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Daikon is seen training Alexa, Aiden, Zeighar, and Draghar. Alexa faired better than the others, mostly because she and Daikon have trained way before since their relationship began. Still, that doesn't mean she comes close to her husband's power.

Daikon: Alright. Break time.

The others sighed in relief as they drop down.

Aiden: *looks at Alexa* How do you deal with a martial arts-aholic like him?

Alexa: It takes time to get use to him like that. He is a Saiyan after all.

Zeighar: True.

Daikon: Alright. After this break, I'll going let you guys in on something I have planned. This way, we can show what this show is all about.

Aiden: Can't you say it right now?

Daikon: I would, but no.

Zeighar: Why?

Daikon: I'll be training myself.

Soon, Daikon makes several clones of himself and starts his training with them. The gang watch him fight with such elegance and ferocity.

Draghar: He's quite the character.

Alexa: That's babe for ya, Drag.

Zeighar: I wonder what does he have in stores for us.

Aiden: Who knows. But knowing him, it would be crazy.

They then went inside the mansion to wait for Daikon. After an hour, Daikon stops training and enters their home.

Daikon: Alright. Gather around. I'm going to tell you.

They approach him as he sat on his throne like chair.

Daikon: We're going on a Purge.

Everyone: Say what?!

Alexa: A Purge, honey? Don't you think that's illegal?

Daikon: Yes but-

Daikon shows a Government document that says:

Daikon Katayama is hereby, along with those that are close to him, allowed to do whatever he wants, from killing, destruction, and torture, on those he sees fit to be punished in his own eyes.
(Totally have not been threatened to write this down)


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Aiden: Guess that covers our asses.

Draghar: So, who do we purge?

Daikon: Well...

Daikon pulls out a list and everyone went into disgusted looks on their faces.

Daikon: Most of these are trashy reboots of classic series. Such as the recent Velma abomination, that pretty much offended everyone in the world. Also, the people who made and support it, along with that retarded group of so called "Anti-Facist".

Alexa: Oh, I've been waiting to bash those little shits.

Draghar: Once we did that...the entire population can see what happens when messing with the world.

Daikon: The world? No, Draghar. It's not just "the" world. It's our world...my world. Because I am the World. And I will not allow this cancer affect my world and-

Alexa: *places her hand on his chest* Babe. Calm down.

Daikon: Oh...*sighs* sorry, dear. Thank you.

Aiden: Hey. I feel yeah. Scooby Doo is one my favorite shows, and that, along with Masters of the Universe, being ruined because some dumbasses decided to make their agenda heard rather than focus on the shows? Hell no.

Zeighar: So how do we do this?

Daikon: Simple and it makes it fun.

Daikon pulls out his Ki Blade as makes a cut through the space in front of him. Aiden, Zeighar, and Draghar were surprised by this.

Aiden: How did you do that?

Daikon: From an unwanted and not to be spoken of source. Anyway, this leads to the Velma catastrophe, and there, we set out to kill the cast and the world around them.

Zeighar: And how does this relate to the real world?

Daikon: Everyone will see us killing and destroying the world, then we go back and kill Mindy Kaling and the others who support this.

Aiden: Sounds like a good idea.

Zeighar: Plus, those pathetic rioters media calls them "protesters" need to be taught a lesson...in death.

Daikon: Yep. So that's the gist of it. We enter woke shows, movies, and video games, and that way, we kill the people who made them and those who support them. So everyone get ready.

They nodded as they all got some fighting gear and some weapons. Alexa has her Bat mixed with barbed wire and broken glass on tape and with a revolver. Aiden got himself a arm blade with a rifle. Zeighar got himself a spear and a handgun while Draghar has metal gloves and a dual revolver.

Daikon: By the way, once we appear in any form of animation, 2D or 3D, we too will go in line with the animation.

Aiden: Oh that's cool. So like Space Jam 2 without Lebron James and more murder.

Daikon: Yep. Anyway, let's go...to the first episode.

Everyone jumps in and they're immediately sent through the worm.

*Velma Episode 1*

We arrive to this "world* where Daikon and his gang pass through the portal and land on their feet. They then look at each other and see that they're animated like in the show.

Alexa: Woah. I can give the show some credit. The animation style is good. But wasted in a story like this one.

Aiden: Yeah. Funny thing, they make the white men look good, despite their hatred towards them.

Daikon: Mindy Kailing is a self-hating person, so I think the animators just wanted to make each design good despite dealing with someone like her.

Zeighar: Yeah. So, are gonna kill the main cast first?


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Aiden: Nice. Now we-

?: Hey?!

They turn and see one member of the main cast, the Mindy Kailing Velma. She approaches them.

Draghar: Well, it came sooner than we thought.

Mindy (I am not gonna call her Velma): Who the hell are you guys? You don't seem to belong here.

Aiden: Wow. Doesn't know us, and still spews racism on us.

Mindy: I'm not just saying that. I never seen you this city before.

Daikon: We've moved, because we have some business to tend to.

Mindy: Yeah well, do your shit somewhere else, Porcupine. And take those insects you call-

Daikon smashes her head with his elbow, causing her to crash down on the floor face first. Daikon then grabs her by the neck and lifts her up, to show her messed up face.

Daikon: Insult me, but my family...no-no. Lexi. Wanna do a home run?

Alexa: Yes!

Mindy: Wait-

Daikon tosses her up as Alexa ready herself.


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Alexa hits her with her bat that sent Mindy flying off. After a few minutes, she came back from the other side and Daikon punches her, causing her to explode, with blood, guts, and body parts everywhere.

Daikon: That's that.

Zeighar: Imagine people watching this.

*in the real world*


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*in the animated world*

Daikon: If you want to watch more episodes like this, check out my own show, Daikon's Extravaganza, along with Darkekulavia 1 and 2 by Citizen_Soldier16 and CodesWorld by UCS754. *winks* Anyway, time to kill the others and then the world they live in.

They nodded as they set out to kill.


Aiden is seen hitting a Spear on not-Shaggy Norville, splitting him in half.

Aiden: This is for Shaggy, you cheap race swap freak!

Zeighar and Draghar are seen killing not jimbo Fred and his family, along with their their home.

Zeighar: The real Fred was funny and enjoyable. You are insufferable and weak.

And lastly, Alexa is seen breaking Asian Daphne's body with her bat before stabbing her in the neck with her own blade.

Alexa: The Real Daphne knows Kung Fu better than you and is not terrible to watch her.


We see Daikon blowing the city up with his Ki Blasts as his gang is seen killing the population.

Daikon: Alright. We had enough for now. *flies down* Next up, the Last of Us 2.

Aiden: We're gonna kill Abby and her gang?! Yes!

Zeighar: I remember when they came out, one gamer saw Joel getting killed, and then he took the game disc and cut it with scissors.

Aiden: Dude, I played it, and at first, I wasn't gonna play it after Joel died but I decided to see if we get to have Ellie get revenge. But then, I stopped when I realized we have to play as Abby.

Draghar: That's bullshit.

Alexa: Yeah, and the ending, terrible. Ellie loses everything and Abbie walks off, like the winner, and not to mention, we had to play as Abby against Ellie. I fucking hate it.

Daikon: There's nothing I wanted to do is to go into a game world and beat the shit out of Abby. So lets go. But first...

Daikon aims his hand on the ground and fires a Ki Blast. He then cuts open a portal.

Daikon: This world's about to end in 3, 2, 1

Everyone enters the portal just as the Earth in Velma blows up.

*Last of Us 2*

We see Joel and Tommy Miller arriving at a lodge after saving and rescuing a girl named Abby. Once they settle down, the group Abby's with reveal themselves to be the the former Fireflies, and that Abby is the daughter of Jerry Anderson, the man who tried to kill Ellie to make a vaccine due to her immunity of the virus.

Abby then shoots Joel on the leg as the rest of the group knocked down Tommy and restrained Joel against the while. Abby picks up a Golf Club and glares at Joel. Joel glares back in pain, anger, and confusion.

Abby: You stupid old man...you don get to rush this.

Abby goes for the strike as Joel gets ready for it...but it didn't came. Instead, Abby didn't have anything in her hand to hit him. The Club she had just disappeared. Everyone was surprised by that.

Abby: What? How did-

?: Wow. Such a strong body, but no good grip.

They all turn to see Daikon, now in 3D animation, walking towards them with the club on his hand. They then point their guns at him.

Owen: Hey, who the fuck are you?

Daikon: Just one small strike and it would change everything. Luckily, I'm here to not let that happen.

Nick: Hey. He asked you a question.

Daikon: And the guy that saved a girl from being killed by her father for some vaccine. Pitiful.

Abby and her group look at him in shock, as they couldn't believe he knows that.

Nora: How did you-

Suddenly, several members of the Washington Liberation Front were shot down, leaving Nora, Owen and Mel, Abby, and Manny. Soon, Alexa, Aiden, and the Elite Slayers appears, guns drawn on the Salt Lake Crew.

Abby: Who are you?!

Daikon: It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is that you let Joel and Tommy to go with us, or else all of you, besides the obvious pregnant rival there, will die.

Abby: Hell no. He needs to pay for what he did to my father.

Nora: She's right. We could've had the cure had he not interfered and killed Jerry.

Aiden: Oh really? Let me talk to him. *looks down at the floor and taps it* Hey Jerry! Fuck you! You God Complex Piece of Shit!

Abby: You motherfuck-

Daikon breaks the club and throughs the rod at Abby, stabbing her through the shoulder and pinning her against the wall. She yells in pain.

Manny: Abby-

Manny gets a spear through the back of his head through his mouth by Zeighar. Nora gets punched by Draghar killing her instantly. Owen and Mel were beaten and restrained by Aiden and Alexa.

Alexa: Don't make me hurt you, Mel. Your child is the only one I take into consideration.

Daikon approaches Joel and heals his leg. He then helps him up.

Joel: Thank you, whoever you are.

Daikon: My pleasure, Joel.

Soon, the door opens and we see Ellie entering the room.

Ellie: Joel!

Joel: Ellie...

Ellie: *hugs him* What happened? What's going here? Why is Tommy knocked out? And who are these-

Joel: It's okay. Settle down.

Daikon: Calm down, Ellie. We'll go to explaining soon. But first...

Daikon approaches the pinned Abby as she glares at him.

Daikon: Not so fun being in Joel's position, are you?

Abby: Why can't you understand? Ellie would've been a reasonable sacrifice so that we could leave. And Joel stopped that by saving her and killing my father.

Ellie: What? Is that why you killed him?

Joel: Yes. I couldn't allow them to use you that way.

Daikon: No one has the right to do that, Abby. You're father wanted to play God and got what he deserves.

Abby then uses her free arm to punch Daikon in the face. Instead, she feels her hand broke as he yells in pain. Daikon laughs as he stood up.


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Daikon punches Abby through her gut, through the wall. Abby gasps and coughs out blood as she glares at Daikon.

Abby: See you in Hell.

Daikon: Funny. I was gonna have you say that for your father.

Daikon pulls his arm as Abby goes limp. He then turns to Owen and Mel who look at him in fear. Ellie and Joel were afraid as well, though tried not to show it.

Daikon: If you know what's good for you and your child, you leave these two and their friends and family alone. No buts. No excuses. Nothing. If you don't accept, it would be a shame to have you lose the opportunity to make a family of your own.

Owen and Mel look at him in fear as they nod.

Mel: Okay. We'll go.

Owen: Just don't hurt us.

Daikon: Good. And just so you don't stab me in the back...

Daikon then erases their memories of Abby, the revenge, the WLF, but leaving the desire of a family in their minds. They go unconscious as Alexa and Aiden let them go.

Joel: What is your name?

Daikon: I'm Daikon. And we are secret admirers of you Joel.

Joel: Really? I didn't do anything to be admired for.

Daikon: You did. You just don't know it.

Soon, they all explained to Ellie as she gets the idea of what happened.

Ellie: Thank you for saving Joel. I wouldn't know what I'll do if I couldn't save him in time.

Alexa: No problem, Ellie.

Daikon: Now, we need to go.

Joel: Us too. We have a village to take care off.

Ellie: Would we see you again?

Daikon: I don't know, Ellie. Only time will tell. Take care of Joel.

Ellie nods as Daikon and his group leave while Ellie and Joel leave as well.

Alexa: What's up next, babe?

Daikon: I have other places, but to not make it long, we'll just speed run through them, with a song playing in the background. But we'll go to the She-Hulk series first.

Zeighar: Oh, God. I can't believe Velma made it look good. It's bad, but somehow, Velma made it good.

Daikon: Yep. So, let's go. Angel play the song.

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Aiden: Wait, this is a Fnaf-

Daikon opens the portal and they all went inside.

*montage as the song plays*

Daikon and his crew are seen killing She-Hulk and everyone around in the series.

Next, they go to Batwoman, and did the same thing.

In Terminator Dark Fate, they killed all but Sarah Connor and her son, John, as they wrote no reboot needed.

The then appeared in Masters of the Universe Revelation and killed everyone there, except Skeletor.

They then go through Captain Marvel and killed her and the Skrulls.

Next was MIB International, Ghostbusters 2016, The Woman King, Witcher: Blood Origins (still salty they let Henry Cavill go), and Rings of Power, and many more.

While during their purge:

Daikon: This reality, My mentality, Everything changes so rapidly *as he sings, different animation styles and live actions forms are shown* And I'm ready for the never ending fire, Dancing with my deepest dark desires Miracle, How empirical, Don't know anything quite hysterical, Everything around me transpires, As I fulfill my darkest desire


And so, every woke TV show, movie, and video game were destroyed. The simps and weaklings yelled their anger, sadness, and confusion, until-

Soon, several cities that have Antifa and are woke were destroyed. Everyone was shocked by the amount of destruction. But then, one message came and it can only be read from the sky.


Daikon and his crew are seen relaxing after a well done day of inter dimensional travel and destruction.

Aiden: Oh it was satisfying to do all that to the woke agenda.

Alexa: I bet the wokeys are gonna be crying and pissing after what we did.

Zeighar: Yeah. We just did what everyone wanted to do and more.

Draghar: I can finally think of the things they ruined more better after what we did.

Daikon: Indeed my good friend. Plus, this is a good way to show what we can do, and we do not try to copy CS and UCS's work. Anyway, I want you guys to relax. We had a good day.

Everyone nods as they went to their rooms. Alexa and Daikon share a room as they approach it. Then, Alexa leans against her hubby, feeling tired.

Daikon: Does My Goddess need to be carried?

Alexa: Well...I feel safe in your arms.

Daikon chuckles as he picks her up and carries her to their room. Alexa immediately feel asleep as Daikon looks at her with a smile.

Daikon: God, it feels good to love you. Especially since people wanted Angel to make more DaikonXAlexa content.

Alexa snuggles against his chest as Daikon approaches his room, opens the door and closes it behind him.

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*end credit scene*

We see the outside of the mansion. Soon, a portal opens as someone comes out of it.

Selever: So this is where he lives. Can't wait to see Daikon again. And in Villalba376's show.

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