(un)Holy Intervention

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Waking up to a loud noise, Ibara glanced at her clock to notice it was only three in the morning. 'What on earth is going on to wake me?' The sounds of silent moans caught her attention to stand up and head towards her door. From what it sounded like, her classmate Yui who was on the same floor of her dorm room was in some sort of pain to head towards her door. "Is she alright?" Seeing the door open a crack, Ibara had slowly pushed it forward enough to see inside near a mirror that her classmate had. Upon seeing the reflection, she noticed her classmate on her bed on top of Izuku with her other classmate Pony beside her. All three were naked and falling into their own lustful desires as the holy girl would put it.

"Alright Yui. ready for load number 36?"

"Please. *moan* Mark my insides~" Ibara stepped back upon hearing this to hear another shout before Pony started speaking.

"My turn again. So do you want American pie or a large piece of cake this round?"

"Hmm. That is a good question. Decisions. Decisions."

"The fact they indulge in that on the same floor I am on is insulting." Ibara walked back to her dorm room rather irritated now. She didn't enjoy the fact she constantly saw Izuku flaunting the sexual acts him and the girls were doing, but also in a way couldn't blame them for enjoying a relationship. She did however wish not to do anything as such and would prefer them not to due to her religion pushing to deny such antics until marriage. "I need to find a way to at least limit this. I am certain I am not the only one getting angered by the constant reveal of these acts. Then again, Midoriya does try to limit himself around Eri. Perhaps if I could get her to stay around him more, he may relent and push to remain in a stoic state. But how would I allow her to do such a thing? I am not her mother, so I have no reason to have her listen." As she spoke about this, the thought of possibly being a mother to Izuku's child came to her head to make her blush. "Get a hold of yourself, Ibara! Those acts are to be left to married men and women! Not for a woman that is out of wed...lock..." As she said this, an idea formed in her head.

Going into her drawer, she found a blank marriage certificate her mother had given her in case she found someone worth marrying at UA. "If I remember correctly, Kendo said he draws a line at adultery. This is ingenious. If I have Midoriya marry me, he'll be forced to control himself, reduce the level of sexual acts done, Eri will keep him preocupied and I shall tame any final urges at the end of the night for him as his wife. It is fool proof." Unknown to her, a certain white haired boy overheard everything with the sound of Pony shouting starting to wake up Setsuna above their dorm room to stomp on the floor.


The next day

Enjoying a peaceful afternoon, Izuku had decided to let Eri play in the swimming pool that is offered to the students of class A. Fuyumi had agreed to watch over her in the pool as she swam around with excitement. "That's it, Eri. Just like that." The small girl continued to swim towards her one mother with a life vest on to avoid her sinking. To the side, Tsu sat with her feet in the water smiling at the scene alongside Momo, Mina and Ochako.

"Such a nice day out today." Izuku opened his dimensional portal to pull out an iced tea and opened multiple other ones in front of the girls sitting on the poolside. Once they went into it, they pulled out their favorite cold drink to enjoy it and beat the heat. "Anyone seen Shoko, Himiko and Toru?"

"Shoko had a health examination today with Recovery Girl and will probably be gone for another hour." Fuyumi spoke up from the pool with Momo explaining where the other two were after.

"Himiko said something about wet nursing today at a hospital. Something about them needing a hand today with Toru saying she wanted to go with to see. She'll be back probably this afternoon."

"I see. Might as well relax and enjoy the sun then." Izuku put his head back feeling the sun's rays on his face before there was a shadow casted over him. "Whoever this is, you mind moving a smidge to the left. You're blocking the sun."

"Charming." Opening his eyes, Izuku saw Ibara standing above him with her classic stoic face and a white sundress on.

"Hey Ibara. Gonna lecture me on my life choices...again."

"Not today. I'm actually here for an offer to give you."

"And that is?" Ibara handed the papers to Izuku for him to read over a bit. "Marriage papers? Honey, you know you don't need a marriage to ride this pony-"

"I have my own reasons to do this. I am almost certain your sexual acts around the school at any given moment in the day is not helpful for everyone. As such, I had decided the best course of action is to try to detain you in a sense."

"And if I refuse?"

"Then I shall make written complaints to the school board of you doing sexual acts on school grounds during operating hours as well as with school staff and won't stop until you do or are expelled."

Now a tad irritated from the way this was described, Izuku sat up and turned to sit in front of Ibara. "That's a bitch move. You're the only one complaining to me about it and I don't see why you should go over Nezu's head just to get this done."

"Sleeping with my classmates and waking me up in the middle of the night isn't exactly something I'm happy to hear. I hope you are aware of that at least."

"Hey, you're free to join in at any given moment." Ibara held the papers up, still irritated for Izuku to get an idea. "How about I make a deal since I haven't had any fun yet today. You and I go upstairs and we have a little fun and if you can last without passing out for a few hours, then I'll sign papers that'll make you Eri's mother legally. If you can't, you drop this and you give me that holy ass whenever I want it."

"If that is what it takes to make you cease this, then I shall do it."

"Lovely." Izuku grabbed Ibara and lifted her on his shoulder. "I'll be back in a few hours. I have a deal I'm sealing with Ibara."

"Don't break the bed this time!" Fuyumi shouted before being hugged by Eri.

"No promises."

Lemon Warning

Izuku opened the door to his room and tossed Ibara on the bed. "Must you be so rough with me? I understand that you wish to do unsightly things, but that does not mean you-" Ibara was cut off by seeing Izuku drop his pants and show his throbbing erection in front of her. "HOW OBSCENE!"

"I told you that we were going to go a few rounds. Now before we do that, I wanna see how your skills in foreplay are." Ibara tried to avoid staring at Izuku with him raising an eyebrow. "What? You don't want me to sign those papers anymore? If you're gonna be my wife, the least you can do is shove my dick down your throat like Yui and Pony did last night. I wonder if they're able to go for a few rounds tonight as well."

"Grrr. Fine. All I must do is place this...thing in my mouth. Correct?"

"That's the spirit. Also, you don't have to be so angry about this. I'm trying to make sure when we do the real thing, you feel more pleasure than pain. After all, it's only satisfying if we both enjoy it."

Moving to kneel in front of Izuku's member, Ibara hesitantly grabbed it and began moving her hand slowly up and down it. "Who would enjoy such a barbaric form of coopulation?" Ibara moved her head to begin licking Izuku's tip with a little discomfort. However, she noticed something strange as the flavor swirled around her mouth. "Mint?"

"I have a quirk that can change my scent and what you taste to fit something a little more appealing to the girls. I normally go with something that avoids tasting sweat and stuff on me since it helps relax who I'm sleeping with a little." Trying to avoid enjoying the taste, Ibara continued to lick the tip of Izuku's member before placing the top of the head to her lips. Her tongue pushed to unknowingly move the opening to his urethra open to make the AFO user smile a bit. "Not a bad start, but I think you need to know what you should do." Grabbing Ibara's head, Izuku pushed his member deep into her mouth, touching the back of her throat. Her eyes went wide as the Vine quirk user felt her mouth forced open and felt a difficulty breathing. "I knew your throat was going to be tight, but this is ridiculous." Izuku moved his hips back for Ibara to breathe a bit before shoving himself back inside. The indent of his dick showed itself as Ibara began to gag. Her throat coiled around Izuku's glands as he made his way down as far as possible. Her eyes began watering with a matter of minutes feeling like an eternity.

'Can't breathe. Is he trying to suffocate me?'

"Get ready, Ibara. Cause I'm gonna cum down your throat."

'Cum? Does he mean...' Her eyes went wide as she tried to push Izuku away. However, the AFO user had a tight grip on her head and pushed himself down to the base and released down Ibara's throat. She felt his cum go down into her stomach with the abnormal warmth sending a shiver down her spine and feeling a warmth between her legs. Before she knew it, her body climaxed alongside Izuku to give a muffled shout as her eyes rolled back. Izuku pulled himself out with a little residual semen shooting inside Ibara's mouth for her to cough a little. "How dare you *pant* use me as such."

"Relax. We both enjoyed it."

"I did no such thing."

Izuku smirked while looking at Ibara as she sat back, pushing her sundress down to prevent her crotch from showing. "Oh really? Then why is my bed soaking wet right now. Look, Ibara. All you have to admit is you liked it. It's not a sin to enjoy the comfort of someone you love. Besides..." Izuku moved close to Ibara to whisper in her ear. "If you want to be my wife, you should be ready to scream your vocal cords out, cause the fun starts now."

Ibara looked down to see Izuku was still rock hard and ready to go. "Are you an incubus?"

"I can be whatever you want me to be, my dear. But one thing for certain. You'll be screaming so loud in the next few minutes that the heavens are gonna hear you." Izuku pushed Ibara back and pulled her dress up to reveal her pure white bra and panties. The latter of the two were soaking wet from her previous climax. "I really shouldn't be surprised your wardrobe is so bland. But then again, it's not a turnoff." Izuku pulled Ibara's panties down to reveal her soaking wet pussy. Just as her skin, it was barron of any blemish aside from a small patch of hair above her entrance.

"P-please don't look. It's obscene." Ibara tried to hold her hands over her entrance for it to irritate the AFO user. "It's...so unsightly."

'God this is why I hate religious fanatics. They're so overdramatic.' "Ibara. What I see isn't something obscene. I see a woman who is laying on my bed prepared to take my love. Her lower half isn't dirty, but beautiful. An untouched garden that I will be the only man able to enjoy. Now if you'll please, allow me to show you my love." Ibara looked down to see Izuku's member throbbing right next to her hands.

She slowly removed her hands from between her legs for Izuku to align himself with her entrance. "J-just please be gentle."

"I promise." Izuku began pushing himself to have Ibara's lower mouth spread open. Her body parted to take in Izuku. Once he reached her hymen though, Izuku stopped to move closer to Ibara. "This is going to hurt. You may want to prepare yourself for it." She nodded as Izuku continued to push forward. Ibara gripped his body as she felt a seething pain inside her. Once she felt a tear happen, she shrieked in pain for her grip to tighten around Izuku. "I won't move if you can't handle it."

"I-it's fine. Move slowly though." Izuku nodded before slowly pushing himself until he connected his hips with Ibara's. She looked down to see a slight bulge in her body where Izuku connected with her. "This is...marital acts?"

"Please don't call it that. Call it sex please. It sounds like I'm cheating on the other girls when I'm doing this and you say that."

"Apologies." Izuku pulled out for Ibara to feel a little relief. However, that was soon taken from her when she felt her body take Izuku in again. She felt slightly less pain and was more in a trance. As Izuku repeated this process, she felt her mind drift off and into a state of bliss. The Vine quirk user looked up at Izuku and pushed her lips onto his. He embraced this as his hips continued to move with a little more speed. Ibara began to moan in Izuku's mouth as her bra was unclipped and pulled off. She was so engrossed with Izuku that she had no care. Her nipples pressed against the AFO wielder as his hands slid down to grab her soft supple ass. This posed a yelp from Ibara as she was lifted up and placed on Izuku's lap as he sat on the edge of the bed. He began to thrust more violently inside Ibara for her womb to constantly feel him knock on her entrance. Minutes continually went by with Ibara's mind becoming mush before hearing Izuku speak up to her.

"I'm gonna cum. You want me to pull out?"

"Pweash. Inshidhe. I whant wouwre bwabwiesh." Izuku agreed to this as he bounced Ibara on his thighs faster with her moans becoming louder and louder before finally slamming her hips down with his hands and releasing everything inside. As he did this, Ibara shook in pleasure as her body felt the largest orgasm she's felt thus far. Once she finished, the Vine quirk user fell on the bed panting for air as Izuku pulled out to show a notable amount of semen forcing it's way out of Ibara.

"Not bad. You really know how to wring me out."

"Thansh." Ibara couldn't move but felt something go towards her anus to move her eyes downwards and see Izuku aligning himself with her ass.

"I wonder if your ass is just as great. Brace yourself. We're still having our bet."

'Am I doomed for hell for my decision?' Ibara thought this in fear as she held a mix of disgust and pleasure knowing this was happening to her.

Lemon End

Few hours later

After recovering from fainting, Ibara walked down towards the common space to see Izuku filling out a form. "Congratulations, Ibara. You're officially a mother." Hearing these words, Ibara looked around to the other girls to see some of her classmates.

"Starting now, none of you are going to sleep with my husband, understand?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna be the first to say that's never gonna happen." Izuku laughed this off with Ibara glaring at him.

"So you lied saying adultery was something you'd never stoop to?"

"I never said we were married."

"THEN WHAT ABOUT WHAT YOU HAD SIGNED!?" Izuku passed the form to Ibara to see it wasn't a marriage form, but a form for legal guardianship with not only her name but the girls in Izuku's harem as well. "You tricked me."

"Correction, you lead yourself to believe I was signing a marriage form. My exact words to you were 'I would sign papers to make you Eri's mother legally'. Where in that did I say I would sign marriage forms?"

"You're messed up, Izuku." Nejire pointed this out with Itsuka and Camie beside her nodding.

"So I...gave my purity to SOME RANDOM PERSON THEN!?" Ibara was fuming with anger before Izuku let out a sigh.

"Alright, I'll be honest right now since you're so uptight about it. I have full intention of marrying everyone in this room. I would never fool around with a woman if I had no intentions of making her my wife. I learned growing up that having a step father and a biological father help raise you can make things complicated."

'That and also the fact both are the leaders of opposite sides of society.' Himiko thought this as her and Shoko watched the scene go down.

"As such, I wish to make sure everyone I love enjoys a married life where nobody is put on a higher pedestal than the other. Everyone is happy. Everyone is satisfied. And I'll be honest right now, you'd benefit from having more than one woman involved in our relationship if what I signed actually was marriage forms."

"I think I did well for a first time." Everyone stopped for a second before laughing hysterically. "What's so funny?"

"Did he use his tendril quirk on you to DP you?" Momo asked while placing headphones on Eri.

"What about having a woman clone made for both her and him to take your pussy and ass?" Melissa pointed out with some satisfaction.

"How about covering you with so much cum that you'll bathe in it?" Shoko smirked at this for Ibara to stare at them all.

"So you went easy on me?"

"Had to give you a handicap. No way you would've lasted ten minutes otherwise." Izuku went into the kitchen before coming back with a water bottle. "So what's your decision on if you wanna uphold your end of the deal or not. If so, I think I could enjoy another few dozen rounds with you tonight."

Now embarrassed, Ibara let out an angered grunt. "Fine. As I promised, I shall do as you wish whenever you desire it."

"Nice. Side note, you may be ready for some fun with the other girls. Mina and Himi specifically. They love making girls scream in pleasure." Ibara turned to both girls to see them smile with a large cheshire cat grin to begin sweating.

"I've said this once, and I shall say it again. You all need Jesus."

And that finishes this chapter. So for the most part, Ibara got an Uno Reverse on her and is now part of the harem. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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