Ice Cold Woman and Hot Desire

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About a month passed since Izuku and the girl's first times with things being relatively normal for them. The group had the summer to themselves for the most part with them deciding to spend it being relatively normal teenagers. Today, the girls had been playing Monster Hunter World together trying to handle some special quests for better material for weapons and equipment they wanted for their characters.

"Careful. He's going hater mode now." Camie warned the group as the specific monster they were fighting began to act more different than normal.

"Stop attacking me you stupid oversized monkey!" Himiko shouted as she was being targeted by the said monster.

"I gotcha! Time to mount this thing!" Nejire hopped on the beast for them to start attacking it together.

"Guess we're triple teaming this thing."

"Like how we do with Izuku?"

"At least he isn't as hairy as this thing." The three started laughing a bit before Izuku ran into the room with satisfaction holding a pot in his hands.

"I'VE DONE IT! Feast your eyes ladies at the revolutionary plant that will bring forth a new evolution of life on this planet! A creature so unlike anything you would believe that the greatest minds of this world will seek it! May I present to you ...."

THE WIGGLER!" Izuku placed the pot on the coffee table for everyone to see a small, almost animal-like plant pop up and start bobbing its head. With the appearance of a sock puppet, even the button eyes to go with it, the patch work plant bobs its head back and forth to the rhythm of its own tune.

"Oh he's so cute!" Nejire's attention quickly is lost from the game they were playing and turns to the sock puppet plant and it bobs and dances inside the soil.

"Best part, he's a carnivorous plant and his ear floofs are his leaves" Izuku says with a smile before flicking the Wiggler a cubed piece of ham. The sockpuppet plant snatches the cubed meat out of the air before swallowing it hole. "With this, I will build my grand army and take over the world! Ah-hahaha!" He laughs. Pretending to be a supervillain.

Himiko looked at the plant for a second before bluntly giving her opinion. "You made a carnivorous plant out of a video game animal? You did know it was an animal right?"

"Nope, I and one of the authors writing this thought it was a plant based off of a video by Jocat. Well at least one. Plus, I don't have a quirk that lets me make animals, only plants."

"But why make one?"

"Why not?" The group loses focus to return back to the game and see Camie slaying the monster they were facing. "HA! Get pwned monkey!" The girls began taking materials out of the creature before placing the game down and stretching a bit.

"I think we should take the time to get out of the house. Maybe do something that doesn't involve killing giant top of the food chain monsters or making little plants that eat meat."

"OOOH! Can we go to the beach Izuku cleaned!? Can we!?" Nejire jumped for joy thinking of the possibility of seeing the beach Izuku fully cleaned up a while back in it's glory. Both Himiko and Camie shrugged knowing there wasn't anything better to do on a hot day outside of hanging inside with AC. Sad part was, the AC in Inko's apartment was busted and she refused to let Izuku fix it with his one quirk. However that doesn't stop him from making the house colder with his blizzard quirk which he uses subtly through his relaxed breathing.

"I guess I can take a break from making the house cold with a quirk." Izuku felt a bit of frost come off his nose from constantly using his quirk to grab his swim trunks. The girls followed suit by grabbing a bikini to change into as well as something to avoid stares from people down the street until they got to Dagobah beach. Before they leave the house, they pass the landlady who is followed by the AC mechanic and explains that he has been using a quirk to cool the apartment, the older woman tells him that they shouldn't take too long and that the AC unit for the complex just needed to be rewired. She explains that they are trying to see which apartments were affected by the broken AC unit. After waving goodbye to the landlady, Izuku and the trio of his harem duck behind a corner and out of sight of the cameras before he opens a warpgate. Stepping through it, the four are transported to a large changing tent that has been set up on the beach.

"I'd be like Uber lazy if I had that quirk." Camie says with a bit of envy for the warping quirk.

"Izuku is super lazy outside his training, he uses what he calls 'The Relaxation Station' which is a group of five quirks he uses just to be lazy. He has telepathy which he uses to grab things like snacks and the television remote. Warpgate which he uses to raid the fridge without opening it. Levitation, which he uses when he doesn't feel like walking. What are the other two?"

"Mind reading so I can know what people need me to do before they tell me and a pocket dimension which I use to store snacks." Izuku explains before opening said pocket demiplane and pulling out a platter of sweedish meatballs.

"Where did you even get those?"

"The Ikea we went to when Camie moved into our place."

"That was 4 weeks ago!" Each girl looked a bit worried that Izuku was eating rancid meat.

"Time doesn't exist inside that demiplane Himiko, nothing expires in there. I still have those unopened chocolate milk cartons from our elementary school, the discontinued version that had real sugar and real chocolate." he pulled one out to toss towards Himiko for her to be hesitant to drink it.

"This is like 10 years old, How is it still cold too?!"

"Time and temperature are irrelevant in my space. I have a burger that I wanted to save for a special moment from eight years ago and it's still hot. It was when Dad-Might brought us to In-N-Out back when we took that trip to the states to see Meli and uncle David."

"I remember that day. I wonder how Melissa's doing? Also, what were you thinking trying to fight a tornado, you were 8!"

"It was Texas and I figured I'd try to out-crazy the legendary Florida Man, and I think I've succeeded."

"He fought a tornado?"

"And won."

Both Nejire and Camie stared blankly at the two before going back to where they were. "Let's just head out and enjoy the beach. I'm like so looking to get a sexy tan." Camie pulled her zip up off revealing a jet black bikini with thin laces to avoid abnormal lines. Izuku hazarded a guess that the pieces of fabric over her breasts were less than 6 square centimeters of fabric. Barely just enough to cover her nipples but Izuku notices that the edges just barely peek out, getting a hint of a glance of the rose wine tinted areolas.

"You don't exactly leave much to the imagination now do you Camie?" Himiko questions seeing the fawn haired woman's attire.

"Nope, but it's uber fun to tease Izuku. Plus, to the other dorks on this beach, I'm wearing a one piece." She explains before Himiko and Nejire nod in understanding.

"From time to time I forget that Izuku isn't the only one with an illusion quirk."

"Well if that's the case, make me look like I'm actually wearing a bikini because I'm going streaking." Himiko quickly loses her garments before running off towards the waves, Izuku being quick enough to activate his illusion quirk to make her appear less disproportionate and modest.

"Should have seen that coming." Izuku laughs.

"Well, I figured out who the exhibitionist out of the four of us is." Camie snickers.

"I might join her." Nejire starts taking off her top before Izuku grabs her arm.

"It only works on one person at a time, so I really can't help you both out."

"Fair enough." The three walked out of the changing room to set up a spot on the beach to relax a bit. As they did, Himiko came back dropping a massive lobster in front of them that was pinching her boobs.

Seeing it, everyone stares at her with Izuku lifting her breasts with telekinesis to see several sea shells drop from under them. "Should I expect there to be more seafood to make a fish stew?"

"It's not my fault they dig into me. Besides, you don't complain all that much about it." Izuku was about to argue, but chose not to and decided to get up.

"I'm gonna go get some ice cream. Anyone want anything while I'm gone?"


"Hot dog."


Each of the girls answered with Izuku heading towards the vendor to get everyone's things. As he began walking back, the AFO quirk user used his telekinesis powers to bring everything he had with him. Getting back, he handed the girls what they ordered before turning to sit where he was before. Unfortunately, someone was walking beside him without Izuku knowing and made him trip and drop the icecream on them.

"I am so sorry!" Izuku began pulling napkins out of his pocket dimension to wipe the ice cream off the unknown person's face. It was only at this point he noticed it was a girl. Her demeanor had not changed from a stoic look at all in the slightest. The notable thing about her though was that she had heterochromia where one eye was a sky blue and the other was a muted silver. What made her even more unique was her hair color was split down the middle as well with one side being red and the other being white.

With the snap of his fingers, the mess of ice cream that had been smeared all over the poor girl's face was snatched away before reforming on the cone as if the accident never happened. He then activates his storage quirk and places the ice cream inside, the use of two completely unrelated quirks intrigues the woman prompting her to ask, "Who are you?"

"My name is Izuku Midoriya. Why do you ask?" She ignored this and went right to a point.

"What is your quirk?"

Izuku thought for a second before answering. "That's kinda hard to say. Quirks as in plural, but the one I was born with is called All for One, it allows me to take, give, disable and use quirks. I can take a person's quirk by touching them, turn theirs off for as long as I want based on touch or until they leave my field of view. I have a lot to go off of's hard to answer that. If you want a number for how many I have, somewhere between 500 and 700 quirks. I kinda have to take at least one a month if it's pretty strong or one a week if they're weak quirks." He explains, looking her in the eyes as he does so, he notices something about the scared woman. Her pupils flick to hearts for a brief moment after he explains all of his quirk. Before he could react, the scared woman grabs his hand and demands something outrageous from him.

"Put a Baby in me. Right now." This demand causes the white haired man to shout in complete confusion to the ridiculous request.

"Put a baby in you?! I just met you!" Izuku somewhat protests before seeing the large imposing visage of the number 2 hero Endeavor and a white and red accented haired woman walking over trying to keep Endeavor from causing a scene.

"SHOKO!!!" His voice booms causing several people nearby to turn and look towards them, the other girl with them now covering her face in embarrassment.

"What do you want. Endeavor?" Shoko responds clearly agitated at the presence of what seems to be her father.

"You know that you are going to be put in a quirk marriage. Stop pestering these people with worthless quirks damnit!" He shouts, causing Shoko's expression to change for the first time since meeting Izuku. Showing one of annoyance and anger.

"Would you like me to take your quirk? I wouldn't consider mine worthless there, blowtorch face." Izuku glares at Endeavor before revealing a multitude of quirks to the number 2 hero. Several portals, multiple sets of large bat-like wings, emitter class energy beams of several different colors, massive bladed forelimbs and several sets of eyes all equipped with their own eye lasers.

"Are you threatening me boy?" Endeavor's flames increase in height as he leers down at Izuku who is marginally shorter than the flame themed hero.

"You're the one trying to force your daughter to do something she doesn't want to and using your quirk to try to intimidate me." His eyes quickly gleam a bright red as suddenly the flames from Endeavor's body are shut off. "As for your request, Shoko. Sure but let's at least get to the third date first." Izuku completely disregards Endeavor now that he has shut off his quirk. Just as the irate hero is about to yell again, Izuku snaps his fingers and teleports the hero away.

"Where did you send him?" Shoko questions as Izuku shuts off the other quirks that he has active.

"Somewhere between Otofute and Kyoto." He responds before offering the two girls to have a seat near him, Himiko, Nejire and Camie.

"Don't you think you'll get arrested for that Izuku?" Himiko asks, arching an eyebrow.

"He doesn't have any witnesses." Shoko responds before taking a seat next to Izuku on the towel.

"Well, I guess I should introduce myself then, I'm Fuyumi Todoroki and this lis my little sister Shoko." Fuyumi introduces herself, clearly uncomfortable due to what she is wearing. The swimsuit that Fuyumi is wearing is a diving wetsuit for deep sea diving hiding most of the young woman's body with Shoko not in something much different.

"Does he make you wear that crap? What is he catholic? You look like a nun at a strip club with how uncomfortable you look." Himiko says bluntly.

"He wants us to marry someone with a powerful quirk in a quirk marriage. He doesn't allow us to wear anything that we want to and only what he approves."

"I can fix that, do you want a string or two piece bikini?" Camie asks to reach into one of her beach bags for a spare set of swimwear.

"I can handle that." Izuku says snapping his fingers, the black miasma of his warp gate quirk appears and surrounds both women. When it fades, Fuyumi is dressed in a solid white bikini with red string ties at the ends as accents, Shoko is dressed in a red and white bikini with the colors flipped from the colors of her hair.

"Woah." Fuyumi says looking at the silk fabric of the bikini she's wearing, "It's super soft too. Much better than that stupid wetsuit."

"You got a nice body Fuyumi, it's too bad Blowtorch breath won't let you show it off." Himiko quickly sneaks up behind the white haired woman and gives her a reach around, groping her large breasts. This causes her face to turn a very dark shade of red feeling herself groped by the other woman.

"So, your old man like wants you to get into a quirk marriage. That's totes lame." Camie says as she turns to her back continuing her sun tan.

"He hasn't found someone with a quirk that fits his wants, he himself was in a quirk marriage with our mother but he ended up abusing her and she's now in a mental asylum."

"He also burned my face." Shoko turns her head to the side to emphasise her scar on her face.

"Would you two be interested in dating Izuku? He's literally the strongest man on the planet with hundreds of quirks. Plus it'll keep you out of that stupid quirk marriage crap." Nejire offers grabbing Shoko's attention.

"I already asked him to put a baby in me. He agreed to it as well." Shoko says defensively before gravitating to Izuku's side and grabbing on to him.

"Just wait till the third date Shoko, he said he would but he wants to get to know you first." Nejire tries to stop her from getting mad and succeeds as Shoko visibly relaxes hearing this.

"You three part of his harem or something? I want in." Fuyumi notices Shoko's hand migrating down Izuku's abs and onto the crotch of his swimsuit before starting to grope him through his pants. This causes the older sister to cover her face in embarrassment once more, seeing how aggressive Shoko is with her advances.

"You three should totes go on a date tonight, there's a like uber nice restaurant on the pier you can go to. It's like not so fancy and you don't gotta wear anything fancy but it's got lobster." Camie says, pointing to an outdoor restaurant that had been built near the entrance of the boardwalk pier.

"Sounds good, it'll probably take Endeavor a day or two to walk to the nearest hero agency, I dropped him in the middle of the highway 100 miles from Kyoto and Otofute respectively, there isn't a hero agency near there for 50 miles. Plus his quirk won't be working for a week." Izuku says with a grin as he wraps an arm around Shoko and Camie. "Let's enjoy the rest of the day at the beach before going out. Sounds good?" Izuku asks as both Fuyumi and Shoko nod in agreement.

"Do you have a penis enlarging quirk?" Shoko asks bluntly as she continues to stroke him through his swim trunks.

"No.Thats all just me honey. I did take one that makes guy's dicks really small and force it onto a kid that tried to bully me when I was at Aldera jr High. He still has no idea."

"Wait, so Bakugou has a tiny dick? That's hilarious!" Himiko laughs uproariously before the other girls quickly notice that she's naked as Izuku's illusion quirk had worn off. 

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Shoko, Fuyumi and Izuku's date. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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