Learning About Saiyans

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After that encounter, Hikari decides to go look for more info on her father, Daikon. Ever since that little vision of him yesterday, she wanted to see if there anything she needs to know about what type of being her father is so that she herself could train in order to be strong enough to stop him if he ever breaks free.

So...she's goes to see her mother, Gail for anything she might know.

*with Gail*

Gail: You're father is a being called a Saiyan.

Hikari: A Saiyan?

Gail: Yes. *gives her tea* He told me about how they're a large population of beings that are quite fierce throughout the galaxy. Nobody dares to mess with them.

Hikari: What do they do?

Gail: They would work under those who wish to eradicate civilization of different planets in order to make a profit off their world.

Hikari: Did dad...my father worked in that?

Gail: ...Yes.

Hikari was shocked at this. It made Daikon's genocide of Earth make sense. He not only did this before, but has grown use to it.

Gail: However, their King desired to part ways in order to build their empire. It caused problems and a War broke out. Daikon fought along side his brethren, even leading the charge. Many followed him as he was ferocious and powerful.

Hikari: Did they managed to break free?

Gail: Yes. And Daikon pulled the trigger on ending any bond these outsiders have on the Saiyans. They soon began to not eradicate planets but put them under pressure and force them to join.

Hikari: And he was doing that here on Earth too.

Gail: Yes. I know this is hard for you, Hikari, and I know I should've-

Hikari: No. It's okay, mom. I wouldn't be ready to learn my father would do that before. I'm not really ready now, but it was mostly from the information.

Gail: Thank you, dear.

Hikari: So what can Saiyans do?

Gail: They can become stronger in each battle. It is a form of power boost in their genetics that they would heal from their wounds and grow even stronger than before.

Hikari: So is that how he becomes stronger?

Gail: Yes. He also eats a lot of food as the Saiyan's have natural fast metabolism. Each time they train and fight, they burn a lot of claories that they gain from consuming resources.

Hikari: Is that why I eat a lot?

Gail: Yep. You sure have your father's appetite.

Hikari chuckles at that, but just a little. This the genocidal Daikon Black they're talking about.

Hikari: And what about his tail? And how come I don't have one?

Gail: Saiyans naturally have tails. That's what makes them different than other species. Especially...during a Full Moon.

Hikari: Why?

Gail: They can transforms into giant apes called Oozaru, that are the size of 25-50 feet. Daikon's a rare case as he reaches 100 feet tall. Not only that, their average Base Form Strength multiplies by 10, making them even stronger.

Hikari: What? So that explains how he managed to kill and level cities? Because of that transformation?

Gail: Yes. The reason why you don't have one is that we removed it from you permanently as Daikon didn't want you transforming and suddenly kill me by accident.

Hikari: Huh? Why would I do that?

Gail: As powerful and ferocious these forms are, they're weakness is that they have little to no control over them. Daikon is one of the few that can control it, but you don't.

Hikari: Woah. That explains it. I can tell he really trust you to have him tell all that about him.

Gail: He was my husband. He would never lay to me...until that day.

Hikari can see that Gail was still sad about that day when her father revealed his dark side and went on a rampage. It makes her angry that he would put the love he had within his dark heart out his soul and go through his mission.

She just wish Daikon never gets out. Because the world is not the only one against him. But his own flesh and blood, too.

Hikari: Don't worry, mom. I'll make sure the Earth is safe from people like my father.

Gail: I know, Hikari. Just that...I just wish he followed his heart and not his mind. We lost so many lives during his rampage. And he's not done, regardless if he's living or not.

Hikari: Yeah. Me too. It would've been nice to know him as much as you did. It's a shame he cannot take away his pride and loyalty to his home planet.

Just then...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Hikari: Wait...mom, how long was dad on Earth before he disappeared?

Gail: I think about 15 years. Why?

Hikari: If he was here that long, as well as the two decades, shouldn't a Saiyan come and find out about how his progress?

Gail thinks about it, and realizes her daughter was right. It has been too long and no other Saiyan arrived to check on Daikon, despite his reputation and following.

Gail: You're right. Someone should've come.

Hikari: You think that...they have either abandoned him or think he's dead?

Gail: I don't think either one, dear. But...I think it's either he made sure no one comes, regardless of the time period. Or...something happened to the Saiyans. Those are what I think may have led to no one arriving to check on him. However, let's not think of those possibilities and focus on the future.

Hikari: Right.


We see Hikari watching over Jimmy as she trains vigorously.

Jimmy: You seemed to be determined.

Hikari: I am. Especially when Daikon is potentially waking up.

Jimmy: Fair. But, we got guys like Eternal, Commander Johnson, and John Superr around that can put the hurt on him. Plus, we're not push overs.

Hikari: I know...but I feel like Daikon's aware of his surroundings.

Jimmy: Is it because you jumped back in fright?

Hikari sighs as she stops and looks at him.

Hikari: I sensed his energy, James. Eternal is no match to him.

Jimmy: *shocked* What? But he's been training right? How can that monster be growing stronger over the years?

Hikari: I don't know. But I feel like he's using his dormancy to do some mental training.

Jimmy: Mental training?

Hikari: Yes. It's a way for those who use Chi to have full control over it.

Jimmy: Even so, how could he be growing stronger? There has to be a power source that is being absorbed in order to for him too...wait. You said he could manipulate Chi, right?

Hikari: Yeah?

Jimmy: Has ever used the energy of the Earth before?

Hikari thinks about before she gasps in horror. Daikon has done it before. Before he showed his true colors, Daikon and the other Z-Fighters fought a ferocious threat and it lead to Daikon using the Earth's energy to create an attack that finally destroyed the threat.

He has since never used it as it mostly a last ditch effort. Now, she's realizing that he's been dormant, while training in his mind, and also absorbing the Earth's energy for his gain.

Hikari: My God.

Jimmy: Indeed. He must've felt some powerful foes that would no doubt stop him, so he stayed in stasis just to build his power to the point he could become even powerful.

Hikari: Damn it.

Jimmy: How come the scanners didn't calculate his power? Shouldn't they be able to do that?

Hikari: Power cannot be defined by simple numbers, James. They can only detect, not calculate. Those who have the ability to sense energy are able to feel how strong Daikon is.

Jimmy: Oof. So, you have a long time to try to get as strong as him, huh? Well, too bad that he's pretty much equal to the Earth's core.

Hikari: ...you have to make jokes at a time like this?

Jimmy: Hey, I'm brutally honest. It's part of my charm. *winks*

Hikari scowls before flicking him off, sending him crashing through several trees.

Jimmy: Ow.

Hikari: How about you stay there and let me train?

Jimmy: Yes ma'am.

*somewhere in the base*

This is Cody Johnson, on of the heads of the GDF. He would also frequently go out in battle against threats. He was a member of the Z-Fighters after the originals were killed by Daikon.

Cody personally fought against Daikon and while he did put up a fight, Daikon was superior and Chris' Chaos Manipulation was no match for Daikon's beast like Chi energy.

Right now, Cody is with Danny Morgan and Maria Marshall as they discuss on a certain topic.

Cody: So, Daikon's been growing stronger during these past 20 years?

Danny: As said by Eternal and Hikari.

Maria: What are we going to do? We've been preparing for this day, yet he's been beating up in the power balance?

Danny: Even with our abilities, technology, and the help of the Z-Fighters...we would lose and Earth would fall under Daikon's rule.

Cody: Indeed. Especially with what as you said, Daikon is aware of surroundings, despite his dormancy. Did Eternal tell about any weaknesses Daikon has?

Danny: That he would be affected by a tight grip on his tail, lack of resources, and went he drops his guard. However, the lack of resources is the only one that could prevent him from attacking.

Cody: Damn. Keep surveillance at Sector D. And start preparing for war. Daikon would be waking up at any minute now. And contact John Superrr.

Maria: Yes sir.

Danny: What about the mummy?

Cody: We'll deal with that later. It's Daikon we're forced to deal with for now.

Danny: Alright.

*somewhere in the sky*

We see an a airplane flying through the air as we go inside it to show who's inside and among the passengers.

John Superrr. A usually laid back guy, but excellent in Martial Arts Levitation, teleporting, and the use of Explosive Aura, which would become bigger depending on his anger.

John is seen looking through the window as he gets a call.

John: *answers the call* Hello?

Maria: *on the phone* John. We need you right now.

John: I'm on my way, Maria. I'm inside the plane heading to Japan.

Maria: Okay.

John: Is this about...*whisper* him?

Maria: Yes. Chris has been preparing for a potential attack and wants everyone to be ready.

John: Alright. I'll be-

John stops as he saw something from the window.

Maria: John? Are you there? John?

John: Maria...I'm gonna need backup.

Suddenly a loud scream was heard as the plane started to shake violently. The passage yelling in shock and fright as John looks through the window and sees something heading towards them.

He gets up and instantly teleports everyone in the plane as a huge wave of everyone blasts through it, blowing it up.

At the ground John appears with everyone from the plane safely on the floor. Everyone looks around and wonders what is going on. Soon, a being flies down and lands in front of them.

John: Crap. Everyone, run!

They ran as John charges at the individual as it dodges a strike. She then grabs his face and John felt his power draining before pulling her hands off him and he kicks her away.

The creature flips and lands on her feet. It then least out a shriek as John covers his ears. It then stopped a she goes to charge at him him again. But this time, John was ready.

He yells out and burst of energy comes out of his body, sending the individual flying as she sustained heavy damage. She crashes down as John heads towards her.

John: What the Hell are you?

The creature growls before it suddenly vanished in thin air. John sighed as he contacts the base.

John: Took care of the threat for now. But I'm gonna need someone to pick me and these people up so they can get back home.

Maria: On it, John. The problem is...some more enemies appeared throughout the world.

John: What?

*back in the Arctic*

We go back to Sector D as Aubrey, David, and Glenn look on at the cameras inside Daikon's prison. Outside, there have been many security measures such as many guards with advanced weaponry and super beings having upgraded suits look on in case of Daikon's arrival.

Suddenly, everyone got a call from the GDF.

Commander: All Super Beings in Sector D need to head back to Base. The entire Planet is under attack. I repeat, the Entire Planet is under attack.

Everyone was shocked by this. Just as they were preparing to head back...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Everyone stopped as they heard a lightning strike. Then...

David: What the-

Aubrey: That's strange. There shouldn't be any lightning around the Arctic.

Glenn: I don't think it's coming from the Arctic. Look at this.

They look as they were shocked to the lightning was coming from...the hanger containing Daikon imprisoned.

Aubrey: How the-he's creating this?

Glenn: Maybe. He has to be awake. He just taunting us.

David: Whatever's going on, he's just looking for the right moment.

Aubrey: But why is he showing his power right now? He's teasing us.

Glenn: Yeah. *makes a call* Can we keep some supers here? It seems as though Daikon's-

Commander: No excuses, Glenn. We need the Supers now. It's an emergency.

Glenn: *sighs in frustration* Fine. *makes a announcement* All Supers in the area, head back to Base immediately. The rest, stay vigilant.

All supers nod as they head through airships and jets to fly back to Japan. Aubrey watches them leave before looking at Daikon through the camera. She then gasps as she drops her cup.

David: Aubrey, what's wrong?

Aubrey: Guys...

The boys looked at her in confusion before looking at the screen and froze.

David: Fuck.

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