Mind Reader

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Summary: you have been deaf your whole life, but after you accidentally turn into an Inhuman, you are suddenly able to hear people's thoughts.

The minute you woke up, you knew something was different. You had no idea what happened to you and waking up without knowing where you were was always very stressful for you. 

The thing was, you couldn't hear. You had been deaf since you were born and it was something you had learned to live with. It almost didn't limit you in your work, since you worked in administration. Paperwork and computer work was your job. 

Of course, SHIELD had offered to make you a device that would make you hear again, but you didn't want that. You didn't feel like you were missing anything and you had refused all the help they had offered.

Of course it sucked because you had never actually heard your girlfriend's voice. Your first 'I love you' wasn't spoken out loud, but signed with your hands. Not that any of that mattered, it didn't make it less true. 

Your head was foggy and you jumped when a gentle hand grabbed your own. Daisy stood up so you could see her, worry on her face. 

The last thing you remembered before you passed out was the smoke from the crystal hitting your face and traveling down into your lungs. Stone, there was something with stone. Covering your body. But you could easily move your body now, no stone in sight.

''You're okay, I'm here,'' Daisy signed, smiling tenderly.

But her words had the opposite effect than calming your down. In fact your heart stopped and your whole body tensed.

You hadn't just read her words, you actually heard them in your head. And not in your own voice, it was hers. 

You were in complete panic, frantically looking around where that sound could have come from. There was no way it could have come from outside your head. You couldn't hear after all. But it was her voice, no doubt. The only voice you had ever heard was the one in your own head and this certainly wasn't it.

''Hey, hey, hey,'' Daisy spoke, trying to hold you down. It was her voice. 100%

That was when you started crying. Loud sobs rocking your body. You didn't know whether to laugh or be scared. 

Daisy sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling you close to her. And for once, you heard the calming words she whispered in your head. To calm down, you decided to completely focus on that new voice in your head. You quickly figured out you didn't just hear what she was saying but also what she was thinking. 

You weren't hearing the words she was speaking but the ones she was thinking.

You pushed her away from your body gently, wanting to sign what was happening. ''I can hear you,'' you signed. 

Complete shock flooded Daisy's features. ''You can?'' she said out loud. And just like before, it echoed in your head. 

You cried happily, smiling widely. ''Your thoughts are in my head.''

She looked from your hands to your face, not sure if you were telling the truth. ''You can read my mind?''

You nodded, the tears streaming down your face. 

''Oh my god.'' Now it was also Daisy's turn to cry and this time you pulled her close to your body, holding her tight. 

You wanted to try telling her the three words you had wished your whole relationship you could say to her, in your own voice. You had no idea how your powers worked and your mind was a mess flooded with all kinds of thoughts, but you just focused on the woman in your arms, trying to find her mind and push your message to her. 

You knew she received it when she froze, her breath getting stuck in her throat. 

Daisy pulled back, some of her brown hairs sticking to her wet cheeks. Her delicate hands grabbed your cheeks lightly, looking deep into your eyes. 

''I love you, too,'' she whispered. But it didn't matter how loud she said it. Even if she had only thought it, you would have heard it.

Her lips captured yours and you tasted the salt on her lips. Daisy's thoughts went erratic when you kissed her back, moving your hands to her waist. You laughed against her lips. Her thoughts betrayed how you messed with her mind when you touched her.

 ''What?'' She laughed when she pulled back. 

''I can read all your thoughts now,'' you thought to her. It was still unusual for both of you to actually hear each other, but it felt so right.

Daisy blushed heavily when she realized what you implied, trying to hide her cheeks with her hair. ''Oh god that is so embarrassing.''

You shook your head, pulling her closer to your body again. ''No, no, I love them. I love you and your weird mind,'' you thought right before you kissed her again just to relish in the reaction you got from her. 

''I love you.''

You would never grow tired of hearing that ever.

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