Saving mission; Revelation

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*20 years later*

The year is 2042. 20 years after the Dark Purge, we go the skies of Singapore where-

Well...something is tearing down buildings of Singapore as people ran in fright. Soon, a roar was heard.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Through the sky, we see a giant flying monster speeding across the sky, crashing into buildings.

Everyone yelled and ran in fright as the monster spears through buildings, causing destruction and death around its way. That was until something came into the sky. 

It was the Gotengo. After it encounter with Daikon Black, the ship was given an upgrade over the years, to help fight off monsters and powerful beings.

Soon, it fires missiles at the monster, who roared in pain. It soon sets it sights at the Gotengo before flying towards it. The ship then fires some Maser Cannon, causing the beast the recoil and fly around the ship to get away.


We see the ship's crew controlling the ship from within as the captain sat in the center looking at the main screen.

It was Captain Alex Winters. He was a member of the Gotengo's crew years ago, but has since promoted to Captain of the BattleShip over the years. While his methods are questionable, bordering on illegal by the GDF, his stats are not to take lightly.

Alex: Do not let the Goblinoid get away.

Crew: Yes, sir!

Alex: Turn the ship around. I want that monster dead.

Lieutenant: Yes, sir. On it.


The ship turns and and charges for the Goblinoid. However, it was nowhere to be seen.

Alex: Detect any movement around the area. The monster is as cunning as the Sharks, so be on the look out.

The ship goes forward as the crew checks the radar for the Goblinoid. Suddenly, one of them saw a life signature...from above the Gotengo.

Crew: It's on top of us!

Soon, the Goblinoid appears from above as it collides with the Gotengo. Everyone went down from the Collision as the monster drives the ship into the Ocean.

Alex: Turn on Submarine Mode, now!

Soon, the ship was put into a mode where it can be compatible to dive into Ocean. However, the Goblinnoid continues putting its weight against the ship, making to go down further.

Lieutenant: Captain, the monster is sending us deep! We can't handle the pressure of the deep sea!

Alex: And neither could it. Send the ship down further!

Lieutenant: What? But Captain Winters-

Alex: That's an order! Now!

Lieutenant: Fuck! Send the ship down!

Soon, the ship goes down further into the dark depths as the Goblinoid was trying to tear the ship piece by piece. Soon, the ship starts to feel the effects of the underwater pressure as creaks and cracks were heard.

Lieutenant: Captain...

Alex: Stay on course.

Soon, alarms sounded as some pipes inside the ship burst out, with cold water bursting out. Crew members yelled in fright and pain as some technicians try to fix the damage. 

Lieutenant: Captain!

Alex: Not yet!

Soon, the Goblinoid felt the pressure as well, affecting its wings and body. Soon, it yells in pain before releasing the Gotengo.

Alex: Now! Send us back up!

Soon, the ship goes up and flies off in quick fashion. The Goblinoid looks as it starts following it, though the pressure of the deep sea slows it down. Soon, the ship bursts out of the water as it makes a turn.

Alex: Hikari, you're up!

Soon, the center driver removes her mask revealing her stone cold face.

Hikari Saito. A member of the GDF's Super Powered Beings. She's an expert in sensing, martial arts, and Chi Manipulation, making her a formidable fighter. Her exact origins are unknown as she never gave info as to what being she is, except saying she doesn't know.

Alex: Prepare Absolute Zero Maser Cannon.

Hikari nods as she sets the controls ready for the Maser Cannon. Soon, she closes her eyes as she senses the presence of the Goblinoid.

Alex: Fire when ready.

Soon, the Goblinoid burst out as it head straight for the Gotengo. Soon, Hikari opens her eyes and fires the Maser Cannon.

The Goblinoid froze as the effects of the Absolute Zero turns it into a statue like figure. Soon, it falls back down into the Ocean, breaking apart. The crew sighed as Alex and Hikari remained calm and serious.

Crew Member: Goblinoid has been neutralized, sir.

Alex: I can see that.

Soon, the rest of the crew spoke out of the damage the Gotengo sustained while Alex ignores them.

Crew member: Sir. We got a call from the UN.

Alex: Ah, shit. Not again.

?: Captain Winters. That was insanely risking diving down the depths of the ocean.

It was Daniel "Danny" Morgan. A young man who succeeded into becoming General and Army Sargent for his talent sin martial arts and interrogations. Both he and Alex Winters are at odds, due to Alex's risky maneuvers, which Danny don't like.

Danny: You do realize that this is the law straw for the UN, right?

Alex: Like I give a shit, Morgan. We got the monster, so what's the bitchin' about?

Danny: You risked your crew and got the ship damaged from the monster and the underwater pressure. This time, you will be evaluated to see if you're going to stay or not.

Alex: Ooh, I'm scared. Say, General. Why don't you go find someone who does give a damn and shut your mouth? Alright?

Danny sighs as ends the call.

Alex; Gotengo...return to base.

*much later*

We see the ship landing on the hanger of the Global Defense Force base. As it touches down, we see a group of engineers arriving as one who leads them looks on at the ship's condition.

Jack Ryan. A skilled mechanic that helped rebuild several damaged military vehicles and has been the go to guy in fixing the Gotengo.

Jack: Oh, great.

We see the crew exiting as some were taken for potential injuries. We see Alex walking off as Jack approaches him.

Jack: Can't you just have one day not causing damage to the Drillcarrier, Alex-

Alex: I have no time, chatting with you, Ryan.

Jack: And he's gone. *sighs*

Soon, Hikari approaches him.

Hikari: We sustained damage by the monster snd dove into the deep sea.

Jack: Thanks, Hikari.

Hikari: How long will the ship be fully fixed!

Jack: It depends on the damage. But, trust me, we'll get it down in no time.

Hikari: Okay. See you around, Jack.

Jack: You too. Alright, guys. Let's get to fixing.

The technicians get to work as Hikari looks on before walking away. Soon, another super being approached her as she talks to her. Her name is Debra as she is cordial with Hikari.

Debra: Have you considered joining the Z-Fighters, Hikari? I think it's best suited than being in that Drillcarrier.

Hikari: I still need further training and experience before joining the group of Heroes.

Debra: BS. You're the strongest we have here. Even Master Marshall agrees that you would fit in that Group.

Hikari: While they say that, I feel I'm not ready to work with them.

Debra: If you say so, girl. Still, just want you to know that they're always open for ya.

Hikari: I'll keep that in, Debra. See you tomorrow.


We see Hikari flying over the city of Tokyo as she reaches to a house. She lands and knocks on the door. We hear footsteps as the door is unlocked and it opens, revealing a mature, yet, beautiful woman.

Gail Saito. Hikari's mother. She raised her on her own after her husband disappeared without a trace. Hikari has noticed her mother missing her father, but would rarely talk about him to her, as if it's something she shouldn't tell her.

While she's not a Super Being, she does have the ability to sense and use Chi, including martial arts, which makes her stronger than the average human. How she learned to do this, no one knows.

Gail: Hello, Hikari. How's work?

Hikari: Average. Captain Winters nearly drowned us while fighting a monster.

Gail: Of course. That man is known for his risks and putting others in danger. I find it odd they haven't taken him off the job.

Hikari: He's risky, but does get the job done.

Gail: Getting it done should not have to put others in harms way, Hikari.

Hikari: True. Anyway, I'm off for today, so I come to see you.

Gail: Great. I'll get dinner ready. I know you love having a feast, so I have the ingredients ready.

Hikari: Oh thank you. *mouth waters* I always love you cooking, mom.

Gail: I'm sure you do, honey. Let's go.


After having a feast, Hikari rubs her stomach while sighing, having enjoyed the food she ate. We see two towers of plates having been cleaned off from food as Gail starts picking them up.

Hikari; Thanks for the food, mom. I love it.

Gail; Thanks, sweetie. How's your time in the GDF?

Hikari: Eh, average. We fought terrorists, invading aliens, giant monsters, and prevent natural disasters while evacuation civilians.

Gail: That's good to hear. And the Z-Fighters?

Hikari: Them, too, two in much larger scales, despite the GDF having super beings.

Gail: They're the more experienced, Hikari. You and the others don't have enough time to use your powers to be able to match them.

Hikari: I know. Still, some of my coworkers asked it I would like to join them.

Gail stops as she slowly turns to her daughter.

Gail: And what did you say to them?

Hikari: That I'm fine as a GDF member, nothing else.

Gail: Are you sure?

Hikari: Mom...are you alright? You act if this something bug, when it's not-

Gail: It is a big deal, Hikari!

Hikari was surprised by her outburst as Gail calms down.

Gail: Sorry, dear. I-...*sighs* I guess it's time you should know.

Hikari: What? What do you mean, mom?

Gail walks off and picks up an old box from the cabinet. She then comes back and sets it in front of her daughter.

Gail: Ever wondered why I never talk about your father, Hikari?

Hikari: Well...yeah, but I knew it's your business so I didn't asked about him.

Gail:'re about to see why.

Gail opens the box and Hikari first sees a picture of a man she doesn't recognize posing in front with a baby girl that looks like her.

Hikari: Mom...who's that man with me?

Gail: That is your father, Hikari. His name...

*play music*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Gail: Daikon Black.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Hikari was shocked to hear that name coming from her mother of all people. She has heard stories from within the GDF about a being so powerful, it took nearly three years to defeat him, and yet couldn't kill him. The name...that damn name strikes fear in those who mention it.

But...he's her long lost father? A man that was once a hero then turned on his friends and the Earth and went on a rampage. He's the one that gave birth to her?

Gail: He was...what many of you know a monster. A being of power that can grow over the years.

Hikari: But...why didn't you tell me about him?

Gail: I didn't want you to know that your husband...what the one responsible for the deaths of many innocent people and attempted to to sell for his Alien Empire. I don't want you to feel the effects of knowing that your father was a pure monstrous being. I wanted you to be ready for it.

Hikari: Then...if that's true, why would he spare you and me? Wouldn't we be in the same category as his victims?

Gail: It's because he loves us, Hikari.

Hikari: What? That's it? He killed so many people, their families and friends, and yet he doesn't hurt us?!

Gail: I know. I asked that question to him. He simply told me "I can't kill you, as our daughter would be an orphan and I love you both from my heart. But the mission is important to me." And he wanted to bring us to his home world so we could live there while he's done enslaving humanity for his Saiyan Empire.

Hikari was shocked as she stares at the photo of her father. He looked like someone that can kill you, but seems sweet and gentle. Not like the monster described by many people around her.

Gail: Soon, he disappeared, and I never saw him again after 20 years. Yet...I can see feel his presence somewhere, but it was too weak for me to know where he is.

Hikari knows where he is, but decided to not tell her mother where they have him captive.

Hikari: You...miss him, mom?

Gail stayed silent as she sat on a chair and covers her face. She sighed deeply as she places her hands down and looks at her daughter.

Gail: Would it anger if I say yes?

Hikari: Well...he maybe a monster and killed and destroyed lives...yet he never hurt you in any way. So I understand why you might miss him. But...I can't help but feel that-

Gail: I shouldn't feel that way, I know. It's just...*stares to tear up* he was a great husband and my best friend. He was even a great father to you in those three years. I tried to not let the fact he killed so many people get to me, but when he disappeared, it finally hit me deeply. I cannot forgive myself for still loving that man while he destroyed so many others' lives.

Gail cried as she covers her face, not wanting her adult daughter seeing her distraught face. Hikari watches her mother cry before seeing another photo of her, Gail, and Daikon, posing, looking like a great family.

Soon, Hikari sighed as she wraps her around her mother pulls her in for a hug, wanting to comfort her. Gail hugs her tightly as Hikari rubs her hair to comfort her.

Hikari: It's okay, mom. I know it's hard on you to feel this way. But I want you to know that I don't have any resentment and anger that you miss him. And I'm glad you don't deny the evil deeds he made. It shows you're strong and I want you to stay strong for yourself. I love you so much.

Gail started to calm down as she held tightly against her daughter.

Gail: Thank you, Hikari. *pulls back while wiping off her tears* Thank you for understanding me. I know it would be difficult, now knowing who your father is and-

Hikari: Don't worry. I can deal with any fallout if people find out about this. You known I won't let their comments and criticism get to me.

Gail: That is true. *smiles as she rubs her daughter's cheek* You grown a lot stronger than I could imagine. I'm very proud of you.

Hikari smiles as they hugged again.

*somewhere in the Artic*

*Area D, the North Pole*

We go to the Antartica facility where three individuals are tasked in monitoring the huge hanger outside. It contains the frozen body of the most destructive individual in the world, Daikon Black.

Inside the watch tower, we see one of them looking into the scanner inside of the building, making sure Daikon is there, dormant. The other, a female, approaches him.

Female: Anything unusual, Glenn?

Glenn: For now, no, Aubrey. That monster hasn't been moving for the last 20 years inside. 

Aubrey: Well, I wouldn't say he's a monster, seeing how he still looks handsome-

Another man, David, turns to her.

David: You do know he's killed so many people for 3 whole years, right?

Aubrey: I'm just saying. I'm not defending him in anyway.

Glenn: Regardless, we can't let him out with any reason. He'll might continue where he left off.

David: That's not the only problem, Glenn. Scanners here said that while he's dormant...his power level was growing over the years.

Both: What?

Aubrey: Wait, he's...becoming stronger than before?

David: That's what it said.

Glenn: We have to let the GDF know about this. It might mean he would awaken soon. He's just taking his time. The bastard.

Inside the hanger, we see Daikon still dormant inside the block of ice. Suddenly...

He starts to smile.

How's the chapter?

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