Cuts And Bruises

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Summary request: Can you do a chapter where the reader is in an abusive relationship and Daisy sees and comforts the reader? Thank you for requesting and I hope it is something like you imagined. With that, this is also a warning there will be abuse in this chapter. 

You didn't live in the SHIELD base. You lived with your boyfriend in an apartment in the city. He dropped you off every day with the car, never knowing what work you actually did. 

Work was always a breath of relief for you because back home, things were messy. Real messy. You knew this wasn't how things were supposed to be. The yelling, emotional and physical abuse. But when your boyfriend was in a good mood, he was the best person you could ask for and you loved him. 

So you stayed for those moments, always tip-toeing around the house to not upset him and hoping you would actually be noticed. 

Yesterday, after you came from work after a good day, your mood fell when you saw your boyfriend wait by the car, his arms crossed and scowl on his face. Yes he was also a jealous person and was suspicious every time you came home happier than you should be.

Daisy didn't pay much attention to the agents walking around the base, going in and out every night. But she had noticed you a couple times before. She knew a lot about bad home situations so when you accidentally bumped into her and gasped a lot louder than necessary, she knew something was going on.

You didn't even dare look at her, afraid of her reaction. ''I'm so sorry, I didn't see you,'' you stammered. ''Please forgive me.'' You tried to make yourself as small as possible, preparing to be scolded.

''Hey, it's alright. Don't worry about it.'' Daisy tried to put a comforting hand on your shoulder but you jumped away from her touch. ''Hey are you okay?''

You still looked straight at the ground, your hair falling into your face. ''I'm fine,'' you muttered, walking around her and leaving her there in the middle of the hallway.

Things only got worse by the day. The next morning, you walked in with a blue bruise on your cheek, almost covering the entire left half of your face. You tried to keep your hair over it, but it was almost impossible and smiling hurt. As soon as you saw Daisy approaching you from the end of the corridor, you took off in another direction. You didn't want her to see it or to worry about you.

Daisy watched you go with concern. She wanted to talk to you and ask what was going on, but was afraid of overstepping or making you angry. Later when she walked into the common room for something to drink, you were on the couch talking to one of your co-workers in a cheerful way. 

You didn't see her come in, so when your colleague asked you about the bruise on your cheek, you didn't change the topic and lied straight to her face.

''What happened to your face, by the way? Did you try to play volleyball again?'' Your colleague teased you.

You forced a laugh, hoping she didn't see it was fake. ''No I walked into a door.''

''Must have been a solid door,'' your friend said, laughing along with you.

You nodded your head playfully. ''You have no idea.''

Over the course of a week, your bruise had faded enough to be able to cover it up with some full-coverage foundation and because Daisy didn't see any new injuries, she thought maybe she had just imagined things. 

However, a couple days after that, you showed up with a small cut on your forehead and a broken wrist. 

You ''fell of your bike'' according to what you jokingly told your fellow agents, but this time Daisy knew for sure your injuries weren't accidental. Still, she couldn't just go around and accuse your boyfriend without knowing for sure. She did know that he dropped you off every morning and picked you up every night. 

So that night at ten, when your shift had ended and you had said your goodbyes for the day, she followed you out. Because of her years of training and the fact that it was pitch black outside, she was able to follow you without you noticing. 

''Hey baby,'' you greeted your boyfriend enthusiastically, but it was too much and Daisy saw the mood on his face change. 

''Why are you so late, huh? Were you having a little too much fun with your colleagues?'' His voice was loud and she saw you cringe, trying to make yourself as small as possible. 

You protested, but knew that was a wrong move. ''N-no, I-''

''You what? You what?'' Your boyfriend grabbed your wrapped up, broken wrist and shoved you into the car, your back hitting the metal with a bang. 

Tears sprung in your eyes at how hard he squeezed your arm. ''You're hurting me.''

But he didn't care about that and stood before you, towering over you. ''I bet you were too busy sticking your tongue in someone else's mouth. Did you forget I'm your boyfriend?''

''No, I- I promise. I love you.''

''Do you? Maybe you need to be reminded of who owns you.''

You anticipated his hit, his fist coming down on your cheek again or maybe it would be your ribs this time. But it didn't come. And when you dared open your eyes look up, you saw why. 

Daisy had caught his wrist mid-air and yanked him away from you. With one blast of her powers, he flew into a wall a small distance away. She left you standing there for now, keeping the guy in place with a constant blow of air while walking over to him. 

She was fuming. Never had she been so angry before.

''You like that? Beating up your girlfriend?'' She spat sarcastically. ''She doesn't look like she enjoys it very much.''

The asshole actually had the nerve to chuckle. ''Who are you? One of her bimbos? Thought she had more taste than an Inhuman but I shouldn't be surprised.''

Daisy put even more pressure on his chest and he groaned in response. ''I'm someone who cares about her, something you clearly don't. Now I want you to get into your car and get lost. If you ever try to contact her again... let's just say this isn't maximum power.''

She let him go roughly and he gasped for air. Throwing Daisy a glare, he stumbled back to his car, looking at you disgusted. ''Bitch,'' he hissed at you before he got into his car and took off with screeching tires. 

Both of you watched him go, seeing his car disappear around the corner. That's when all the tension and excitement fell away and you couldn't keep it in anymore. 

You started crying in the middle of the street and Daisy rushed over to you. Normally she wouldn't have hesitated to wrap her arms around anyone, but she didn't want to scare you. ''Can I hug you?'' She asked carefully, not even sure you heard her over your sobs.

You nodded and felt her gentle arms around you instantly. Daisy was very gentle and paid attention to not being rough or holding you too tight.

It surprised her when you returned the gesture, hesitantly snaking your arms around her waist. She smiled into your hair, whispering calming words in your ear. 

The night was cold and it started drizzling lightly but neither of you cared. Daisy held you until you calmed down and when you removed your arms, so did she. 

''You didn't have to do that,'' you whispered, your voice hoarse from crying. You played with some loose threads at the bottom of your sweater, unable to look at the brunette in front of you.

Daisy's heart hurt when you said that, convinced you didn't deserve her help or attention. ''I needed to. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Nobody shouldn't feel safe at home.''

You didn't react to her, but what she said brought another problem to mind. ''What now? I don't have anywhere to go.'' Your parents lived on the other side of the country and you didn't have any friends outside of work.

''Yes you do,'' Daisy countered, making her way back to the entrance of the base. ''Come on.''

When you realized what she meant, you shook your head frantically. ''Oh, no, no, I don't want to bother you.''

''You are not, I promise. I want to help you.''

In her eyes, you could see she wasn't lying but it still felt you were bothering her with your problems.

Daisy waited patiently for you, watching you weigh your options before nodding to yourself and walking up to her. She smiled kindly, holding her lanyard next to the door. It slid open with a hiss, revealing the usual buzz of agents running around the base. 

That same safe feeling you always got when you stepped in there, fell over you again. The base was a safe place and it would always be. ''I don't have any of my stuff,'' you realized when Daisy pushed her bedroom door open and let you in.

Immediately you felt you had overstepped, walking into her personal space with her own stuff and you did your best not to snoop around, instead keeping your eyes on your hands. 

''I will send some agents to get your stuff tomorrow, I promise. You're not going back there.'' Daisy rummaged through her closet, pulling some comfortable clothes for you. ''For now, you can borrow some things of mine. Including my bed because Coulson isn't here so I don't know which rooms are free,'' she rambled.

You shook your head. ''No I can't take your bed, I'm fine with the couch.''

''Couch is mine. Bed is yours. I promise I'll survive for one night.''

With hesitation, you gave in. Daisy wasn't going to take no for an answer and you were too tired to argue. You accepted the stack of clothes she was offering you and went to change in the bathroom. With the spare toothbrush Daisy had also plucked away somewhere, you brushed your teeth and walked back into the bedroom. 

On the couch, Daisy had built a quite comfortable looking fort of blankets to represent a bed. You blushed slightly at the tank top and shorts she had on, but hid it with your hair. She sent you a smile before going to brush her own teeth.

While she was busy, you carefully opened up the blankets on her bed and crawled in. They smelled like her, a nice warm scent that reminded you of vanilla. It was extremely comfortable so your eyes were closing fast. 

Daisy smiled when she walked back into her bedroom and saw you almost asleep. You looked cosy and relaxed and she couldn't help but like the sight of you in her bed. She was happy you would be able to sleep and weren't too disturbed by everything that had happened tonight. 

She reached for the light switch, but not before wishing you goodnight.

''Night Daisy,'' you muttered back. ''Thank you.''

''You're welcome.'' She settled in and listened to your breathing. It calmed down fast and before she knew it, you were asleep. That was when she was finally able to relax too, pulling the blanket up to her chin and closing her eyes. 

When she thought back to what she had witnessed and was just in time to stop, she got angry all over again. She promised to herself and to you that you would never have to deal with him again. Instead, she would keep you safe here in the base, which was now your new home. 

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