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The Z-Fighters once again prevented an invasion of underground race wishing to conquer the higher ground!

The Z-Fighters are the strongest team to ever lived, thanks for the efforts of the Eternal, Flame Empress, Nightguard, Speedster, Phantom, the Maritime Guardian, Man from Mars, and Warrior from Heaven

The Heavenly Warrior is one of the strongest beings to ever lived. His durability, his senses, his energy, his speed, and his strength are a combine no villain should mess with.

We can trust the Warrior from Heave-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Z-Fighters are dead! Only the Heavenly Warrior is alive but unconscious!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*a few days later*

Right now, the Warrior from Heaven speaks his eulogy to his fallen friends. Let's listen.

Heavenly Warrior: Whoever caused the demise of my fellow partners will be punished for this atrocity. I do not take lightly to those who killed people that are closed to me. The Z-Fighters will continue with new members as I will find the one responsible. I hope that my...friends...can now live peacefully with God after what they went through that day. And that bastard...I hope he thinks about it everyday, knowing what's to come.

*Months later*

The Heavenly Warrior has taken care of a group of aliens coming from, what they say, a Black Hole to try and conquer Earth. The Warrior himself said he went there to teach the Aliens a lesson and made sure they're not coming back. His methods? He never answered.

The Warrior of Heaven has yet to answer about the potential suspect for who killed the rest of the Z-Fighters. He claims he has a few leads, just needed to prove that they're the reason or that the had others do their bidding. Stay tuned.

*a week later*

A Kaiju has appeared and it is attacking The Heavenly Warrior!

The Heavenly Warrior is struggling against this monster. Watch out! That's black tar! Look put of it's quills!

That skull is tougher than we thought! Watch out for those teeth-hey! He's fighting back! He took it down!

Look, he-

That really took a lot out of Heavenly Warrior. Wait is's Eternal! What is he-OH MY GOD! He's attacking Heavenly Warrior! Why?!

This...there has to be a reason! How is he back alive?! There's must be some mind control! Or a clone!

Warrior's fighting back! But...he looks calm. So...calm. Like...m-maybe he sees it as a clone of his fallen friend. The villain responsible must be playing mind games. That's-


He...he killed him...why?


What? Were out of control!-


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]






Daikon: ...The Heavenly Warrior was a front to all you Earthlings...a phantom to gain your trust and learn of potential threats for my mission. Now...they're gone...the ones I disgustingly refer to as "friends"...

Daikon: There's no one that can stop me from conquering this World. In the name of me, Daikon! And the Saiyan Empire! Mahahaha...YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*3 years later*

Humanity went to war with the former Warrior from Heaven, now turned global threat, Daikon, or Daikon Black as media called him. The military build advanced weaponry in order to deal significant damage. From Tanks, Aircrafts, and even Cannons known as Maser Cannon were build to fight him.

A lot of super beings arrived to help in the battle. Many would unfortunately, would be murdered and mutilated by Daikon, who's power was beyond what they can think it'd be. They wanted payback for his murder spree and trying to stop him from conquering the Earth.

They were desperate. Soon, a new weapon was built...the Gotengo. A flying Battleship with a drill in front of it, along with a maser cannon that freezes anything in Absolute Zero.

And a plan was brought up. They decided to lure Daikon into the one place that will affect him.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

In Antartica, several tanks, masers, aircrafts, and bodies are seen scattered and destroyed as explosions occur in the background.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Soon, we hear a woman screaming from a dar as she comes out of an explosion and crashes down onto the snowy floor. Once the snow and smoke cleared, she tries to get up...

Only to realize her upper body was twisted around to her back. She gasps in pain as feels her lungs bursting out from the pressure as a pair of feet land in front of her.

She looks up as sees who's looking down at her.

She grunts some more in defiance and fear before dropping down, dying. Daikon laughs as he flies off. Suddenly, a chain wraps around his arm as he turns and sees another Hero holding his long chain to stop him.

Daikon smiles as he effortless pulls the hero by his own chain and punches him in the face. The hero flies back but was pulled and punched again. And again. And again. And again.

After a long while, he was left with a disfigured face while having no life. Daikon breaks the chain from his arm and throws the body into the frozen waters.

Soon, a group of heroes appeared, some wearing Mecha Suits as they fired and attacked Daikon. Soon, a massive bomb and was launched as everyone backs away. Daikon watches with a bored look as the bomb hits him and his explodes.

Everyone covers their eyes as look on, hoping that stopped him. Instead, a gust of wind dispersed the smoke and debris, revealing Daikon unharmed.

Daikon: My turn.

Daikon stretches his arms out and fires several energy blasts from his fingers. Each blasts penetrates through each Hero, killing them as they they to escape in a futile effort. No one could escape as each were blasted through their bodies as they all fall down.

Soon, the Gotengo arrives as it's crew was seen inside ready for the final showdown. The captain was determined to end Daikon's reign as the crew set it motion the last assault. Daikon looks with a frown.

Crew member: Target is in range, sir!

Captain: Fire!

Soon, the Ship's cannons fire at Daikon as they made him back away a bit. He chuckles as he fires some Eye Beams at the ship, damaging it. Everyone yelled as the captain and his lieutenant remained calm.

Captain: Fire Absolute Zero!

The drill glows as fires a beam of absolute zero. Daikon covers himself as it hit him. Soon, it freezes his arms but with a burst of power, he breaks the ice. He then unleash a Kiai Shout (Sonic Scream) at the Gotengo, making it shake and the crew flying around inside.

Soon, Daikon flies up and drives his foot against the Ship, sending it crashing down. Everyone yelled and screamed in pain as Daikon lands on the floor close to the ship. He was breathing heavily was he used a lot of his power and has yet to rest, especially the coldness of the Eastern is slowly catching up to him. He remained focus as he approaches the Gotengo.

Suddenly, he felt the ground shake a bit. It was shaking violently as he tries to not lose his balance.

Daikon: And Earthquake...

Suddenly, the ground beneath him broke apart and Daikon started to fall. He tries to reach the edge but it gave away and he fell through the abyss. The captain sees a chance to stop him.

Captain: Aim at the Mountains!

The crew member grabs the handle and with a mighty yell, he pulls the lever down, firing several missiles at the mountains. They soon explode as large chunks of ice and rock fell down. Daikon tries to fly up with the little strength he has but saw the avalanche approaching.

He tries to blast it, but he was so low of energy that it barely made a dent. His eyes widen as the avalanche consumes him, sending back down into the abyss.


Soon, the avalanche stops as everyone looks on. Soon, a cheer was heard as everyone yelled in relief and victory. The captain and his lieutenant look at each other with a smile on their faces.

They finally took down Daikon Black...for now.

Since then, peace was restored after the 3 year reign of Daikon Black. They built a containment center around the debris of a Frozen Daikon Black to hold him there. Daikon stood there in a frozen comatose state.

The world managed rebuild the cities and homes he destroyed as many more heroes join the Z-Fighters and the newly made Global Defense Force began. The world join forces for the first time to prevent any form of threats, in the Earth or outside, with their team of heroes with higher abilities and skills.

They fight against beings that desire tyranny and death and Kaiju that terrorize any continent involved.

20 years had passed since Daikon's destruction and the Earth are now determined to protect their home from invaders.

However...Daikon is still alive...he's just waiting for a good opportunity to return and resume his mission.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A brief history of Daikon's life was shown as he went from heroic Warrior, saving people from danger and fighting enemies to a Deity of Destruction and Chaos and massacring innocent lives. It's show that most of the world's big continents were affected by rampage as cities were reduced to nothing but fiery wastelands and bodies scattered around.

At the end we see his frozen body as he lays dormant inside. Despite the 2 decades that has past since his imprisonment, he remained the the same, with his genes not allowing him to age until he reach a mature level.

What would happen if the Earth's main enemy returns to resume his Reign of Madness? With the GDF and the Z-Fighters be ready against him? Or...will there be a common foe they'll confront and join forces?

Stay tuned on Daikon: End of Wars.

How's the Prologue?

This is a story that is a mix of Invincible and Godzilla: Final Wars. Here Daikon is in the role of Omni-Man and Godzilla, which fits if you think of him as a destroyer and conqueror, with his Saiyan Background.

Also, this is a collab with other users here to give it a bit more personality.

Here is the cast:

Alex Winters belongs to Lokis03277
Danny Morgan belongs to tejoye
Luka Vukovič belongs to Citizen_Soldier16
Benjamin Brayden belongs to Ben10thejoker
Maria Marshall belongs to QueenZain3
Jack Ryan belongs to JackRyan658
Cody Johnson belongs to UCS754
John Superrr belongs to SJ_SUPERRR
James Blackwell belongs to ThatSpiderKnight
Steven Malley belongs to MartinGraf98
Avaline Abella belongs to BreanneLHeureux

As for Christian Bale...he's gonna be the main villain against Daikon.

And as for Keiko Kitagawa, she has a connection to Daikon that would be revealed later.

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