bOdY sWaP pt.1

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~Kokichi's POV~

I was walking to school like I did every morning. Well, more like running. If I didn't hurry I'd be late to school, and only Iruma, I mean Satan, wanted to know what my mom would do to me if I was late again this semester.

I ran into the school building, trying to pick up the pace. I wasn't that athletic, until situations like these showed up. At times like these, I could run faster than Tojo.

I was almost to the class room, when I crashed into someone. Their books dropped on the ground, and they instantly dropped to the ground to pick them up.

If it were any other person, I would've continued to run to class, But the person was Shuichi Saihara.

I had a crush on Saihara. He was beautiful. I loved his glowing yellow eyes, his adorable face,and how he was always so shy. He talked to me occasionally, but he spent most of his time with somebody else. Yeah, I was pretty sure he and Akamatsu were a thing.

Ah, Akamatsu. Fluffy, Pink, goody-goody, piano bitch, Akamatsu. I didn't like her very much.

"I-I'm sorry, Ouma!" He said, picking up his books.

I bent down to help him pick up the books, "Nishishi~ it's no problem, Saihara-Chan!" I said, handing him some of his books and completely ignoring the fact that the bell was going to ring in two seconds.

He showed his cute smile before thanking me and parting ways. I stood there, just smiling to myself before the bell rang.

"Oh, shit. I'm late," I muttered to myself before continuing my run to class.

~Kaede's POV~

I got to school early like I do every morning.

Shuichi was there too, doing some work in the library. Organizing books and bringing some to different classes.

He was currently organizing a book shelf, so I came up behind him to greet him. "Good Morning Shuichi!"

He jumped, a bit surprised. "Kaede, y-you startled m-me," He said nervously.

"Sorry, Shu!" I giggled. Shuichi was like a brother to me, we were very close. "You need some help?"

He smiled and nodded. I helped him out in the library, until I had to head to class.

~Third Person View~

It was now lunch period, Kaede and Kokichi were off doing the norm, except they crossed paths.

"Hey, Kiiboy! How come you won't answer my question, huh? It's really important for research!" Kokichi pestered Kiibo.

"I-I don't feel comfortable answering that question! Please leave me alone!" Kiibo begged.

Kokichi rolled his eyes, "C'mon, Kiibo! Stop being such a wuss. So, do robots have di-"

"Hey! He asked you to stop!" Kaede said.

"So? That doesn't mean I have to stop! Nishishi!" Kokichi laughed, childishly.

"But it's rude! How do you expect people to want to answer your questions when you're so mean?" Kaede explained.

At this point, Kiibo saw this as an opportunity to leave, so he did so. "Usually, I keep annoying them.... Or threatening them, until they do!"

"How can you live like that? It's disgusting!" Kaede complained. Kokichi just rolled his eyes and walked past her. Until it went black for both of them.

~Kokichi's POV~

I woke up the next morning with a huge headache. I didn't remember much about the day before. The last thing I remembered was talking to Akamatsu.

I opened my eyes, and... This wasn't my room.

It was pink and fluffy, Girly stuffed animals were all over the shelves, There was make up and perfumes on an elegant vanity, and a piano in the corner of the room.

I got up out of bed, and immediately noticed something was off. "Wow, I am much taller than before..." I muttered to myself. The voice didn't sound like my own.

Taking a better look at myself, I realized I was definitely not myself. "Am I in someone else's body? This has to be a dream..."

"Kaede, sweetie! Breakfast is ready!" I heard a woman downstairs call.


"J-just a second!" I yelled, walking into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see Akamatsu staring back at me.

"What the hell is going on?!" I asked out loud.

"Kaede? Are you ok up there?" The same woman called.

"I-I'm just fine! I'll be down soon!"

I exited Kaede's room and went down stairs. "Good morning sweetheart!" The woman, who I could assume to be Akamatsu's mom, said. She handed me a plate of food. The lady looked a lot like an older version Akamatsu. She had shoulder length blond hair and magenta eyes, just like her.

"Thank you," I said beginning to eat it. I was still very confused what was going on, but it's been I while since I've eaten something for breakfast. I also still thought this was some sort of crazy dream I'd wake up from, it sure did feel real though.

"How come you aren't changed yet, Kaede? Did you over sleep?" Akamatsu's mother asked.

"Oh yeeah! Nishi, oops..." I came up with. When Akamatsu's mother gave me a strange look, I realized that didn't sound very much like something she would say.

"Well, just be sure to change quickly and get to school on time. You're always up so early, I guess it was bound to happen eventually, haha." Her mother smiled warmly. She seemed very kind, I now see where Akamatsu gets her kindness from. Her sickening kindness.

After eating, I did as she said. I then went back to the bathroom and continued to stare in the mirror. "This better be some damn dream," I said, finally being able to drop the Akamatsu act.

I some splashed water in my face with hopes that'd I'd wake up, nothing. I then did what I was dreading, because this would be proof of this situation being a dream or not. I pinched myself.

It hurt.

"Fuck... This isn't a dream then!" I panicked. The only thing I could think to do was to go to school. If I was in Akamatsu's body, wouldn't that mean she's in mine? I had to find out and see if there was anything we could do to get us back to normal. Until then, I had to pretend I was Akamatsu.

~Kaede's POV~

I had a headache when I woke up this morning. I didn't remember what happened after I talked with Ouma the day before, which confused me.

I opened my eyes to be greeted with a sight almost the same as when my eyes we're closed. The room was pitch black, and I could barely see a thing.

I felt around to see if there was some sort of light source. There was a desk near the bed I was laying in, which had a lamp. I turned it on, and immediately let out a gasp, trying my best not to scream.

This room... Wasn't mine.

It looked very old and lived in,  the carpet and walls were torn, and there weren't any windows. "Was I... Kidnapped?!" I thought to myself. It would explain why I didn't remember much of yesterday.

I immediately jumped out of bed to further investigate what was going on.

There seemed to be a bathroom connected to this room, so I entered it and looked around.

I instantly saw the mirror and jumped back in shock.

"O-Ouma?!" I said, in shock and terror. I felt around my face to make sure I wasn't seeing things, and it seemed I was in his body. "What in the world?!"

"Maybe this is something people call a lucid dream..." I thought. I thought back to some reports I read on them. They're dreams that feel like you're there and that you can control. I had done research on these before, some people say to make sure your dreaming, try putting your finger through your hand. If it goes straight through, you're dreaming.

I tried, and my finger didn't go through my hand. "Oh no.. I'm not dreaming!" I panicked.

So I was in Ouma's room, and I... was Ouma.

I tried going down stairs to investigate further and see if anyone else was home.

The house wasn't the cleanest. It was much like Ouma's room, very old and beat up looking. Was this really where he lived?

I entered a living room area, and to my misfortune, there was a violet haired woman sitting down on a sofa. As soon as I walked in, she shot me an evil looking glare.

"Finally, you're awake," She spat.

"U-uh... Good morning!" I said, kindly, not knowing what else to say.

"Oh don't 'good morning' me, young man! You know exactly what you did yesterday!" The lady snapped.

Ouma might have, but I didn't. "D-d-do you mind.. Reminding me?" I asked, nervously.

"Kokichi Ouma! Are you really going to sass your own mother?! YOU WERE LATE TO CLASS YESTERDAY! AGAIN!" She screamed.

I had now gathered that this woman was Ouma's mom, that he was late to class yesterday, and that she was very angry about that. I didn't know what to say. "I-I'm sorry, it won't happen again!"


It was at this moment I felt really bad for Ouma. No wonder he was so mean, and he never told anyone about his mother...

"Go back upstairs and get ready for school! I don't want to see your damn face for the rest of the day!"

I did as she said, and got out of the house as soon as possible. I came to the conclusion that if I was in Ouma's body, he would be in mine. So all I had to was meet up with him at school, and figure out what was going on.

A/N: 1674 words... Yeah I'm gonna have to cut this into two parts...

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