How the Gods Collide

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

We see Daikon and Alexa getting ready for a get together with Dario, Keku, Cody, Kiarra and Botan, Rhea, and Dawn after Dario invited them to spend time together as friends and to celebrate Daikon's shows success.

Daikon is seen putting on some clothes for his get together with his wife and friends and their wives. Soon, he looks at the mirror and checks himself out.

Daikon: Mmm...this will do nicely.

Alexa: Babe. Are you ready?

Daikon: Yes. And you dear?

Daikon turns and his eyes widen seeing how beautiful Lexi made herself with the dress as she spun around.

Alexa: I think I'm ready too. What do you think?


Daikon: Beyond Divine.

Alexa: Thank you. And...

Alexa stares at Daikon as she goes up to him. It seems she was intrigued by his clothing choice.

Daikon: Dear...are you-

Alexa: Oh God, you with a tank top...*presses her face against his chest and muffles* Why haven't you use it before?!

Daikon: *chuckles* Come on. *pats her head* We're gonna be late.

Alexa: *muffled* Just let me be like this for a few seconds.

Daikon: Okay. Then I guess I can do this. *gives her ass a soft squeeze*

Alexa: Oh! Babe, you naughty boy.

Daikon: Says the girl rubbing her adorably sexy face against my chest.

Alexa sticks her tongue out as Daikon sticks his out. Soon, they laughed and kissed each other.

Alexa: Ready?

Daikon: Ready?

Soon, they leave and Daikon uses Instant Transmission to teleport them.

*at the city*

We see the cast of The Darkekulavia Cinematic Universe, Dario Ivanoski, Germán Keku or Keku Blake, and Cody Johnson. With them are their wives, VTubers from Hololive, Botan and Kiara, WWE Wrestler Rhea Ripley, and former member of the Total Drama cast, Dawn.

They're all dressed nicely as they wait for their friends to arrive.

Dario: How'd a thunk it that we appear on this show?

Botan: My. Daikon's show is really different to how CS and Cam would usually do on yours.

Keku: I mean, Angel has his own writing style, as seen in some of completed stories and the ones he's making.

Rhea: Oh and don't forget the covers he does and the editing video then turning them into gifs.

Cody: Yep. Out of everyone here, he's the most overworked.

Dawn: Yes indeed. I think he should teach others how to do them. *senses* They're coming.

Soon, Daikon and Alexa arrive as pose like badasses.

Alexa: Hey, guys.

Daikon: Greetings, my disciples.

Alexa: Babe, don't talk like a God to your friends.

Daikon: Just want to joke around with them, honey.

The Girls: Lexi!

The Boys: Kon!

They went up them and their all did a group hug.

Dario: How's it going bro? You're show's doing very well.

Daikon: Thanks, Dario. And I've been doing well.

Kiara: How about you, Lexi?

Alexa: Very well. Glad I got the time to shine besides being a background character until Daikon brings me along.

Rhea: That's nice. On and you sending that Mindy Kailing insert of Velma around the world and killing the Rip off Daphne was awesome.

Alexa: Thanks, Rhea. And wait. What about your son?

Keku: Don't worry. The others lo están cuidando mientras we have fun.

Daikon: That's good. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get this get together started.

Everyone nodded and cheered as they walked off. Suddenly, someone hiding on the corner was spying on them with an evil grin.

?: Finally I'll get you, Communist scum, and your equally scumy friends and sluts too.


We see the gang going around the city, talking to each other, enjoying the sights of the city, playing games like Baseball, Soccer, and even some kid games like tag or hide and seek. Daikon didn't use his powers or his abilities as he wants the games to be fair.

However, as they all had fun, someone was watching them from the shadows, waiting for a perfect opportunity to strike at them. What they didn't know is that Daikon and Alexa know they're there, they're just ignoring their existence until they decide to act retarded and attack.

Soon, they're seen stopping by at a restaurant as they eat and talk each other.

Cody: We should try bowling next.

Dario: Sounds cool, bro.

Botan: Us vs You guys?

Keku: Classico. We have four guys and four girls, so it's even.

Rhea: True. Though you guys have the advantage as Daikon's with you.

Daikon: True, but it shouldn't mean my dear Alexa is not capable of evening the odds, right?

Kiara: Of course not. I mean you two train with each other for so long she's pretty much the strongest human in the world.

Alexa: Yep. It was...pretty hard...very...but Daikon told me I had potential and look at me know. I may not be as strong as him, but who could even match him as he has literal God Energy? Plus, I get to do my own thing, so I don't have to really copy him.

Daikon: Yes indeed.

Dawn: That's truly a couple that could last a million years.

Botan: So, how come you didn't show your power before in Darkekulavia?

Alexa/Daikon: Plot.

Daikon: I mean I wasn't confirmed to be a Saiyan until the last few episodes.

Alexa: And I barely appeared in those episodes.

Dario: But there was one you appeared and messed up a dummy while training.

Alexa: Yeah and then I got kidnapped by a Yandere until my hubby rescued me. *wraps her arm around his and lays on his shoulder*

Cody: For a second, I was thinking you'll say "Senpai".

Daikon: Yeah, no. It sounded cringed back then so I will not do that here on my show.

Keku: Say, Daikon. I would like to know something.

Daikon: Of course, Keku. What's on you mind?

Keku: We'll we know you're a Saiyan, and can teleport to different universes, and have so many transformations...but how did you and Alexa meet and get together?

This surprised them both. Ever since Alexa made her appearance in Darkekulavia, people were wondering how they got into a relationship. Especially since it was confirmed Daikon's a Saiyan. The others look at them, as they did wonder that as well.

Daikon: Should we tell them?

Alexa: I mean...they know about us individually so it wouldn't hurt to tell them how we got into a relationship.

Daikon: That is true. Alright. We'll tell you how we met.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*flashback, Daikon and Alexa Narrating*

Alexa: It happened back in 2018. I was the RAW Women's Champion back then and I was walking down the halls backstage. I was getting ready for my match at Elimination Chamber and I was trying to get myself set. Then...I met him.

Alexa: Oh boy...I never done the Elimination Chamber match before. I hope I don't screw it-

Then Alexa bumped something hard, like a wall.

Alexa: Ow! Hey! Watch where you're going, ass-

Alexa: hole...

?: Hmm...

Daikon: Or first meeting wasn't like how many of you would think. At this time I was still an edgy stoic guy. But something I saw from her made me feel...different.


Alexa: *in her mind* Oh my God! This is a hot guy!

?: *in his mind* Why is she looking at me like that? *snaps his fingers* Wake up.

Alexa: *snaps out of it* A-anyway, watch where you're going!

?: I was. It's just you that's not watching where you're going.

Alexa: I was!

?: I suggest you don't shout at me, woman.

?: Or do you want me to break your vocal cords?

Alexa: *scared...but aroused* I...I'm sorry. *in her mind* Jesus, why did I get excited by his threat?!

?: Good. What is your name?

Alexa: A-Alexa Kaufman. But I'm more known as Alexa Bliss. And you?

Daikon: The RAW Women's Champion? The Goddess of WWE? Hehe...never thought I see you at this moment. My name is Daikon Black.

Alexa: Wait...the Daikon Black?! The God of Justice, the guy that beat Brock Lesnar and Conor McGregor in UFC and MMA, as well as tore down anyone that messes with and have his own Dojo?!

Daikon: Why yes. It seems my reputation has been in the eyes and minds of many.

Alexa: Of course it would. No one has been able to match up to your level and your instructor skills are remarkable.

Daikon: I see. know...*leans over to her face*

Alexa leans back a bit as Daikon looks at her intently.

Alexa: *in her mind* Oh God. He's so close!

Daikon:'re small.

Alexa: Well thank you, Captain Obvio-

Daikon: *pets her hair* But adorable.

Alexa: *blushes* What the-Hey! You can't do that! *in her mind* It feels nice...

Daikon: Why not? You look like a cat that gets flustered but wants the attention. Plus, it would help you ease your worries for tonight.

Alexa: No it does-wait how did you-

Daikon: By the way you bumped into me, you seemed in some form of distress. I want you to calm your mind as it would not only make you open for your opponents, but also risk you and others getting injured. It could be difficult since it is the first time the Women entered the Elimination Chamber, but always do what you do best: Entertain and make sure no one loses their career.

Alexa: Listening to his speech to ease me down...seeing he really cares about my well being and others, but was strict like a teacher...really did something for me. Especially when I barely knew him besides his reputation.

Daikon: I watch her calm down and thank me for helping her calm down. It was nice to help others, while also showing I wasn't open to other people at that time. But I would never expect that it lead to something beautiful.

After that, Alexa managed to pull through and win the match without any problems. After that, she decided on joining Daikon's dojo which gave her the experience she never thought she would see. But, it would help her as she did use that training to win most of her matches and showing that, despite her height, she's fierce and deadly.

Daikon and Alexa's friendship grew after he appeared at front row at WrestleMania to see Alexa defend her title against Nia Jax.

(Here, Nia Snaxx is the bully and Lexi is the Underdog Champion which would be a Face Turn)

After she won, she celebrated her victory with Daikon, posing to the camera which garnered a lot of attention especially when Daikon would aid in helping Roman Reigns defeat Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship, just to be petty.

Since then, the two would regularly interact, but it would slowly grew from acquaintances to friends. Then, it grew to something else.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Daikon is seen resting on an empty Dojo drinking his tea while reading his book. It wasn't a holiday or anything, but he decided to let his students have a 3 Day Break from training. As he reads his book, an image pops out and it then fades into a picture of Alexa smiling as she held her Women's Title.

Daikon spits his tea as he looks at the book and sees no pic of her. He sighs as he sets it down and starts doing some workouts. But he does, he gets memories of his training with Lexi appear in his head and even in front of him.

He stops as he then sat and started drawing to take his mind away from her. But the end result is a drawing of Alexa giving a wink as he growls in frustration and crumbles it up and tosses it away.

Then, a hand picks it up and uncrumbles. Daikon looks down at the table as he takes some sharp breathes before hearing a voice.

Alexa: Is

He recognized her voice as he turns to look at her. She looks at him and sees he was troubled. Daikon's eyes widen in shock be he sighed before sitting down, looking a bit lost.

Daikon: Yes. That is you. I was...thinking about you and tried to distract myself...but I couldn't shake you out of my mind.

Alexa was surprised by this as she sat next to him.

Alexa: You...had me in your mind?

Daikon: ...yes.

Alexa: Wow. Sometimes, people would try to deny that.

Daikon: I'm no coward. If I something and someone sees me and asks me, I will be upfront and truthful.

Alexa: like me?

Daikon: ...*nods*

Alexa: I see. Then...would it calm you down if I tell you I like you, too?

Daikon's eyes widen as he looks at her.

Daikon: me?

Alexa: *nods* I mean, sure, you dark, moody, and...very crazy and bloodthirsty...but you have a great heart, very compassionate to your students and have attributes for someone to be life partner.

Daikon: I guess...if your willing to accept me for who I am.

Alexa: Of course I-

Daikon: No. I mean who I really am.

Alexa was confused by this.

Daikon: Promise you never tell another living soul?

Alexa nods as they stand up.

Daikon: See this belt? *points at the furry belt around his waist*

Alexa: Yeah, but...

Daikon unravels it and it then spun around and stops. Alexa was shocked. There she sees a brown furry tail that was his belt swinging around on his backside.

Alexa: You're not...human?

Daikon: I'm a Saiyan. From another Universe. I came here, reborn to start a new life. My past life was nothing to be look on as I done many atrocities. So, I wanted to right my sins by leaving that to start another.

Alexa was shocked by this knowledge as Daikon turns away, his back facing her.

Daikon: that you know...are you willing to accept for who I am or just leave? I wouldn't blame you if you do the latter. *sad smile* Just glad to have a friend to listen to me.

Alexa: ...*hugs him from behind*

Daikon was surprised by this as he felts her arms wrap around his waist.

Daikon: Alexa?

Alexa: I may not know what you've done and what life you had before...but in this life, you don't deserve to be alone and closed to others. I grew to like-no...I grew to love you for who you are now. I want you to be happy. I may not be the one to provide it, but I can have you understand that there's more to life than just being lonely.

Daikon listens to her silently as she backs away.

Alexa: Just think about it? I'll leave you to process it.

Alexa turns around to leave until...

Daikon: Don't go. Could you stay for a bit longer? No one will be coming until 3 days later.

Alexa: Wha...but-

Daikon: I guess...I wasn't being honest, either. *lays his head on top of hers* I really like you...even more than you think. It seems it grew when you accepted me for who I really am.

Alexa was surprised by this but then smiles. She then turns and the two faced each other with Daikon still having his arms around her as she rubs his cheek. Soon, his tail wraps around her waist, as if he wanted her closer to him.

Daikon: Who tail reacts on it own when I found a mate.

Alexa: Is that true from where you came from?

Daikon: Looked down upon, more specifically. But seeing it now...guess I found who My destined mate will be.

Alexa smiles even more. And then...

They kissed.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Alexa/Daikon: And that's how we met.

Everyone was amazed by the story they told.

Kiara: That is so cute!

Keku: Bien bonito!

Dawn: Daikon...emotional?

Cody: Damn. That was quite a hit to the feels.

Daikon: Yep. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be able to be more open. Thus, I would most likely not interact more with Dario and Keku.

Botan: Indeed.

Rhea: So when do you plan on having kids?

Alexa: We'll see what would happen in the future. Right, babe?

Daikon: Indeed.

Daikon goes to a sip until his cup bursts into pieces as a gunshot was heard. Everyone but the crew of the Darkekulavia Trilogy ran away in fright. They realizes someone shot his cup as they look around.

Strangely, Daikon and Alexa remained calm.

Kiara: Who did that?!

?: Up here.

They look up and see someone they recognize standing above them on a building.

Dario: Striker?!

Keku: Pinche gusano! What the Hell are you doing here?!

Striker: I came here for revenge. It's because of you and that Japanese Dirtbag that my life was ruined! So I came to ruined your little party and to get my revenge!

Cody: Are you kidding me?! How much has Io been paying you-

Striker: That Bitch has nothing to do with this! I will kill you, Stalin Boy, and then the rest of you will suffer my wrath!

Keku: Hey, Deadpool's bullsack! No one gives a shit! So leave!

Striker: Shut up, you Mexican Scum! I-

Daikon: What a clumsy God I am. I broke my cup.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Everyone turns to Daikon and Alexa as they realized they're not reacting like they are to Striker being there.

Alexa: Geez, Babe. You really need to be careful.

Daikon: I mean, it was just one cup, so I doubt it would make any significant deal about it.

Botan: Uh guys. We have a situation-

Daikon: So, what about the bowling game we were talking about? Are we still doing that or what?

Dario: Kon, we have a-

Alexa: I wonder what team color we should do. Red vs Blue?

Daikon: Classic versus colors but I would rather have White vs Black.

Dawn: Guys, could you please stop-

Alexa: Hmm...I don't know. Maybe we could-


Daikon and Alexa finally turn to him as smirked.

Daikon: Well, well well. If it isn't Striker. How long have you been up there?

Striker: Not long enough! You and your Harley Quinn reject have just ignored me when I made myself known!

Alexa: Oh we knew you were there.

Everyone: WHAT?!

Daikon: We sensed you were there, spying us, but we decided to humor you by pretending you're not there. Just showing how we think you're nothing.

Striker: So you knew. No matter, I'm here for my revenge. You and that Marxist-

Alexa: Uh is Marxist and Communist same thing?

Daikon: No, Marxist is just a retarded person while Communist is a group of retards, dear.

Alexa: So is this Texan Reject just confusing the two or is just as much of a dumbass?

Daikon: I don't know. I don't speak his language.

Alexa: Which is?

Daikon: Retardish.

Striker: Shut up! I'm going to kill the Commie boy and then you, Hirohito!

Striker jumps as he flies down towards Dario who braces himself. Suddenly, Daikon appears in front of him and grabs Striker by the throat. Striker struggles as Daikon smiles. Then Striker pulls out his knife and stabs Daikon in the eye...but it breaks into pieces once contacting his eyeball.

Daikon: *whispers in his ear* You're not living up to your job, partner.

Daikon then tosses him away as he prepares for a beating to give out. Suddenly, Alexa stops him.

Alexa: Sit this one own, Daikon. I want to have some action against this dipshit.

Daikon looks at her and then grins.

Daikon: He's all yours.

The gang was shocked as Alexa steps forward. Soon, Striker gets up and sees Lexi in front of him and just laughs.

Striker: What? Are that much of a coward to bring this girl up to face me? Look at her. She can do a thing to me-

Alexa: So you're the one that tried to kill my friends and made my husband get amnesia. Over someone like Io hiring you, but now you're out of revenge. Honestly...

Suddenly, her eyes changed and a dark pink aura begins to grow around her as she frowns the smiles at Striker.

Alexa: I see why my husband thinks your a Waste of Oxygen. Now, I'll show you why I agree with him.

Striker: *scared* D-Don't you dare scare me, Witch! I'm not afraid of a woman, as I'm-


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Everyone was shocked by what they're seeing. They didn't expect Alexa to have this kind of power. Daikon, meanwhile:

Alexa: In my world, Gender doesn't matter when it comes to fights. But punishment and death...that's true equality.

Striker was scared as he pulls out his gun and fires. Lexi, however, caught the bullets and drops them.

Alexa: I hears you're quite durable. Let's put it to the test.

Suddenly she appears in front of him and punches him in the face. She then hits a knee to his stomach, making him cough out blood before grabbing the back of his head and hits a Backbreaker.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Striker yells in pain before getting stomped on by her foot. She kicks him to the side before appearing in front of him and punching him away. Striker crashes through a wall as he groans in pain.

Alexa: Oh babe.

Daikon: Yes, my darling?

Alexa: Should we do it?

Daikon: Of course.

Soon, Daikon and Alexa raises their arms together as a huge ball of their energy appears above them. The gang stepped back as Striker looks on, in fear and realization that he messed with with the wrong couple.

Daikon: Is too late to repent, Striker!

Alexa: This is what happens when you underestimate your foes!


Soon, they throw the giant sphere at Striker as he closes his eyes, accepting his fate.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

When the dust settled, we see Daikon and Alexa standing tall as the others were alright, thanks to an forcefield Daikon created for them. Soon, they see Striker, motionless, but not dead.

Alexa: That is but a fraction of what we can do.

Daikon: I suggest you never come here to my show again. Understood?

Striker: Y-y-yes.

Alexa: Good. Now...

Alexa runs and kicks Striker away, blasting him off to the sky.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Alexa turns to Daikon and smiles a they kissed each other. The others were quite scared by what Alexa was capable off.

Dario: Note to self-

Botan: Don't mess with Lexi.

Soon, the forcefield disappears as Daikon and Alexa approached them.

Daikon: Well, that nuisance has been dealt with.

Alexa: So let's continue on our hang out. Alright?

Everyone nods as they went through the day as Daikon rebuilds the city from the damage he and Alexa caused.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dario: Man that was fun! So great to hang out with you guys!

Daikon: Indeed, Dario. Despite that Prick interrupting us, I'd say it got better when he showed up.

Cody: Because you got yours rocks offs seeing Lexi beat the living shit out of him.

Daikon: You would find it satisfying to see your your wife beat up an enemy of yours?

Keku: Yeah, that makes senses.

Kiara: That was awesome, Lexi. You really showed that bitch to not underestimate you.

Alexa: Yep. All thanks to this handsome man. *holds his arm*

Dario: So I guess it's time to go.

Botan: Yep. Take care, Daikon. You too, Lexi.

Daikon: Take care everyone. Thank you for appearing on this episode and having fun.

They waves as they leave the area to their respected shows.

Alexa: It was nice having them here again.

Daikon: Indeed. Let's go back to our mansion.

Alexa nods as Daikon teleports them back home.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

End credits:

?: That was an awesome episode of Darkekulavia. Can't wait for more-wait huh? Those negative reviews...and hey! What the?! Someone's trying to hack into Daikon's Extravaganza to delete it?!

?: Not on my watch. I will help them, but I can't let them know it was me. Gotta keep it secret.

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