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"Unbelievable, uncle. Do you have any idea how dumb you were?" Catching and rounding up all the villains on the island, Izuku had found out from them that they were hired by David Shield, his own uncle to take control of I-Island temporarily and use the chaos to steal an item he was working on. "On what planet did you think this was a smart idea?"

"Izuku, please understand that we didn't hire real villains-"

"You actually hired real villains. They weren't just some random off the street slobs that were looking to make a quick buck. They were real villains wanted by the US Hero Board. Because of your actions, you nearly put this island and all its inhabitants into a situation that could've hurt them." Now realizing what he did, David held his head down realizing he may have made a terrible mistake. "What were you even planning to do that you'd stoop this low to do?"

"...My research on this island was to find a way to enhance quirk factors through means that do not harm the body. A way to bring out someone's latent potential to help make fighting crime a little easier on heroes. I found a way to succeed, but it cost me most of my budgeting for the project. If I couldn't succeed, the people offering would kick me and Melissa off this island. I didn't want that to happen to her. She's happy here. Not only that, but All Might's recent tests came in. He's on the verge of no longer being able to be a hero anymore."

"So you did this for both Mel and DadMight."

"Yes. You know for a fact that if All Might was to no longer be among the heroes, crime rate will rise. It's happened all across the world in the past years. Because of that, Melissa she..." David didn't want to finish his sentence since Melissa had lost her mother at a young age and grew up without one most of her life.

"Uncle David. You had to have known putting this together that you won't get away with it."

"I know. And I was ready to go to jail if need be. I just...I wanted to help your father one final time. If he remains a hero, then maybe-"

"DadMight will step down from heroism in at the latest, less than three years. He made that point very clear when I chose the path I did."

"What are you talking about?" David looked at Izuku as he began cleaning some dirt out of his nails and explaining.

"All Might has been around for a very long time. He's a great hero, an idol, a symbol. But that doesn't make him immortal. He's human like you and me, which means he gets hurt, bleeds, grows old and dies like us. Do I like thinking this morbidly, no. But this is the inevitable thing we need to see. Instead of preserving what is bound to die off, why don't you preserve the legacy left and make sure the world grows from it. I mean, did you even think about what would happen when Mel found out? Did you think what would happen when dad found out!? What if this didn't work also? What if you did all this effort succeeded and got Dad-Might to use the device and it didn't work. DID YOU EVEN PLAN FOR THAT TO HAPPEN!?"

Realizing more how poorly his decision was, David held his head down. "I'm sorry, Izuku. I...I just wanted to help. I never wanted anyone to get hurt."

"I know. I know you had the best intentions you could doing this. All you wanted to do was make a world safe for the people. Safe for Mel. But even though you wanted to do good, that doesn't change the fact you almost caused a lot of trouble and almost committed a serious crime. Because of that, I have half a mind to report you right now to the authorities and revoke your privilege to work on this island along with facing criminal charges." This struck David where it hurt most knowing he was no different than the villains the man he wanted to help would put in jail. "But...That would hurt Mel and DadMight more.Since this was stopped before you actually did something bad, nobody has to know about it. We can both walk away from it like it never happened and I don't have to report something like this since the situation is resolved now." Izuku got up and started walking towards the door. He stopped however to give one final thing to tell David. "DadMight said he was going to retire when I got on the scene. This was going to be his way of saying 'I leave the safety of everyone to my son' and prevent more crime from happening. Nobody else knows about this since it was meant to prevent more unease from happening than should. I'm sorry that we couldn't tell you. But hopefully this gives you some peace of mind knowing the world is in capable hands after All Might is off the scene." Izuku left David Shield in his thoughts, understanding he was in the wrong and should've never done what he planned.

With the girls

After putting their belongings in their rooms and heading out, the girls decided to spend some time at a nearby cafe to relax and get to know each other a little better. "So where's that daughter Izuku adopted?"

"She's hanging out with Inko back in Japan. I feel kinda bad leaving her, but we knew there was gonna be a lot of people here and didn't want to put her in a situation where she has an anxiety attack." Himiko pointed this out while holding a drink between her boobs and drinking it.

"That stinks. I would've loved seeing what type of adorable little girl Izuku adopted."

"Here's a picture of her if that helps." Nejire shows a picture of Eri sipping a milkshake through a straw and staring blankly at the camera to make a smile grow on Melissa's face.

"She's so adorable! I wanna hug her and have her call me 'mommy' now!"

"Well if you confess to Izuku, that helps." Melissa goes red after hearing Himiko's comment.

"Wait, she likes Izuku?" Ochako asked with Shoko and Yui looking at one another before responding.


"Was it that obvious?" Everyone but Ochako nodded at Melissa for her to hold her head down. "Sorry you heard about this the way you did. You all probably think I'm an awful person for saying I like your boyfriend."

"On the contrary. I don't think anyone here thinks you're in the wrong." The blond girl inventor looks up to Reiko who explains her reasoning. "You didn't want to say anything because it would hurt someone. I don't blame you for wanting to hold back emotions. But nobody here is against it, so you're fine to say what you want and make Izuku your lover like we have."

"OH COME ON! ANOTHER ONE!?" The sound of a certain midget made everyone's attention to turn to Mineta and Kaminari working as busboys for the cafe they're at. "WHY DOES MIDORIYA GET ALL THE CHICKS!? I SHOULD BE THE ONE GETTING A PIECE OF SEXY AMERICAN PIE!"

"Uhh...Who are these two?"

"Mineta and Kaminari. Kaminari's our classmate and Mineta was part of the Hero Course before he got thrown to General Studies thanks to the Sports Festival."

Realizing they're Izuku's classmates now from Shoko, Melissa tried to smile and wave. "Hello. I was told you're my cousins' friends. Nice to meet you."

Mineta immediately went up close to smile goofily and speak. "You're so hot! Please let me be your boyfriend instead of Midoriya!" Everyone stared at him with pity as he shouted at them. "DON'T JUDGE ME! MIDORIYA GETS TO SLEEP WITH ALL OF YOU AND I JUST WANT TO GET A NICE BIG ASSED WOMAN WITH HUGE TITS TO FUCK ME!"

"I wouldn't even sleep with you if you were the last...boy or man on earth and the survival of the species depended on us doing it." Mineta froze hearing this before the group saw someone behind him and smiled. "Hi Izuku. I met your friends here."

"Oh really." A hand was put on Mineta's shoulder for him to turn back slowly and see a face thanks to Izuku's illusion quirk that was so horrifying and scary that he couldn't even put into words before passing out. "Pussy."

"Speaking of pussy, Melissa wants to get with you and have you take her's." Mina laughed while saying this with Melissa going beet red as this was told to her crush.

"Melissa. Is this true?" Unable to deny or say anything, she hesitantly nodded with Izuku lifting her up and placing the blond on his lap. "All you had to do was ask and I don't think anyone would disagree."

'Huh. He said the exact same stuff we said to her.' Each of the girls thought this as Izuku tried to make some stuff apparent for Melissa to understand though.

"You do however understand that if we do become a couple, it will be very long distance since I can't guarantee we'd see each other often. Not only that, but things will become very difficult as time goes on."

"It's ok. I have plans for that. But uhh...can we...skip some steps in dating please? We've known each other long enough and well...I wanna make tonight a special one."

"Any reason why?" Melissa smiled as she responded.

"You'll see." She leaned closer to Izuku's ear to whisper inside it. "Tonight, I want you to show me what these girls have the luxury of taking inside them every night as well as that quirk that makes a girl copy of you~ I'll give you a night you'll love." The blond girl blew into Izuku's ear to make him smirk before looking at her.

"Oh I'm gonna have fun with you, but before we do something like that, maybe we can get a tour around the expo with you?"

"Certainly. We were waiting for you to have that tour. Speaking of which, where did you go?"

"I went to get rid of some pests that found their way in with some things and talk to uncle David. Any word from DadMight yet?"

On cue, All Might walked up to the group covered in lipstick stains and his outfit torn up by fans. "Sorry to keep you all waiting. It's nice to see you Melissa. Care to tell me why you're sitting on Izuku's lap?"

"First and most importantly, get a new outfit on. I can almost see your junk and I'm sure my girlfriends here would prefer not seeing what their teacher/hero colleague would look like under the spandex." Izuku snapped his fingers for All Might's hero costume to be swapped with one of his spares he brought to the island that wasn't torn to bits. "Second, Mel's on my lap because she's now my girlfriend like everyone else."

"Congratulations you two. Is everyone else ok with this?"

"You think we'd allow this if we weren't ok?" All Might stopped realizing what he said as Melissa got up and stood in front of everyone.

"Alright. If you all follow me, I'll give you the grand tour of the expo." Melissa began walking out with everyone following her. As they left, All Might leaned close to her ear and asked her something.

"So did you tell either Izuku or Himiko about what is going to happen?"

"Not yet. I wanna see the look on their faces when they realize what's going to happen. I'm sure both will be over the moon when they realize it." Melissa smiled and began leading the group towards the expo with several different presentations of what the island had to offer ranging from equipment that would help hero work, equipment that would help different jobs such as standard fishing and construction repair, even equipment for standardized living such as new forms of heating and water circulation for homes. All of this marveled the group, but couldn't help but feel jealousy that Melissa could see things like these happen all the time.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask. What do you plan to do after your third year of highschool is over?" Izuku asked with the blond smiling.

"Well I actually tested out of my last year this term since I-Island gives that offer to certain individuals in the programs they have. In exchange for that, I'm able to work with a foreign company and make support gear for them as well as special tools for those that can't manage life so easily without quirks."

"That's amazing. Shame you're gonna be gone from your father though. I'm sure he'll miss you.

"He will, Himi. But he understands that this is a big step for me. Not everyone can get opportunities I have and wasting them would be horrible on my end. If I don't take some steps as he said, I'd regret them for as long as I live."

"Such a nice father. Kinda wish our's wasn't an ass and did stuff like that to motivate us." Shoko pointed this out for Fuyumi to try and avoid saying anything to confirm or deny her claim.

"From what Himi says, you work hard in what you do, Shoko. Also, congrats on becoming a mother to be. I'm sure you'll do great as a parent knowing what you do."

A blush came over Shoko with her turning away and pushing her pointer fingers together. "T-thanks."

"Alright. Back to the tour. We have a lot of ground to cover before the party tonight." The group agreed as they followed Melissa with an idea forming in her head. She started smirking thinking of her little plan. 'I can't wait to see the look on Izuku's face.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what secret Melissa has for Izuku and Himiko next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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