Alliance?/ Learning the Truth

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The GDF look at the screen as this strange being looks at them. He looked human, but his eyes gave different feeling. Soon, Hikari, James, Gail, after reverting to her human form, and Joe arrived at the main base as they see the being on the screen.

Cody looks on as he stays serious.

Cody: State your business... Xilien. What is it that you come here?

Xilien Leader: Well... I cannot help but see you all are struggling with the monsters and former warriors turned into monsters, and then, encountering a rather... Wild Saiyan. Not surprising. Since that one man was the reason for our planet's demise.

Everyone was shocked. Daikon... destroyed a planet?

Xilien Leader: You see... the one known as Daikon was the one the initiated the War between his kind and ours. He led the Saiyan Army into Battle, killed all of us and destroyed our home and planet.

Soon, he shows footage of Daikon, looking younger, wearing Gold and Black Armor as floats down, with his fellow Saiyans following him as they destroy the Xilien planet.

Gail: Daikon...

John: Woah. Never thought he'd be more menacing.

Danny: This was most likely when he was young.

Joe: Damn... he really was this menacing.

James: Jesus. I don't know who's scarier. Him as an old man or young.

Hikari stays silent as she watches the footage of her father in his younger years. Her mother was right about his job, but this... this was pure anger. Like... he and the Xilien have massive problems.

Soon, Daikon was firing beams from his mouth, destroying everything and anyone caught in it.

Xilien Leader: Indeed he was. Watch as he begins his destruction.

Young Daikon soon flies up as his Saiyans followed him. Soon, they reach space before Daikon cups his hands together, creating a familiar technique as they Saiyans cheered him on.

Soon, Young Daikon fires a blast at the Xilien Planet.

Soon, the planet blows up as everyone looks on in horror realizing Daikon was this strong as a young man. The explosion was so devastating as it destroyed nearby planets.

The end shows Daikon laughing maniacally as the planet blows up and rock and debris scatter everywhere.

Even the Saiyans around him were looking at him in fear, seeing how Daikon was this hateful towards the Xiliens and loving the destruction of their home world.

Soon, someone enters the base and looks on.

Luka: That's not pure insanity.

Luka Vukovic. The GDF's weapons specialist and bomb maker who also works as a therapist and can see through someone's hidden emotions.

Cody: That's... rage.

Maria: What could have the Xiliens done to warrant such anger?

Xilien Leader: We do not know. But knowing the Saiyans, they wanted to conquer us. But Daikon wanted to destroy us all.

Gail gave a look of doubt. Even Joe was having the same look. They may not know a lot of Daikon, but knew it takes a special kind of something that could make this angry and relishing the demise of a Species. They knew something is off.

Hikari looks at her mother and sees the doubt in her face. She wonders why is she doubting since she's watching proof of her father's destruction.

Cody: So... what's in it for us, Xilien Leader?

Xilien: I propose... an alliance. To take out this Universal Threat of a Saiyan.

Everyone was shocked by this.

Maria: Why? What makes you think we should trust you to have an alliance?

Xilien Leader: We took care of the monsters invading your planet. Is that enough for you to trust us?

Steve: He's right.

Cody, Maria, Danny, and John looked at each other with uncertainty as everyone was uncertain as well. Gail and Joe were not convinced. Despite Daikon having hurt and killed so many people, they know something bad led to his reaction from what they saw in the footage. They look at each other and nodded, seeing they were thinking of the same thing.

Cody: Let us think about this, Xilien Leader-

Xilien Leader: Please... call me...Xeno.

Cody: Alright... Xeno... we need to process this. Give us time to think of you proposition.

Xeno: Very Well. We'll be on Earth soon. Hope you decide what is favorable. After all... this is a matter that can benefit the Universe.

Everyone pondered as Hikari looks at the last image of her father, standing tall... with the head of his victim being held by the hair.


While the GDF and the UN ponder on the situation, Hikari, James, Gail, and Joe look at each other.

Hikari: He was angry?

Joe: Yeah. It takes something serious to make him that mad.

James: So, that wasn't because he's a Psychopath?

Gail: No. Daikon maybe many things, but a Psychopath is not. I know from experience.

Hikari: What do you mean, mom?

Hikari takes a deep breath while Joe looks at her, worried.

Joe: You don't have to tell her, Gail. She-

Gail: No... I will, Joe. *looks at Hikari:* Remember how I told you how me and your father met?

Hikari: You told me you were fighting along side him when he saved you.

Gail: Yes. But... I was fighting against him.

Hikari/James: What?

Joe: Years ago... we had a call about a Goddess absorbing the souls of innocents. Me and Daikon went there to investigate. We learned that the Goddess was once prosperous and kind. But then, she turned evil and began draining their lifeforce suddenly.

Hikari: No... that was you, mom?

Gail looks at her and gave a nod, with a face of remorse and guilt. Hikari couldn't believe it.

James: And what happened?

Gail: I was possessed by a Demonic entity, who took advantage when I was in a vulnerable state and used me as a host to drain the lifeforce of the people who honored me.

Hikari was horrified.

Gail: I fought Daikon when he was still the Heavenly Warrior. While I am strong, the souls I absorbed made me stronger and our battle was fought hard. However, Daikon would later defeat me. However, the Demon saw how powerful he was and left my body to try to use him as as a host.

Joe: He didn't succeed.

James: Why?

Joe: He looked into Daikon's mind... he was clear with no psychopathic manners. The demon saw what he did in his mind and was horrified, until Daikon used his distraction to kill him.

Gail: He didn't just kill him. He copied the absorbing ability he saw and how I used it against him, and drained the life of the Demon, leaving a husk of nothing before he destroyed. He said it replenished his powers, but added more to his energy.

James: So... he wasn't demented? He just... relished the death and destruction?

Gail: Yes.

Hikari: Mom...

Gail looks at her daughter and hugs her.

Gail: I know this is shocking to you. But, just know I wasn't myself until your father saved me.

Hikari: I know. *hugs her back* It makes me understand how much you trusted him.

Gail smiles as the two parted and smiled at each other. Joe and James look on with smiles on their faces.

James: So what about the Xiliens?

Joe: I don't trust them.

Gail: Me too.

Hikari: Why, mom?

James: Yeah. It could be beneficial. You saw what he can do, and that doesn't compared what he could do now.

Gail: We may have our thoughts on Daikon... but even we know there something that drove him to have that kind of hatred.

Joe: I saw it first hand. One time, a kid ran up to him and told him about being abandoned and abused. I never seen him that angry as he left and... the kid was safe, but his parents and family disappeared.

Gail: There was one thing he hated with his race. That they send their weaker infants to space to grow and conquer a planet alone.

Hikari and James were shocked.

James: So... he does have goodness?

Joe: Unfortunately... he just see this as a job he enjoys. But, he doesn't like his race sending children away.

Gail: He personally had to witness and went through the same thing. And that's why how much he treasured you, Hikari.

Hikari: He did?

Gail: Yes. Even though he goes around killing many people, he always comes back and plays with you. He witness you crawl, walk, and then talk and he was so proud of you. He never wanted you to begin training until you're old enough and with us. He even made me promise to train you when he's away, and I did.

Hikari: So... I became this strong... because of him?

Gail: Yes. He have the blood of a Goddess and a Saiyan within you. Honestly... he spends more time with us than conquering Earth. You even learn some moves by copying from seeing him or when he showed you. When you did them, he cheers you on, and spins you around celebration. He even told me how you fired your first Ki Blast at him and he was over the moon, despite having a wound on his chest. *chuckles* He spent an entire year with us, like everything around him was nothing compared to having us with him.

Joe was shocked as well how Daikon, the man who killed him twice, was this happy to be a father. It's like he's so... different. But then Joe remembered how Daikon was excited about having a child before he did what he did.

Hikari and James were shocked to hear how someone as chaotic and merciless as Daikon... was this much of a father to her many years ago.

Hikari: Wow... I don't... I don't know how to feel about this.

Gail: Trust me, dear, I had the same feeling years ago. I just hoped he will no longer continue, but it took him being imprisoned for him to stop.

Joe: Yeah...

The four stood there, thinking about what else they can do. James looks at Hikari, who is still conflicted about this information and places his hand on her shoulder. Hikari looks at him as he gave a comforting smile as she smiles back.

*With Daikon*

Sitting at an island far from anyone's reach, there stood Daikon as he looks over the young Saiyan boy who is still unconscious from having his tail cut off. Daikon wants patiently as he goes into his pocket. There, he pulled out an old wallet that was in relatively good condition and opens it. There, he sees a picture of him 20 years ago with Gail and a baby Hikari smiling to the camera.

Daikon: ...

Daikon: Gail... Hikari...

Daikon looks at the picture of him and his family, dropping some tears, seeing how much he missed them. He can sense them all the way to Tokyo, but knew he can see them right now. He knows his long absence has affected them and wanted to give them space to process his return.

Soon, he wipes off his tears and puts his wallet back into his pocket as he focuses on the boy Saiyan he took with him.

On the ground, the boy slowly woke up as he slowly got up. He looks around looks confused as to where he is until sees a man looking down at him.

The boy looks at him in surprise, but felt a overwhelming power from him as steps back in shock and fear. He then sees the tail and realizes it's another member of his species.

Boy: Y-you're a Saiyan.

Daikon: That I am, boy. Now, state your name.

Boy: Um.... Lyon, sir.

Daikon: Lyon... good. Now, how did you get into the hands of the Xiliens?

Lyon: Xiliens?

Daikon: Hmm... I see the youth of our planet have not been taught about our independence from the Xiliens. Tell me, child, where were you?

Lyon: I was on a mission with a team in establishing a new planet for our people-

Daikon: New planet?

Lyon: The king wanted more space for our growing population and felt acquiring more planets as residence for the Saiyan Race would be good.

Daikon: I see. Continue.

Lyon: Then a blacked out. And now, I'm awake and now at an unfamiliar planet.

Daikon: You're on Earth, boy.

Lyon: Earth? *shocked* But...

Daikon: It seems the Xiliens brought you here along with other monsters to attack Earth. And you turned into a Great Ape, to which you still have little control due to your age.

Lyon couldn't believe it.

Daikon: And... if your team weren't strong enough, they're most likely been killed by the Xiliens.

Lyon: No...

Daikon: Don't worry, child. I am sure we will take down this threat as we did before.

Lyon: We did?

Daikon: Why yes. You're looking at the one that destroyed their home planet.

Lyon looks at him and he gasps in realization.

Lyon: You're Daikon! The Hero of our people!

Daikon: *smirks* Now you know me.

Lyon: Now it makes sense! You look older and looked weird with a beard and ponytail-

Daikon: Don't push it.

Lyon: You're the actual hero of our planet! Because of you, we've been independent and free!

Daikon: Indeed I am. It seems everyone back home are still telling tells about me.

Lyon: Well, you were deemed dead by most of us while your family still believed you're alive.

Daikon: My family? Great!

Lyon: Huh?

Daikon: Once I'm done Xiliens and Earth, I'll take my family here to see my family back home.

Lyon: Wait... you have a family here?

Daikon: Did I stutter, child?

Lyon: *scared* No, sir!

Daikon: Good. Anyway, until then, we'll find my old ship and send you back home. However, I was itching to train a fellow Saiyan, other than my daughter, so I'm going to train you. Understood?

Lyon: Yes, sir, Daikon!

Daikon: *eyebrow twitched* Still have to get use to being called 'sir'. Especially from a child of my own race. *shakes it off.* Alright. But first...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Daikon: I spent 20 years imprisoned without food. Let's find something to eat.

Lyon: Oh. I- *stomach growls* Me too.

Daikon: Luckily, this place has giant monsters around so we can eat a lot. So, go find one then I'll join you.

Lyon: What? Why me?

Daikon: Because I want to know if you have use your senses, boy. Now go.

Lyon groans as he flies off. As he does Daikon pulls out his wallet and pulls out the family picture. he looks at it and smiles.

Daikon: Gail... sorry for leaving you alone all these years. Hikari... sorry I was an absent father... but don't worry. I'll make it to you two. I promise.

Lyon: *from a far* Sir, I found a bit one!

Daikon: Be right there, boy!

Daikon burns the wallet and put the picture in his pocket. He sighs as he flies off. However, one thing is in his mind... him seeing his family again.

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