Just forget about Her

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Harumi woke up and saw her hand was gloveless. She felt her forehead was moist as if she was being kissed. She shakes her head and stands up. She suddenly remembers that Garmadon has left and returned to the castle. Harumi quickly made a run back to the palace.

Lloyd went back down with a blushing face. Nya noticed it and gets curious. "So...what did you find?"

"Uh...nothing.." He hides his face as he walks past her.

"Oh come on, why are you suddenly getting red?"

Lloyd sighed and looks at her and scratches his head nervously. "Uh...I saw Harumi..."

"Oh..." Nya smirks. "Did you make her kiss you?"

"Look, we're not suppose to be talking about this, let's just help the people." Lloyd said as he walks away.

"It's totally not nothing." Skylor whispered to Nya.

"Totally." Nya whispered back

"Okay you two, let's go." Misako said as she pushes them as they laugh.


"WHERE IS HARUMI!" Garmadon shrieked.

"Uh...Emperor, she left to do somehing...uh...at the forest..." Ultra Violet lied.

Garmadon calmed down and looked at her. "Hm, very well..."

Harumi arrived and his behind a wall. She climbs up secretly to her room and quickly changes to a brown jacket, black jeans, and let's her hair flow off. She repaints her mask and jumps off to the ground and runs to the forest. After she ran not so much of a distance, she walked back, pretending that she was just returning back.

The guards saw her and quickly ran to her. "Quiet One!" The guards shrieked.

"Father wants to see me, yes I know." She said as she gets inside and kneels down on one knee.

"Harumi, how was the forest?" Garmadon asks.

"The...forest was terrible...there were too many..." She paused and remembers the Strangler's Path which she saved Lloyd from being eaten by a tree. "Man eating trees..."

"Oh well, someone has sabotage my wicked plan of destroying the ninja..." Garmadon said.

Harumi gulped nervously and she sweats hard. "That...sounds very displeasing, my lord."

"Exactly, that's why I want you to get to the bottom of it." He said with no clue that it was Harumi who did it.

"Well, the powers of the masks?" Harumi asks.

"They shall stay with in me for now, of course you wouldn't mind...unless you're planning something against me..."

"No! I would never."

"Of course you won't... You may go. Just make sure you don't get too fed up..."

Harumi sighed in relief and stands up and bows down. "You have my word father..." She gets out as Ultra Violet waited for her.

"The masks?" Ultra Violet asked.

"It seems he wants to keep their power..." Harumi said.

"What, no!"

"Look, we should just leave him be, besides, I think I have a plan to lure the ninja..."

"What is it?"


Lloyd was sitting down on a corner while he stares at the picture of Harumi on her father's back. "If I knew you were the Quiet One sooner than we met, I would still fall for your acts...I-I d-don't know why...you just seem too good to be a bad person somehow...why am I see these things so different.." He sighs and hides the picture.

"I wonder where did you get that..." Nya asked behind him while Skylor was beside her.

"Uh...I..." Lloyd sighed and at her. "I found it by the medical center by the square..."

"Well, that's kinda new... How long did you keep that?" Nya asks.

"As long as I feel like I could punch her face..." He lied.

"Well, I see you still care about her." Skykor said. "You know, somehow I feel if she didn't lose her parents, none of this could've happen, you would literally get a chance with her. You know, stuff. And the others would never have died if the Devourer was never freed and killed her parents. This isn't her fault..."

Lloyd's face turned angry. "She was the reason why she's like this. She believed that my father was the one who saved all Ninjago from the Devourer. The ninjas were never there to save her parents. THIS WAS NEVER HARUMI'S FAULT! THIS WAS NEVER MY FATHER'S FAULT! THIS WAS YOUR BOYFRIEND AND HIS STUPID GANG OF NINJAS' FAULT! THEY WERE NEVER THERE TO SAVE HER PARENTS!"

"LLOYD!" Misako scolds him.

Lloyd calms down and feels embarrassed. "I'm...so sorry..."

Nya leans down and pats his shoulder, what he said about Kai and the others made her feel so sad, but it was obvious he was just taken away with his emotions. "Hey, it's fine, you're still way off younger to experience this things, and yet, you're here. You saved so many people, you sacrificed your childhood for your friends, you chose to be a ninja, the Green Ninja. Lloyd, be strong and don't let one girl get in your way..."

"And I'm sorry I said that, sometimes my father's side just pop out and takes control of what I say."

Skylor looked at him. "Look, I understand you are having a rough time right now, but it's wiser to just forget about her. Even how hard you shout it to the world how much you love her, she could just reject you and make you feel like a fool. We're concern about you, especially that you're the youngest and yet you're the one who's having a rough life. Even if how hard she pushes you away, we'll always be there by your side always."

Lloyd felt enlightened a bit and smiles. "Thank you..." He hugs them. "I'll always know who to talk to about this things."

"You're welcome Lloyd." They said.

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