Hackin Around

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We start with the gang chilling like always. Daikon laying on the sofa while listening to an audiobook. Lexi's seen resting on his legs as she looks at phone using her husband's thighs as a pillow.

Daikon would even use his tail to hold her phone so she could rest her arms while watching a video as she snuggles against his thigh. Aiden is seen playing video games on the TV with Selever as Draghar and Zeighar watch a movie on another TV.

So things are calm with the cast of Daikon's Extravaganza...

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As Aiden and Selever are playing, suddenly the game glitched out.

Selever: The Hell?

Aiden: What the...

With The Elite Slayers, the TV went static before showing a crappy show.

Both: Huh/What?

Lexi was reading through her posts until she gets a lot of random and weird pop up ads.

Lexi: The fuck is going on?

Daikon seems to not be affected as he listens to his audiobook. Then:

His phone:

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Daikon: Okay, what the hell is going here?

Aiden: I know right? For some reason, the electronics started to glitch out and do random stuff.

Zeighar: Yeah.

Daikon: Hmm...Angel, do you know what's going on?

Angel: I'm trying to, bro. It would appear that the show is getting hacked into.

Everyone: What?!

Selever: Who would be stupid enough to try to hack into the show?!

Angel: That's what I'm trying to figure out. But it also seems that something else is fighting off the hacking, which makes it impossible to track down. But, I'll try. In the meantime, try to find some possible suspects. See if you could figure the hacker out until I finished my investigation.

Aiden: Great. Where do we start?

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Zeighar: Okay, what we have are some of the secondary villains of the DK Trilogy to could be suspected of hacking. Fat Tony from the Simpsons, Fizzarolli from Hazbin Hotel, Raihan and Frustator from Monster Legends and General Grievous from Star Wars.

Aiden: We also have Al Capone and NightHunterRicky up there as well.

Alexa: Wait...aren't some of these villains already dead? Al Capone, Frustator, and Fizz have been dead for a while.

Selever: Yeah.

Angel: Oh, right. Forgot to mention, CS brought them back to life.

Draghar: Why?

Angel: I don't know. He told me for something special. *leaves*

Aiden: Alright then. Let's list out for motives.

Daikon: I doubt Raihan would think of hacking our show.

Draghar: Why?

Daikon: Even despite what he does, he's willing to face me without hesitation. I doubt he would waste his time trying to hack when his ultimate desire was to best me in battle.

Alexa: He has a point.

Aiden: Alright then. Raihan's out. Let's go with Al Capone.

Selever: From what I remember, Snorky tried to conquer LA, but was stopped by Dario and Keku.

Daikon: With me appearing and establishing myself as frequent character.

Zeighar: Doesn't seem like he has much of a reason to hack into the show.

Selever: Perhaps he's thinks tampering with Daikon's show would give him a key to get revenge on Darkekulavia.

Alexa: But would it as he knows what Daikon's capable off.

Aiden: Okay then. Let's go with Fat Tony.

Alexa: He did try to kill Daikon when he arrived at Springfield unintentionally.

Selever: Wait, what about that old guy?

Zeighar: Mr. Burns? Hmm...Daikon did ruin his plans before so he could be a possible suspect, but as shown, he's not going to be around Daikon with a 10 foot pole after what he did.

Draghar: Frustator did indeed try to kill Daikon, you, and Baelz during your prank spree, and turned you into fruits.

Alexa: And then taken down after Baelz saved you guys.

Aiden: Yes, indeed. NightHunterRicky doesn't seem to have a reason to try to hack. Perhaps he thinks doing so would make his threats clear.

Selever: He's either retarded or super retarded to think of that. And that Fizz Guy, I remember he tormented Dario with his carnivals after he and Keku burned the one they first went down.

Draghar: Much like you-

Selever: Hey, at least I know when to draw the line. Annoyance? Yes. Completely hurting to the point of depression? That's a no-no for me.

Zeighar: And Grievous well...he could be one as he did indeed try to kill Ethan, but doesn't have anything relating to trying to attack Daikon.

Aiden: And Letalis?

Alexa: Daikon's pretty much abused him to the point of fear. He once went into a dimension where Letalis was sent just to abuse him to the point of staying there.

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*somewhere in another dimension*

Letalis: Stop this, you-AAAAAAAAAHHH!

Daikon: *humming*

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Aiden: Okay, then. So let's cross them out and-


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Everyone: Huh?!

Selever: Wait, you said cross out?!

Aiden: Yeah.

Alexa: That's Daikon's code for killing.

Draghar: ...Shit.

*with Al Capone*

Al Capone: I'm telling you, I don't know what this hacking nonsense is! Could you please leave me be?! I was just brought back! And why are we here?!

Daikon: Don't remember? This was the St. Valentines Day Massacre you set up during the Great Depression.

Al Capone: I had no involve-

Daikon: STD for Brains, we all know that's a lie. So are you gonna admit or not?

Al Capone: I didn't do-

Daikon: Wrong Answer. Turn around.

Al turns around with fear but his eyes widen and-

Daikon looks at the scene and chuckles before leaving.

*With NHR*

NHR: I didn't hack into your show! Please let me go!

Daikon: Hmm...

NHR tries to crawl as his upper half was twisted to his back. Daikon looks on with amusement as NHR slowly dies.

*with Fat Tony*

Fat Tony: So, someone's trying to ruin your show and you want us to give them the ol' Mafia Treatment?

Daikon: Yep. It wouldn't matter if they're male or female, right?

Fat Tony: Of course not. No matter what, someone's gonna pay.

Daikon: Then, we have a deal, Tony. And by the way, thanks for this outfit.

Fat Tony: No problem. This is a form of apology for you know, trying to kill you last time.

Daikon: Nah, It's alright. I actually respect those who fight back without fear. So you're on the list.

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*with General Grievous*


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Grievous: Mr. Black. What brings you here?

Daikon: To ask you a question. Are you the one tampering with my show?

Grievous: I do not understand your question as I never was interested in what you and your friends are up to. *turns his back on him* No leave, if that's all you're asking.

Daikon: I see...still wrong answer.

Grievous falls down as he looks at his body while rust begins to spread.

Grievous: What is this?! What have you done to me?!

Daikon: I hereby sentence you to death.

Daikon: That's that. And how did I get this Rust Cannon?...Oh yeah.

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Daikon is seen tacking the gun from Sentinel Prime in Transformers Dark of the Moon and shoots him with it, point plank in the face before disappearing with it to be shrunken.

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Daikon: Come to think of it, I have a plethora of trophies from my victims in the mansion. But why this cannon from a Transformers movie? Eh. I think Angel did this as a hint for an upcoming episode or something.

*later, with Frizzolli*

Daikon seen holding Frizzolli up as Frizz struggles.

Daikon: Tell me! Are you the one messing with my show?!

Frizz: No! I was just brought back! I don't have any intentions to make sure stupid thing! Please let me be! What do you want from me?! A piece of merchandise!

Daikon: No...I want-

Daikon: Two! *tosses the bodies away* Now onto the last suspect.

*with Frutastor*

Daikon: Tell me the truth about your involvement with my show, or else I'll turn you into a salad!

Daikon is seen using telekinesis to hold Frustrator up as he struggles to move.

Frutastor: No!

Daikon: Are you gonna make the the excuse that you were brought back out of no where?

Frutastor: Uh...yes.

Daikon: Wrong Answer!

Daikon brings out his scythe as he brings it up in the air and spun it around. Soon he pulls Frutastor towards it as he screams in fear and...

Daikon: That's all the suspects. *makes the scythe disappear* Now, let's see if the others made progress. *places his fingers on his forehead*

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*back at the mansion*

Daikon returns as everyone approaches him. They see he's covered in blood and guts but he looks calm and unbothered by it, unlike them.

Alexa: Babe what did you do?

Daikon: Simple. Killed all but Fat Tony. And he gave this suit that wasn't eager to stain it yet. *places the folded suit to the side*

Aiden: Dude! We haven't even confirmed they're the ones responsible!

Zeighar: Yeah! You just killed them for no reason!

Daikon: What? Murder is murder. Plus, most of them were assholes that hurt my friends so I do have sympathy for them.

Draghar: Yet-


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Daikon: Anyway, what's the progress?

Aiden: Well, bad news, we still haven't figured out our hacker. But Good news, Angel found the one responsible for helping our show not get canceled.

Daikon: Really? Who?

Angel: I located a heat source of a laptop not too far from here. It seems to be helping us not get the show canceled.

Daikon: Where is this heat signature?


We the see the gang entering the building as they look for the person responsible for preventing the show from being hacked. Soon, Daikon senses something and goes off as they followed. Soon, the arrive at a door and Daikon knocks.

?: Hello? 

Daikon: Are you the one saving my show from getting hacked?

?: Saving the sho-wait. Are you Daikon Black?! From DKCU?!

Daikon: Yes. But you didn't answer my question.

?: Wait, just a sec. Let me open the door for you.

The door opens as the gang look down and see a figure that looks Emo with a sentient scarf around his neck.

?: Oh my god...this is awesome!

Daikon: Who are you?

Edgar: T-the name's Edgar, sir. And yes, I was the one keeping you show from getting hacked.

Daikon: I see. Why were you protecting it?

Edgar: Well, I love the action on it. It was very unique, completely different to Darkekulavia 1 and 2 and Codesworld.

Alexa: Interesting. And we thank you for-

Suddenly, Alexa glitches out and was turned into her 2D form in Bruce Timm Style.

Alexa: What the-?!

Edgar: Crap! The hacking!

Then, Aiden glitches and turns into a dog.

Aiden: What the fuck?!

Edgar quickly goes back to his chair and starts typing on his keyboard as the Elite Slayers turn into Cat-Dog.

Draghar: What the-

Zeighar: Bro, my ass is stuck on you-

Draghar: Don't finish that sentence, motherfucker!

Edgar: Come on, come on!

Soon, Selever loses his body and was left with just his head.

Selever: Crap! I got no sexy body!

Edgar: There!

Soon, the four turn back into their live action and human selves restored.

Selever: Oh thank goodness. Wait, why was Kon not fazed?

Edgar: He's too strong for the hacking to harm him.

Zeighar: Not because he has Plot Armor?

Edgar: Eh, that too.

Aiden: Okay, I'm pissed! Who's the fucker that did that?!

Edgar: Way ahead of you, Aiden. Luckily, during my little fight with this hacker, I managed to find the IP address of the one responsible.

Daikon: Good. Send me the coordinates. We're going to make them suffer.

Edgar: On it, big man!

*at the address*

We see a dark room only lit by a computer as a figure covers it, while typing vicious. This is the hacker they're looking for.

Suddenly the door slams opens as the hacker turns around.

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It was Daikon and his crew, glaring daggers at the hacker.

Hacker: Oh shit-

Soon, they entered the room and started kicking and stomping at the hacker with Edgar joining in.

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They smack them with their weapons before Daikon hits her with an Axe Kick. The hacker lay motionless as Daikon picks them up.

Daikon: No let's see who our hacker is.

He pulls off the mask and...

Everyone: Mindy Kaling?!

Mindy: Damn it! How did you find me?!

Daikon: Never mind that. It's payback time.

Aiden: Wait. You're trying to ruin our show just because we killed your show, right? Are you stupid?

Mindy: Fuck you all! I wanted the show to be show appreciation to current culture! And I would've gotten away with it, if it weren't for you Meddling Degenerates and your midget Hacker-

Suddenly, Edgar's scarf wraps around Mindy's neck choking him.

Daikon: Easy, Edgar. *Edgar calms down* Let's see how Real Velma thinks of you.

Daikon opens a small portal and the actual Velma from Mystery Inc. pops out.

Velma: Saw what you did to me. Jinkies, you're a terrible person. *slaps her*

Mindy: You little-

Velma slaps her again, this time harder before fist bumping Daikon. She then leaves the portal as it closes.

Selever: Now, what do we do to here?

Daikon: Hmm...

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We see Mindy being tied up and gagged as she muffled screams for help before a door closes in front of her. We zoom out to see Fat Tony and Daikon shaking hands.

Fat Tony: Pleasure working for you. This broad was getting on our nerves too.

Daikon: Happy to work with you, Tony.

Fat Tony: And here's some of the best Italian Wine we could find.

We see crates full of wine being given to Daikon and his crew.

Zeighar: Sweet.

Fat Tony: Now, then. See you around.

Daikon salutes as Fat Tony and his gang entered the car and drive off, with Kaling's muffled screams being heard.

Daikon: Well, then. That's taken care off. Thank you, Edgar for keeping our show safe from being hacked into.

Edgar: No problem. I guess it's time we part ways.

Daikon: Not necessarily.

Everyone: Huh?

Edgar: What do you mean?

Daikon: I admire you skills in the technical and gadgetry in the computer, Edgar. I see that as a valuable talent and we could use that for our show. So, would you like a spot as a nee member of the cast?

Everyone was surprised by this. Soon, Edgar got excited.

Edgar: Yes! I've been watching all your shows since the first Arc of Darkekulavia! I would be honored to be a part in them!

Daikon smiles as he picks him up and sets him on his shoulder.

Daikon: Then, welcome to the show, Edgar.

Everyone cheered as they congratulate Edgar.

Daikon: Well then. Let's celebrate this with a feast to go along with this wine.

Everyone: Hell yeah!

Soon, Daikon opens a portal and everyone teleports away.

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End credits:

Daikon: Hmm...

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Daikon: Sounds like an interesting evolution. I would like for me to be explored like this.

Daikon: Alright then.

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