Heated Date with Two Girls

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Izuku, Shoko and Fuyumi went towards the outdoor restaurant with each one wearing a zip up hoodie to avoid any chills as well as it being the easiest thing for them to get on after a day of enjoying the sun and avoiding the heat, "Well this looks nice." Fuyumi pointed out seeing a sea theme of a sunken pirate ship inside a coral reef.

"So how about we get a table? I don't know about you girls, but I'm kinda hungry after being out in the sun all day."

"I'm hungry for your dick." Shoko says under her breath but neither Izuku or Fuyumi appear to have heard her.

"Ok. But Shoko and I can pay for ourselves. I don't wanna be rude."

"Fuyumi. We're going to pay anyway. I stole Endeavor's credit card again."

"Wait. Did you say, again?" Izuku asked the older sister to hold her head down in shame a bit.

"A few years back, Shoko and I kinda 'borrowed'" Fuyumi says this emphasising the word with air quotes. "Our dad's card. To make things simple, we go out sometimes to get something nice to wear when we're away from dad as well as go eat at a nice restaurant to avoid his offers for quirk marriages."

"...Dick." The girls looked at Izuku who made this comment. "Sorry. That was to Endeavor, not you two."

"Hello you three. How can I help you?" A hostess greeted them at the entrance, standing in front of a novelty pirate ship wheel. Izuku asks for a table for three and the hostess collects three menus and leads them to a more secluded spot under an outcropping of the coral reef decor. Nearby it is a decent sized fish tank fitted with portholes and with the appearance of a pirate's treasure chest. "Can I start you three off with something to drink?" The hostess asked, Izuku and Shoko to order some fountain soda while Fuyumi ordered a spiked lemonade. They looked through the menus after this for them to start getting ideas about what they want.

"The flounder sounds tasty." Fuyumi looks down at a flounder with some spring greens to accompany it with a spiced sauce made with peppers and miso.

"I think I'll go for theE!" Izuku raised his voice a bit, feeling something on his inner thigh. Looking down, he saw Shoko's hand brush over him with her face looking completely calm with this. 'Something tells me you're pushing for the first date for some action. Goddamn teenage hormones. You're not helping right now!' Izuku mentally shouted to himself with a waiter bringing their drinks. He then got everyone's order, Shoko's being by far the most expensive requesting an almost 1,000,000 yen Sashimi dish of BlueFin Tuna, Izuku a bit more modest with a request of an entire king crab as well as American signal crayfish and maine lobster with a side of steamed vegetables and garlic butter sauce. Fuyumi's Flounder was easily the least expensive out of the three dishes.

"You're just trying to max out his cards aren't you?"

"Yes." Her response was exactly what her sister expected, causing the older woman to sigh audibly hearing this.

"Let's just hope he doesn't get really pissed off with this and give us an earful again." Fuyumi started to drink from her lemonade with Izuku asking a bit about the girls.

"So you're a third year in Jr High? What school do you go to?"

"I'm homeschooled by a private tutor." Shoko answered, somewhat irritated. "The closest thing I'll have to being part of a real school is going to be UA." Her slight irritation was also not helped with her trying to undo the knot on Izuku's swim trunks with her nondominant hand.

"You're going to try for UA too!?" Izuku felt a bit of happiness hearing this while feeling the girl struggle with his pants..

"Actually, I have a recommendation. A little easier for me to get in that way with the chances of me not being inside the school being kinda slim."

"She only agreed to going to UA so dad would stop pestering her about quirk marriages. He's already tried to hook her up with like five boys around her age before turning them down himself. Most recent of which was a kid with a copy quirk. That lasted all of 5 minutes before being thrown out the door looking like a shooting star. I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to get you two into a quirk marriage due to the quirk you said you have, the ability to take quirks And use them? You can be a god amongst men!"

"Maybe. But I'd rather be a hero. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and that is one of the only things guaranteed in life, like Death and Taxes. But, for the most part, I'd rather be a god in the bedroom." Izuku smirked at Fuyumi who started to blush a bit before looking at Shoko. "Oh and by the way, I like the fact you're really getting into it."

"What are you talking about?" Shoko shows both her hands off Izuku for him to look down. Instead of a hand rubbing his thigh, it was a foot belonging to the woman sitting across from them. Tracing his eyes up towards Fuyumi, he notices that her drink is only half empty but the flushed cheeks of a clearly intoxicated woman are evident that she is getting drunk.

"So not counting us and the girls on the beach, who else do you have wrapped around your little finger?" It was clear that she wasn't speaking clearly with Izuku smiling trying to ignore this.

"Well I don't have anyone else specifically yet, but I think I'm getting close to getting a few other girls. One of which is my childhood asshat of a friend's mom. Personally, I'd kinda wanna have sex with her if I can get the chance to."

"So you wanna actually be a mother humper." Fuyumi slightly slurs

"I'd fuck a milf too." Shoko's blunt response causes Izuku to spit out his drink and start cough laughing. After regaining his composure, he feels the tie on his swim trunks loosen finally and the pleasantly warm hand of Shoko sneaks its way under the hem of his pants. He adjusts the way he's sitting allowing her to better hide her hand under the table as she creeps her fingers slowly towards his member.

"To be fair, I think I'd do that too Shoko. But while we're on the topic of 'doing things', these thighs of yours are so muscly. I wonder if you'd wanna show me what these big strong boys can do when we get the chance to."

'Mental note for the future, Fuyumi's a lightweight to alcohol.' "How about we get a little water in you honey. Don't want that gorgeous body of yours dehydrating."

"Mkay." Fuyumi sat calmly down with hearts hovering over her head before the food they ordered came and were placed in front of them. As this happened, Izuku asked the waiter if he'd bring Fuyumi some water to agree and come with some in a pitcher and placed it on the table with Izuku pouring it into the older woman's now empty cup to help get fluids in her.

"So what do you girls do for hobbies?" Izuku asked before seeing Shoko move to sit on his lap.

"I go on hikes."

"I go with her sometimes on them just to get out of the house." Fuyumi starts eating the flounder with a big smile on her face with the satisfaction of the food and the alcohol mixed together. "The last time we went, we saw this really nice waterfall that we couldn't help but take a dip in."

Shoko went up to Izuku's ear to whisper. "We didn't wanna get our clothes wet, so we went in without anything on. Maybe next time we go on one, we see the waterfall and you can find out if Fuyumi and I have hair that matches our heads~." Izuku swallowed a lump in his throat thinking of that image to smirk.

"Something tells me you two are really high strung. I'm gonna enjoy the day I get to taste the two of you. Maybe I'll also ask Himiko to join."

"Wait, does she like girls or something? I thought she preferred sausage over tuna." Fuyumi questioned.

"To make things sound less disturbing to everyone here, she has the ability to make my body parts on her body show."

"So you and her doubleteam Nejire and Camie?" Shoko asks while placing another piece of sushi in her mouth.

"Yeah. But I don't need to ask her to join in if I really wanna satisfy women in that way." Shoko nearly choked on what was in her mouth hearing this.


"Let's just say, I have some special quirks for that."

The two girls looked at Izuku blankly before Fuyumi asked. "So are you trying to get us to be horny women for you on the first date, or are you unintentionally doing this?"

"To be honest, it's a little of both and a bit of payback for someone rubbing their butt over me and giving me a reason why I can't get up right now."

Shoko looked under to see her ass pressed directly against Izuku to shrug it off. "I haven't heard a complaint yet about it."

"That's because I'm using this as fuel for when date three comes. Also, I'm like 90% sure the staff know what you're trying to do." The AFO user motions towards two waiters that were talking with what looked like shocked faces on them.

"Oh, letem look. It just proves that you've got game and they don't." Fuyumi states before grabbing for another piece of flounder to realize she ate it all. "Aww."

"Want some of my food?" Izuku asked for the older woman to nod. He moved one of his plates towards her for Fuyumi to smile while grabbing some to eat. She immediately smiled again for them to continue their talk.

"So how did you meet Himiko, Nejire and Camie?" Shoko asked for Izuku to smile remembering his past.

"Himiko was someone I met a while back thanks to my bio-dad's work. To make things simple, we took her in and she's already like part of my family. Sounds weird now that I think about it in that way. With Nejire, we met not long after thanks to that arrogant jerk I mentioned before getting what he deserved. Camie though, we met a few months back thanks to me saving her from a sludge villain. Some damned pros didn't know their ass from their elbow in that fight. Only a few actually did anything with most trying to stand around looking tough. Ticked me off to no end and still kinda does."

"I remember that fight! Death Arms was so dumb criticizing you. Plus the blizzard you made just by breathing was epic!" Fuyumi pointed out for Izuku to smile. "At least it looked like Mt. Lady had some idea that she was useless in the fight. Will say though, that woman has the body to sway any man."

"Yeah. Shame she uses it to attract pervs."

"Coming from the girl I met 5 hours ago and is now grinding herself on my lap. I wonder who's the perv here Shoko." Izuku teases before blowing gently on her neck using his blizzard quirk, this causes her to tense up and goosebumps to appear all over her body.

"You're lucky that we're in public right now."

"And why is that?" Izuku wrapped his arms around the dual hair colored girl and rested his head on her left shoulder. "What would you do to me if we were alone?" What Shoko doesn't notice is that his hands start to turn black as he creates the long tendrils of All for One and begins to slither them along her flawless skin. A deep red blush appeared on her face as a reaction to his question but Fuyumi grins seeing what Izuku is up to. To others around him however it merely looks as if he is leaning his head on her shoulder as he begins to use one of his illusions for some slight privacy.

"Seems you two are having fun over there. I'm feeling a bit left out." Fuyumi pretended to be sad but immediately had to cover her mouth from the sudden feeling of something rubbing on her clit.

"Oh don't worry, there's plenty of these to go around. How about we wrap up dinner and bring this to a love hotel. Forget about the date three crap." Izuku grins before retracting the tendrils and snapping open a leg of the king crab he had ordered. He sucks the meat out with both girls looking a bit flushed while nodding. "I'll show you both my Full Power." His voice is purposefully suggestive as he gently kisses the back of Shoko's neck before having her get off his lap so they can continue their meal. The next few minutes were spent somewhat quietly in anticipation before getting the check and placing it on Endeavor's card. The total came out to the 7 digit range for the expensive bluefin tuna and king crab being the primary culprit. Once out, the three walked out of eye sight. "I know a shortcut, and we won't be disturbed." With his arms around both Fuyumi's and Shoko's waists, he leads them through a swirling black and purple portal before vanishing into the setting sun. 

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku, Shoko and Fuyumi. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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