Empty Bed

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Summary: you wake up in the night and Daisy is not there, causing you to panic. Again: if you want to request a chapter, I would love to write your ideas. Just DM me!

You startled awake, sweat dripping down your forehead and your t-shirt stuck to your back. A horrible nightmare had plagued your dreams. 

Your dream had placed you in the SHIELD base, but instead of the usual buzz, it was completely empty. You had ran around for what felt like hours, loudly yelling for anyone to hear you. But no sound came out of your throat and there was nobody there. 

Hallway after hallway, room after room was empty. It described your deepest fear perfectly: someday, everybody would leave you after deciding you weren't worth staying for. 

With shaky hands you felt the spot next to you, but instead of feeling your girlfriend peacefully sleeping next to you, your hand landed on empty sheets. This only caused your breathing to quicken and your heart to speed up. Did you actually wake up or were you still asleep.

You didn't even bother putting socks on or a sweater. In your pajama shorts and tank top, you ran out the door of your bedroom. And to your big shock, it was completely empty.

The lights were bright like they always were and you had to squint to see something. 

Where could Daisy have gone in the middle of the night?

Your first stop was the gym. Maybe she had had a nightmare too and tried to punch the images out of her head. But as you rounded the corner and flew into the room, only May was there. 

She looked at you weirdly, taking in your attire slowly. When her gaze landed on your panicked eyes, she grew worried.

''Y/N? What is-''

But you had already ran out again, established that Daisy wasn't there.

Your next stop was Coulson's office. Maybe there had been an emergency that needed her hacking skills. 

However, as you busted in without knocking, you only startled Coulson. He looked at you the same way May had done, but his father instincts kicked in quick. 

''Y/N? Are you okay?''

You tried to calm your breathing to speak, but nothing seemed to stop your racing heart. ''Have you- have you seen Daisy?'' You stuttered between breaths.

Coulson stood from his chair, worry flooding his chest. ''I haven't. Why? Is something wrong?''

You shook your head frantically. ''No, I- I-'' But you couldn't form any coherent sentences so to save yourself from embarrassment, you took off again, leaving a confused director behind.

Maybe Daisy had left again? She had pulled that stunt before. Leaving in the middle of the night without saying anything to anyone. 

''Y/N?'' A kind voice from your left startled you out of your thoughts as you sped through the hallways. A hand caught your wrist and pulled you to the side. Jemma watched you warily, seeing how scared you were.

She tried catching your gaze, but your eyes flickered all around her restlessly. ''Hey, what's going on?''

Your heart warmed at her kindness and you finally relaxed a bit. ''Daisy.''

You didn't need to say more, understanding filling Jemma's eyes. She had Fitz, she knew exactly what you meant.

''I saw her last in the kitchen.''

You didn't say thank you or smiled at her, but Jemma knew you were grateful for her help as you turned around and left.

The kitchen was attached to the common room and you hoped nobody would be there. Even in your hysteria, you knew you were being ridiculous. You just didn't have the energy to fix that.

Your feet clashed on the hard, cold floor as your rushed to the kitchen. The light was on and through the blurred windows, you could see from the hallway there was at least someone in there. 

Daisy jumped a little when you rushed into the room, almost choking on her water. She couldn't sleep so she had come to the kitchen for a drink in the hope that afterwards she would be tired. But now she knew she should have never left you alone. She had been shaken awake enough times to know when you had a nightmare. 

Her glass was on the counter just in time to catch you crashing into her. You wrapped your arms tightly around her neck, burying your face in her neck.

''Hey, it's alright. I'm here,'' she whispered in your ear as you calmed down more and more. ''Did you have a nightmare?''

You nodded against her neck as her hand rubbed up and down your back. 

''I'm sorry I wasn't there.'' Her gentle hands took your cheeks when you pulled back to look at her and you calmed down even more by her calm, kind eyes. ''Do you want to talk about it?''

You shook your head no, really not feeling like thinking back to that lonely feeling. What you felt here was completely opposite of that. With your fingers tangling in her short hair, twisting the strands around mindlessly, you felt the luckiest girl in the world.

Daisy said nothing else as you just looked at each other, bodies pressed against each other. Finally, you smiled that small smile that sped up Daisy's heart. ''I might have scared the shit out of May and Coulson. Oh and Simmons.''

Daisy mirrored your happy smile, slowly closing the distance between you. ''They deserve that from time to time.''

You chuckled lightly, remembering how shocked they were when you crashed into them. ''I love you,'' you muttered against her lips, the nightmare disappeared to the back of your mind as you felt her breath over your face.

''I love you, too,'' Daisy whispered back before pressing her lips against yours, moving her hands from your cheeks to your waist, pulling you into her body tightly.

Like always, your mind was a complete mess when you kissed her. She was your favorite drug in the world.

''Get a room!'' 

With a grumble you broke apart, heads snapping to whoever had called out. Mack stood in the doorway with an idiotic smile on his lips. He was clearly proud of himself for catching you off-guard.

Daisy threw him a playful glare as you tried to hide your red cheeks in your hair. ''We had one. Until you walked in.''

Mack raised his hands in surrender, chuckling loudly. ''Hey I'm just here for some water,'' he defended himself jokingly. ''So keep doing whatever you were doing and I will be gone in a minute.''

Daisy pulled a disgusted face and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the room. ''Goodnight Mack!'' She called over her shoulder sarcastically.

You snickered, ignoring the look of the couple agents on the night shift. Apparently nobody was good at sleeping. Not Jemma, not Coulson, not May and not Mack. Oh and not Daisy either, although you weren't mad about that anymore. 

Daisy dragged you into bed, holding you closely to make up for not being here earlier. You sighed contently as her calm heartbeat filled your ear, your head on her chest and legs tangled together. 

''Goodnight baby,'' she whispered in the dark.

You hummed satisfactory, muttering the words back at her. Within minutes, both you and Daisy were off in dreamland, no nightmares coming back to plague you that night. 

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