Festival Preparations

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 The next day for the class of 1-A came with it starting out somewhat normal. Or as normal as waking up and seeing Izuku groping Nejire's breasts and Ochako's ass in his semi conscious state would be. For the most part, everyone came to accept this except for Mineta who had the urge to kill Izuku for constantly having several luscious babes around him as he would say. Simply put, the group was now waiting for their teacher to show up in their homeroom.

"So where'd you go last night?" Ochako asked for Izuku to think back for a moment and smile.

"I was having some fun with our class B friends. Nice people."

"In short, you were having a bit of fun screwing with the girls, weren't you?"

"Hey, they had the drone. They spied on us, Himiko. I was just messing with them as they were messing with me. Is that a crime?"

Everyone in Izuku's harem looked at him blankly for a moment before asking a serious question. "Did you fuck any of them." Iida immediately spat out the juice in his mouth at this comment.

"Nope, but I can't make any promises in the future. You know we really should have a talk with the class B girls. They're a bunch of nice people."

"Alright. Class is in session." Aizawa came through the door rather unamused before seeing Momo sitting on Izuku's lap. "Yaoyorozu, why are you on Midoriya's lap?"

"My apologies sir, I was showing a bit of affection. I'll return to my seat now." She got up from Izuku's lap and went towards her seat with a bit of a blush on her face. Shoko immediately knew what happened to smirk.

'You dirty girl. I wouldn't be surprised if Izuku made a pocket dimension to fuck you in class.'

"Alright. So first off, the UA Sports Festival is coming up. Due to this, I need you all to be prepared for it since this is a way for you to present yourself to the world. If you succeed, you can obtain the eyes of pro heroes that might want to take you on as a sidekick when you graduate. This event only happens once every year and you have three times to perform. So don't slack off on your training." Everyone was excited for this with Izuku casually listening in while thinking about what he should do to make things interesting for the event itself.

'Kinda sucks I'm as strong as I am. Most of the light's gonna be on me cause of that. Maybe if I head out in a notable way, people will know me as well as I won't outshine the other contestants. I mean, it's only fair that they have a chance."

Timeskip to lunch

After being free from their morning classes, the group of class A was told that heroics classes were postponed until the end of the festival so they could focus on that specifically. Before anyone could leave, Ibara came in, practically throwing the door open and storming up to Izuku. "You! Come with me this instant!"

"Sorry, but I kinda have something I wanted to-" Before he could object any farther, the vine haired girl wrapped Izuku up and carried him out. "Well I guess I'm heading out. Sorry about the whole confusion girls, but I'll see you later."

"You know you can make clones of yourself right?"

"Yeah but I want to see where this goe..." He trails off as Ibara comes directly to the door to pull it open and be met by a large amount of people.

"Please make way so I may pull this sinner away. He must repent for what he has done and I shall make him know that."



Izuku rolled his eyes before replying. "Look honey, you're talking to a guy that's not afraid to fuck one of his girlfriends and take pictures of dropping a fat load in them and sending it to their asshole father or making a female clone of himself to be fucked both up the ass and in the newly formed frontMMPH!" His mouth was immediately covered by vines for Ibara to turn to the crowd again.

"MAKE WAY NOW OR I SHALL HAVE YOU FORCEFULLY MOVED!" Everyone backed away from the two to make it out and towards the side of the main building of UA.

Seeing their classmate with Izuku, Setsuna began smirking while waving at them. "Sup, sexy!"

Ibara pulled her vines off Izuku's mouth for him to speak. "So off question, but have you ever gotten off to your vines? I mean, you could probably make a decent sized dildo with them and also add small thorns only big enough to at some stimulation to your-"


"Just a question." Izuku turned to the class who seemed for the most part surprised he was being held hostage by the vine quirk user. "So how is everyone doing? Dang girl, that uniform hugs nice on your assets." Setsuna smiled at this before Ibara dropped Izuku to the ground face first. "Ok that was a little over the top, couldn't you at least put me right side up first? I'm not a cat."

"Until you atone for your sins, I shall not allow you to speak so casually to me."

"Really? My sins? What are the sins I need to atone for?"

"You had allowed such a disgusting image to be seen by me and my classmates. You even dared to come and present yourself unclothed to unmarried women. You must accept responsibility and repent for that."

"....So what do I have to do, fuck your brains out?"


"Look Holy Mary, I didn't do anything wrong. Who were the ones that sent a drone to spy on me and my classmates? Who sent it inside my dorm room? Who made it monitor me and some of my girlfriends enjoying a little evening bang? I'll give you a hint, not me."

Itsuka who was leaning on the side of the building listening to this gave her input. "He does have a point. We aren't exactly innocent in all this either. We were spying on him and we got caught."

"Perhaps we can come to a mutual agreement." Yui pointed out, with Kinoko and Setsuna trying to think of a good one.

"OH! How about we have a dinner meetup with Izuku and his girlfriends! That'll help us look less like perverts and understand their situation better shroom."


Izuku smiled with Reiko and Pony thinking about it. "I mean, we are the ones that are overstepping. Maybe we can fix this issue by learning of one another."

"I'm with Pony. Besides, Midoriya seems like a spooky guy that I'd be interested to see what he's like around his girlfriends."

The girls began agreeing to this with Ibara still clearly angry. "HOW DARE YOU ALL COMMIT TO SIN AS SUCH!?"

"On what ground is this sin? We're offering a chance to avoid any unnecessary conflict. Would you rather us go to Nezu and tell him that you seven were spying on me and I came in front of you naked? We'd both get into trouble for that. Besides." Izuku moved himself to hold Ibara close and hold her chin up. "I honestly thought you were absolutely adorable when I first saw you. Maybe we could have our own little pleasure of 'Adam and Eve'." the green haired woman blushed profusely at this statement.

"I...I y-you..." She stammers trying to be both mad and hide her embarrassment at the same time.

"Can I take you up on that offer?" Setsuna asks getting Ibarra to turn to her angered at this statement.

"Togake! He.. You! Ugh!" Ibarra storms off, not being able to come up with the words needed to phrase her anger.

"She's mad, why? You lot were the ones who invaded the privacy of my dorm to spy on us. If anything you all should be apologizing for that. I'm sure Himiko would like to decide on what she should do to the one holding the drone. Setsuna."

"Ehehehe. *ahem* Sorry about that. We were honestly trying to find out a little about you and it kinda got outta hand."

"If anyone should apologize, it should be me. I didn't try to stop them and well...you know where that went." Itsuka bowed her head in shame for Izuku to pat her shoulder.

"To be honest, I'm kinda laid back with these kinds of things if the reason isn't mean. Besides, you could've just asked me what I'm like. I'm not gonna bite you...unless you want me to." Itsuka went red at this for Izuku to laugh. "Sorry. I'm just playing with you girls. Anyway, you all still wanna do that dinner thing? I'm sure the girls would love to learn about you all. Also, you could ask them if they mind you joining our little group."

"....I'm in." Yui spoke up for everyone to look at her."He's offering. Also I'm curious about him."

"Fantastic. Any objections?" Nobody spoke for that to be taken as a no. "Good. Now I gotta go check on a sexy MILF. Catcha later." Izuku opens a portal into his pocket dimension and disappears from everyone's line of sight.

"Gotta admit. He knows how to make an exit."

Walking towards where Ibara walked away, Reiko began a search for their classmate. "Let's go. We won't get lunch if we don't hurry up."

"True that." Kinoko joined with everyone starting to move. Yui glanced at where the portal was one last time to think in her head about Izuku's skills.

'I wonder if I can match his stamina and handle him in bed like his other girlfriends?'

With Shoko

"So you're really doing this as a way to reveal it?" Camie asked as Shoko smiled happily.

"Yeah. I think it'll be fun for Izuku to know right off the bat that he's having a child with me during the Sports Festival. That'll immediately lighten his mood and make him more willing to be there."

"You got a point. I'm pretty sure Izuku's gonna halfass the event." Himiko held a bit of food between her chopsticks with most looking at her for a reason. "He's probably gonna think it's too much of a hassle and he'll outshine everyone there. He's gonna do this more to give everyone else a chance to get good offers. I mean, name one person in our year that can actually fight him and not get fucked from behind metaphorically and for some of us... literally. He spars with All Might every morning for crying out loud. He's probably gonna get to the tournament then just say he doesn't want to fight and instead just watch."

"He may be a bit over-confident but he is quite humble, I think you're right Himiko." Shoko agrees.

"But wouldn't that risk him losing his spot in the hero course? That general studies guy said that we could be kicked out if they do better than us?" Ochako asked in a bit of fear.

"Like they would ever kick Izuku of all people from the hero course. Besides I did a little research at lunch about that and it's only ever happened when a hero course student didn't even make it to the 2nd event of the festival." Momo responds, "If I were a betting woman and I really am not, I would guess that Izuku already knows of this, would want to get to the finals then lose interest in fighting people. If he battles Bakugou in the first round he might stay in but if it's anyone else I doubt he will participate. He'll be in the fight but more than likely he will let them win."

"Who knows, he might also use this time to fool around with anyone that's already out since they don't pay attention to who's watching unless they're in the event. I left the Sports Festival for about an hour last year and nobody even made an effort to find me." Nejire states while munching on an eggroll.

"So side note, does anyone know what happened today with that vine chick? She seemed really mad at Izuku and he just kept egging her on."

"Ten to one, she's part of class B and he either streaked in front of them, or got them in an orgy unintentionally to get someone pregnant." Himiko suggested for the girls to agree this is most likely the case being their boyfriend.

"Do you really underestimate my self control by that much Himi. That's just cold." Izuku whispers into her ear causing her to jump in surprise and almost scream.

"JESUS! Don't fucking SNEAK UP ON ME LIKE THAT, DICK!" Himiko smacks Izuku while at a side table, Toru was watching with a trail of blood coming down what was believed to be her nose.

'Damn he's hung. I wonder if he's interested in invisible play or if his dick would go invisible if it went inside me.'

"Hey Toru? I think your nose is bleeding?" Tsu gave the invisible girl a napkin for her to clean off the blood and finish eating.

'Maybe I'll talk to Himiko or someone about joining them? I kinda wanna see what Mido's capable of in bed.'

"Uhhh. Toru? You ok?" Tsu repeats herself, snapping her fingers where she thinks Toru's face is.

"Toru, you are aware that I can hear what you're thinking." Izuku looked towards the invisible girl with a bit of a smirk on his face. "Naughty girl you are. I might have to give you a lesson as to why you shouldn't think such things." Using a quirk, he had the invisible girl see and hear what he was thinking for her face to physically turn red before fainting with a nosebleed.

"You thought some perverse things and showed her them in your head, didn't you?"

"Not my fault she thinks what she thinks, Himiko. Besides, it's a little fun messing with her."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with the Sports Festival. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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