The Dangerous-in-Distress

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After Harumi and Ultra Violet had a discussion, Harumi went back inside and kneeled down. "Father, I have a new plan to lure the ninja."

"Very well, tell me this...plan of yours." Garmadon said.

Harumi stands up and takes a deep breath. "I will pretend to be an ally of the ninja."

Garmadon was shock and gave her a flare. "An ally? What if you suddenly become one for real?"

"That...that would never happen, I swear, I started this chaos so that I can get back at his pesky ninja friends for killing my parents."

"Well, I hate to recall it, but didn't he show affection to you?"

Harumi looks down and sighs. "Y-yes...but I will never feel the same way! I am a determinant person, a person who is determine I can take back everything he took from me! His friends were never there to save my parents, but you were there, you destroyed the Devourer..."

Garmadon leans back at his throne and stays calm. "Very well, do whatever you want, just make sure the ninja is under our feet as soon as possible."

"Y-yes father..." She left the palace with a sigh and leans at the wall.

"Should I tell the spy?" Ultra Violet asked.

"Go ahead, tell her, also tell her to bring the ninja to an open spot." Harumi said.

Ultra Violet nods and runs to the phone as Killow approaches Harumi.

"Killow, good you're here, go get Mr. E, and come with me. I have set up you two for a mission..."


"Wait, we need to find your father's locket?" Lloyd asked while Skylor pushes him.

"It's, a serpent...locket...come on, let's go!" Skylor pushes him out as Nya follows.

"This looks freaky..." Nya said.

"Well it's certainly some messed up-"

"Well, you aren't too tough now since that mask of yours is gone." Killow said as he punches Harumi behind a wall.

Harumi stands up and charges him with her katana. "AAAAHHHHH!!!!" Killow punches her as Mr. E tasers her.

"Lloyd!" Nya called behind a wall. "Look!" Lloyd rushed beside Nya and peeked behind. He saw Harumi was very hurt, but she kept fighting them

"You...have..." Harumi breathes in heavily. "You have no idea... HOW MUCH I SACRIFICED FOR YOU ALL." She runs to them but Killow hits her with his mallet and she flew to the wall. She hit the wall hard and she was knocked out unconscious. Lloyd quickly got tensed and attacked Killow, Mr. E tasers him. Lloyd somehow took in the energy of the voltage and pushed Mr. E away. Killow ran to Lloyd and attempts to struck him with his mallet. Lloyd dodges and he jumps up and kicks his face. Lloyd then quickly rushed to Harumi and tries to wake her up. Killow and Mr. E got up and creeper behind Lloyd. Nya and Skylor ran in and distracted them while Lloyd shoulders Harumi and runs to the trapdoor while Killow backs out.

"Come on! Leave em'!" Killow howled as Mr. E jumps in his motorbike and rides back.

Nya and Skylor ran back to help Lloyd. The carried Harumi back to the hideout with Nya getting worried about Harumi. They rested her on a bed and wrap some bandages on her wounds. Lloyd watched grievously as they clean her up and bound her head with a big steamed cloth.

"Well, I guess that's it." Nya puts the towel down as they left Harumi with Lloyd.

"Are you sure she'll be fine?" Skylor asks Nya.

"Of course she will, she's literally the one who started this haywire, wouldn't you not expect her to." Nya said as she continues walking while Skylor pauses and thinks.

"What does she mean..."

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