, Tsu began to ask a question that's been bugging her a lot. "Hey Midoriya. How did you even get into a relationship with so many girls and what exactly are they to you?"

"Very caring girlfriends that I wanna cherish."

"...Ok. So what is he to you all?" Tsu presses.

"My baby daddy." Iida spittakes after hearing Shoko's blunt statement he begins coughing and sputtering before Kirishima pats him on the back.

"My best friend and technically step-sibling." Most looked at Himiko a little confused. "To elaborate, I was abandoned by my birth parents when I developed my quirk at four. One of Izuku's biological father's business connections found me and his dad had asked Inko and his step dad to take me in as a foster child. Since I never got adopted by another family, I'm technically Izuku's step sister."

"Big Daddy." Mina did a spit take at Camie's answer.

"A loving boyfriend that I also have take me on one side while Himi takes the other."

"THE HELL!?" Everyone shouts.

"What about you Uraraka?" Tsu asks, turning to the brunette.

"He's the guy I'm dating, we haven't gone to the intimate boyfriend girlfriend stage yet but he did save my life twice in one day. The first time was to the Zero pointer in the entrance exams, he teleported me to safety before it could crush me and the second was from the Pony-tail killer of Mustafu, the serial killer that was killing a bunch of teenage and little girls that were alone. That reminds me, what ever happened to that guy you put in a portal with a bunch of Wigglers?"

"He's in jail, but now has a phobia of sock puppets and axolotls. They apparently weren't that hungry seeing as he only lost 3 fingers and part of an ear."

There was a silence between everyone before Fuyumi came into the room with something to eat. "What about you, Ms. Todoroki? Unlike your sister, you don't seem to be dating Midoriya for a kid, so what is it with you?"

Fuyumi thought for a second before going over to sit on Izuku's lap and shove his face into her breasts. "I love the way he makes me feel emotionally and physically. He made me feel like a real woman. You see, our father Endeavor was extremely overprotective and abusive for the most part. He's the reason Shoko has the scar over her eye, when we met Izuku he treated us like actual women and not like some porcelain doll... and later that night I kinda got drunk and you all know where that leads."

"She had half a spiked lemonade." Izuku giggles remembering how much of a light weight Fuyumi is.

"So then next question and this is kinda serious....How big is he?"


"What? It's an honest question."

"Would you like to find out?"


"She's curious and I don't think you all would believe me even if I told you." Nobody really fought this as Mina hopped up.


"Ok. Before we go any farther, I'm setting a ground rule." Himiko speaks up. "You are free to allow another woman to join us but one of us has to be present when you do it. You don't...and we'll have Izumi pay the price. Sounds fair?"

"Fair as I'll get."

"Good. Now Ochako, you're joining us tonight." Himiko pointed out for the brunette to go red.


"You and Shoko know why." The dual hair colored girl smiled at Ochako while nodding for the next question to come out of her mouth. "Alright. Tonight at nine thirty, head over to our dorm and we'll give you a night you'll never forget."

"Now that sounds promising."

"WHY DOES HE GET ALL THE CHICKS!?" Mineta shouted for both Kaminari and Sero who were beside him at the time to pinch the bridge of their noses.

"I mean, he's not really wrong."

"Could be worse, he could be doing it in the middle of the common space with all of us present." Kaminari states before seeing in a single moment Fuyumi naked on top of Izuku hopping up and down. He shook his head for a minute before seeing her clothed again. 'Why do I feel like that wasn't a trick of the lights or something.'

Izuku smirked at his camouflage working before getting an idea. "Hey Mineta, I gotcha a challenge you might like." The small pervert listened closely to his classmate. "You don't do anything perverted for the rest of the day and I'll let you touch a woman's bare boob. What do you say?"


"I never said who's chest you'll touch and it's definitely not hers. However you do anything perverted, I'll erase that memory permanently from your mind and everyone else's and replace it with you touching some guy's junk." Izuku started to laugh a bit for Mineta to have a chill go up his spine.

"...I'll do it!"

'No matter how this plays out, he's gonna be fucked over.' Every girl thought this as they knew Izuku's sadistic side. Their thoughts were confirmed when Izuku transformed back into Izumi in a puff of baby pink smoke this time dressed in an underboob cut crop top and booty shorts.

"You may touch them for five seconds." Izumi states putting her arms behind her back and bowing her chest out.

"Is this an illusion of some sort? I'm pretty sure you can do those."

"Oh these are real. Watch this." Izumi turns around before grabbing the hem of her shirt and lifting it up. Kaminari, Kyoka, Sero, Kirishima, Sato and Iida all stare wide eyed before blood starts leaking from their noses and Iida feints from the sight. "See. Real as can be. You may touch them but only for five seconds."

"Ugh. I'm giving you a bath later, Izumi." Himiko states seeing the midget place both tiny hands directly over Izumi's nipples.

"Do I want to know why your hands are sticky?" Izumi deadpans feeling Mineta squeeze and grope her boobs.

"I spilled grape soda on the couch earlier and my hands are sticky from cleaning it up." Mineta responds as Izumi pulls away and pulls her shirt back down.

"So that explains the weird stain on the couch. I thought you jerked off on it."

"What?! I'd never do that in the common room! That's weird!"

"Well, you've gotten your end of the deal. No more perverted crap for 24 hours. If you fuck up I'll turn you into a girl. Permanently." Izumi laughs an evil laugh, putting the back of her hand to her mouth as she cackles seeing the fear present in Mineta's eyes. Transforming back into Izuku. "As for you Mina, how about you and Himiko come with me seeing as Himiko wants to be present for when a new member of the harem might join."

"Oh I'm gonna like this." Mina grins before following Izuku into one of his many portals.

Exiting through the otherside, Mina finds herself in Izuku's room in the entertainment room on the couch. "So, if you want to see it. You'll have to let the monster out yourself." Mina smiles hearing Izuku say this before getting off the couch and crouching between Izuku's legs. She fiddles with the knot on his gym shorts for a moment before pulling it down revealing his All Might themed boxers. She raises an eyebrow seeing his boxers before grabbing the elastic and yanking it down. As soon as she does so, Izuku's foot long dong flops out and smacks Mina on the mouth causing her eyes to widen in both fear and lust. "Woah..." She mutters seeing the size.

"You're nothing to scoff at either Mina. Izuku and I both know your secret and we'd love to have some fun with you." Himiko wraps her arms around Mina's stomach before groping her breasts with her left hand and putting her other hand in Mina's pants. "So this is your other mutation quirk. You're a futanari and... you also have a vagina. This will be interesting." Toga says, wrapping her fingers around Mina's pink penis and slowly dragging her hand up and down.

"What's say you that we have some fun this evening with the other girls? I'm sure they'd love to ride you as much as I'd like to see just how deep you can go in Himiko." Izuku says in a husky tone as he cups Mina's chin in his hand. Mina unconsciously starts wrapping her fingers around the base of Izuku's shaft before beginning to squeeze and rub her hand up and down his member. "I'll take that as a yes then." Izuku's eyes flash red for a moment as he smiles causing Mina to swallow a lump of nervousness in her throat.

"Hehe... I'm in danger."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku and the group. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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