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That night, Daikon and Lyon are seen eating the meat from the Kaiju Lyon found. Daikon was eating ravenously as it had been twenty years since he had eaten. The meat wasn't bad, as it was good, but he felt Gail would make it better.

Daikon: *in his mind* God, I miss my wife's cooking.

Lyon: So what do we do when the Humans and Xiliens begin an alliance?

Daikon: I doubt it would work, Lyon. I mean, most humans here are so dumb they can't think of the long game. I mean, a mysterious alien race arriving on Earth wanted peace and collaboration? That just screams "There's a catch". Plus, the Xiliens are known for being persuasive to desperate races. Ours was like that, years ago, until I freed us.

Lyon: True.

Daikon: Then again *chews on some meat* we had races invade Earth, and with me being a Villain from another planet, they should be weary about trusting people from space by now.

Lyon: If they do not?

Daikon: Then it would be easy to find the weak links.

As Daikon took another bite, he sensed something. He turns his head to the side as Lyon looks at him in confusion. Suddenly, two kids appeared through the bushes.

One was an older boy and another is a little girl. Daikon softened down as he stood up and approached them. The kids stepped back in fear, so he stopped. He then kneels and offers his hand with a gentle smile.

Daikon: It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you.

The kids look at him with hesitation. They're seeing a man who most likely killed the Kaiju he's eating with the other kid, so he's most likely very strong. However, seeing his gentleness towards them eased them a bit. Soon, the older boy walks to him, holding the little girl's hand as she follows him.

He then places his hand on Daikon's palm. Daikon smiled as he stood up.

Daikon: Come. You must be hungry.

The kids nod as he brings them to the fire pit and puts two pieces of meat into two sticks. He gives it to them and they start eating as Lyon looks on with amazement.

He has heard of Daikon being a ruthless and destructive being in the Saiyan Ranks. He even destroyed three planets after one blast. But, now... he's seeing a softer, gentler, version of him. He still has his ruthlessness, but would only show it when angry.

Daikon: You too have names?

The boy: James. This is my little sister.

The girl: My name is Mary.

Daikon: James... Mary. Nice names. My name is Daikon, and this is Lyon.

Lyon gave a nod.

James: Nice to meet you.

Daikon: So, why are you two here? Alone? Are you roaming around? You're lucky you found us, as Kaiju is running around here and could eat you. *bites into some meat*

James: ...We were brought here to be sacrificed.

Daikon jumped as he accidentally swallowed the meat. He coughs as he looks at James in shock.

Daikon: Sacrificed? For what?

James: A monster to make sure our village would be safe. It has been like that for years.

Daikon looks at James and then at Mary who seemed she was scared and crying. Suddenly, images of his past came back as his face was slowly turning from shock and confusion to anger and hatred.

He stood up, his veins popping, his aura coming out of his body with black electricity.

The ground beneath them shook as the kids stepped back in shock and fear. Lyon never witnessed Daikon's power, but now... he can see why he's truly the most feared Saiyan.

Daikon then sees the kids afraid and immediately calms down. The ground stopped shaking as he stood straight and looked down at them.

Daikon: I'm sorry. I was angry about what you're going through. Children like you two should be cherished, not thrown away to appease something uncaring.

James and Mary gave a smile and tearful thank you as Lyon stayed silent. It's common to not show care to people from other planets as most Saiyans do. However, seeing Daikon caring for the two human children showed him he could at least give his sympathy.

Daikon: Tell me, where is your village?

James: Um... why?

Daikon: I want to know. Also, did your parents not give their consent to have you two out here?

James: It's tradition, so everyone felt they should do it, regardless if they consent or not. Our parents were too deep into it, so they didn't feel like worrying about us.

Daikon: I see. *in his mind* Well... looks like I have to go back to being a Hero again. Though this... this is a worthy cause. *speaks* Don't worry. I'll make sure those other children will be safe from this cult.

James: And what about the adults?

Daikon: You don't have to worry about them, Little James. *in his mind* They'll be dead soon.

Mary soon approaches Daikon as his face softens before rubbing her hair. She giggles as Daikon smiles. He then looks at James who seems a bit protective of his sister, but he feels it's sweet.

Daikon: Tell me James, where is your village located?

James: If you go straight and make a right turn around a lake of Crystals, follow it and there you find the village.

Daikon: Thank you.

James: But... what are you going to do, Mr. Daikon?

Daikon: Don't worry. I'll have a word with the adults and make sure the children are safe. So no more sacrifices.

James and Mary smiled and nodded to him. Suddenly, Daikon's eyes glow which made James and Mary feel sleepy. Soon, they collapse but Daikon catches them and lays them on his lap. Lyon looks on as Daikon rubs their heads.

Lyon: What are your plans, Master?

Daikon: I'm going to that village, bring the children here, then... *eyes glow red for a second* do the classic Saiyan treatment on them.

Lyon: Yes sir.

Daikon: You will watch over the children. After that, I will erase their memories from the village, the traditions, and the adults, and I will find them new homes.

Lyon: You're gonna do all that, sir? Wouldn't it be too much for simple earthling children-

Daikon grabs Lyon by the back of his shirt and brings him up to his face, showing his frowning face.

Lyon: Okay. You do what you want to, sir.

Daikon: Good. *places him down.* I'll be back. Watch over them.

Daikon soon flies off as Lyon watches him fly off before looking after James and Mary.


Daikon flies through the sky as he follows James' direction. Soon, he follows the river lands on a hill, and sees the village underneath him. Daikon looks down with a frown as sees the villagers having a party for the kids they sent to their deaths as a sacrifice for their safety. Daikon growls as senses the children and can feel the fear and uncertainty for their fates.

Suddenly, Daikon's eyes glow as he transfers a spell to the children in the village. They suddenly went to sleep as Daikon created several portals and sent them all to where Lyon and the siblings were staying.

Sensing there are no children in the village while everyone didn't notice or didn't care. Daikon's eyes turned from glowing violet to red as his grin grew.

Daikon raised his hand and creates a yellow energy ball. He then throws it down and it explodes at the center of the village.

*music plays*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Everyone screams in shock in fear until Daikon appears on the ground through the fire and smoke. They saw his face and they started running.

Daikon watches them run as he laughs as his eyes glow and soon...

Daikon laughs as he grabs a woman and pulls her skeleton out of her body. Her organs fell off as he pulled out the rips and stabbed a man with them in the face.

Daikon pulls out his Energy Blade, which is glowing red, jumps, and lands on a man, crushing his skull before decapitating several people around him.

Daikon laughs as his mouth starts to glow before he fires a red energy beam from his mouth, vaporizing anyone or anything around him, and setting everything on fire.

Daikon moves around, making his beam hit anything and anyone around him.

Daikon laughs as he grabs a man by the head and slowly crushes it with ease.

Daikon sighs as senses more around.

Daikon: I wasted my energy with all of you, even if it's very little. So, as punishment, I will extract what little energy you have to replenish my own.

Daikon raises his hand and it glows. Soon, beams of energy shoot out, hitting the remaining people, and extracting their life force.

Daikon extracts their energy as he walks around and feels the little energy he used growing back. However, it was too much as Daikon's veins began to glow from the amount of energy he took.

*song ends*

Soon, Daikon stops as he looks over and sees the massacre he caused. However, he sensed one more that was purposefully spared.

Daikon: The Priest.... *smirks*

He then looks at the church and walks towards it. He enters as he sees the Priest hiding behind the table. Daikon chuckles as he approaches him and the Priest starts throwing everything he has at him.

Daikon was unfazed by the books, cups, and candles thrown at him as he reached the table and grabs the Priest with his bare hand, and brought him toward his tall frame.

Daikon: So you are the one that caused so many children to lose their lives over some monster that I can eat for breakfast... please.

Daikon tightens his grip as the Priest chokes.

Daikon: When has child sacrifices been a thing? Oh right, during the era when Carthage ruled. Which was a thousand years ago!

Daikon tosses the priest against the wall as he approaches him.

Daikon: I may be considered a monster by many... but I would never sacrifice a child for something so pitiful and disgusting as being sacrificed for people like you.

Priest: But... not all-

Daikon: "Not all are bad?" *slaps him* Big deal. Regardless if they are innocent or not, they allow their children to be served by a monster and YOU and EVERYONE here don't deserve to be heading to Paradise or Damnation! You all deserve to remain in a purgatory, where God or the Devil will not let you enter Heaven and Hell. And for you...

Daikon catches the head as he looks at it. Suddenly, the head somehow was still alive as the Priest spoke.

Priest: What? But how I-

Daikon: *Chuckles* Simple. I transferred your soul into our head. I'm not done with you yet. *walks out of the church.*

Priest: Wait... what are you going to do with me?!

Daikon: Simple, insect. *Grabs a Pike.* I'm going make you an example to anyone who dares enter this place. And sadly for you... you will still be alive until I feel like it.

Priest: What?! No! No-AAHHHH!

Daikon jams the Pike into the Priest's head fellow putting it down on the ground and setting it in place. Daikon stood in front of him as he smiled.

Daikon: Don't worry about the children. Their minds will be erased by the fears and memories of this accursed place. Then, they will be given to families that will love and raise them.

Daikon turns and walks off.

Priest: Hey! You can't leave me here! You Son of a Bitch! You-

Daikon snaps his fingers, which makes the Beheaded Priest unable to speak but can only wheeze, cough, and gasp. Daikon soon flies off, leaving the village to collapse and be abandoned, and the decapitated Priest sits there on the pike, unable to speak and wishing he was dead.


Daikon would later erase the memories from the children's minds, except for small parts then send them individually to different houses across the world. Soon, He stops as he sighs while sitting down.

Lyon: Wow, Master. That was intense what you did.

Daikon: I know, Lyon.

Lyon: But why would you do it for those children?

Daikon: ... I hate how they send younglings like you out alone.

Lyon: Really?

Daikon: Yes. I never like that. Knowing you would have to live on a planet by yourself, relying on instincts you have yet to develop, no one around to guide you. *looks down* Not a day goes by when, watch my siblings take off to the stars, unable to assist them until they're at a certain age. *stands up* It has been my main regret years ago. And that's why, I never will subject my daughter to that.

Lyon: Then, why continue doing what we do?

Daikon: ... I don't know. I have no excuses or reasons why I should conquer Earth. I... felt I didn't deserve the happiness of friends, people who look up to me, a family that loves me. I felt I was losing who I am. Or... was. I don't know who I am anymore. And that pisses me off!

Daikon's aura bursts out for a second before he calms down.

Daikon: I cannot think of anything other than destruction and capture. But after arriving here, and getting to learn and make bonds... I guess... I owed a lot to my wife. It's not uncommon here than on our planet, but... she brought up the side that I tried to hide... one that Saiyans look down upon... compassion and emotion. And she... without any effort... made me feel that way.

Lyon: Did you... resent her for making you feel that way?

Daikon: ... That's why I let myself be buried in ice for 2 decades. To let myself think of what I've done and how it affects everyone around me. My family... they don't care. But the one I made here... they're the victims of my rampage... and now that I can sense them from afar... I don't feel worthy to be there for them. I... don't know if it was resentment or something else. Pride, Judgement, whatever it is. I don't want her to feel like she was a burden to me.

Lyon: Woah. You really love her. It is far from what I've seen with my own family... or anyone from our planet.

Daikon stayed silent before giving a deep sigh.

Daikon: The time for talking is done. *turns to him* I promise you will be a warrior and I will make one out of you. So that you will learn your skills and not copy those before you. Understand?

Lyon nodded as both he and Daikon went into a fighting stance. Soon, they powered up and they charged at each other, ready for the sparing match to help Lyon become stronger.

How's the chapter?

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