Get To Know The Cats

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*these are all of my OCs, except Raccoonpaw is my cat as a wild cat XD*

Gender: she-cat
Personality: jealous, gossipy, good mother though
Rank: warrior/queen (alternates)
Intro: "Hello, I'm Whitemist. Do
anything that interferes with my life, and you'll be ripped to shreds!"
Snowstar: "Whitemist, be a little friendlier with our guests, will you?"
Whitemist: *scoffs*

Gender: tom
Personality: sweet, funny, not shy or popular, just normal, caring, loving
Rank: warrior
Intro: "Hello, I am Foxspring. I am called Foxspring because I can leap really high, higher than my Clanmates! You are welcome here any time!"
Snowstar: "Thank you, Foxspring!" *looks at Whitemist* "That is what your intro should've been like, Whitemist."
Whitemist: *glares at and hisses*

Gender: she-cat
Personality: sweet, loyal, fierce
Rank: warrior
Intro: "Hello, I am Whitepetal. I am the exact opposite of my sis, Whitemist. I have never had kits, but I do have a little bit of a crush on... Uh, never mind." *blushes*

Gender: tom
Personality: not too nice but not to mean, neutral, a little rough around the edges, but can be a little soft when you get to know him
Rank: warrior
Intro: "I'm Brackenwhisker, hi. I am called my name because I have thick and notable whiskers, and it really just suits me. I am also noted for my fighting skills, although I am not a great hunter. I do not want kits, they are just plain annoying to me. Just stay out of trouble, alright? Other than that, nice day."

Gender: she-cat
Personality: stubborn, ambitious, loyal, fierce, natural leader, know-it-all
Rank: Deputy
Intro: "I am Leopardheart, one of the best warriors DaffodilClan has. I will be the best leader when Snowstar has passed. For now, I am a severely loyal deputy, with the best wits and the most intelligent mind. Just don't cause any trouble, or else... And I don't want ANY kits." quietly growls*
Snowstar: "Do you at least have a crush." *winks*
Leopardheart: "Well uh, maybe Bracken-" *slaps paw over mouth* O.o "YOu!"
Brackenwhisker: *didn't hear anything* looking at Leopardheart dreamily.*

Gender: tom
Personality: loyal till the end, good friend, friendly, a bit overprotective, which gets cats mad at him sometimes
Rank: senior warrior
Intro: "Hello, I'm Grayleap, Whitemist's mate. Truly, Whitemist is a  great cat. I am just helping her to calm her temper and jealousy. I can hop almost as high as Foxspring, just not quite there."
Whitemist: *blushes* "You are so kind, Grayleap."
Grayleap: *touches noses with Whitemist*

Gender: she-cat
Personality: popular, spoiled, stubborn, extrovert, jealous
Rank: apprentice
Intro: "Hi, I'm Goldenpaw, because of my gorgeous ginger fur. All of the toms think I am beautiful, and they wouldn't be wrong there!" *stalks by, waving tail in your face*

Gender: tom
Personality: shy, introvert, isn't too excited about being a warrior
Rank: apprentice
Intro: "H-hi, I am Owlpaw. I really have nothing to say about my life. I just don't really want to be a w-warrior. They asked if I wanted to the the medicine cat's apprentice, but that seems a little-uh, overwhelming. They say I don't have a choice, but-but I might do." *scratches back of head with back paw*
Snowstar: "C'mon, Owlpaw! You will be great if you just put some effort in!"
Owlpaw: ... *Looks down*

Gender: she-cat
Personality: nice, caring, loyal friend, understanding, can stand up for herself, not an introvert or an extrovert.
Rank: apprentice
Intro: "Hello! I'm Sandpaw, an apprentice of DaffodilClan. If you ever need to talk to anybody, just ask me!"

Gender: she-cat
Personality: funny, loyal, fierce, sharp tongue, teasingly playful, stubborn at times, devoted to things she really wants or has
Rank: apprentice
Intro: Hello, I'm Sedgepaw. You must be the new guest! Nice to meet you! So have you met most of the others? Have you met Goldenpaw? A real pain in the hindquarters, let's say. She'll tell you the toms think she is beautiful, but that doesn't mean they like her."

Gender: tom
Personality: mischevious, proud, funny, extrovert
Rank: kit
Intro: "I'm Mudkit! I'm going to be the cleverest and strongest warrior ever! I am good at setting traps, so I can trap enemy warriors! But for now, I like to use my skills to prank my littermates!"

Gender: Tom
Personality: sweet, playful, stubborn
Rank: apprentice
Intro: "Oh, hi, I'm Raccoonpaw. I was named that because of my raccoon-like tail! Wanna play? Or are you just meeting us? Darn, I wish you could stay."

Gender:  tom
Personality: sweet, playful
Rank: kit
Intro: "Oh, hewo, you must be da new visitow. I'm Toadkit, the youngest kit in the nuwsewy, but don't judge me by mwy age and size! I wiwl be the stwongest wawwior anybody has evow seen!"
Goldenpaw: "Ugh! The way he talks in ANNOYING!"
Snowstar: "He'll learn, Goldenpaw. He is just a kit. His grammar will get better."
Goldenpaw: *scoffs*
Snowstar: *whispers* "Just like her mother..."

Gender: tom
Personality: jumpy, nice, shy
Intro: "Hi, I'm Gorsekit. I don't strive to be the best warrior ever, just a warrior. I'll leave the best warrior thing up to Toadkit... Anyway, that is me. :)"
Mudkit: *sneaks up behind Gorsrkit* "ISHDHSNGXKQLSkxbdnlwkNskJDKEJZKWJSHJSBSJEBSNITSHELL"
Gorsekit: "AHHHH!!" *jumps twelve feet in the air* "MUDKIT!!!!" *slaps Mudkit*
To be continued....

Gender: she-cat
Personality: shy, introvert, jumpy, scared
Rank: kit
Intro: "Hi. Uh, there isn't much to say about me. I really don't play with the others. I'm the runt. I don't want Mudkit to scare me... I can't do it!" *sobs*

Gender: tom
Personality: rough, tough, insensitive
Rank: elder
Intro: *as he walks towards you, his fur bristles and he rears up. He hisses.* "Who is this trespasser? Eh, don't worry, Snowy. I'll handle em!"
Snowstar: "No! This is the person I was talking to you about."
Bobtail: "Do you really expect meh to share my personal info with these-rouges?!"
Snowstar: "Bobtail, don't be difficult. Leader's orders. That includes you, Bobtail."
Bobtail: "UGH! If you insist... I am one of the elders of DaffodilClan. I used to be a rouge until Snowstar found mah and told me bout this Clan she was creatin. She took me to the beautiful field of daffodils we live at today. Now, get lost, rouge!!" *spits at you*
Snowstar: *sighs* "Don't worry. He is like that with every newcomer. And everyone..."

Gender: she-cat
Personality: sweet, gentle, loving, kind, understanding, grandmotherly
Rank: elder
Intro: "Oh, hello dear!" Wh-who are you? Oh, that doesn't matter. Have you met the others? My mate is Bobtail. He is very loyal to his Clan, although he has gotten a bit grumpy! I'm the only one who can get to his soft side! Don't let him scare you, dears. Bye!"
Snowstar: "I see her as a grandmother." *sighs, staring after her*

Gender: tom
Personality: neutral, a little moody sometimes
Rank: Medicine cat
Intro: "Oh, hello, wasn't expecting a visitor today." *narrows eyes at Snowstar.*
Snowstar: "Uh, hehe..."
Ripplestorm: "Anyways, I'm Ripplestorm. If you don't bother me, I won't bother you. That is how I roll. I am the Clan's medicine cat."

Gender: she-cat
Personality: caring, funny, good friend, nice, stubborn, strives to get to her goal or something she really wants
Rank: leader
Intro: "Last but not least, meeeee!!" *clapping and cheering in the background*
Leopardheart: "Do you hear Twolegs?"
Snowstar: "I am Snowstar, leader of DaffodilClan, and the founder of DaffodilClan. I have added a rule to OUR Warrior Code: NEVER... EAT... RETILES!!!!!!!"
Leopardheart: ...
Snowstar: "LIZARDS ARE AWESOME! Oh, and I am blurry in one eye. My left eye, or the eye to the right on the picture, lets say, is a wee bit blurry." *walks into a pole* "WHO PUT THAT THERE?" (notice the eye on the picture is fuzzier looking than the other one)
(my left eye is actually a little blurry)

NOTE: this Clan is not a silly joke. I just like over-exaggerating for the lols XD

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