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Camp: a little clearing in a field of daffodils. One side of the clearing is dug up dens for the warriors filled with moss, and the other side is the same, only for apprentices. The medicine cat den is another clearing next to the main one. Go through some more daffodils to get to it. Herbs are played in stacks on the ground. There are scattered dug up dens, one big one all by itself for the medicine cat. The nursery is one big den that can fit at least three pregnant queens. The leaders den is an abandoned fox den, dug out long ago. It is a tunnel that lead to one big room. There is no stump or rock to address the Clan at, so the leader usually stands outside of his/her den instead.

Outside Camp:
Murky Lake: a swamp-like lake at the beginning of the territory. Has tall grass thriving.

Duck Lake: a lake where ducks like to go, specifically at Greenleaf. Not as murky as Murky Lake. An ideal spot to catch small fish and ducks.

Big Creek: a few creeks are scattered around the territory, but this is the biggest creek around. It is a good sized dip in the ground. Next to it is a huge fallen tree. It has sand around it as well, but it is a little walk away to get it for dens. Nobody wants to store sand in their mouths!

Place-of-no-Daffodils: a huge clearing next to the woods with a fallen dead tree. Legend has it that the cat that was 'supposed' to be the founder of DaffodilClan went to explore it, and he NEVER returned, thus, the tree falling.

The rest of the territory consists of large fields of daffodils and scattered trees and creeks.

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