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The ship was broken into splinters, the sails shredded and bobbed on the surface of the water. Most of the inhabitants on the ship were drowned. Keal hauled herself out of the water her armour weighing heavy on her, Nathanos gripped the straps of her pauldrons and hauled her out. "Get off me!" she snarled and slapped his hands away. 

"I have to keep you safe My lady," he said. She ignored his words and stood looking up and down the longshore. The waves calmed the ferocious beating heart of the warrior. 

"Where are we?" she asked. 

"I don't know but it's not the Broken Isles," he said. "Keep close." He pushed her behind him. She ignored him and pushed forward, hand trained on the hilt of her blade. "You don't know what you're going to face here." 

"I am sure I can handle it," she said. Nathanos rolled his red eyes and continued to follow the young blood elf. As they walked the earth turned cold and covered in ivory powder, she wrapped her arms around her tiny torso. Nathanos offered her his cloak. 

"We need to shelter from this storm," he said looking around. There in the distance was a fortress with griffins flying in and out. "We're in Northrend my lady," he said. 

"We're still miles away," she sighed. 

"Indeed, but we're closer than we were," he said. They kept walking till they found a cave etched into the side of the cliff. "We can sit out most of the storm here." 

"I can see why my mother chose you,"  she said. Keal started a fire and huddled around it. She laid her weapons down and pulled his cloak around her shoulders. 

"You can rest, I'll guard you. I do not need to rest often," he said. 

"I am not tired," she growled. 

"As you wish," he said and stared out at the storm. 

"We are not going to get anywhere on foot, we need to find mounts," she said. 

"You are right. When the storm clears we shall search," he replied. 

"You will be rewarded for your efforts, that I can guarantee," she said. 

"It is my duty and I need no reward," he said. 

"You shall not refuse my mother for she will make sure you suffer," she replied with a sinister smile. 

"You are the dark lady's daughter," he chuckled deeply.  

"Let's hope we haven't missed out on all the fun," she smiled. 

"You'll get your chance to slaughter the Alliance, my lady, you just have to remain patient," he said. "For now our main objective is getting you to your mothers side, she will be stronger with us there." 

"Patience is something I am not capable of," she growled. 

"Patience is what will help you grow into the leader you will be, it will help you aid Sylvanas in her mission," he explained. "Rage is something you must learn to harness, something I have to remind your mother about a lot." Keal huffed as the corners of her mother turned up into a smile, and stared out into the storm. 

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