Dragons and Masks

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"I was thinking..." Cole uttered. "How come Lloyd's younger than me and he gets a girl first than I do. I mean, I don't want to be left out. I just wish Jay was out of the picture, Nya and I would have been a perfect-"

"Oh, so you still like Nya, huh? Answer me bulky!" Jay hollers. "Well I'm sorry but maybe she isn't the 'one' for you, but well at least don't interfere with our relationship because it's already official, Nya chose me and that's the end of it."

"Well, the match maker thingy said I was the right one for her!"

"There's nothing that can predict your future, Cole!"

"Oh please, what about that ice thing? Wasn't that a prediction?"

"I thought we settled this already? Kai joins in. "Stop, I'm the brother here, so I say you two stop."

"Everyone, look!" Zane called out as a swarm of dragons flew towards their direction.

"Uh oh...are we in trouble?" Jay nervously asked.

"Uh, isn't it obvious freckles, of course we are!" Cole shrieked.

"Cole, get Master Wu to a safe place." Kai said. "We'll handle these dragons."

"Come on Wu." Cole said as he pulls Wu away to a safe place.

"It's Tommy!" Wu said.


After sitting there for quite a while, Lloyd went down stairs and noticed the others were still awake and were talking.

"Sons of Garmadon...could it be just Kids of Garmadon. Their leader is a girl, a princess. Come on, is their leader a tomboy or something?" Ash said.

"Uh...no." Nya said. "She even made Lloyd-"

Lloyd quickly interrupted Nya. "H-hey, remember that...that thing Dareth said when we first arrived at his dojo?" Lloyd cuts off, hoping they would stop talking about Harumi.

"I dareth you?" Dareth said.

Lloyd forced a laughed and place his hand on Dareth's shoulder. "Man, you are funny!"

They looked at him, confused either he doesn't want to talk about Harumi, or he just want to feel comfortable.

"Okay..." Skylor walked away to the balcony, pretending to guard.

Nya stared at her and she felt something wrong with Skylor.

"Wow Kai... I see your in a better place now..." Skylor said. "Come on...why do you have to disappear so soon...I never had to spend time with you...you did so many good things...I chose to do...so, so many mistakes...now...I wasn't there for you... I wish I could've done enough!" Skylor sobs as Nya approaches her.

"We all miss them..." Nya said. "I have to be honest though... I really miss Cole singing Glowworm. He has some good singing voice, really. And Jay...I miss his gags."

"Well at least we have each other..." Skylor said as she rests her hand on Nya's shoulder. They hugged and started to guard again.

Lloyd saw them and he was pretty sad that Harumi wasn't like them. "Why do you want revenge so much, Harumi? You are literally one of the most lucky people I know...I just don't know why you are so...vile...I wish you were just like them, you know, good..." He thought.

"Lloyd, we have a problem...." Misako said.


Garmadon called for Harumi once more.

"My Lord... You have called for my presence, how may I serve you?"

"My child... I have been putting this idea aside for such a long time now... but now it's time for you to help me."


At the palace, the place was set up for this very night. It was the power out for Harumi and the others. They were ordered to give away their powers to Garmadon, in high hopes to get it back after the defeat of Lloyd. Little do they know that they will soon meet their fate.

"Garmadon! Garmadon! Garmadon!" Howled the Sons of Garmadon.

Garmadon was sitting on his throne. He was waiting for Harumi and the others to be ready for the ceremony.

"Garmadon! Garmadon! Garmadon!" Howled the Sons of Garmadon.

"Silence!" Garmadon said. "It's time..."

They doors flushed opened as Harumi, Ultra Violet, Killow, and Mr. E walked up towards him. Harumi together with Ultra Violet and Killow, placed the masks on the marked spots on the floor. They stepped back as Garmadon walked to the middle of the masks and raised his hands. "The power of the Oni masks! I take your power! You will be a part of me in this upcoming war!" Upon this words, beams of energy blasted from the mask to Garmadon. The transfusion was starting. "From your petty little wooden cages, I break you free and you shall be a part of me!" The blast became thicker and thicker until the transfusion was complete. The masks no longer had power. It was already in Garmadon. After all the smoke disappeared, there was Garmadon...still looking devilish, but now with...six arms? They all bowed down before him as he walks around them. "Now...the Ninja won't stand a chance..." He laughs maniacally with Harumi.

"To Garmadon!" Harumi shouted.

"To Garmadon!" They shouted back.

"Very well father...it's time to face that Ninja..."

"Not now...we'll give him some time...TO RETREAT!" Garmadon laughs hysterically with Harumi. "He won't stand a chance."

"Not even facing you, father. He is, apparently, just scared to hurt his own daddy." Harumi imitates. "Dad, it's me. Blah blah blah, that Lloyd is never going to win."


Harumi smirks and bows before Garmadon, making her move to leave. She turns around and approaches UV. "Go ahead and tell the whole Ninjago that we are going to rage war on the green ninja and his pesky little friends..."

"As you wish..."

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