Return of the Saiyan

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*at the GDF*


Everyone froze in silence as the report came about Daikon breaking out. They look at the screen and see Daikon coming out of the ice prison in shock and fear.

Maria: No...

Cody: It can't be.

Danny: Fuck...

John: No... We're dead.

Everyone in different locations were looking on through screens as they all looked horrified, that the demon has been broken out.

*with Hikari*

Hikari, Gail, James, and the others look on through holographic screens of Daikon breaking out while roaring to the sky. Gail was covering her mouth in shock as Hikari holds her mother to comfort her.

Gail: Daikon... my love...

Hikari: Mom, it's okay. Calm down.

James: "My Love"?.... *gasps* Daikon's your-

Hikari slaps him to shut him up. Hikari looks at the screen as Daikon shakes off the ice and debris on his off his body while Gail was tearing up, shocked to see her husband again after 2 decades.

Hikari comforts her mother as James stood there shocked. He now sees the resembles between Hikari and Daikon and it's eye opening after much thought.

*With Eternal*

Joe looks at the screen in anger. His PTSD of being killed by Daikon are coming back to get him as he glares at the screen.

Joe: Damn it.... DAMN IT!

He slams his fist on the wall as he glares at the screen.

*back in the Arctic*

The soldiers look at the broken out Daikon as he had his eyes closed, taking deep breathes. He starts flexing his muscles and stretches out and cracks his neck.

One hard crack was it as he sighed with an evil smile as he opens his eyes. They also noticed that his hair somehow grew longer, but was still spiky enough. He even grew some hair on his face as he flashes his fangs at them.

It seems he progresses his age from how he looked when he stayed frozen for 20 years.

The soldiers stepped back as they aimed their blasters at him. Daikon chuckles as he slowly walks towards them, as if it was a game. Suddenly, a soldier yelled in fear as he shot Daikon with his blaster.

Soon, others followed suit as Daikon was riddled with blasts as he stood there. Their commander ordered them to stop, but fear had consumed them as they tried to take down Daikon.

Suddenly, Daikon steps through the smoke and blasts as if they were nothing to him. The soldiers stopped as they look in fear. Daikon chuckles as he flashes violet.

Soon, all the soldiers in front of him felt some passing through their bodies. The look at each as their see each other spitting out blood before falling apart.

The other soldiers from other parts of the base look on in horror as Aubrey, Glenn, and David were shaking in fear.

Aubrey: He...he didn't even move.

Glenn: M-maybe he...was too quick for our eyes.

The soldiers looking on in the background in fear as Daikon walks over the bodies, stomping on limps, heads, and insides, like they're insects.

Soldier: Aim for the mountain!

Soon, missiles were sent flying towards the mountain near Daikon. Explosions occurred as the avalanche descends down, while Daikon looks bored. Soon, he was buried in snow and rock as the destroyed mountain collapsed on him.

Soon, it dies down as the soldiers look on waiting for their plan to bury him in ice like 20 years ago worked. Instead, Daikon walks through the snow and debris like it was nothing.

The soldiers look on in horror as Daikon wipes the snow of his body. he looks at the soldiers as he flies up. Soon, he opens his mouth and he blows a freezing breath at the soldiers and surroundings.

All of them fired or ran, yet they ended up frozen by his Ice Breath.

Aubrey: He.... he froze them.

David: Guess he has knew abilities from his time here.

Soon, the area and soldiers were left frozen as Daikon stops. He then looks at the station where the three are staying and grins.

Glenn: Run! RUN-

Daikon soon appears before them as they stumble back in fear. He then walks towards them as he passes through Aubrey, Glenn, and David before reaching the computer.

They look on as Daikon uses the computer to look for information. David and Glenn look at each other as they pulled out hidden blasters. Aubrey stays back as they aim their guns at Daikon as he sees news about the monsters attacking and his release.

As he then looks for someone named "Hikari Saito" David and Glenn open fire on him. Each blast hit him back but did no damage. The only thing it did is destroying the computer.

Daikon stood as he watches the screen getting destroyed. His blank expression shows as we watches static and then shut down on the computer from the damage.

Soon, grabs a cloth and pulls his hair back into a ponytail and wraps it with the cloth leaving two bangs of hair.

He then turns around and glares the two before bringing his finger up and fires a few shots at David and Glenn. Each beam pass through their bodies as smoke and blood spurt out before they drop dead.

Aubrey: Glenn! Dave! No!

Daikon then walks towards her as she crawls away from him in fear. She was backed against the wall as she whimpers in fear, looking at this genocider in horror and dread.

Aubrey: What do you want from me?

Daikon said nothing as he kneels over and pulls out her phone from her pocket. He then makes her give him her passcode before looking for more information. Aubrey watches patiently and in fear as Daikon looks at her phone.

Soon, he sighs as he tosses his phone to her. She didn't catch it as she was too scared to move.

Aubrey: O....okay. I best be leaving.

She tries to get up but Daikon kicks her down. She grunts and looks up at him, only to be met by a open palm with Daikon grinning down at her.

Aubrey: Y-you... you monster. Everyone knows you're free. They'll stop at nothing to stop you. You can bet on that.

Daikon: ...Such Heroic Nonsense.

Aubrey is dead as Daikon sees the camera pointing at him, knowing the GDF is watching.

*with everyone*

Everyone was shocked by the display of power Daikon showed. Slicing soldiers in the blink of an eye, freezing an entire area, and lazily killing three defenseless workers.

Gail and Hikari are stunned to see him just waste away innocents likes insects. Hikari is now witnessing who her father is and it... it angers her.

He just... killed these soldiers with very little power and just lazily shot Aubrey, David, and Glenn with no effort. It may be a display of power, but to her, it also display his distain for humanity and weaker beings.

*back with Daikon*

Daikon looks at the headless body of Aubrey and grins. He then sees the camera and flies towards it. He chuckles as he gives them a smile that scares their souls.

Daikon laughs then crushes the camera and the flies off, leaving the now dead station that kept him in his prisoner for 2 decades.

*At the base*

Cody: Everyone, get ready! Daikon Black has been released! I repeat, Daikon Black has been released!

Everyone, scrambled as they struggle to find out where he flew. Cody, John, Maria, and Danny discuss about this.

John: Shit. Why did he come at the worst time imaginable?

Maria: Don't worry. We have Eternal and use to stop him. We could have chance.

Technician: Sir, we got a report in Sidney with Bagan.

The screen cuts to Bagan attacking the city only to hit with a blast that sent in him down. Everyone was shocked until they see one of their ships-

Everyone gasps as Daikon appears on screen, revealing he was the one that attack the monster and destroyed the ship.

Cody: What is he-

Bagan got up and roars at Daikon. It soon fires a beam at him, but Daikon dodges with ease. Daikon looks down at the monster and laughs.

Soon, he flies down as he grabs Bagan by the tail, soon he starts flying up. He starts swinging Bagan around before tossing him to the sky. Daikon then smirks he thrusts two fingers at him in the sky. Bagan soon roars in pain and blows up.

Everyone was shocked to see Daikon killing a giant Kaiju with no struggle.

Danny: he killed Dagan... why?

John: Did he have a change of heart?

Maria: He just destroyed one of our ships before he killed the kaiju. of course he didn't.

Cody: Not just that. Look.

They see different screens as all the monsters stopped and look at the different directions. Some showing signs of fear. Especially the great ape.

Danny: What are they doing?

Maria: They... they sense him.

Cody: Bagan must've been so strong that his death meant they're dealing with something far stronger.

Daikon is seen looking around, most likely sensing the monsters. He growls in anger as he senses the giant ape in Paris.

He soon, teleports.

Cody: Where did he-

Technician: Sir, we got a situation in Paris.

*in Paris*

The Great Ape stood on the Arc of Triomphe as it looks around in fear. Suddenly, it felt a sharp pain on his tail before feeling nothing. It soon collapse down as Daikon was there and he had cut off the ape's tail.

He flies down as the ape began to shrink and loose it's fur. It was demorphing as Daikon glares at it while bringing out his Energy Blade.

Cody; That must me a member of Daikon's species.

John: And he looks Hella pissed.

They look as Daikon was fuming in anger.

*Gail, Hikari, and James*

Gail: He's going to kill the Saiyan.

Hikari: We need to stop him. He can't just kill another member of his race.

James: He just killed a monster with his two fingers and blew up a ship before that. You try to get yourself killed.

*with Joe*

Joe: Guess it's the pride that drives you, huh? You never change, Black.

*with Daikon*

Daikon: Weak little traitor. *kicks it to make it lay on its back.* You sold your life to the ones that brought you here, away from our people? Why.... *brings his blade up to give a fatal strike* tertiary in the Saiyan Race shall be punished by-

Daikon stops as his face went from angry to shock and horror. The ape shrinks further and further down, until... all that is left...

Is a child.

(Usually a Saiyan Ape without the armor would be naked, but I'm not gonna show a naked kid)

Daikon was shocked. He had just attacked a child of his own species. Another Saiyan he haven't seen in years, and he attacked him. And it's a child.

Everyone was shocked. They were fighting a child underneath a monstruous ape. The GDF looked at each other in shock and shame, realizing they were attacking a kid.

Daikon: What? A kid? But... Where did they...

Daikon makes his blade disappear and was worried. He kneels over and picks up the child. He brings him closer and rubs his cheek. He senses him and sighs in relief that the boy was alive.

Hikari, Gail, James, and Joe were surprised to see this more tender side of Daikon. It reminded Gail and Joe of how he was before letting out his true self. But seeing him treating the young Saiyan child with care, they wonder if he has the same care he made them think all along.

The boy stirs a bit but lays against Daikon's chest still as sleep. Daikon gave a comforting growl before bringing his arm up towards the boy. Soon, Daikon covers him in energy and creates an attire similar to his for the boy to wear and regrew his tail.

Daikon: I'm sorry, young one. I didn't know-

Suddenly, a strange object appears as Daikon looks up and his eyes widen.

Daikon: I see. That's why you're here... I thought I killed them and their race years ago.

His eyes glows and he fires laser beams from his eyes, destroying the ship.

Daikon: They're back. Just my luck. *looks at the child in his arms* Don't worry, kid. You're staying with me until I send you back home. I'm not done with Earth to go back. Plus... *he gave a confidence smirk* I'll train you to be a better warrior.

Soon, Daikon places two fingers on his forehead and disappears with the kid in his arms.

*Back at the GDF*

Suddenly, all the monsters began to disappear with the UFO like ships started taking them away and flying off.

Cody: What the hell is going on?

Maria: All the monsters are gone.

John: Those ships have taken then except the one that Daikon destroyed.

Danny: What is going on?

Technician: Sir, we're getting a call.

Cody: Where?

Steve Malley: Somewhere far from Earth, sir.

Steve Malley. A skilled hacker and martial artist. Has the ability to turn invisible and make sure his steps and breathing are low or make no noise.

Cody: Show us, Steve.

Soon, the screen cuts to a man who gave a sinister grin.

?: Greetings, people of Earth. We are the Xiliens.

How's the chapter?

What did you think of Daikon's return?

And the many reveals?

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