Mad Science gone Wrong

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 After sleeping away most of the mid morning, Izuku is awoken by Eri standing at the edge of his enormous bed and tapping his cheek with her hands repeating the phrase: "Wake up Lazy Daddy. It's almost 10. I'm gonna miss my cawtoons and bekfass." She says with a slight lisp, repeatedly slapping Izuku. This finally succeeds in waking the all for one user from his sleep, to which he stretches and rolls out of bed onto the floor with a thud. "Why you on floor? Get up. I'm hungy." Eri protests, causing her father to sink into the ground like a liquid before appearing from the wall already cleaned and pressed ready for the day. Picking up his daughter, Izuku walks over towards the door to leave before turning and noticing the aftermath that he had made invisible to Eri.

"I should probably do something about Yui and Camie later. They're looking like they probably won't be walking today anytime soon." Looking into the room, the AFO user saw two of his girlfriends looking like they were bathing in Izuku's fluids with Camie's tongue out with her eyes up in her head. Yui on the other hand, looked like she was drowning in his fluids before hearing a snore to relax a little. "Alright. She's not dying. Not like I wouldn't be able to bring her back if need be, but would rather not resort to that."

Izuku opened the door to the dorm and walked down towards the kitchen. There, he met Ochako giving Eri her breakfast before turning and seeing Izuku with only boxers on. "I-Izuku! What are you doing looking like that in front of Eri!?" 'Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down.' Ochako kept her heat turned while glancing up at Izuku. This prompts him to look down at the All Might themed boxers he had on before looking at Eri who merely just shrugged. Shrugging his shoulders as if answering her, Izuku suddenly cloaks himself in a black mist before exiting in a pair of gym shorts, still shirtless. "Better...But I'd rather you still give a better example for Eri and not go about with just your underwear on."

"What? She's not seeing this and I just wanted coffee...and maybe something to keep Yui and Camie hydrated."

"How long did you do it till last night?"

Izuku stopped for a moment before answering. "Until the bed got too gross for even me to hang out in."

"Which is what, half the room being full or something with your stuff?"

"What type of stuff does daddy have?" Eri asks, looking up from her waffles.

"Adult stuff sweetie. By the way, there's a note for you on some weird machine in the kitchen. Someone called Dr. Bright." Izuku raised an eyebrow before walking into the kitchen. There, he saw a massive machine with a note attached to it. Pulling it off, Izuku began reading the note.

Dear Izuku,

Sorry I forgot your birthday the other day. As a way to make it up to you, I was able to get authorization to duplicate SCP-294 and have one transferred to your dorm room. Please don't ask how I got authorization since it's a long story and it's not worth explaining. Anyway, just make sure people know about the things you should be careful of putting here as well as to keep that Mineta kid you talked to me about away from the machine when you ask for grape juice. I'm not sure if he'd count as the liquid, but I also don't want to find out.

Your friend, Doctor Jack Bright

"Sweet! We got us the best drink machine you could ever ask for!"

"What's this machine?" Kirishima walks in, seeing the black machine with a keyboard on it.

"Woah. This thing looks cool." One by one, everyone huddled into the kitchen with Himiko immediately knowing what it was.

"Izuku. Is that what I think it is?"

"Sure is. Everyone pay attention right now because this machine is one of the most unique things you'll ever see. Allow me to introduce you to The world's greatest drink dispenser. All you have to do to get it to work is type in the name of the drink you want. So let's just say I wanted to juice." Izuku typed 'apple juice' into the qwerty keyboard before the machine whirred into life. A dispensing claw dropped down a twelve ounce paper cup before the nozzle extended and dispensed the requested liquid. When it was done, Izuku put a small bendy straw in the cup and gave it to Eri.

"Mmmm. Apple juice." She hummed happily, continuing to drink from the small cup.

"Wait. So this thing gives out any drink? As in anything mixed drink too?"

"It's not just limited to only consumable liquids, alcoholic or not, anything that can be in liquid form. So let's say I want....sulfuric acid."

"This is not going to put sulfuric acid out, is it? It would go right through the cup." Momo argued not believing what she was seeing.

"Wanna make a bet? I bet you a night in your parents' home on your bed for a night of our 'alone time. If not, I'll be the girl for Himiko or Mina." Izuku responds by extending his hand to shake and affirm the wager.

"This just got interesting." Mina said in slight excitement as Momo was motioned to the machine by Izuku. The noirette creationist punches in the chemical formula for Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) into the display. Shortly after the same whirring noise from earlier a new paper cup was dispensed and a clear odorless liquid was poured into the cup.

"There's no way this is sulfuric acid." Momo says as Izuku grabs the cup and requests that she creates a small basin of water. After doing so, Izuku pours the acid into the water causing it to boil instantly as the chemical reacts with it. "Holy shit it's actually acid." She says letting her filter in front of Eri slip.


Momo stared at the machine in amazement and couldn't believe what was happening. "Just what is that thing?"

"To make a long story short, this machine will make anything and will make anything you ask it to in a liquid form. Water, Tea, Beer, Motor Oil, including even molten metals. Don't ask for liquid diamonds since it's not possible and will give an error code and be extremely specific. If you ask for something like 'a cup of Joe'. It will actually give you a cup of bodily fluids of a guy named Joe. So requesting Grape Juice probably will not be a good idea with Mineta around, so if you want some specify the type of grape first. Also, do not ask for the perfect drink because it will ruin everything else for you like it did to another scientist who offed himself like two weeks later saying everything is now a disappointment after that. Any questions?" Nobody raised a hand for Izuku to see no problem with this now. "Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a big chested science woman that wanted to make 'babies' for me."

"Real or inventions?" Shoko asks while typing in orange juice slushy into the machine.

"I'm guessing inventions, but I like the way she said babies so I hope it's the first." Izuku walked out of the dorms with everyone waiting for a minute before seeing him walk back. "Would help if I had my phone."

"AND MAYBE A SHIRT!" Everyone shouted as the AFO user rolled his eyes and grabbed the shirt on top of his clean laundry in a basket and walked out with his phone in hand.

"....Anyone wanna bet she's gonna use him for experiments?" Himiko asks for Itsuka to cross her arms and pass her a small slump of cash. "I bet you she's gonna try and drug him and use him for real baby making."

"I bet she'll just strip in front of him and bend over." Shoko points this out.


"Aww man. I wanted to taste what some tequila tastes like."

"Not worth it, Kaminari. I can guarantee you that." Fuyumi points out remembering how bad her handle on the creature was. Meanwhile, Himiko glanced at the note to see where the machine came from to notice the name of the scientist.

'It couldn't be...'

"Mowa pwease!" Eri speaks up for Himiko to walk over and get her plate and refill her waffles.

With Izuku

Walking towards the support course, Izuku began thinking of how happy his life is now. "I wonder who's gonna have a baby next? Let's see....Outside of Shoko who still gives me the morning BJ, Setsuna takes the next largest amount of our sex life. After Nejire and Camie, Himi's close to them, but she helps me more with giving. I do want to see what Ochako's front hole tastes like. I do love her ass, but a man can love more of a woman." He shrugs this off before getting to the support course doors. "I wonder if my weekend trips to aunt Mitsuki's have done anything to get her pregnant yet." Izuku thinks this as he regularly leaves Mitsuki looking like she fought a war and lost before snapping his hands and restoring her home to what it was. Grabbing onto the door, Izuku felt a massive explosion happen from within to blow the second door off with the one in his hand falling to pieces. "Well that's a way to bust through a door."

"Izuku. You made it." Mei speaks up for the inventor to catch Izuku's attention. However, the AFO user looked down a bit to see her wearing a top that hardly covered Mei's chest and a black thong. As the inventor turned around, Izuku began admiring Mei's butt before noticing the pink haired girl stare at him. "Like what you see~"

"Baby you know it. Anyway, you said you wanted to make some new babies. What are we talking about here for them? Dimensional gear, strength enhancers, or something more special."

"You'll see. But while we're on the topic, I got a special baby right here." Mei pressed a button for a syringe to poke into Izuku's neck to have him pull it out and look at it.

'Huh. She tried to drug me. She went through the trouble of doing this so I might as well see where this is going and if it goes south, I'll just warp out of here or use a quirk to bust loose.' Izuku pretended to pass out to activate a slight sleep inducing quirk for the belief the drug injected into him did the trick.


'I wish she didn't go through this much work if she just wanted me to fuck her brains out.'

Half an hour later

Izuku began waking up to find his arms and legs bound to a lab table. Not counting this, he felt a breeze down below to notice his body stark naked. "Good to see you're finally up." Turning to the sound of Mei's voice, Izuku noticed her in a similar state of nakedness to smirk at her.

"Ok. I dig your kinky spirit, but the binds are a little much. I mean, I've literally done it with the girls while their arms and legs are bound, but you really didn't have to-"

"This is for me to have complete control. Whether you believe it or not, I injected you with a drug that nullifies your quirks for the next few hours. Which means I can take dominance and make real babies without you trying anything fishy."

'And I already nullified that stuff, what's your point?' Izuku kept quiet and pretended the drug was still in effect as Hatsume hopped up and sat on his abdomen. 'This may not be the way most people enjoy life, but I like where this is going right now.'

Lemon Warning🍋

Mei began grinding her groin up and down on Izuku's abdomen for his lower half to begin rising. When the inventor looked back to notice Izuku's member pressed between her ass cheeks, she moved her body to have her face face it. "I will say, this was worth the wait in size. Now let's just see how stamina and ejaculation is."

"Am I seriously a science experiment right nommph." Izuku was cut off by having Mei's pussy pressed right into his face.

"Maybe, but why does it matter? You're getting laid, so shut up and eat me out." Not proud of being a form of study in a way, Izuku shrugs it off and begins licking around Mei's entrance. Her body quivered slightly as the warmth of Izuku's tongue made its way around her lower lips. In retaliation, she started sucking on Izuku's tip for her tongue to start swirling around. To add a little to the sensasion and to help cover more area than she could fit in her mouth, the inventor began using her breasts to slide over Izuku's length. Sadly, her technique wasn't exactly on par with what Izuku had been used to even by first time standards to have slight dissatisfaction. He let this go though as he continued to focus on pleasuring Mei and inserting his tongue into her entrance.

As she felt this, Mei started to slow down on her acts and grind her lower half on Izuku's face more. She stopped all acts on Izuku's dick and focused on massaging her own large breasts before feeling her core begin to heat up. Now irritated that the reciprocation isn't happening, Izuku moved his tongue out to slightly bite down on Mei's clit to have her clench her legs to gether and climax. Spraying her juices on Izuku's face. 'Damn bitch. AT LEAST LET ME GET OFF TOO INSTEAD OF JUST LEAVING ME BLUE BALLED!'

"Time for the main event." Mei smiled before moving her body to hover her pussy over Izuku's dick. Her lower lips were kissing his tip to have a smile form. "Hope you don't mind me taking advantage of this situation." She slammed herself down to have half of Izuku's length inside her. Upon entering, Mei's body began quivering with blood coming down Izuku's dick with a slight smile on the inventor's face. "You like it~ I know how you love burying yourself deep into girl's while they bounce on you~" Hatsume began moving her hips slowly for the lack of complete satisfaction making Izuku get more irritated.

'Dammit. Just go all the way down!' Minutes go by with Mei's acts of indulgence forcing her towards a climax with Izuku's body now unable to hold back the frustration he was having. Eventually, Mei stopped with shrieking out in pleasure before collapsing on Izuku's chest.

"I knew you loved it. How about we do this again next week." Now enraged that Mei had forgotten the most important rule of intimacy, Izuku ripped his hands out of the cuffs and grabbed her ass.

"Word of advice, Mei. Whenever you have sex with someone," Izuku forced his entire length into Mei for a slight bump to be seen. "MAKE SURE YOU BOTH HAVE GRATIFICATION!" Izuku slammed his hips into Mei with her eyes starting to roll back inside her head. The sound of Izuku's hips slamming into Mei's ass as her cheeks reverberated echoed inside the room with the inventor's juices flowing down and piling on Izuku.

"T-too much....too....much."

"If you think this is too much, then you haven't seen anything yet." Izuku ripped the binds off his legs to lay Mei on the table with his tendrils activating to slide one into her mouth and another up her ass. Consider this, what real pleasure feels like." Izuku reentered Mei's pussy as her legs were bound. Izuku bent down to start sucking on her nipples and continually thrusting his hips harder. Her moans were muffled with Izuku's tendrils with a louder shriek when her one nipple was pinched and twisted. "Alright. I think I'm about ready to blow. Get ready for mutual gratification." Izuku's hips moved faster for his balls to smack over Mei's ass. In one final thrust, Izuku came deep into Mei in all three of her entrances to have her mind go completely blank. When Izuku finished, he pulled himself and his tendrils out to have Mei cough a bit of the semen in her throat out.

"Tentacles are the beeeesssttttt~"

"Glad that you understand. Because I'm not done yet and you need punishment for blue balling me." Izuku hopped onto the work bench to continue thrusting inside Mei. Her body slowly remembered Izuku's shape as he did for her arms to reach out and try to get some assistance. Unfortunately, this was met by Izuku's tendrils binding her arms behind her back along with a massive load dropped inside the inventor. Again and again, Izuku kept going for multiple rounds until finally after covering every inch of Mei in his own essence. In one final shot, Izuku aimed at Mei's face to cover it in his thick white seed.

Lemon End🍋

Few hours later

Waking up from the ordeal, Mei began looking around to see Izuku in a chair drinking some tea. "I see you're up. Sorry if I went a little overboard and lost my cool from you not letting me feel enough satisfaction."

"It's fine. I at least got what I wanted and DEAR GOD YOU CUM WAY TOO MUCH!" Mei shouted this while looking at the floor to see it covered in their act.

"Yeah. Himiko says I'm no different than a horny monkey at times." Izuku laughs this off knowing this was said as a joke before tossing a water bottle to Mei. "That may help keep you hydrated. You were cumming like a faucet before."

"Thanks." Mei chugged the water bottle down in about five seconds before finishing and placing the cap on the empty bottle. "Alright. Let's go for round two!"

Izuku shrugged it off while standing up. "Probably closer to round forty five."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku and everyone. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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