Return of the Half-Demon

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Daikon is seen looking through his phone as he sees updates on Villalba376's stories recently.

Daikon: Damn, Angel's on a role with that Transformers and Michael McMahon stories.

Aiden: *arriving* I know right? Who knew he's quite the fan of the franchise?

Daikon: Yep. And his writing on Michael and everything else is quite well.

Alexa: *sitting next to him as she passes his tea* I honestly liked his interactions. Feels more human than how they did in the original trilogy.

Aiden: Pfft. Please. Those movies are mainly human with Transformers appears in one or two minutes. And the humans are snarky assholes to each other. I would say, Angel's story will have a nice balance between the human and Transformers parts.

Zeighar: And I like his friendship with Arcee. It's a good choice to have her be his partner instead of Bumblebee. No offense to Bee, but I like some more moments with Arcee as she was scarped for the first film and...

Draghar: And her appearance in Revenge of the Fallen leaves a lot to be desired. Especially with Chromia and Elita One.

Alexa: I'm shocked that they appeared in that film and then killed off. Hopefully, Angel can have the story be having the relationships of the Transformers. I would like to see Optimus and Elita have some loving moments.

Daikon: I asked him that and he said yes.

Aiden: Sweet. And what about another story about you?

Daikon: The DC one? It's very interesting and I can see some elements from how I am in this show, but I like some variety.

Zeighar: The better question is that who's gonna be coming after you and your chad level power in the DC Universe.

Aiden: Maybe a harem like other stories or have one or two partners.

Alexa: Isn't that still considered harem?

Aiden: I don't know.

Daikon: Only time will tell which woman from the DC Universe would I be involved in. *drinks his tea* Hmm?

Alexa: Something's wrong with the tea, babe?

Daikon: No. It's as Divine as always. But...oh I see. *smirks* Been a while since I seen him.

Draghar: Who?

Then, a portal opens and the group see someone coming out of it.

Selever: Sup, bitches?!

Daikon: Selever. Been a while, my friend.

Selever: Daikon! *runs and hugs him* How's my bro doing?!

Daikon: I'm doing fine. Thank you.

Aiden: Uuh, who's this...guy?

Daikon: This is Selever. He and I would regularly mess with other members of this Darkekulavia Universe.

Alexa: He's also Half-Demon half-human. And can be a jerk to anyone outside of Daikon.

Selever: And you, Lexi.

Alexa: After Daikon nearly killed you when you first met me and didn't know about our marriage.

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Selever: *running away* I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T KNOW SHE'S YOUR WIFE!


Daikon: *chasing after Selever* I'll teach you not to insult MY GODDESS!!!!

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Selever: Oh, yeah. *chuckles sheepishly* Sorry about that, Alexa.

Alexa: It's alright. Water under the bridge. Besides, *gives Daikon a lustful grin* I think you helped me more than offend me when you helped him discover that form.


Aiden/Zeighar/Draghar/Selever: ...

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Daikon: Honey, you shouldn't be talking about our private moments to the others.

Alexa: I can't help it. No matter what form you take, you look so damn sexy.

Zeighar: Except Rose, because it makes you look Gay.

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Daikon slowly turns to Zeighar and stood up and transforms.

Daikon: You have 1 millisecond to start running.

Zeighar: *scared* I-

Daikon punches Zeighar, sending him flying through the wall of his mansion. Then, Zeighar was pulled back and Daikon caught him the throat.

Zeighar: I'm sorry! You're Rosé form is not gay!

Daikon: Remember that no matter what color, there's no need to insult my Divine Beauty. *drops him and goes back to normal* Anyway, Selever. What brings you here?

Selever: What? Can a Halfling like me not hang out with my best bro? Especially just hearing he got his own show and came to congratulate him?

Daikon: *chuckles* Thank you, Selever.

Selever: And who're these blokes around you guys?

Aiden: I'm Aiden Ryker, son of Edge and Beth Phoenix and a character by UCS754.

Zeighar: And we're the Elite Slayers, Zeighar and Draghar.

Draghar: Citizen_Soldier16's creations.

Selever: So like, Cody, Dario and Keku, but not as famous as I barely know you guys.

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Daikon pats their backs as they look down, somberly.

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Daikon: It's okay, guys. This show will make you guys stand out.

Aiden: Easy for you to say! You have like many books and cameos in other stories while only have one and no continuous story!

Draghar: We were unfortunately shuffled down thanks to Darkekulavia's popularity.

Selever: Anyways, hey Daikon. Wanna hang out like old times?

Daikon: Not now, Selever. I'm busy with something else. Why don't you get to know Aiden and the Elite Slayers?

Selever: *sighs* Alright. Well, let's get know each other. *cheeky smirks*

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Aiden: Why am I scared just now?


We see Aiden working out as he tries to become stronger than before. He would then start relaxing as he drinks some water.

Aiden: Oh crap. I forgot I had a colder bottle in the fridge.

Selever: Gotcha, Aiden.

Aiden: Oh thanks, Sel-

Aiden gasps as he feels the sudden coldness running down his spine and skin. He then turns to Selever, who has a bucket that had ice on it with a shit eating grins

Selever: What? It's for charity.

Aiden: *gets angry* YOU MOTHER-

He went for a punch but Selever vanished through a portal.

Aiden: Damn it! Now I know how dad felt when Michael was bullying him and Lita back in 05 and 6!


We see Zeighar and Draghar talking to each other.

Zeighar: What do you think of his sweater? I find it badass for us, man.

Draghar: Hmm...I agree. It would be nice to find an similar one for us.

Selever: *appears out of nowhere* Then you should've asked me about it, boys!

Zeighar: Woah! Wait, you're gonna gives up similar sweaters like yours?

Selever: As a token of my appreciation, I will give not similar, but exact replicas of my sweater. What do you think?

Zeighar: Sweet!

Draghar: Hmm...

Soon, Selever materialized replicas of his sweater onto the Elite Slayers.

Zeighar: Awes-...what the? Why is this...itchy?

Both of them started scratching to try and relieve the itch on their bodies. Selever has a demonic smile and laughs at them.

Draghar: What did you do?!

Selever: I made them using eye lashes from poor unfortunate souls just for you guys. Hope you enjoy them!

Zeighar: You mother-

Selever leaves as both Draghar and Zeighar scratched and tried to remove the sweater.



Aiden and the Elite Slayers are seen glaring at Daikon, who just reads a book while wearing reading glasses.

Daikon: Seems I forgot to mention he likes to do pranks on others.

Zeighar: Why?!

Daikon: Because it's fun for him.

Aiden: That wasn't fun! That was torture!

Daikon: He's Half-demon. What did you expect?

Aiden: Like having manners at least!

Daikon: Oh please. Selever doesn't have manners. It took Gordon Ramsay to set his ass straight and yet he still does this shit.

Zeighar: Well, what do we do? We can't just let him do what he pleases without retaliation.

Daikon: One way to do that is to earn his respect. *sips on his tea*

Draghar: How?

Daikon: Prank him back. Duh.

The three and the audience:

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Aiden: Of course.

Daikon: Anyway. I need to go. Gonna have some of my students be trained and I'll be bringing Lexi with me. If I see a mess was done here, I'll make you and Selever wear Maid outfits and clean the mess.

The three:

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Zeighar: You wouldn't dare.

Daikon: Anyway, take care. *disappears*

Draghar: So what do we do?

Aiden thinks about it and gets an idea. A excellent idea. Aiden Ryker has got a wonderful, excellent idea.

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Aiden: I know just what to do-

Zeighar: Aiden, now's not the time to play Grinch.

Aiden: Oh, right. But still I got an idea.

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Aiden: Is everything set?

They look down to see a box covered in present wrapper with a bow.

Zeighar: Yes. Is she set to do it?

Aiden: Of course. Being the son of the Rated-R Superstar, I can pull off stuff you can't imagine.

Draghar: Despite Daikon doing that.

Aiden: Only because people do that for him.

?: Hey, guys.

They quickly turn to see Selever bringing in a huge box with a 65 Inch TV. He sets it down and looks at them with some regret in his eyes.

Selever: I'm...sorry for pranking you guys too hard. To make it up to you guys, I got you this Big TV.

The three looked at each other. They're suspicious, but decided to play along.

Aiden: Really? Well, we want to make a good impression for you, so we got you a gift for you, too.

Selever: Really? That's sweet! So apology accepted?

Zeighar: Apology accepted.

They smiled as they shook ands and went to their gifts. Soon, Zeighar opens it and was dismayed.

Zeighar: I knew it. There's no TV here. *pulls out a pile of half eaten dishes* Just full of leftover Chinese food.

Aiden and Draghar growled as Selever laughs at them.

Selever: Oh my God. You three are so gullible. Now I can open my gift with the satisfaction of making you three look like dumbasses.

Selever opens the box, but only saw a string on the center of it.

Selever: A string? What kind of a gift is this?


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Selever then grabs the string and pulls it. He then realized the the string was longer than he thought as it goes through the box. He pulls it some more and then...

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*slow motion as song plays*

Selever gets splashed with ice from a bucket. Then something fired as he looks and sees the itchy sweaters he gave to the Elites earlier heading towards him. He tries to dodge but the icy water was too much and he knocked down by the incoming sweaters.

He lays there until he sees someone standing on the roof of the room.

It was Kairi Sane. She then leaps and hits the InSane Elbow on Selever, knocking the wind off him.

And I think to myself...What a wonderful world!

*song ends*

Aiden: Ha! Got em! *high fives the others*

Selever groans as he lays there, hurt, pranked, and embarrassed.

Aiden: Thank you so much, Kairi.

Kairi nods with a smile before a portal opens and she goes through it, as it closes behind her.

Selever: Damn. Well...guess I should expected this. But not to this extent. That was awesome. I can see why Daikon gets along with you.

Zeighar: Thanks. You should know that he don't just get pranked and not do anything about it.

Selever: True.

?: What happened here?

They turn to see Daikon and Alexa returning as they have their arms crossed.

Draghar: We pranked Selever back.

Alexa: Inside the house? Look at the floor.

They loom down and see that there's still water and ice and the sweaters the floor.

Zeighar: Oh shit.

Selever: What?

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We see the four cleaning the floor as he mumble.

Draghar: Be glad we didn't have to wear maid outfits.

Selever: Oh Hell No! That's a crime against my well being! I will not put on a maid dress!

Zeighar: Welcome to the club, buddy.

Daikon: Coincidentally, he will join us.

The four: What?

Daikon: I talked to CS and Angel, and we confirmed that our newest cast member of my show will be...Selever.

The four: WHAT?!

Selever: Really?! I get to join you in a show as a main character and not background?!

Daikon: Mmhmm. And I contacted your parents and told them I would like for you to move into my mansion to live with us. Is that fine with you?

Selever: Yes! Thanks bro! *hugs Daikon*

Daikon: Welcome to My Extravaganza, Selever.

*later, in Daikon's room*

We see Daikon and Lexi relaxing on their room as they talk about their day.

Daikon: You know, this episode is nice. We get to have Aiden and the Elites Slayers take the spotlight and Selever becomes a new member.

Alexa: Yep. Glad that our show wouldn't be considered to edgy and gore filed as people my think.

Daikon: Yep. And now this. *lays his head on her lap*

Alexa: Hey, now. *chuckles* I thought you'd be bashful.

Daikon: Honey, you know that's not who I am. I only acted that way since you said something the others didn't want to hear.

Alexa: True. Anyway...*rubs his head* I always love when you can be a strong, strict, and cold hearted warrior...*lays on his side* but a pampered cat when it's between us two together.

Daikon: I love you, too, Lexi.

Alexa: For what?

Daikon: Being a strong willed, fearless, and loving wife someone like me could ever have.

Alexa smiles as they rested like until they would go to sleep cuddling...not else was done.

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*end credits*

?: They're in this Universe? Damn it. Towa will stop at nothing to try to rule the Underworld.

?: Just be careful, Kyuri. This Universe seems more unstable and unpredictable than others.

Kyuri: Don't sweet it, Trunks. I'll make sure things run

Trunks: Is there something wrong?

Kyuri: I sense something..something familiar to me.

Trunks: We'll focus on that later. Right now, we need to find Mira and Towa before they get away.

Kyuri: On it. *in her mind* There's no doubt it. I wondered where did he go after all this time. Don't worry, brother. We'll meet very soon.

How's the chapter?

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