Characteristics of a True Hero: Humility

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 "Jeez. What happened to you two?" Pony questions seeing the disheveled and hobbling forms of Setsuna and Kinoko as they stumble out of a pocket dimension opening that Izuku had manifested in thin air.

"You look like the aftermath of a victim of tentacle hentai." Reiko says in an unamused voice, though mentally she was laughing hysterically.

"That's... because... we were."

"H-his shroom is..." Kinoko's wobbly legs failed her, causing Izuku to snatch her into the air with a telepathy quirk in order to avoid her hitting the ground. "I can't describe it Shroom."

"I'm not surprised you two ended up like this, that silly little rivalry of yours has led you to where you are now." Yui scolds glaring at the two of them, mainly because she wasn't involved in what had happened.

"You two are nothing but lecherous harlots. I can't even look at you." Ibara, as chaste as ever, turns her back on the two latest inclusions to the Deku harem and storms off.

"She doesn't know what she's missing out on, I'll be sure to get her to become my little succubus in the future." Izuku says with a smirk before restoring the energy to both Kinoko and Setsuna allowing them to walk, not having to be supported by one of his quirks.

"How long were you in there for?"

"3 days in the relative time that is within that specific pocket dimension. Out here, probably half a second at most. The time dilation is kinda weird when I get distracted by beautiful women." Izuku explains.

"How... what? I'm confused." Pony tries to figure out what Izuku is saying and how the dimension works.

"To put it simply, I can make 1 day out here equal 1 year in there, think of it like the hyperbolic time chamber or realm of spirit and time from Dragon Ball Z/Super however I can also stop time entirely which also stops it out here for everyone else, well relatively speaking. I can speed time up so fast in there that it makes the time out here microseconds for millenia within the quirk. Since people aren't adapted to living in that sort of environment and you're still acclimated to the time out here, you don't age." Steam started to show itself on Pony's head trying to understand it for her to start swirling around trying to understand.

"So in short, you can make time seem almost nonexistent in your pocket dimension."

"Basically yes, it's a sort of singularity after all. Time and physics don't make sense there."

"Hence the point you had a floating jar of cookies in there. That reminds me, you promised to give me the recipe for those oatmeal raisin ones." Setsuna pointed out for the AFO wielder to conjure the recipe out of a portal and hand it to her.

"Well anyway, I'm going to go find Ibara and hopefully calm her down." Itsuka pointed this out as her legs began to quiver a bit.

"What's with her? She looks like Camie after I finger her for half an hour."

"Something tells me our class rep is attracted to you." Setsuna smirked saying this while Kinoko patted Izuku's groin.

"Something tells me she really wants to take this mushroom for another spin, shroom."

Leaning into Izuku's ear, the self amputation quirk user smiled while telling him a little information about Itsuka that would intrigue Izuku. "So, what do you want me to do?"

"You know what to do. Make her crawl on her hands and knees and beg for it like me."

Everyone stared at Setsuna after this for a notable cricket to be heard. "Just don't break our class rep. That's all I'm asking. If she goes, Monoma is our class representative." Yui explains for this to be an irritating thought to them all.

"Fair enough. I'm gonna go get something to eat before the third event. That one's gonna be fun if anything."
Izuku left the area with Setsuna falling flat on her butt while letting out a large sigh of relief. "God he shows no restraint! I can't feel my legs! Oh wait, here they are next to me."

"THOSE ARE MY LEGS!" Kinoko shouted as her legs were being rubbed by Setsuna.''

After lunch

Izuku sat in front of the front stage on a bubble he made of his own quirk as Midnight explained what was happening. "Starting with the first place team, you all will come up and draw a lot from this can. The corresponding number will go to one of these slots and have you face one of the other fifteen here. Any questions?" Some of the girls and Izuku raised their hands in curiosity. "That isn't about our method of doing this." Izuku's hand remained raised. "Or about my body's features." Izuku dropped his hand after this. "Alright. Let's draw lots." Izuku's group walked up to the podium with Izuku himself being the first to pick. Drawing his hand back from the opaque fishbowl holding the names of the first match of the tournament, he sees a name he didn't want to see.

"This is hardly fair, the man has no form of offensive capabilities whatsoever. Poor Shinso, had to be against me. I was hoping for Kacchan, but all's not bad. This could be an opportunity for someone anyway." The gears in Izuku's mind start turning, concocting a plan for his match against the mind controller.

"The first match will be Izuku Midoriya of Class 1-A vs Hitoshi Shinso of Class 1-C!" Looking behind him briefly at his purple haired adversary, he can see the fear present in his face, making his mental decision cemented in his mind.

"I'm fucked." Shinso says out loud in front of most of the other contestants however Izuku doesn't say a thing and merely warps to his seat in the stands waiting for the match to begin.

It didn't take long for Cementoss to construct the cement arena for the tournament to take place. What took a bit more time was for the borders of the arena to be painted on and for the camera crews to set up their shots for the tournament to come. All the while Izuku was focused on Hitoshi's mental state, he could hear the quickened heart rate that he was experiencing as the anxiety of what was to come took hold of the purple haired teen. "It settles it then, after the match I think I should help him, perhaps giving him a quirk. It's been a long time since I've given one away." Izuku thinks, resting his cheek on his fist in thought, meanwhile his other hand is around Himiko's shoulder groping her breast through her top. Almost as soon as the paint was dry Midnight announced the first two combatants to approach the arena. Izuku, wanting to get this over with, warped directly to the field, now to just wait for Hitoshi. Almost 5 full minutes later the seemingly stoic purple haired teen made his way to the arena, but Izuku could tell that he was shaking out of his boots in anxious fear.

"Welcome to the first round of the One versus One tournament! The rules are simple. Using your quirk or any other skill, defeat your opponent. There are three ways to defeat them, the first is by Knockout, the second is by ring out, the boundary is the red painted ring around the arena and the last is by forfeit. Combatants, do you understand the rules?" Midnight announces, posing suggestively as she explains the rules.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Shinso says, though the last of it under his breath.

"Yes." Izuku responds simply.

"BEGIN!" Present Mic shouts from the announcer booth.

At first Hitoshi flinches, expecting to be instantly ejected from the ring by a vastly powerful quirk of some kind, having glimpsed what he is capable of from the security feed of the USJ. However Izuku does nothing, instead he squares off to a more traditional boxer's stance with his fists raised and his elbows protecting his sides. Seeing this, Hitoshi decides to make the hail mary of all hail mary's.

"Must be nice being gifted with the quirk that lets you steal quirks. To be a living god. I can only dream of it. What is it like? To wield that much power?" Shinso asks hoping and pleading that Izuku will take the bait.

"It feels great, but I'm not one to show o-" Izuku says before abruptly stopping and attempting to cover his mouth, however it was too late. He was under the effect of the mind control quirk now.

"Turn around and walk out of the ring." Hitoshi commands, forcing Izuku to obey, as he turns, Hiroshi could see the inkling of a smirk on Izuku's face. One foot after another he begins to walk forwards, making his way to the boundary robotically. Closer and closer, with each step Hitoshi tenses up thinking that he will free himself of his quirk at any moment. However, that moment never comes as Izuku walks over the threshold and out of the ring.

"Izuku Midoriya is out of bounds! Hitoshi Shinso is the winner!" Midnight yells into the mic however the crowd gives a very confused reaction before some members start to clap. After completing the command, Izuku frees himself from the mind control and turns to face an absolutely bewildered Hitoshi.

"You... You did that on purpose didn't you. You threw the match!" Hitoshi accuses, causing the crowd to gasp.

"Nope. I leveled the playing field." Izuku responds.

"Excuse me?"

"Do you think it was a fair match up? Pairing the son of All Might against someone with only a mind control quirk? Because I don't." Izuku says glaring at the tournament bracket as Hitoshi's name moves up to the second round. "So, I leveled the playing field, I used one singular quirk against your one singular quirk. Mine was also a mind quirk, but I was reading your mind."

"I... I don't understand. Why'd you blow the match?"

"Because I don't think it's worth the effort, If I wanted to I could defeat every single combattant here with ease, not even lifting a finger. What does a victory mean if you didn't even try? I didn't see a point in fighting you as a man with 700 quirks, so I fought you as a normal man with only one." Izuku explains walking back up towards Shinso.

"You could get expelled from the hero course for losing to me, you know that right?"

"Hitoshi, do you think they would kick someone with my abilities out of the hero course? I can give quirks to people, bring back the dead, heal any illness, if they kicked me out then this school doesn't know what hero material is, besides I made it this far in the tournament, sure I lost but at least I made it to the 3rd round. Same can't be said to a one dwarf pervert that is in class 1-A and is much more likely to be replaced. He didn't even place in the top 42 of the obstacle course." Izuku grins, causing the purple haired pervert to swallow a lump of fear from his seat in the stands. "My point is, I didn't let you win. You won with your quirk on your terms on an even playing field. Besides, this is the last fair thing that's going to happen in this life, as a hero it's your job to combat the unfairness. Best start off on the right foot. Welcome to the hero course. Hitoshi Aizawa." With a simple handshake, Izuku turns and walks back out of the arena once more and as his foot hits the first step down the arena to the field he teleports away, leaving the audience and Hitoshi speechless, until...

"Wooo! Go Hitoshi, that's my boy!" Aizawa's voice is faintly heard cheering for Hitoshi from the announcer box.

Teleporting back to the stands, Shoko shouted in satisfaction. "I KNEW IT! NOW PAY UP IIDA!" The engine quirk user passes 1,000 yen to Shoko for Izuku to look as if he was trying to understand what this was about. "We made a bet that Shinso's Mr. Aizawa's son and you helped prove that fact."

"Ah, ok then." Izuku walks towards Momo and places her on his lap while sitting with his hands fondling her and Mina's breasts. "Anyone wanna know who his darling mommy is?"

"I'm betting Ms. Joke." Himiko points out for some of the girls to argue that logic.

"I say Mandalay from the Pussycats." Shoko comments.

"Mandalay? I'd expect Pixiebob as opposed to the stoic female member." Izuku began laughing knowing who it was with his mind reading quirk to know Himiko hit it on the money.

"Hey stud, think fast." Izuku looked up to see Setsuna toss over something wrapped up to grab it and unwrap what it was. "You said you wanted to feel that more, so enjoy your little 'meat bun' there."

Unwrapping it, Izuku immediately knew what it was to put an opaque pink point towards his mouth to start nibbling on it. A loud thud came from over the class A and B wall for everyone to panic hearing. 'Oh, I'm gonna enjoy using this. Especially since I know how to disable her quirk's natural way to bring the parts back together.' Glancing over, Ochako could be seen extremely nervous as her fight was at the end of the bracket against arguably the worst match for her. Bakugou. "Hey, Ochako. I've got a proposition for you."

"What is it?"

"Let's say you win your fight with Bakugou, I'll give you a night all to yourself where that lovely booty of yours gets filled up. If you get to the third round, I'll make things more interesting for you. But if you win, I'll give you half the funds in one of my safes as well as a day where I'm all yours no questions asked for any demand. For an example. If you want a date with me dressed in only my boxers, I'll ask you what boxers you want only. If you want me to destroy you in a fun way, I'll make sure you never forget what I've done to you that day."

Hearing this, Ochako began getting a nosebleed before shouting while hopping up. "YEAH! BAKUGOU'S GOING DOWN!"

"HOW ARE YOU GONNA DO THAT, BITCH!? CLAP YOUR CHEEKS HARD ENOUGH TO MAKE ME-" A chair was thrown at the ash blond for him to fall out of his seat and shoot back up. "WHO DID THAT!?"

To the side, Tsu could be seen trying to whistle next to Hagakure who was giggling to herself. 'That was nice of Tsu. Hmmm...I wonder if she'd be willing to give me a shot at that froggy bubble butt?'

"You're thinking dirty thoughts about Tsu, aren't you?" Himiko leaned forward in her seat for her breasts to rest on Izuku's shoulders.


"Speaking of thoughts, Why did you throw the match? If it was anyone else here they would have eliminated Shinso and gone to the next round." Himiko questions turning to face Izuku.

"It just makes things more interesting. Besides, I don't need someone to scout me. Being All Might's adopted son would make most heroes nowadays literally get on their hands and knees begging for me to do an internship with them in hopes to get brownie points with the number 1. Most of these would probably be D lister heroes that are only in it for fame and fortune, but I'm sure those that give me an offer that are higher grade probably will see that fight and know I at least have humility." Izuku began fondling the meat bun that Setsuna gave him for it to sound like some of the class B students were starting to worry for her.

'Why do I feel like he's the culprit of what's happening across the wall?' Almost everyone in class A believed this as they simply watched the events continue with the next event having Shoko freeze half the stadium and beat Sero in seconds. 'Saw that one coming.' Everyone felt slight pity for the tape quirk user, but knew this was most likely the case to at least give him credit for trying to win.

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