Rantaro x Chair

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(So LitVampires a while ago said she wanted to see someone write a rantaro x chair... So here we are)

Rantaro was getting ready to do his promo piC. He was getting prepared, by making sure no one would realized he used fAke eyelashes.

"Ok, It's time, sir." A random guy said.

Rantaro walked out, and he saw... The most beautiful thing in existence.

"Okay, so we are going to have to have you sit backwards in that chair," A person said. Rantaro couldn't stop staring at it's beauty. It was just... So hawt. It had long silver legs and a nice chest. He was going to have to... Sit on it, which made him blush.

"O-okay..." He said. He slowly placed himself on the chair, sitting backwards. He was a blushing mess, but this felt so right to him. Like him and this chair were meant to be.

After the promo pics we're taken, Rantaro was alone, with the chair.

"S-so it's just you and me... " He said, walking up to the chair, blushing.

The chair gave a silence, a silence that said, "are you a rapist"

"Wh-what? N-no, I swear I'm a good guy!" He was getting nervous, he was just asked by his crush if he was a rapist. "B-but, you are looking fine, tonight!"

The silence was the type of silence that said, "it's 10:00am"

"Wow, it really dose have some sass, I like it!" Rantaro thought. He sat next to the chair, and started staring into its non existent eyes. "I've never seen a more beautiful chair in my entire life," Rantaro said.

Rantaro began talking to the chair. Everyone thought Rantaro was just some Gucci wearing rich kid who was arrogant and dumb like Togami, but he was actually a person who wanted to travel the world and find his missing sisters.

The chair was surprisingly a really good listener. Rantaro started to cry because no one had ever listened to him like this chair had, he hugged the chair tight.

I guess this really turned the chair on, because 0.8754 seconds later, they were making out.

Rantaro slowly ran his hand up and down the back of the chair. It wasn't doing anything, but at the same time it was doing so much.

Rantaro kissed the chair on its silvery legs, that were so beautiful as they shOne in the light.

His necklace then... Fell off. That gave him an idea.

He looked at the chair, "are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He whispered.

The silence said "of course~"

Rantaro smirked, he slowly started to take off his shirt. He grabbed the chair and placed it on his chest. He started to unbutton his pants when... A mage appeared.

"Nyeh, sorry to bother you," She said, "but that chair was a test subject in one of my magic spells! I'll need to turn it back to human now."

Rantaro's heart fell. This chair... Was a human?!

The mage used her magic, and the chair... Turned into a 10 year old with long blond pigtail and an orange dress. "Ugh, finally! I didn't want to get any more serious with this creepy pedo! I wish I never listened to his life story!" The girl said.

Rantaro felt... Betrayed. His one true love... Had lied to him! And even worse, she was being taken away!

The mage grabbed her, and threw her out the window. She them jumped on a broomstick and flew away.

Rantaro sat alone in the room, crying, he could never love again.

(Here's your fluff/lemon/angst Rantaro x Chair! Hope you enjoyed!)

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