Sports Festival

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Two weeks passed in a blink of an eye for everyone. As this happened, Izuku decided to spend some time helping the girls since they wanted to win or get as high as possible in the competition. As such, every day after classes, they'd train and do things that would specify around their quirks as to Izuku's training regime. Of course, they couldn't tell what was going to be the events for the festival itself, but keeping on top of their physical and quirk based skills is something they knew was a must. Finally, the day came with Iida making a rather irritating comment about them needing to be ready with Izuku sitting on a chair kicking his feet up unphased by the tension in the air.

"Izuku. Do you have a moment?" Shoko came over to sit on Izuku's lap.

"What can I do for you? I mean, outside of a quickie since we're kinda not able to do that right now."

"YOU BASTARD! I HOPE THIS IS ABOUT HER CHEATING ON YOU-" Mineta was frozen in ice at this comment while Shoko explained something to him.

"Let's get one thing clear, you little toddler. No man would ever be able to satisfy me like Izuku here. If you really think this is about me being unfaithful, then your perverse fantasies and reality are crossed in your brain."

"Dang, and I thought I was cold." Izuku's pun made the room go silent with only a cough and a cricket to be heard. "Anyway, continue."

Shoko handed Izuku a pregnancy test for him to look at. It read positive for the white haired boy to look down and up about ten times before going wide eyed while pointing at the test and Shoko. "That's right. I've been late for over a month and I had a pregnancy test done a little over two weeks ago and it came up positive. Soon, we're going to be parents to a loving little baby we made together." A smile was on Shoko's face as Izuku immediately began crying and hugging her.


"Weren't you already going to be one with Miruko's kid?" Sero points out for it to blow past Izuku who was too focused on what was said.

"Yes but everyone is excited to be told they're going to become a parent, whether that excitement is nervousness and anxiety over it differs from person to person but, I'M GONNA BE A DAD TO TWO BABIES!" Izuku shouts in excitement before picking Shoko up and twirling her around as he spins in a circle.

"So... what does this mean exactly?"


"Are there gonna be any new rules or something in the dorms now?"

"I'll talk to Iida and see what he thinks. He'll probably reem me out about getting Shoko pregnant but he'll come up with something."

Bakugou heard this to scoff at the two in agitation. "So what if one of your sluts has your spawn. You'll still be nothing compared to me-" A fist came to the ash blond's face, courtesy of Himiko who looked rather emotionless while reacting to this.

"Oops. My hand bad."


"WE ARE ON! GET MOVING NOW PLEASE!" Iida shouted for everyone to start heading out, but not without Izuku grabbing Bakugou's head and slamming it into the concrete.

"That's for calling Himiko what you were about to and calling Shoko a slut. I'll get you back for calling my unborn child a spawn later." The group headed out towards the stadium with Bakugou barely able to get his head out of the ground and catch up.

In the Luxury Box

Inko smirked watching Mitsuki greedily fill a plate from the buffet table that was catered to the luxury box. Her plate piled high with several finger foods including Takoyaki, Sushi, bacon wrapped jumbo shrimp, jalapeno poppers, chicken wings and cheese fries. Mitsuki looked like a kid in a candy shop as she made her way down the buffet taking morsel after morsel and piling it onto her plate. Once done she returns to her spot near Inko and sets the plate down between them so they can enjoy the food and the festival. Just as Mitsuki takes a seat next to Inko, the large imposing figure of Endeavor and the much shorter, more petite frame of his wife Rei Todoroki enter the luxury box.

"I thought I was going to see you. How've you been Enji?" Mitsuki asks, greeting Endeavor like an old friend from highschool.

"Could be much better, That damned brat of All Might's have been nothing but an annoyance to me. Though I'm surprised you still recognise me after all these years, Shogekiha Mitsuki." Endeavor paused for a moment seeing that Mitsuki is no longer wearing a wedding ring, he refers to her by her maiden name.

"I think you're being mean to Izuku. I do not think he would be as mean to you if you had given our daughters the freedom to live their lives-"


Fuyumi finished a piece of shrimp before explaining the bit her father missed. "After being a jerk to him as well as making us wear things that would make us die of heat exhaustion."


"I'm standing 1 meter from you, there's no need to shout." Fuyumi says rubbing the inside of her ear with her pointer finger to make sure it wasn't bleeding.

"Little good that did." Mitsuki laughed a bit remembering how Fuyumi told her about the incident with the flame hero and Izuku.

"Just relax and enjoy the event. I'm certain all this fighting won't be good on any of us." Rei tried to resolve the ordeal the best she could before sitting next to Inko. "It's nice to meet you again, Inko. How long has it been?"

"It's very nice to see you again too. Too long if you ask me. I'm sure your daughters have already told you much about my son. They're such a delight to have met."

"Why thank you." The two began hitting it off with Endeavor sitting in anger before seeing Izuku take the podium and speak.

"It's infuriating to know that that boy is dating Shoko as well as Fuyumi."

"Would right now be a bad time to tell you that Shoko's also pregnant with Izuku's baby?"

"SHE'S WHAT!??!"

"Again. We're right next to you. Stop with the shouting." Fuyumi complains before Inko hands her a pair of ear plugs.

"Enji. I'm going to tell you this once. As your former superior and hero course mentor. Stop with the shouting or Else." Inko threatens after recovering from the sudden loud outburst from Endeavor.

"V-very well." Enji submits seeing the Ire in Inko's eyes and slumps back in his chair before promptly melting it and falling on his ass.

"Pfft! Hahahaha! Still can't handle a simple chair can you Enji?!" Mitsuki kept laughing hysterically as the flame hero grumbled while standing. They watched the first event be called as the obstacle race for the students to begin it and swarm the entrance. "This reminds me of that time, Rei here tried to avoid this problem when we were in UA."

"Please don't remind me." The mother held her hands over her face, being reminded of the incident.

"What happened?" Fuyumi questioned her mother.

"To make things simple, Rei tried to grab onto one of the students at the time going over the crowd. The one she grabbed was the imbecile All Might to pull down his pants and reveal Paragon themed boxers."

"Funny thing, I dated All Might before Inko did and was forced out of that relationship by Enji when the whole quirk marriage happened. Who'd of thought that the leader of the trio of terror would end up marrying him?" Rei questioned, referring to the triad of herself, Mitsuki and Inko as the Trio of Terror at UA since they were the top 3 female hero course students.

"Wait, so I would've been All Might's daughter if it wasn't for the quirk marriage? Sucks to be me I guess." Rei nodded while laughing a bit.

"Even now, his son enrages me to no end. If I get the chance to, I'm going to-"

"You won't do a thing to our baby's boyfriend. You're just being rude because he has shown you what you had deserved.

"Rei, I don't think you're aware of what the boy's quirk... or quirks rather are."

"Quirks?" Rei asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Look at the screen." Inko points out for it to reveal Izuku using several quirks. "To make a long story short, my son can use multiple quirks as well as take quirks from and give them to other people. He's been All Might's honorary sidekick since he was 4 and if my math is right, he has anywhere between 700-800 quirks in his arsenal."

Rei seemed impressed with this before taking a piece of sushi from Mitsuki's plate. "You're lucky he isn't interested in playing around with married women from what Shoko and Fuyumi said or you may find us in our bed committing adultery." A vein in Endeavor's head snapped for him to walk out the door and let out a scream as well as what they believed was an extreme amount of heat. "I guess he didn't take that well." Rei grabbed a chicken wing before seeing Izuku cross the finish line with Shoko behind him. "Well isn't this something. My baby won second place. Izuku must be talented if he was able to surpass her."

"Oh you have no idea how fucking talented that kid is." Mitsuki states with a bit of a smirk on her face. "From what Katsuki ranted over the phone to me, he single handedly decimated an entire army of villains that attacked the USJ facility on campus, and killed something made to defeat All Might."

Rei sat calmly in her chair as this sank in while sucking the bone marrow out of her wing. "I don't know if I should be amazed or scared of this, but my baby really picked a unique boyfriend." Another shout came from out the door by Endeavor for everyone to ignore it and return their attention to the field.

On the field

After the last person crossed the finish line, the group of 42 came to the center with Midnight announcing the next event. When the wheel stopped, it showed Cavalry Battle for her to explain that players will be in a group of 2-4 people and hold a point value consisting of what place they were in the last event. From what it looked, the points were simple with each place being 5 points more than the previous except for first. First place was given an amount of 10 million points to make it obvious if someone has that headband at the end, they'd advance without problems. Everyone turned to Izuku who seemed to not be paying attention as much since he wasn't that concerned. "You have 5 minutes to make your teams, good luck!"

Izuku looked around to see most people avoiding him. "Free teammate! I promise I won't bite! Unless a girl is into that type of kinky foreplay."

"Urgh. Why do you say things like that? It makes you sound like a freak and those that date you being just as freaky." Himiko states with Ochako behind her.

"Well that's 3 of 4, who wants to be the last teammate?" Izuku asks, raising his hands and motioning to the other contestants around the field.

"Oh if you're offering then I may just take you up on that offer, I am Mei Hatsume, Inventor Extraordinaire and just what you need to complete the rest of this dream team."

A pink haired woman in dreadlocks announces as she gets up in Izuku's face, almost kissing him as she introduces herself. Izuku however takes it upon himself to look down at Mei's bust which is pressing tightly against the inside of her black tank top.

"Sounds good to me, but I think this event will be a lot easier than you may think, Mei." Izuku says trying to elicit a reaction from her by using her first name but Mei just ignores it. "So side note, how big are your tits?"

"IZUKU!" Ochako shouts at the sudden forwardness of Izuku.

"What? It's a legitimate question. I mean, you gotta admit they're a pair you'd want to dominate."

"Oh, I've never had a boy interested in me before. The boys in the support course just think I'm weird. I have a double E cup if you wanted to know but the sports bra I'm wearing makes them look smaller than they should be." Mei responds just as straight forwards as Izuku was. "I'd show you them if you're still skeptical."

"That'd be for a different time my dea-"


"Guess that time starts now. Grab my hand." Izuku declares, causing Mei, Himiko and Ochako to grab onto him. As soon as he feels their arms on his body he rips open a portal beneath them and falls inside it before closing the portal shortly after.


"I brought us to a pocket dimension. Basically, we can see what's happening outside, while being able to mess with everyone in here."

"I CALL FOUL!" One of the class B students with blond hair shouted for Aizawa to answer. "He's still here. That portal is an actual quirk so it is allowed for him to use it."

"Nice. So what else can you do?" Mei questioned, only for Izuku to use a telekinesis quirk to lift up her top and bra to see the pink haired inventor's chest fall out.

"Well I guess you really weren't lying. Also, I like the inverted aspect."

"Really? Most people look at mine and get slightly disgusted by the fact this happens."

"To be fair, most women are probably jealous that you have a nice rack. I'm sure even Himiko here would wanna take them for a ride."

The blond pinched the bridge of her nose while silently agreeing to this. Ochako seemed to feel a bit jealous of Mei for it to be noticed by her boyfriend. "I still have a better butt than her."

"And that you do Ochako." Izuku groped her ass before giving her a kiss. "And how about we have some fun in the not R rated way and mess with Kacchan and company?"

"What do you have in mind?" Himiko questions as Izuku creates a series of different colored portals as well as a smokey area on the wall within the pocket dimension. Moments later the smoke parted revealing a television on the wall displaying the sports festival but through the view of the announcer booth.

"Each portal does something different, think of them like buttons and just push one to find out. It'll also be pushing Kacchan's buttons in a way of thinking about it." Izuku grins, moving the small portal holes closer to them allowing the three occupants of his lap to go nuts. "But, before that happens, I get to feel you three up as you mess with the others."

"Deal." Himiko quickly says before slamming her hand down hard on a red misty portal.

"F-fine." Ochako stammers before looking around at the purple, grey and yellow button portals in front of her,

"You gotta show me how to replicate this in the lab, and go nuts feeling my boobs, and while you're at it massage my back please it is a bit painful already today."

"Mine too." Himiko complains, Izuku shrugged at this while Ochako goes first on pressing a button.

"Hmmm...what does this one do?" She presses it for the first off the bat to hit Bakugou between the legs. He bends down in pain from this for Izuku and Himiko to start laughing.

"Nice luck. First button you press has him leveled! Hahahaha!" Ochako blushes a bit at this before feeling one of Izuku's tendrils wrap around her chest. "MY TURN!" Himiko pressed a button next for it to act immediately manifest a green portal in the air and shoot a laser at Mineta's ass hitting the midget. "AHHH!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?"

Everyone looked at Izuku for an answer. "Some of the buttons go to different things. I have some going to inflict pain on Mineta as well as that rude blond guy. From what Setsuna told me, he's an asshole."

"Now my curiosity is overflowing!" Mei pressed the next, manifesting a blue portal on the ground causing tendrils to come out of a portal and wrap around the nearest person, which just so happened to be Shoko and bind them up. She was completely unphased by this which prompts the pink haired girl to sigh in shame. "That was a shame. What's next?"

"Mei, that one is different, you can move it around and if you pull back on it she gets pulled in here with us."

"Ohhhh, Ok." Mei Immediately drags her hand back on the button causing Shoko to be yanked through the portal and into the pocket dimension.

"Next time. A little more warning, especially when you want to do Tentacle Tuesday on a Friday in public." Shoko says in a monotone unamused voice.

"Noted. Wanna mess with Kaachan, Mei, Himiko and Ochako are already way ahead of you."

"You had me at mess with Bakugou." Shoko hopped over and scooted Himiko to the left a bit to press a button and show a portal in front of the blond from class B. It sent a boxing glove to his stomach and made him bend over in pain.


"Oooooh! This is fun." Each of the girls began pressing buttons one after the other for them to range from beating Bakugou, Mineta and class B's narcissist Neito Monoma, to giving a bit of foreplay to Momo, Mina, Midnight and some of the class B girls Eventually, time was on it's last five seconds for the group to decide calling it here and heading back out. When they did, they noticed the three who obtained pain instead of pleasure from their antics toppled over in unbearable pain with Iida looking above to see Shoko holding a smug look at this.

"Todoroki. Where have you been?"

"Long story."

"AND TIME!" Mic shouted for him to call Izuku's group, Shoko's group, Bakugou's group and a group led by a General Studies student Hitoshi Shinso as the winners of the second event and going onto the third and final event which was a one on one ring fight. As they called it for lunch, Izuku was grabbed by Setsuna and Kinoko who smirked while dragging him off somewhere.

"I guess this is happening. See you all in a little bit." Izuku states while being dragged off to who knows where.

Meanwhile, Himiko, Mina, Shoko, Ochako and Momo began placing bets on what was happening.

"Ummm... Are any of you in a relationship with Mister 10,000,000?" Mei asks just as the girls start their little pow wow.

"We all are, and I'm going to guess you want in?"

"That and I want to use him as a test subject."

"Done, welcome to the harem and you can test on him with anything so long as he doesn't become sterile or die in the process which is very unlikely for the second one."

Hearing Himiko's statement, Mei looked at her with curiosity. "You're being metaphorical, right?" She shakes her head now for the inventor to pull out a pen and notepad to write down what she learned of Izuku. 'I wonder if his babies will be as strong as him? Would be interesting to make some really nice 'babies' with his genes.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens in the third event next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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