Move in and Acceptance

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The Sports Festival eventually came to a close with the events of it being rather well for some. In Shinso's case, he was able to win thanks to Izuku's 'defeat'. Most of his battles were won by hypnotizing the opponents and telling them to walk out of the arena. His more notable win was with Shoko who he was able to get her to slip thanks to asking about what Izuku is to her and saying how he's her 'daddy' to slightly disturb most hearing and thanking the brainwashing boy for the most part for avoiding any more issues. He was able to win and isolate a spot in UA's hero course. That meant somebody had to be kicked out. Since his scores in heroics as well as his poor showing in the Festival in general didn't help him along with the problems he'd give the female members of class A, Mineta was given the boot. And by boot, Izuku literally manifested a boot to kick him out a window and a distance into the city. Currently right now, Sato, Kirishima and Izuku are helping move Shinso in as a form of good will to their new classmate with the purple haired teen letting down a cat carrier to show a small tabby kitten hop out and run towards Kuro.

"Aww. Looks like you have a friend now, Kuro." Himiko smiled, however the larger cat is not too fond of having a kitten try to bite his ear. Deciding to pin the small feline with a single paw like a jackass.

"Well it seems Buttons is enjoying himself."

"Buttons?" Izuku questioned.

"I called him that cause when he was first found, he tried to steal a button off of my uniform. Forwarnment, he also likes to steal buttons."

"Noted." Izuku snapped his fingers to move the last of Shinso's stuff in for Sato and Kirishima to look at him crosseyed. "What?"

"Can you explain to us why you didn't do that when we had everything down here?"

"You never asked if I could warp the stuff up. All you did was just pick it up and assume we had to carry it."

"Sometimes I think you troll people like that just to give merit to being a dick." Camie stated while pulling a laser pointer out to play with Buttons.

"Says the woman that wants me to ram her with said dick"

"Jeez. Why does everything have to be sexual with you? That's like, kinda lame."

"Oh, says the woman that literally in our dorm room hangs out with just a thong on and nothing else literally waiting for Izuku to jam her silly." Tsu nearly gave a spit take at Ochako while hearing Himiko's response. "But she's right about the fact you do that to be a dick."

"Eh. I am who I am." Izuku laughed this off before the doorbell started to ring."I'll get it."

As the AFO wielder opened the door, he was met by a hug pulling him into Mei's cleavage. "What's up Mr. 10 million. You like what you're feeling?"

"Well this is a surprise."

"Who's at the door?" Mina got up to see Setsuna and Kinoko smile at her. "Hey you two. Did Izu ask you to come over?"

"Nah. We wanted to come and see who else is in Mr. Stallion's harem."

Getting Mei off by using his tendrils to swerve into her clothes and make her weak to the touch, Izuku stood straight up while using a levitation quirk on the inventor. "Well then, come in." The group came to the common space where the All For Izuku harem, as they called themselves, was. "So basically speaking, this is almost everyone I'm dating at the moment."

Seeing Nejire, Kinoko felt the uncontrollable urge to grope her body out of envy. "What type of mushrooms do you eat to get a rack that huge!?"

"Hey! Mine are bigger!" Himiko shouts in annoyance.

"I also use it as a place to look for Shiro often. Speaking of which." Izuku went and stuck his hand into Himiko's cleavage for the guys on the other side of the room to freak seeing as he pulled out a hand grenade, a machete, a hair dryer, a kill list with Mineta on the top, a fuck list with Yui on top and an oversized pumpkin that has no bruises. "Why the hell do you have a pumpkin in your tits?"

"I was thinking of making pumpkin pie later today....or do a bit of pumpkin chucking."

"DEKUUUUU!!!" On cue, Bakugou came down the stairs with his explosions going for Setsuna to grab the pumpkin and time it before throwing it towards the entrance to the boy's side. "FIGHT ME YOU FUCKING COWA-" The ash blond was hit in the face by the pumpkin and knocked out with his head looking like it was an actual pumpking form where it impacted.

"Nice shot." Izuku smirked before finally finding Shiro who was gripping the handle of a mace. "Do you just put this stuff in here for me to fish it out or does most of this wind up in here by accident?"

"I don't hear you complain since you get the chance to stick your hand between these mammoth sized tatas."

Izuku didn't answer as he went into his pocket dimension to pull out a soda before hopping on the couch and placing Mina on his lap. "So, I just remembered I had a quirk that I haven't used since we were little, and now that we're a thing I kinda wanted to try it. Remember when we scared the crap out of Dad Might by shrinking me down to pocket size?"

"Yeah? Where are yo- Oh... you want to go to your chibi form and have your whole body smothered by my boobs. Don't you?"

"... Y-yeah." Izuku just sat there after with his soda in hand while Shoko spoke up.

"So why did you three come exactly?"

"Well me and Kinoko wanted to talk to you girls and see what your opinions are on this guy having more girls jump his bones. Also another thing depending on that answer."

"Honey, do you think we'd be against Izuku having more baes if we let that sexy piece of pink ass in?" Camie pointed to Mina who was currently grinding on Izuku's thigh trying to get him to mess with her. "Besides, I totes think we're gonna have Ms. Midnight and Mt. Lady come over one of these days to ask to join. We already had Miruko come showing she's preggers."

"Alright. So you wouldn't mind if our class's girls join as well?"

"Who wants to?" Fuyumi walked over with some tea for everyone as Setsuna went down the list of girls.

"Well you already know me and Kinoko. From what it looks like, Pony and Reiko are interested. Yui is well..."

"I'll say this, it's hard to get a read on her since she's always one with a blank face."

'I will say that ass is something worth pounding though.' Izuku took a sip of his soda with Momo looking at him with a blank expression. "What?"

"You were thinking something dirty, and you left your telepathy quirk on again."

"Shit. Oops."

"It's fine. I'd want to do the same too." Mina smiled a bit thinking of what Izuku said about Yui. "Hey Himiko, you'd be interested in a little double teaming on her if we get the chance?"

"Does this guy let out a gallon of jizz?"

"I wonder..." Mei glanced at Izuku who clicked his tongue at her while winking.

"So anyone else?" Shoko asked.

"I'm almost certain Itsuka is masturbating to you regularly." Kinoko blurted this out for everyone to stare at her. "I hear moans at night and she muffles your name. I'm waiting for the day she wants you to plow her and corners you in all honesty."

"Good lord, that would be something. I don't think I've had a girl actually push me in a corner and demand that I fuck her brains out yet." Izuku took a sip of soda before remembering the last member of class B. "What about Ibara?"

"She's a tough nut, that's for sure. She refuses to accept any forms of sexual desire, so I don't know." Setsuna states. "She is constantly giving us an earful for doing you. Any chance you have a quirk that messes with her head to-"

"I don't force women to sleep with me, let's get that straight Setsuna. I could tempt them, but I'd never do anything that they'd never want." The AFO user finishes his soda before tossing the bottle in a pocket dimension he uses for his garbage. "But I think something's there with her. She's denying her natural urges, so I think it'll be good to give her a good fu-" Izuku stops his train of thought when he hears something with a sound enhancement quirk he had. "Someone's using my icee machine."

"Wait, why does he have an icee machine?" Mei asks.

"Fuyumi. Her quirk allows her to make sparks that increase the temperature of a room. Not to unbearable levels, but enough where it makes you feel like you've been out in the sun all day after she gets treated like a human sex toy." Nejire answers for the first daughter of Endeavor to blush with her head down.

"I'll be back. I swear if this is Mineta getting payback, I'm gonna show him why you don't fuck with the master of quirk fuckery."

'I wish he'd fuck me with quirks like that night.' Momo gave a lust filled smile as everyone started to join Izuku curious what was going on.

They went towards the top of the stairs where the group opened the door and walked into the dorm. "Just what the heck did you all do to get a dorm this huge!?"

The girls living in said dorm pointed towards Izuku to answer Mei. "Spacial quirk."

Izuku opened the door for everyone to look at his bed, amazed at what they saw. "YUI!?"

On the bed, Yui Kodai of class B sat eating shaved ice like it was completely normal. The strangest part of all this however wasn't the fact she got into the dorm, but the fact she was stark naked sitting on Izuku's bed. "Hello."

"Wait, how did she get in here?"


"THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE QUESTIONING!?" Everyone shouted at Izuku as Yui spoke in her defense.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd mind as much. If you want, you could do what you'd like to me in return for the shaved ice I took."

Izuku stayed quiet for a minute before asking. "When you say I could do what I'd like to you, is there a limit or am I able to go completely to town on you?"

"Tell me what you want and I'll do it. I'll spread my legs or do one of the girls here while you watch."

Before this could get any farther, Ochako butted in to ask a serious question. "Ok, before we need the authors to put a lemon caption here, can you explain to us why you're here and naked?"

"I came to offer myself to join the harem you have. Setsuna and Kinoko told me about your time and I wanted in. If you want, I could also give you a way to get with Ibara and Itsuka." Now intrigued, Izuku smiled while walking over and scooping Yui in his arms, intentionally grabbing her ass in the process.

"I like where this is going. Welcome."

"Woah there eager beaver. She just broke into our room, I'm a little interested in how she did." Himiko asked with Yui explaining how she got in.

"I was hanging out with Toru earlier today to discuss how to join with me getting the idea to sit in your room stark naked. I started to get a little warmer with the icee machine here with a freezer. Sorry if I caused problems."

Not seeing any reason why she'd lie, Himiko didn't hold this against her to walk in. "Fine. But you better prepare both your front and back holes for your first night with Izuku."


"Because I'm going to show you what I can do with my quirk while Izuku destroys your front." The rest of the day consisted of the group getting to know one another while trying to make a plan to get everything to work.

In Itsuka's room

"Dammit." Having the day off, Itsuka began sitting on her bed looking at a picture she took on her phone a little while back. "I hate the fact we have days off. Now I gotta wait out this frustration." Ever since the day Izuku appeared in her room naked, the orange haired girl couldn't get his face out of her head nor his lower body. Thanks to this, her free time consisted with her hand consoling her feeling only the air on her open lower half and a notable amount of guilt afterwards. 'I wonder if I can talk to Setsuna or Kinoko about if he'd be interested in me.' Remembering the image of Izuku's naked body again, Itsuka started to blush with her hand going between her legs again. 'One more time. If I can get it to stop, then this issue can all be over with.' The Big Fist user spent the rest of the day in her room trying to calm her urges with it ending with her feeling unfulfilled.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time now that Izuku has more girls added to his harem. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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