The Spy

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"What's wrong?" Lloyd asks Misako.

"We just heard that Garmadon is going to attack us. Lloyd, we can't allow this...the people, they will be hurt."

"Nya! Get all the masters on the table, it's time to discuss our attack." Lloyd said as Nya nods.

"Okay everyone! Let's gather up!" Nya said as they gathered by the table.

"We just received news that the Sons of Garmadon are preparing to attack us. If we don't make a move, we'll be in big trouble." Lloyd said. "Garmadon has conquered the whole Ninjago City and the nearby towns, and if he succeed at taking over the whole Ninjago...we'll be doomed. So we have to discuss about this as soon as possible, in fact, let's talk about this right now."


"So...who is their leader?" Tox asks.

Hearing this, Lloyd didn't feel like talking about Harumi, but he needs to answer the question. He looked down as he muscled up. "It's the Jade Princess...Harumi..."

"Not to mention Lloyd's ex."

Nya elbows Dareth's stomach as he screams in pain. "He means Lloyd's excellent mentor in...uh..."

"Charity Giving?" Skylor clothes.

"Yeah, Charity."

"Well, she gives away food to the poor, but she never let go of her hatred against us ninjas. Yeah, really excellent...excellent at making people feel bad, making people's lives miserable,and making me look like a FOOL!" Lloyd shouts while the others stared at him.

"You have issues man." Tox said.

"Look, Lord Garmadon conquered Ninjago City and I lost all my powers. My friends are all dead but a ninja never quits, so I will fight! We have to do everything we can to defeat Garmadon, and save Ninjago City." Lloyd said.

"What about that 'Harumi', are we going to kill her too?" Shade asks.

"I'm...still thinking about it..." Lloyd said. "Okay, Stop! We'll just talk about a way to defeat Garmadon...a plan..."

"How? He's basically a strong being now, especially that he has that power he used against you." Nuero said. "Are you sure you're going to defeat him?"

"Don't underestimate him..."Misako said.


"Ugh! Why did the Quiet One surrendered her powers to the Emperor." A Sons of Garmadon member said from down below the street.

"She said that he'll just return it afterwards. What a good warlord." Said his companion.

"Idiot!" He's not going to return it! He's a warlord, a villain. Nobody expects a bad guy to simply ask for power and return it right away. What is this? A kid's show?"

Lloyd aims his head to the two as Nya and Skylor went down and strangled the men. They tied them up and taped their mouths shut since there were still more Sons of Garmadon nearby. After thirty minutes passed by, Lloyd approached the men and untaped mouths.

"Well, isn't it the scared Ninja who terribly fell in love with our fearless leader. You barely had a connection." The first guard said. "Quite a surprise to see you. What? You'll asks about her? Sorry we ain't talking."

Lloyd's temper rose, he was quaking. "I'm not interested in her daily activities, I'm not in love with her, and yes, we don't even have a connection because there was never us and she only used me for those stupid Oni masks!"

"Cool down, you're not even her type." Said the other.


"I'll take it from here." Skylor said.

The men looked at Skylor, surprised and afraid. Nya noticed it, but she didn't mind after. They might be just scared because Skylor was Chen's daughter. They might've heard about her and her father. Skylor approached them and gave them a flare. "What are you two doing here?" She asked.

The first guard elbowed the second as they start shaking. "Uh...the-the Quiet One sent us to gu-guard the st-streets..."

"Really?" Skylor said. "Don't worry Lloyd, I'll deal with these trash."


"Shut up and go!" Skylor whispers to them secretly as she pushes them to the elevated space on the roof.

"Miss Chen...we didn't know you were here." The second guard said.

"Of course not, Harumi doesn't tell any whimps about where I go." Skylor said as she shove his head. "I better get you outta here, Lloyd might find out I'm the spy and we'll be doomed. Hurry, pretend to knock me out."

The two nodded as they pretended to kick and punch her while she plays along. They then made their escape and left Skylor, pretending to be weak.

"Skylor!" Lloyd shrieks. "What happened?"

"Th-they...knocked me out..." Skylor said as she pretends to be half dead.

"Skylor has become weaker and weaker...there must be something that Harumi did to her..." Nya said.

"No...I think I'm just breaking down since..." Skylor sobs.

"Oh..." Nya quotes. "Let's just get you some fresh air..."

"Do you think there's something suspicious about Chen's daughter?" Neuro asked Lloyd.

"I don't know...but I think she might be into something..." Said Lloyd,

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