Bertayal Pt.2

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(Thx to SnowieChan2811 for title suggestions)

~Kokichi's POV~

"You're worthless! Ha! and to ever think Shuichi would like someone like you," Akamatsu said. She kept her promise about not hurting anybody else, but started to bully me very often. "What do you want, Akamatsu?" I asked.

"Don't think I didn't catch you staring at my boyfriend earlier today," she said, kicking my side.

"You're being a bit over protective, don't you think? I did what you wanted... I stopped talking to him..."

That didn't rub her the right way. "You think you can speak to me that way? Y'know... Rantaro might not be able to come to school tomorrow if you keep it up," She said. When she threatened to do things like that, I shut up. "That's what I thought." I always wondered what happened to her. We were in the same friend group and she seemed really nice, I even thought she was helping me out for a little while. It would be hard for anyone who knows her to think she'd be this way, but I guess you just can't really trust anyone. 

"Don't you tell a soul about this," Akamatsu said, I knew what was going to happen next.

~Time Skip~

It had only been about two weeks since I stopped talking to Saihara, and these were the worst two weeks of my entire life. I tried to get over how I felt about him, but unfortunately, it isn't that easy. Akamatsu was attached to him every chance she got. She acted so sweet and kind, and the way he looked at her... I admit, I'm jealous. I'd often think of ways to try and expose Akamatsu as her true self, but I'd always be reminded of how happy Saihara looked with her, and I know it would break his heart. 

I thought he was doing fine without me. That is, until Rantaro came up to me today.

"Hey, Kokichi!" He said. He hadn't really talked to me since He's always with Saihara and Akamatsu, and I didn't expect he ever would.

"Um, Hi, Rantaro. Long time no talk," I said, with a playful grin.

"Seriously," he laughed. "Speaking of which... why have you stopped talking to us? I remembered you saying something to Akamatsu a few weeks ago, then never talking to us since," he face grew a bit more serious and concerned.

 This was a question I was dreading to answer. I couldn't exactly tell him the truth. "It's... a long story."

"I have time to hear it," Rantaro said in a stern tone.

"Really, It's stupid," I said, trying to leave the classroom.

I guess in order to try and keep me from running away, he said this, "Shuichi really misses you, y'know. He thinks it's his fault." I stopped moving. I felt really bad that he felt that way when he shouldn't! It wasn't something he did, it was fucking Akamatsu!

I took a deep breath, "really..."

Rantaro nodded, "Yeah, he keeps telling us he wants to try and talk with you, but Kaede keeps telling him not to worry about it. She really is nice, but I don't think she realizes how stressed it's making him, not being able to talk to you."

This was definitely news to me. I thought he had just forgotten about me and continued with his life, but... he was actually stressing out over me... which isn't much better. 

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked. (Im being honest, IM WORKING WITH A THIRD OF WHAT OUR  CONGRESS HAS PROMISED! im sorry.)

"Shuichi is my friend too, I'm really worried about him. Can you do me a favor, and talk to him?" he answered.

I wanted to, I really wanted to, but someone could get hurt and I don't want to be the one responsible, and it would be terrible if the one who did was Rantaro. I simply nodded my head, but it was a lie.

I exited the classroom and tried to find a place to hide, but she always found me. Akamtsu had made it routine to meet with me before she met with Saihara.

"Hey, Ouma, I just want to give you you're daily reminder to leave Shuichi alone!" She playfully laughed. This would be fun.

~Shuichi's POV~

I was sitting alone with Kaede resting on my shoulder. I had a lot on my mind, and I new that she'd always listen to me. "Kaede, I know this may seem a little repetitive of me, but I'm really worried that I might've hurt Kokichi..."

She sat up and faced me towards her, "Oh, Shuichi! You worry too much! You shouldn't even care about someone who abandoned you like that," She said.

"But I just can't stop worrying about it... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew I did something that bad..."

Kaede rolled her eyes and smiled, "Shuichi, he's a terrible human being for making you feel this way. Just ignore tose thoughts, you don't need him. You have me."

I appreciated that she was trying to help me calm down, but the things she was saying, wasn't like her. "Kokichi isn't a terrible person! He's actually was pretty nice to me, and he's so funny and easy to talk to, he used to always listen to me, there was never a boring moment when he was around, and he's just so cu-" I stopped myself when I realized  what I was saying. Kaede looked at me with a very annoyed expression. "S-sorry for rambling..." I said quickly.

"Well, I just think you need to stop thinking of him! You describe him like you two are dating, y'know," she said in a bitter tone. 

I blushed in what I thought was embarrassment andquickly said, "No, no! It's not like that!"

She smiled and quickly kissed me, "I know. I just love you a lot. I hate to see you worry! So just stop thinking of him, pretend he doesn't exist."

I hated not listening to her, but I couldn't get him out of my head and caught myself thinking about him for the rest of the day. Maybe I really do worry too much, or maybe... it's something else.

Kaede and I walked home together, and as soon as I got home I took out my phone. I went to messages. I Spent what felt like years debating whether or not to text Kokichi. I was writing, and rewriting messages until I finally just held my breath and sent something. 

~Kokichi's POV~

When I got home, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out to see something I so wanted to see, but at the same time, I didn't.

Saihara-Chan:  Hey, Kokichi. 

I didn't know if I should respond or not, but ended up doing so. Akamatsu wouldn't know that we texted, right?

Kokichi: Hey

Saihara-Chan: I didn't think you'd respond! Let me get straight to the point though, why have you been avoiding us?

I knew  he'd ask, so again I'd have to avoid the question, because if I told him a lie, he'd try to solve a fake problem.

Kokichi: Nishishi, I can't say, buuuuut, I want you to know it isn't you're fault!

Saihara-Chan: How did you know I thought it was?

Kokichi: Rantaro came and talked to me earlier :P I felt really bad about you feeling that way.

Saihara-Chan: I told him he shouldn't get involved! But I do appreciate him doing that for me.

I ended up losing track of time, and we talked much longer than we should have. That's when I realized though, I couldn't let Akamatsu have her way any longer. Even if it broke Saihara's  heart, he deserved to be with someone who didn't hurt others, even if that person wasn't me.

The next day at school, I planned on telling Rantaro and seeing if he could help. I met up with him during lunch period, but something was off.

"Hey Rantaro, You ok?" I asked. He just smiled and nodded his head, but he seemed to be in pain.

"Well, Akamatsu isn't exactly how she seems. I'm sorry for not telling you, but this is important now, and I want to prevent anyone else from getting hurt,"

Rantaro sighed, "well that's a relief, you know about her too?"

"Wait, what?"

"yeah, I know she isn't the sweet little angel she makes herself out to be..."

That's when she came behind us, alone. "I heard you were talking shit about me."

we jumped and turned around to see her smiling, innocently. "I'd like to speak to you, Ouma. You know not to argue."

Rantaro looked at me with a look of pure terror and I could tell he felt sorry for me. He was about to say something, when I nodded my head in agreement. "Don't do anything," I whispered to him.

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me outside, clearly angry. "WHAT THE HELL DID I SAY ABOUT TALKING TO SHUICHI?!?!" she yelled, pushing me to the floor. I really fucked up this time.

I said nothing. "Y'know, I almost KILLED Rantaro this morning because of what you did! I'm glad I check Shuichi's phone."

"You, what?" I had thought Saihara had just told her about the conversation, but she checked his phone? "He deserves to have privacy!"

She began to kick me, "obviously not! He was talking to you, even though I said he shouldn't!!"

She continued to beat me, and lower my self esteem, when something unexpected happened. "What's... Going on here?"

Akamatsu turned around instantly, having being caught, even worse... The person who caught her.

"K-Kaede? What are you doing to Kokichi?!" Saihara said, getting angry.

Akamatsu ran up to him, "Shu-Shuichi... It's... Not... What it looks like?" She said, it sounding more like a question. She attempted to put her arms around him, but he walked past her. He walked over to me, and helped me up.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?!" Saihara said in a worried tone.

Then I strayed to do something I wanted to do, but didn't allow myself to. Cry. "She-She threatened to hurt Rantaro, or others, and it just wasn't worth it. Yeah I know I can be kinda mean, but I'd never want others to get hurt because of my own selfish reasons."

"K-Kokichi..." Then he turned around to face Akamatsu, "You... You really threatened to do that Kaede? What... What happened to you?"

"Ouma had a crush on you, ok?! I didn't want to risk you leaving me for him, I didn't want to risk not having you!" She explained. I felt betrayed once again. Well, now he knows that I like him. I nervously looked up at Saihara, but he just looked angry and confused.

"I hope you know, we're done," Saihara said to Akamatsu, "Oh, and while you're still here..." He then grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a kiss.

Akamatsu stormed off, as I kissed back. "Well you got over her fast."

Saihara shook his head, "don't get me wrong... It still kinda hurts, but she was invading my privacy and being really controlling, now I figure out she's been hurting you? I wouldn't want to be with someone like that."

I smiled, and hugged him tight. Then a thought came to my mind, "Fuck! I totally forgot about my plan! No one's gonna believe me if I just say 'Akamatsu's Bullying meeeee!'"

Saihara then pulled out his phone, "well... I recorded some of it... That's evidence of what she did..."

"Seriously? You're a fucking genius! Thank you thank you thank you!"

Saihara started to giggle a little bit. We walked back together, catching up and being friends again. Hopefully sooner or later, a little more than that.

A/N: So a few people wanted a part 2, and I also thought it needed a happy ending so I did it! I'm not suuuuuper happy with how it came out though, but this was my third time rewriting it and it was just taking too long so I kept it at this. It's not terrible in my opinion though, just not exactly what I wanted. I hope you enjoyed reading and sorry it took so long!

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