Under Attack; Return

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(Go to 0:50)

*at the GDF Base*

Everyone has been scurrying around, trying to detect the incoming attacks on cities around the world. We see Cody, Maria, and Danny looking over them as John arrives having been picked up.

John: Has the Z-Fighters been called?

Danny: Yes, but these reports have been all over the place.

Dispatcher: Sir! A monster has appeared in Shanghai!

Cody: Send in Karyu! They'll deal with it!

Maria: Who was that thing that attacked you?

John: She's pale, with black hair, has crows flying over here, and she can scream powerfully while draining my energy.

Cody: Wait...did she have purple eyes?

John: Yeah.

Maria: Saraya...

John: Who?

Danny: Saraya Knight. Aka Queen Knight. She's been dead for years. By Daikon's hands.


*Saraya screams loudly as Daikon rips her head off. Soon, he uses her head as a weapon to stun and burst their eardrums before crushing her skull, no longer seeing use.*

*flashback ends*

Cody: But...how? We cremated her after we found her body.

Danny: I don't know, but something's a foot here. Find any-

Dispatcher: We got an attack in Okinawa!

Dispatcher #2: So is Paris!

Dispatcher: And Sydney too!

The four are shocked as the see a screen pinpointing all the attacks from around the globe. From the US, Europe, Africa, Asia, and other big cities are pointed to be under attack.

John: What the Hell?

Cody: Grrr. Maria, Danny, John. Select a team and and find some ships to head to these locations. I'll deal ones here in Japan.

They nodded as they scrabble to gather a team.

*in Shanghai*

Explosions occur as the people of Shanghai ran from the destruction. Soon, a roar was heard.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Soon, the creature appears.

The creature charges through the city, destroying buildings and roads as it roars at the area he's in.

*New York*

We see everyone running while people, cars and buildings where being dissolved by acid. Soon, the creature shows up as he roars at the the fleeing innocents.

The man roars as it attacks anyone or anything he could get his hands on.


The Sydney Tower Eye falls down as explosions occurred around it. Everyone is seen running and trampling each other to escape. Soon, a giant creature appears as it destroys several buildings in its path.

The monster walks through the city as people screamed and run away.

*in Paris*

A beast like roar was heard in Paris, France, as a monster climbs onto the Eiffel Tower as it roars over the city.

It was a massive Ape as it jumps off the Tower and attacks the city.

(Yep it's a great ape. I'll explain later)


A giant monster passes through Okinawa as explosions occur around it.

(yep Randy and Braun are here. Remember these are former heroes that died)

*In San Francisco*

People are getting attacked by a murder of crows as the same woman that attacked John Superr walks around and lets out Sonic Screams that shattered window and people's eardrums, even causing internal injuries on their vital organs.


Soon, a immense swarm of human sized insects flew and attack everyone in Moscow.

*in Shanghai*

The monster roars loudly as a ship is seen flying over. It was the Karyu.



Captain: Damn that Rock Monster. Don't let it get away.

His crew nodded as they prepare the ship's weapons.

Captain: Karyu... Engage!


The ship fires it Maser Cannon at the monster, who roared in pain. It tries to charge at the Karyu but it's armor-piercing missiles hit it, making it stop and roar.

*in Okinawa*

The giant Frankenstein monster roars as a group of heroes arrived. It was the Z-Fighters as they fire beams and missiles at the monster. It barely flinched as it blasts them with electricity. Soon...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Soon, Eternal comes in as he looks at the 65 Meter Frankenstein.

Eternal: Evacuate everyone. I got this.

The heroes nod as they went out to evacuate the citizens as Eternal flies and fights the monster.

He dodges each strike from the giant Frankenstein before climbing from its arm before punching it's jaw, breaking it. Soon, Soon, he grabs the arm and hits a big Judo Throw on the monster, taking it down.

*all around the world*

Soon all the cities under attack were being assisted by the GDF and the Z-Fighters.

*in Tokyo*

A beam fires at a small town in Tokyo as a figure appears and people run from it.

The woman targets at a family and fires a beam at them. They covered themselves, waiting for their death.

But it didn't came.

They look up and see a Woman standing in front of them, shielding them from death.

Gail glares at the woman as she turns to the family.

Gail: Go! I'll take care of this!

The family ran as Gail turns to the cyborg woman.

Gail: You're going to pay.

The woman didn't move as she put a target on Gail. She just smirks.

Gail: Don't underestimate me. I'm married to a God.

Suddenly, her body glows as the cyborg fires a beam at her. It explodes as she felt Gail was destroyed... then...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The smoke shadows a pair of wings spreading out as the cyborg looks on. The smoke and debris blew away. It reveals Gail, but she looked different. Her dress has changed, he eyes glow red and... she has these moth-like wings on her back with Gold, Red, and Black.

Gail has transformed as the cyborg tries to calculate her power level but couldn't detect anything. Soon it fires a beam but Gail took in as it has no affect on her.

Gail: My turn.

Soon, Gail fires some lightning beams from her wings which caused damage to the cyborg. Soon, she leaps towards her and decapitates the cyborg before destroying the head. She then blasts the body into scrap.

Gail sighs as she closes her eyes. She then opens them and-

Gail gasps as she shook her head. She looks around but didn't see no one around. But she knew who was that.

Gail: He's coming... He's coming soon.

*At the Takao Petrochemical Complex.*

Explosions occur at the Complex as GDF soldiers stood in front of their commander. There was Hikari and Jimmy, as James was reluctant to go, be decided to join.

Commander: That is known as the Gryphon. *points at the monster.*

Commander: Watch out for its sharp claws, quills, and teeth. And especially it firing electric blasts from it's wings.

Soldiers: Yes sir.

James: Aye, aye, Captain-OOF! *gets elbowed*

Hikari: Can't you be serious for once in your life?

James: What? *shrugs* It's just my charm, toots.

Hikari: *Rolls her eyes*

Commander: Enough banter you two.

Both: Yes sir.

Commander: Go. Before the monsters destroys the area.

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The soldiers geared up as they head towards the Gryphon. The ones holding blasters fired at the creature, drawing its attention at them. it soon fires beams of electricity at them, as they judge them.

James: How do we stop that thing?

Hikari: I got a plan. I'll do the physical fight while you use your powers to speeds its aging process and-

James: Turn that Sombitch into dust. Nice.

Hikari: Good. You're keeping up.

James; Thanks-Hey! *sees her fly off* Bitch!

Hikar: Asshole! *she yells as she flies the monster.*

James rolls his eyes as he heads towards a building and uses a Zipline to climb up.

Hikari soon punches the Gryphon the side of it's face as he glares at her. Soon, she flies up as it spread its wings and follows her into the sky. James looks on as he gets into position.

The Gryphon flies to the skies, chasing Hikari as it tries to chomp on her, attempting to eat her. Hikari dodges each attack, but gets back handed by the monster.

Hikari stops herself as she glares at it. Soon, she charges at it before dodging a strike and hitting it with kick to the head, sending it down. The Gryphon tries to stop itself from crashing down, but the soldiers fired their blasters onto his wings, damaging them as it roars in pain.

It drops down as Hikari fires several blasts at the creature.

Hikari: Now, James!

James runs and leaps off the building and lands on the monster.

James: Alright. Here goes.

His hand glows as he smacks on the monsters and fires a shock. The monsters stops it slowly turns to dust before collapsing.

James falls but gets caught by Hikari as they land down.

James: Thanks.

Hikari: Don't mention it. And you did good back there.

James: Is that compliment?

Hikari: Don't make me take it back.

James: Too late. I recorded it.

Hikari: Shit.

Suddenly, Hikari sensed something as she looks up. Soon, she sees Gail heading towards them in the sky.

James: Woah. Who's that lady?

Hikari: My mom.

James: Huh. Guess I know where your looks came from-

Hikari punches him as Gail lands down.

Hikari: Mom. Why are you in you Goddess form?

Gail: A cyborg attacked Tokyo. I couldn't sit and let others die. I see you took care of the monster.

James: Yep. Because of me.

Hikari: James.

James: And Hikari, or whatever.

Gail raised a brow.

Gail: You've been busy, Hikari.

Hikari: You have no idea. This is James Blackwell.

James: Sup.

Gail: Pleasure to meet you, James. *looks at her daughter* Monsters have been coming all around the world, dear. Somethings going on.

Hikari: Indeed. Luckily, the GDF and Z-Fighters are taking care of the threats.

Gail: It won't last, unfortunately. Most are powerful. And...

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Gail and Hikari felt something as it shivers on their spines. James noticed this.

James: You guys alright? You look like you've seen a ghost.

Gail: You felt it too?

Hikari said nothing as she sees her hands shaking in fear.

James: Guys what's wrong?

Hikari: No.... No, no, no, no. Why now?!

*With Joe*

Joe manage to neutralize the monster as everyone rejoiced. Suddenly, Joe felt a shiver in his body as he looks at his hands. He was confused until... realization kicked in.

Joe: No... NO!

*back at the artic.*

Aubrey, David, and and Glenn check on the frozen prison as soldiers stayed and secure everything. This seemed fine until...

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*Everyone froze as they heard the sound. A sound... they did not want to hear. Aubrey looks in the cameras and sees a glowing violet color as everyone looks on in horror.


Aubrey: Fuck-

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David: He's back... God Help us.

How's the chapter?

What do you think of the action?

And the return of the GOD?

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