Chapter 46

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Hey Guys! Surprise 😊 I love y'all supporters so much that I decided to post a chapter earlier today. Enjoy 💜

xx Kash



It was a little after 11:30 am when my phone on the dresser buzzed. I wondered if it was Nina trying to get me to chat with her in the middle of the night. I grabbed the device reluctantly and swiped the screen only to find a text from that one person who hadn't texted me for the past two years.

   Rowan: Hey! Are you awake?

I stared at the text for a good few seconds, and I decided to respond.

Alana: Hi! Yes, I'm awake.

The reply came within a second. He was online.

Rowan: What are you doing?

Alana: Lying down in bed. You?

Rowan is typing....

Rowan: Thinking about you.

When I read his response, my insides began doing a quick somersault. Stupid heart!

Alana: What were you thinking about me?

Rowan: I'd like to keep my thoughts private 😉

My heart soar. Damn him for making me desperate for that answer.

Alana: Don't be such a spoilt sport and tell me.

Rowan is typing....

Alana: Tell me! 😭

A few seconds passed and it was still 'Rowan is typing' I almost pulled my hair in frustration.

Rowan: I'm lying in my bed in the dark; naked and doing things to myself, thinking about you.

I imagined him without his clothes in bed and I had these weird tingling feeling down below. I giggled under the covers and decided to tease him as I typed.

Alana: What things? I need details😒

Rowan: Things that men do while they are alone under covers. I thought you were smart enough to figure it out.

Alana: Elaborate Plz.

Rowan: I'm touching myself thinking that it's your hands that are touching me.

I had an urge to do that myself, but I was such a coward to admit it. I didn't want to touch myself, I wanted him here, with me, with his masculine hands all over me.

Alana: Hmm, sort of like a Thai massage parlor? 😂

Rowan: Haha. I forgot to laugh. I know that you know what I'm talking about, Alana. You are not so innocent.

Alana: You're trying to do sexting with me, and that's what boyfriends do. You're not even my boyfriend.

I didn't get a response for a good minute and I thought Rowan was offended.

Rowan: Would you rather it be someone else?

Before I could find a better retort, he was typing again.

Rowan: Someone like Troy?

My jaw remained slack open. So, he knew about Troy and me fake dating, yet here he was taunting me with it? Rage took over all of a sudden, any sort of horniness that was building inside me had died down.

I tried to type something, but he beat me to it.

Rowan is typing...

Rowan: What, did I accidentally spill the truth or did you forget the functions of a keyboard on your smart phone?

Now, my nose was flaring like a bull. He wasn't horny or naked under those covers, he was probably faking it so I could spill it. I knew Rowan Masters long enough to understand the shit he could pull to only get things out of my mouth. Always the indirect route.

Alana: Are you sure your therapist prescribed you the right pills? Because you sound like a fucking psycho.  

If the therapists hadn't diagnosed him loony, I'd think he was fucking intelligent and just as manipulative.

Rowan: Watch your damn mouth!

Alana: News flash. I'm talking with my fingers on a keyboard.

Incoming call: Rowan Masters.

I debated and pressed the reject. I didn't want to talk to him.

The phone rang the second time and I pressed the reject again. When it rang the third time, I decided to answer it.

"What's your problem?" I yelled in the phone.

  "So it's true, isn't it?" Rowan asked in the most icy cold voice.

  "What are you talking about?"

   "You slept with Troy." Rowan's tone hiked up.

   I gave out an incredulous laugh, "Is that what Troy told you?"

   "He said you guys hooked up, and I'm not stupid. Tell me, Alana, out of all the men in Carmel, it's just Troy you found to sleep with?"


I was fueled with more rage. "Yes. I slept with him knowing he was your cousin because I wanted my revenge and I got it. And guess what, it was the best fucking sex I could have asked for. Good night!"

I said and hung up. I bet he was going to have a lot of bad nights following today. Rowan had a problem with confrontation. I hadn't done anything other than exchange a kiss with Troy, thinking that it was Rowan all along because my drunk brain had a hard time to register his face.

And what else had I expected from Rowan after two years? For him to suddenly morph into a nice guy and pamper me with sweet sugary words?

Of course not. That wouldn't happen in a million years.

   I was so furious, I wanted to drive to his place and smack the shit out of both of them. 

   I dialed Troy's number, and as usual he answered on the first ring. "Yo, babe, miss me already?"

   "What did you tell Rowan about me?" I blasted at him like a woofer in a teenage boys Mustang.

    Troy was silent for a moment.

   "Why would I tell my brother anything about you? Wait, you know him?"

   "Quit pretending, Troy! I know that you knew the fact that I was Rowan's ex-girlfriend." Breathe Alana, breathe. "Tell me what you told him!"

    "I told him the truth, that we are dating and we hooked up when we met at the bar."

    I sighed and rubbed my temples. I'd started to wonder if I was a drama magnet.

    "But, that's a lie!"

   "He doesn't know about it." Troy said. "You're my friend, and I can't lose you. I can't let Rowan just breeze in and steal you away from me."

   "You know what, I don't want to be a part of this anymore. This fake dating thing we had going on is over. I don't give a damn about your reputation. And I'm going to stay the fuck away from you and your cousin, because you know, I don't want to lose the remaining sanity I'm still holding onto."

   "Alana..." Troy started saying, but I hit end call and switched off my phone. It was going to remain switched off for a day or two.

  I stared at the digital clock on the bedside table. It was 1:00 am, thankfully, the next day was a weekend, but I needed to go for my part time babysitting job which included taking care of bratty, snot dripping kids who invented different ways to torture me. I wished they were all like Minnie, sweet and understanding.

   Here I was, back to square one, thinking about that asshole. He had asked for a chance, now he wasn't getting any, infact, Rowan had better chances at winning the lottery. 

Keep telling yourself that, Alana.


   It's been a week since my fight with Rowan and I hadn't heard from him since, and I'd successfully avoided Troy at college when he'd tried to explain himself. How could he freakin' lie about me sleeping with him? He'd gone ahead and complicated things more further.

      "Alana..." Nina said. "Hey, Alana...are you even paying attention to what I'm saying?"

     "I'm listening."

     "No, you're not. You're wandering in Rowan island since the day he stepped foot in Carmel."

    "Let's not talk about him." I said as I changed the tv channel.

     "Look, I don't understand. Why don't you guys just talk and sort it out?" Nina suggested.

      "Rowan is not my boyfriend anymore."

     "Yeah, but he sure acts like one."

     "I know right? What's his problem? He wasn't even here for two years, so what gives?"

    "Admit it, Alana. You like it when Rowan gets jealous over you."  She said taking a bite of a pizza slice. We had ordered a large peperoni and cheese pizza for the evening.

     "He acts like a fucking caveman. What's to like?"

      "A caveman who was an ex-professor and is a new international model." Nina reached for her bag and pulled out a fashion magazine.

   I stared at the cover. Rowan appeared shirtless, wearing only a pair of jeans, unbuttoned and a tall black haired woman with long legs clinging onto him, her palm flat on his abdomen and Rowans arm possessively grabbing her waist. His expressions were erotic.

   Nina pushed the cover in my face. "What's not to like?"

   I slapped it away. "Don't show me those!" 

   Nina narrowed her eyes at me. "So now, for just one minute, can you be in Rowan's shoes and imagine how he must have felt when he found out that you slept with his cousin?"

   "I never slept with Troy, Nina!"

   "But, Rowan doesn't know that. If I were him, I would be really upset. So, just think about it." Nina continued. "I don't like the look on your face. It's the serial killer look."

   I stashed the magazine under the coffee table. It made me crazy to think about his hands on other women, even though I wanted to kill him. The thought of Rowan pleasing someone else made me cry. As if on cue, we heard the doorbell.

      "I'll get it." Nina said as she scurried towards the door.

     And I carried the box of pizza to the kitchen, can't have anyone else mooch off our food, especially if it was Chez when all we would find was an empty box and a few crumbs.

   "Who is it, Nina?" I called out to her.

    I walked out from the little kitchen to find Rowan in the doorway. Nina was smiling at him, pushing her hair behind her ear and making small talk, but her body was tense like he wasn't Rowan, her best friend's ex-boyfriend, but a strict ex- teacher who was here to check her assignment. Poor Nina.

   I stepped forward and folded my arms across my chest, ready to shut the door in his face for any apology that he was going to dish out, but I noticed Minnie standing beside him, holding his hand with that vibrant smile plastered over her cute face.

    Rowan was smart. He had brought his lucky card.

    Rowan's eyes shifted from Nina to me. "Hi, Alana."

    "Minnie, how are you, baby?" I asked her as I took her hand in mine and led her inside my apartment, ignoring Rowan at the doorstep.

   "Alana, your house is so small. My bedroom is bigger." Minnie said as she climbed over my bed with her shoes. I needed to change the covers before I went to bed, I made a mental note to myself.

   "Minnie, you shouldn't say that, sweetie." Rowan said in the sweetest tone he exclusively used only for Minnie.

    "Sowwieee, but, your bed is cute."

   "May I come in?" Rowan asked me, pleading eyes and all. He was wearing the same bomber jacket that I'd gifted him in Denmark. I realized he had a rough look today because of the slight facial hair.

    "Sure." I said.

    Nina closed the door behind us. "Minnie, would you like pizza?"

   She began hopping on the mattress with glee. "Yayy! Pizzaaaa!"

    "Take off your shoes, Minnie. Where are your manners?" Rowan said.

   "Sir, how about you? Pizza?" Nina asked Rowan politely. Even after he had told her numerous times that they were first name basis, Nina always went back to honorifics.

   "I'm good." Rowan politely declined, his eyes were on me.

    He settled down on the single couch. Nina left us alone to get pizza. I stood staring at him, and him me. I don't think we even blinked when she returned with the slice.

   "Here you go."

    Minnie snatched the plate from her and began chomping on the slice, picking out an onion wedge off the cheese.

    "Sorry to have interrupted your time, girls." Rowan said. He reached his jacket pocket and pulled out two pink glittery envelopes. "But, Minnie wants you guys to have something."

   He wasn't all smiles today, just dead serious.

   Minnie placed her plate on the bed, wiped her hands on her jeans and grabbed for the envelopes. Rowan then whispered something in her ear.

   Minnie walked to me with her signature heart-melting smile and offered me the pink envelope. I took it from her. She said, "Pwease come for my birthday on Sunday. We are havin a partyy. Dora and Elsa comin for my party too."

   She was talking about Dora and Elsa like they were Hollywood celebrities and I couldn't miss this chance.

   "Of course, sweetheart. I would love to be there." I said.

    She handed another card to Nina and repeated the same thing.

    "What do you want for your birthday?" I asked her.

    Minnie glanced at her father and he just nodded at her. She said. "Ken doll. Because my Barbie dolls wan a boyfriend."

   I watched as Rowan ran his hands through his hair.

   "Ken doll it is."

   I watched as there was some kind of an eye communication going on between Nina and Rowan, and then all of a sudden, Nina clapped her hand. "Okay, Minnie. How about a double chocolate ice-cream?"

   "Yes! ICE-CREAM!" Minnie screamed and clasped Nina's hand.

    "There's a lovely ice-cream parlor just around the corner. Mr. Masters, hope you don't mind if I take Minnie along with me."

   "Of course."

    "Alana." Nina turned to face me. "Which flavor do you...."

   I glared daggers at her and she vanished out of the door with the kid. Always a traitor. I had to understand that Nina would betray me as soon as Rowan batted his eyes at her and worked his sorcery.

   The door closed behind them, leaving Rowan and me alone. The room filled with a disturbing silence. I placed the birthday invite on the dresser and walked back to the kitchen, grabbed a towel and began dusting off invisible dust off the counter. Then a small plate caught my eye in the sink so I began washing the dish.

I could feel his eyes watching me like a predator.

   "Alana..." he said. I realized he was standing right behind me, I could almost feel his heat against my body. I could smell his cologne.

   I continued to scrub the plate.

   "Alana, I'm sorry."

    I threw the plate back in the sink and turned to face him. Sometimes, I just hated my tiny apartment.

"Don't waste your breath. You're apologizing right now, and the next thing, you'll be calling me at midnight and yelling at the top of your voice. So, what's the point exactly? Because I'm not  your doormat, Mr. Masters."

    He closed his eyes and looked back at me. "I was totally out of line. And, I was mostly angry at myself."

  If I decided to touch him, I could easily do it. "You're in my apartment right now because Minnie was here with you, without her I would have tossed you out faster than a damage control guy getting rid of the fat bug."

   He chuckled. Great. My insults were amusing Rowan. 

  "We can talk with some space between us." I pointed out.

   Rowan wasn't budging from the door. He wanted to intimidate the shit outta me.

    "I just want to say that I didn't mean to accuse you of those things. It doesn't matter if you hooked up with someone when I wasn't here. I mean, I'm hurt, but there's nothing anyone can do about it. I'm not your boyfriend so I don't have a right to be mad at you."

   I was surprised Rowan was able to say that with a sincere face. Had Rowan changed just a bit? It did seem that way to me.

  "If you love Troy and if he makes you happy, Alana, then I'm..." I watched him swallow. "I'm glad for you."

    I rolled my eyes. Typical dramatic Rowan.

   "I asked you last time to give me one chance, but clearly, I didn't stand none. Not after you and Troy. Wow..." his voice hitched in his throat. His voice was cracking. "Um...just answer one question, Alana..."


   "Does he kiss you better than I do?" He asked. His eyes searching mine, he seized my arm.

   "Stop it!"

   He squeezed my arm and whispered. "Do you crave for his touch?"

   "You're being ridiculous!" I try to pull away from his grasp.

   " couldn't you wait for me?"

    I decided to torment him some more, "Because you told me to move on, and Troy kind of resembled you, so I thought why not give this guy my hymen. What was gonna hurt? You had broken up with me and he had a good set of abs to offer." 

   "Alana..." Rowan close to tears.

   "You're  a fucking moron, and I hope you know that." I said. "Just so you know, I never had sex with Troy or any other guy. My V card is still with me, now that doesn't mean you are free to make your move, Rowan Masters, got it?"

   Rowan's face lit up like a Christmas light all of a sudden. " didn't have sex with Troy?"

   "We kissed and that's it." I admitted. "Your cousin is a fucking liar, just like you and he has been making rumors about us. I'm not even his girlfriend. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

    "I understand." Is all he managed to say. I think Rowan wasn't even upset about the kissing part, not even the part where I called him a liar because apparently me not having sex with his cousin part had made him happy.

   "Now please leave me alone." I said. "I'm exhausted."

    Rowan dug his hands in his pocket and backed out from the kitchen like a gentleman. I pointed towards the main door and as he walked out, I noticed he had a sad expression on his face.

   "I'm sorry, Alana...please." Now Rowan was pleading. Begging. It was a face of a eight year old begging his parents for a special limited edition toy.

   "Just shut the door on your way and please inform Nina that she can forget the leftover slices of Pizza. Bye!"


A.N: Chapter dedicated to my lovely friend @MJWOLF for her Amazing cover and her constant support ❤️

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I had so much fun writing it, especially when Alana gets angry.

At present, this novel is sitting at Romance rank #192 and I'm so happy for that. Thank you so much for all the support ❤️

Please don't forget to Vote and Comment telling me your thoughts about this chapter :) Stay Blessed!

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