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Flying on a plane out of the country, Izuku along with his girls are flying first class. Thanks to All Might, the group were able to enjoy some of the finer little things that the pro is able to have being the number 1 hero. Speaking of All Might, the older pro is currently sitting in a front area of the plane trying to relax. Meanwhile, the Izuharem as Mina jokingly called themselves, were in the larger area of the plane. Izuku unfortunately couldn't transport to the island his normal way, so is currently holding his head in Himiko's chest trying to cope with the motion sickness he's having.

"So he's unable to handle moving in a vehicle so well?" Itsuka asks, seeing Izuku look paler than Reiko normally does from not getting out into the sun as often as everyone else.

"Yeah. It's something that Izuku normally can't handle so well."

"But how does having him in your boobs help?" Nemuri asked while sitting at the mini bar that was on the plane.

"Keeps his mind off of the fact we're moving around."

"Dang. And I thought he was invincible."

"Everyone has at least one flaw. It's what makes him arguably more admirable." Fuyumi mentions as Shoko takes a glass of tequila from her sister. "Hey."

"Relax, Shoko. I made certain it was nonalcoholic when I made it for her. Wouldn't want a repeat of what happened the other night, or would we~" Nemuri points out with a bit of a wink as Fuyumi the other night had drank a beer Her and Yu brought over and became extremely tipsy to have the two make an orgy with the four on the table itself. Needless to say, Izuku had to fix it and nobody could look at the dinner table in the dorm room the same way again after what they witnessed waking up.

Seeing now as an opening, Ochako decided to ask something that's been bugging her. "So you and Izuku talked about a girl named 'Mel'. Who is she?"

"Mel or Melissa is the daughter of David Shield, an American scientist that specializes in developing technologies for hero work. Things like support gear, instant supports for falling buildings, medical foam which acts like spray foam for insulation, stuff like that. He was All Might's unofficial sidekick in the americas and All Might could arguably be Melissa's biological father since they're both blonde, have blue eyes and are loud and boisterous." This perks Shoko's attention up when she says this.

"D-don't give her a-any fuel for her c-conspiracy theories." Izuku grumbles, stuttering through his sentence as he tries to cope with the intense motion sickness.

"Just lay back down Izuku, we'll be there in twenty minutes." He groans audibly when he hears this, but does as he's told, burying his face deeper into Himiko's clothed yet gargantuan bosom.

"I thought he could open portals anywhere he wants, how come he didn't this time?" Mina questions, rubbing her fingers through his fluffy white hair. "Poor baby." She coos.

"He has a range. It's only about 1,000 kilometers but he can also open it at any range so long as he's been there. We've never been to I-Island before so that's why he couldn't this time. Granted, we've only been to Texas and Florida when we were in the US, but that was when we were little. Back then, Izu was obsessed with getting his hands on a weather or any sort of wind quirk. He was hell bent on getting to see a tornado, whether he had to make it himself or not. Well one day he hears a tornado warning on the news and before Mom or Dad-Might could stop him, he was already warped out the door and 75 miles east of where we were staying watching a tornado fuck up a trailer park." She explains, getting the other girls to congregate around her to listen to the story.

"Tornadoes and trailer parks, a match made in chaos." Pony jokes.

"By the time we get there flying with Uncle David's jet, Izuku is sitting on an overturned car eating a bucket of popcorn as he watches it go to town on a grain silo. He didn't notice that it was coming towards him and just sat there until the car started to move. He looked at it while it buckled under him then just speared his hand through it and into the ground to keep it there so he could keep watching. Once it pulled him off the ground though, is when all hell broke loose. We couldn't see much from the outside and Mom was losing her mind, but a few flashes of his quirks and not long after we see him spinning flying in the air in the opposite direction of the tornado causing it to dissipate. He was grounded for a few months for that one, but that didn't stop us from watching television in his pocket dimension" She regails them the story.

"...So about Melissa, how nice is her ass?" Everyone stared at Setsuna for her to raise an eyebrow. "Was an honest question."

"Let's just say, she's got a nice American pie that filled out fantastically when puberty hit her from the Christmas cards."

"....Eastern or Western American pie?"

Everyone's attention was now on Pony who made this comment before being answered by Izuku. "Western, I'd personally want that bus to back up towards me if I got the chance."

"Holy cannoli."

"Oh god, I can't hold it anymore." Izuku grabbed for his pocket dimension to relieve his stomach inside it to make everyone in the plane somewhat mortified this was happening to him.

'I really hope we land soon for his sake.'

Finally, Land.

After landing and being put through a rather extensive check of belongings and personal items, Izuku and the girls were able to enter I Island with All Might. Once they went through the front gate, Momo grabbed an itinerary of the island with Mina complaining. "That took waaay longer than it should've. Is it always so long and extensive?"

"Not always, young Ashido. They're just more concerned because of the expo. Quite a few people would kill to obtain items the world's greatest scientists would work on here." The group were given individual cards to use on the island as a means of access. This somewhat helped since it doubles as a form of authorization to some areas and identification.

Walking towards the open area, several people charged at the group and circled All Might. "It's All Might in person!"

"This is the best day of my life!"

"His ass is tighter in person!"

"Izuku....a little help please?"

Izuku thought for a moment before responding. "I know where the hotel is. I'm gonna go on ahead to meet up with Mel. Don't have too much fun." He left with All Might now getting rather irritated. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do as he had a swarm of people trying to get pictures or autographs.

As the group walked away, Kinoko questioned what they just did to her boyfriend. "Was that ok to do? It seemed kinda mean."

"Dad wanted to come here and walk through the non-quirk way. I offered to avoid the public, but he thought it wasn't necessary. His own fault for this one." They continued walking before Izuku glanced at Momo. "There wouldn't happen to be a map in that itinerary, would there?"

"Where are we trying to find?"

"Mel said on the phone a fountain called Skyscraper Falls."

Momo looked through the small pamflet to find a fountain labeled it. Looking at where they were, she marked where they most likely were on the map. "If I'm reading this right, the fountain should be on the bottom of this hill." The group kept walking towards the end of the hill they were on to see a massive fountain with a girl sitting by it. Both Izuku and Himiko noticed the attire and blond hair to smile from ear to ear. They immediately began sliding down the side in joy before shouting.

"MEL!" The girl on the bench turned to show her blue eyes to the group before smiling happily at noticing Izuku and Himiko.

"IZUKU! HIMI!" She got up and began running towards them for the three to collide and give each other a hug. "It's been so long. You two look so much different now."
"Thanks. You also look a lot different from the last time we met." Izuku smiled happily at this with Melissa pulling his cheeks a bit.

"You still have that baby face. I'd be shocked if mothers don't want to spoil you cause of this."

"Oh some spoil me. Just not in the way you expect." The two laughed before Melissa turned to Himiko.

"Holy crap, Himi! Your chest is huge! What the heck did you eat to have something like that!?"

"It was kinda a side effect of my quirk. On the plus side, I've got this guy here milking me." The blond american was shocked if anything before Himiko gave acknowledgements to her. "But look at you. You filled out really nicely. I bet you got a lot of guys staring at you and wanting a piece of that ass."

"Well...maybe a few stares." The three laughed with the girls reuniting with Izuku and Himiko.

"So this is your cousin?" Shoko ask,s seeing Melissa with her looking back at the group.

"You must be Shoko. Himi told me about you all when we talked on the phone the other day." One by one, everyone was being named by Melissa with something unique about them being said. It only took a minute for her to realize they were alone at the moment. "So where's uncle-Might?"

"Battling the dreaded tourists."

"He didn't want to use a teleportation quirk of yours?"

"I gave him the option with it being a no."

"....His own fault." Melissa looked unamused before the group started heading out towards the hotel next. The group continued to talk with one another with a silence soon coming over due to the lack of things to discuss. It only stopped when Himiko spoke up.

"Ok Mel, I got one for you. Would you rather, do All Might as a woman or a guy with a quirk that makes his skin look like a rotting corpse?"

"What the heck!?" Camie questioned with Izuku explaining.

"It's something they do. In short, they talk with one another in a would you rather game. It's nothing bad."

Melissa began thinking of the debate with her asking about it. "Is there a smell to the guy? As in is it just a normal guy smell that might be a little testosterone driven, or am I smelling something that is a walking maggot store?"

"Maggot store, but not enough to make you wanna vomit by smelling."

"What about All Might. Is she like Wonder Woman build or are we looking at a woman that's on steroids?"

"Stars and Stripes build. But you know what, let me make this a little harder. Fuck female All Might with her forcing you to marry her after or fuck the corpse man and have him try to knock you up."

"....How big is the guy?" Everyone stared at Melissa as she made this discussion. "What?"

"Average size, but he knows how to hit the right spots on you."

"Does the guy at least have some age on him?"

"High Schooler. Mine and Izuku's age. No real plan going forward."

"You have got yourself the All Mighty Clit." Everyone snickered at this a bit from the insult before seeing Izuku slow down.

"What's wrong?" Yu asked as Izuku tried to play it off as nothing.

"Sorry. I just remembered Dad-Might has our information for checking in. I'll see about getting it." A portal opened for Izuku to start walking into it and leaving all the girls with nobody around outside of them.

"Well, I always knew he'd make an exit like that." Melissa laughed at this before Himiko remembered something from their past about Melissa.

She moved closer to her ear and whispered so none of the girls could hear it. "So. Do you still wanna date Izuku?"

"That has never changed. You haven't told him, right?"

"As I promised. Your secret desire is safe with me. But I will be honest right now, you ask him to sleep with you now and you'll be in for a fun ride. The other day, he used a female clone of himself to double team our teacher and Mt. Lady over there. By the time it was done, neither could walk with Izuku still raring to go for me to hop on for a few rounds."

Melissa's face went red thinking this as her glasses fogged up from embarrassment. "I...I might tell him tonight. D-do you or anyone m-mind that?"

"If we had a problem with another joining the harem, would you think we'd bring Pony, Tsu, Yui and suggest for another classmate of ours that isn't with him to come and share a hall with us for our trip?"

"....Good point." The group went on towards the hotel to unpack and prepare for the night to come in some of their cases. Meanwhile, Izuku was handling some unnecessary baggage with some villains aboard the ship and properly disposing of them in a way that won't cause attention and finding out what their goal actually was on the floating island.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Melissa now being shown to the class. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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