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"Arthas no! Think of my daughter!" Sylvanas yelled loudly asArthas held her by her throat and was tearing her soul from her body.

"You shall see her again!" He answered, his voice echoing around Icecrown. Kealhdrel was none the wiser as to what was going on, she was swamped with the Forsaken, her side had been sliced open but still she fought on with one hand pressed against the great gaping wound while the other wielded her Dawn sword.

"You daughter of Windrunner shall die!" An undead Orc announced and hit her back with a thud with his large metal hammer, she fell to the floor with a crash the wind being knocked out of her, the Orc stood on her back pressing her weight into the ground. Keal turned her head to the side to see Arthas rip her mothers soul from her body which dropped to the floor with a sickening crack.

"No!" Keal squeaked.

"Kill her!" Arthas ordered.

But Keal was not alone as Lor'themar came riding in with reinforcements and helped fight back the scourge, he even killed the Orc who injured Kealhdrel who now lay unconscious on the ground. The look on his face dropped as he saw the warrior laying there unconscious and not a couple of feet away was the corpse of her mother. Kealhdrel was bleeding heavily. Lor'themar dismounted and lifted the poor girl off the snow even though she was unconscious the poor girl was shivering, he gently threw her body over the back of his steed.

He then walked to Sylvanas' body she was long dead. Arthas soon saw he was losing and called his forces to retreat but he also took her body,  Lor'themar did all he could to get the body back but he was out numbered and there was a good chance he could die. What was left of the Sin'Dorei army returned to Sunstrider Isle. Keal was out for most of the journey.

They got her to a healer as soon as they returned, Lor'themar always at her side. The healer stitched her wound and gave her a toxin for the pain but still the young elf didn't wake, it would take her a good couple of days to get up and walk but first she needed to come back around. Lor'themar would read to her hoping a familiar voice would wake her.

Arthas was attempting to bring Sylvanas back trapping a banshee within her body, he seemed to be very pleased with his work,as soon as she awoke a scream escaped from her and so did her daughter. "Mother!" She cried reaching a hand to the sky before dropping it back to her side and falling against the soft bed.

"Be calm little one." Lor'themar comforted her the best he could.

"W. . . Where is she?" The young elf stuttered.

"Arthas has killed her and took her body, we don't know what his plans are." He explained. She sat up wheezing a little, resting on her elbows.

"We must find her." She began.

"It'll be too dangerous." He answered, she swung her feet over the bed.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take." She said with an almost snarling like expression.

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