Names and Offers

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 The next day of school came after the short break with most being content going back to their normal routine. For the guys, they were at least satisfied not having to deal with seeing Izuku have his hands in positions he shouldn't in the common space on his harem. Not only that, but the knowledge of when Izuku goes upstairs with one of them to know what is happening even though they can't see or hear it. The group as a whole was sitting in the classroom of their heroics course for the day waiting for All Might to arrive. However instead of the man in red white and blue, in walks their home room teacher Aizawa followed by the 18+ hero Midnight who grins upon seeing Izuku. Murmurs flow about the classroom asking where All Might is before Aizawa raises a hand and quiets the class.

"Alright to address the lack of the red white and blue elephant in the room. All Might is out of the country on a hero mission overseas and will return on monday. So you're stuck with us, however today isn't going to be the usual recuse/combat/relief training. Today is different, first and foremost I have the list of offer letters from the heroics programs across Japan that have sent you offers based on your performance during the sports festival. Before that however You are going to be choosing your hero names and Problem child. I have a special request come in for you that I want to speak to you in private about when class is over." Aizawa explains in his zombie monotone manner.

"I am here to act as the officiant for your hero names. Remember while these may not be permanent there is a lot of red tape involved when it comes to changing your hero names. So think wisely, come up with something heroic sounding, respectable and that isn't a mouthful." Midnight suggests writing down the criteria on the board. "I will be the one to finalize the chosen name, give critiques and do the registration paperwork for you. You can come to the front to get a whiteboard and you may begin. You can also come to either of-" She says before hearing snoring coming from Aizawa. "Well... I was gonna say you can come to either of us, but it seems like it's just me you can come to for advice on your hero names. If not, I'm excited to see what you come up with. Now come get these." She motions to the collection of small personal boards on the table next to her. Snapping his fingers, Izuku levitates each whiteboard to everyone so there's no need for them to get up.

"Thanks bro."

"No problem Kirishima."

"I DIDN'T NEED YOUR HELP, ASSHOLE!" A rubber band came at Bakugou's head from across the room. "WHO WAS THE DIPSHIT THAT DID THAT!?"

"Dude, will it kill you to say thank you? There's not alot stopping him from just floating it back to where it was forcing you to get up and go get it again." Sero complains deadpanning at Katsuki's predictable yet overly loud outburst.

'And people wonder why you don't have many friends. Thank you for pointing out why nobody here really likes you, Bakugou.' Himiko thinks this as she starts wondering what her hero name should be while giving a thumbs up to Tsu who hit the ash blond with the rubber band.

The group started going down the line of what they should choose. The first one that was accepted was Aoyama's which was undoubtedly the strangest sounding name ever of 'Can't Stop Twinkling' though, that doesn't mean it's bad. The one that wasn't accepted for some odd reason was Mina's 'Alien Queen'. This was denied quickly for everyone to feel worried. Tsu changed the unease with setting the bar to something less intense with her hero name of 'Froppy'. One by one, the class gave hero names with it coming now to Bakugou's.

"King Explosion Murder."

"That's too violent."


"Again, too violent!"

"Can you think of something that doesn't involve the word, 'Murder' in it? That really is something not many wanna hear when they're being saved."

"FUCK YOU, YA STUPID ASS NERD!" Another rubber band came at Bakugou with this one being from Shoko who was coming up to the podium.

"Outta the way, Dick-Tac." Shoko held her board up for her to show no emotion. "The Temperature Hero: Netsu-no."

"Thermal. It's so you." Midnight complemented Shoko before heading back to her seat.

"I figured you'd try something like your own name or something to say you're mine."

"I figured that might be denied, so I crossed my first name off. Then I just thought of a pun with my quirk so there you go. Your turn now Izuku."

"Putting me on the spot like that?"

"Yes since I can already read what you've written down on your board despite it being upside down and backwards for me." Izuku rolled his eyes remembering how it was easy for the dual hair colored woman to read stuff while in the pocket dimension bent over backwards during their personal time.

"Alright, My turn it is then." He lazily floats from his chair, drifting above the bookbags blocking him from getting to the front before setting himself down and holding up his board. "So Instead of telling you my name, first I want to show you it." Izuku grins before posing his hands as if holding an invisible ball. Between his hands a small black dot appears before growing, causing wind and other things to get pulled towards it. Using another quirk, Izuku levitates the board out in front of them revealing the name.



The Singularity.

"Did you seriously create a fucking black hole just to show us your name? You're such a show off Izuku." Himiko scolds. "Has your brain gone to your dick? You do know that those things eat stars like you eat quirks right?"

"Oh I'm well aware, but I'm more than capable of controlling the tiny ones like that. Besides, I think Ochako liked the display." He responds motioning to Ochako who is grinning with stars in her eyes seeing the miniaturized black hole. "I've also been thinking of using one as a garbage disposal, that way we don't have to do the garbage anymore. Or I could just warp it into the bin but where's the fun in that."

"I think the name is amazing, but... whenever you decide to break physics by creating a black hole in the classroom. Please warn us first. You practically stripped my spandex off of me." Midnight complains.

"Who says that wasn't the intention?" Izuku grins before floating back to his seat.

Shinso went up next to stand at the podium and revealed his. "The Brainwashing Hero:Shugo." He went back to his seat with nobody getting a chance to give their opinion. When he sat, Izuku turned to him with a smirk.

"I kinda like it. Seems like it's you."

"Whatever." The class continued with their names with the only one that couldn't actually make a name being Bakugou who kept putting 'Murder' in to annul the name idea.

Afterschool in Aizawa's office.

Out of one of his trademark portals, Izuku steps into Aizawa's office, startling a particularly rotund feline that was cleaning itself on the desk the homeroom teacher is seated at. After calming the portly pussy cat, Aizawa motions for Izuku to take a seat before closing the blinds and pressing a button on the underside of his desk. Shortly after a hologram appears in the center of the room revealing All Might, Nezu and a tall man with green hair and yellow accents in it.

"Ah good, I was beginning to wonder if you had fallen asleep, Mister Aizawa." Nezu says from the other side of the holophone. "I see that young Midoriya is also present, good that means we can begin. With your display at the sports festival catching the eye of nearly every single hero agency on this side of Asia, we decided that we're going to do something a bit different for the boy with a thousand quirks. The man you do not recognise, or may recognise knowing you, is Mirai Sasaki also known as All Might's former sidekick Sir Nighteye. He will inform you of the rest of the details surrounding your... "field study." Nezu emphasizes the last two words with air quotes.

"I was wondering what someone who would turn down fortune and glory would look like, but you're just an unassuming 16 year old boy Midoriya Izuku. I'm going to keep this brief as we're still finalizing the rest of the details as we speak. This is top secret. So Nobody can know until after the event takes place. If they find out then they'll have to be given amnestics to have their memories wiped. The reason for all this secrecy is that one of the hero association of Japan's spies in a Yakuza ring has discovered evidence of a drug capable of wiping out a person's ability to use their quirk. Effectively erasing the DNA information of the quirk existing. You however are a unique cause, with hundreds of quirks these drugs will have little to no effect on you which is why we have decided for this to act as less of an internship and more of a temporary field mission. You will be given a hero provisional license and a license to kill by the government of Japan. The targets are the 11 members of the Shie Hissaikai Yakuza and the particular individual is under the alious Overhaul. Command wants him in a body bag. There is a major catch though."

"So you discovered a quirk drug that is like Inhibit but is for permanent effects and wants me to join a raid that's gonna kill some random guy while having something special about it. That's unusual, far different than the stuff I am used to working with All Might." Izuku responds, putting his hand to his chin in thought.

"Here's the catch, you also have a rescue target. We're unsure of the identity of this individual however what we do know is that Overhaul has been seen with a toddler girl with white hair and a horn. From what we have gathered is that she isn't the offspring of Overhaul so she may be a captive. She is priority One, rescue her by any means necessary. This is a long shot, but she may be the source of this drug and must be taken in by hero society to avoid her being in the hands of those that would abuse her power."

"Hmmm... what of any goons or scientists assisting in the manufacturing of these drugs?"

"Same as the other members of the Yakuza, Dead or Alive. Overhaul himself is to be eliminated with extreme prejudice. This is being kept off the books but like I said. Command wants him dead and not alive. As for how you dispose of him, paint the facility red in his blood for all we care. The important part is that the drugs are destroyed, the research deleted and destroyed, the child is rescued and Overhaul is dead. You're going to be the only person in the raid on the facility as none of us have the advantage that you do in being able to steal and use quirks. Do you accept these terms?"

"What about payment?"

"Bring in Overhaul's head and we'll talk about payment Midoriya." Aizawa interrupts him.

"What of the girl?"

"She will be taken into police custody then foster care."

"That I don't agree with. I'm taking her in."

"If those are your terms then we're at an agreement. The mission is in 12 days time, same as the start for the internships for UA. As a cover story, tell them that you are going to be training under All Might himself."

"Very well. I normally would say no to killing people but I have a feeling that Overhaul himself is responsible for what is happening to the child. I'll take the mission, I'd shake your hand but you're currently a hologram."

"No need, just put him in a body bag when the time comes. Tokui-ten." The Hologram of Nighteye and All Might cut off returning the office back to it's normal lighting.

"Remember what we said. Nobody will know of this until after Overhaul is dead. Got it?"

"Turn him into a carpet smear before answering questions. Don't have to tell me twice. I've been looking for an excuse to go all out, hell, maybe even just to break a sweat."

"Just don't underestimate him. His quirk can disassemble you at the atomic level and I don't think you can even survive that."

"I've been stabbed, blown up, incinerated, disintegrated, evaporated and every 'ated' you can imagine. When all's said and done, We'll have one less Villain Overlord and one more filled body bag."

"Then head back to the dorms, we'll discuss payment after all's said and done." Aizawa says before opening the door to the room allowing the user of All for One to leave. 

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with the Internships. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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