Chapter 47

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Song- Let Me Go- Avril Lavigne ft Chad Kroeger



      "Alana, do you realize this is not your engagement party? It's a kid's birthday party." Nina reminded me as she threw my clothes from the wardrobe, and picked a black short dress. "Can I wear this?"

   "Go ahead." I said. "And, I know it's a birthday party, but do you realize that a lot of posh people are going to be there at that party bringing along their posh kids because it's Gary Masters' granddaughter's party. They won't be there dressed like they are going for grocery shopping."

Nina gave me that sarcastic look. "You are already starting to look like Minnie's step-mother."

  "Who said I was going to marry Rowan?" I gave her the 'are you crazy look?'

   "It's written all over your face babe." Nina teased me, applying a thick coat of my lipstick. "You get wet when Rowan even looks at you."

    "What, were you checking my panties?"

    "With that dress, I can just say that you're asking for Rowan's attention. And I feel pity for him. He won't get this booty tonight even if he tried right?"

    I applied some lip gloss. "Nope. Not a chance."

   "I feel so sorry for him." She said.

   "He left me horny for two years, remember? It's revenge time."

      I glanced into the full length mirror to check my appearance. I did look kinda hot in the long elegant red evening gown that was mermaid off shoulder and a major part of my back was bare. I chose a nice tall pair of killer heels which made me taller than my five feet three. My dark hair fell around my back in lovely curls. I'd spent an hour to get them done.

   "He sent you a enormous bouquet of roses and a beautiful apology card. Isn't he such a gentleman?" Nina batted her eyes at me.

   "Whose side are you really on?" I glared at her.

   "Chez is supposed to be here in ten minutes. Where the hell is he?"  Nina quickly changed the subject.

    There was a knock at the door. "That must be him."


        We rode in Chez's mustang, the speakers blasting in full volume. My ears were bleeding. I tried to calm my nerves thinking about seeing Rowan again, but my heart always betrayed my mind. Suddenly Selena Gomez started singing on the radio 'The heart wants what it wants'.

   "Can you change the fucking station?" I asked Chez.

    He frowned at me. "What's gotten into you?"

    The car maneuvered slowly on street that was now infested with cars. Chez told us to join the party while he parked the car across the street. If there were drinks, I knew these two were going to drink like there was no tomorrow and every liquor company was going out of production which meant, I would be the designated driver.

    Nina and I stepped into the lawn that was now decorated completely with multicolored balloons, lights decorating the trees and the entrance of the house. The doors were wide open. A few eyes turned in our direction, a few married men gave me a once over.

    There were individual pink tables and chairs where a lot of parents were lounging in. Almost all the tables were taken, children running and goofing around. I noticed a large screen in a corner, a lot of girls were watching a movie. Elsa singing let it go...let it go.

  Everything looked so perfect. Rowan had made sure of it.

   Two people dressed in Elsa and Dora were parading around, some kids stalking them like they were Paris Hilton and Gigi Hadid. I spotted Minnie dressed in a pink freely princess like dress accepting presents from someone. A small glimmering crown holding her curls. She looked like a princess. A teenage geeky looking guy was talking on the mike in the center stage.

    Dwight and Gary were nowhere in view. Rachel seemed busy with making conversations with the guests.

   Claire spotted us from across the lawn and she jogged towards us. "Hey!"

    She wrapped me in a hug. "How are you doing? It's been so long."

    "I'm fine. It's so good to see you." I said giving her my signature sweet smile. "I'll introduce you to my friends."

      After some small talk, Claire said. "Can I talk to you in private for a moment?"

      This is the part where I ran for the hills. Instead, I said. "Of course."

     She led me away from my friends. "None of Rowan's bullshit is supposed to come between us. Dwight is especially upset with the way you've been acting."

    I remained silent. I'd deliberately avoided the pair of siblings because I knew they liked to talk about their brother and they had made it their mission in life to put us together. 

     Claire took my hand in hers. "He still loves you."

    "Claire, I don't want to talk about Rowan."

     Uncertainty gleamed in her dark eyes. She glanced around and then said. "Do you like Troy?"

    "Of course not!" I snapped. "He is just a friend."

   She patted my back. "Talk it out with Rowan, because he's been upset and you know what happens when he is upset, right?"

   Something told me that Claire was giving me a fair warning that making Rowan mad could complicate things more. She was his sister, so obviously she was Team Rowan, what she didn't understand was how badly my heart he had wounded.

    Nina and I stood by the buffet tables awkwardly, the waiters eyeing us as if to say 'We are not serving dinner yet.'

   A waiter walked towards us holding tall flutes of shimmering golden liquid. The glim in Nina's eyes did not go unnoticed. "Is this champagne?"

    "It's apple fizz."

    I smiled to myself thinking I didn't need to drive these drunkards tonight.

    Nina's smile faded, yet she accepted the glass and took a sip. I picked up a glass along with a cheese ball. I saw Minnie making her way towards us, her smile radiated the sheer glee, especially when she saw the presents we had placed on an empty chair.

   "Minnie, Happy Birthday sweetie." I said as I kissed her forehead. "You look like a princess."

    "Thanks." She said, blushing.

    "Happy Birthday Minnie." Nina wished her. "Love your dress. I was wondering if I could maybe borrow it for a party next weekend."

    Minnie laughed so loud. "It won fit you silly."

   From the corner of my eye, I watched as Rowan walked towards us from across the lawn. His mocha eyes were on me, and I thought maybe I would melt under that intensity. He had a smile on his face. I guessed if he thought I was going bail on the birthday party.

   "Hey, ladies." He said. "I'm glad you could make it. Where's Chez?"

   "He was trying to look for a parking space. Should be here in a minute." Nina responded, her gaze shifted towards the gates. "Oh, there he is."

   Even after the apology roses, I hadn't responded to Rowan's texts asking me if I'd liked them. I was going to play a little hard to get, but now I felt my resolve slipping away slowly. He was dressed to impress in a tailored navy blue tux. That white shirt beneath flexing his broad chest. I could almost imagine a few buttons popping off. I took another sip of the drink.

   Rowan was staring at me, his expression was amused. He recognized my horny expression. "Why don't you guys come forward towards the center table. Minnie is going to cut the cake."

   All the kids were gathering around the table when the maid wheeled in a huge three story cake with all her favorite characters on it. The number six on top. The parents stood at the sidelines witnessing the magical birthday party. Nina and I moved a little forward. Chez stood awkwardly by the presents like an imperial guard.

   The birthday song filled the air as Minnie sliced through the cake and gave her father a piece. The photographer clicking away. After the cake cutting, Minnie appeared to be posing for a photo-shoot with her friends and family. Rowan was with her. I'd least expected it when she called out to me for a picture. At first I hesitated because posing for the photo meant that I had to stand close to Rowan.

   I didn't even spare him a glance as I posed for the photo with Minnie kneeling down on my knees. I wished her a happy birthday once again, kissed her cheek and was about to take off when the photographer said he needed another shot of us standing together. I cursed inwardly and stood behind Minnie feeling anxious as I felt Rowan inch closer to me. I could smell his intoxicating pour homme mixed with his aftershave. I couldn't stand it, not because I was feeling disgusted, but I was turned on. I felt his arm snake around my waist possessively. I glared sideways at him, what the hell was he doing?

   Rowan squeezed his fingers on my waist, and after a few smiling shots, I brushed off his arm and took off towards my table. I heard him call out my name but I didn't look back.

    During dinner, we were served meatballs, mini pizzas, pasta, cheese rolls, noodles and some more delicious food. I picked up small portions from every dish while Chez and Nina's plate appeared to be food towers. How they managed to consume so much food was still beyond me.

   I walked to the tables for desert. Looking at the table, I realized the choices were confusing. There was red velvet cake, half of which was on Chez's plate, brownies and ice-cream and chocolate mousse. I picked up the glass with the mousse.

   "The cake is better, trust me." A deep voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

   I glanced up to stare at Troy who was scooping in a large slice of what was remaining of the cake. "You look beautiful today."

   "Thanks." I said, picking up both the cake and the mousse. I needed it today.

    "Are you mad at me?"

    "You told Rowan that we had sex which is far from the truth."

     He moved closer and leaned into my ear. "Laugh like I've cracked the best joke of your life."

     When my eyes registered on Rowan, I couldn't help but laugh because he was pinning us with his hard stare like he wanted to strangle Troy with his bare hands. Troy knew what he was doing. I thought Rowan would be on his feet and walking towards us, but his eyes moved to me and he just stared at me with those pleading mocha eyes. His expression was crestfallen as he glanced away.

   I moved away from Troy feeling guilty and stupid. It probably appeared like Troy and I were making fun of Rowan. I didn't want him to feel that way. Revenge wasn't sweet.

   "Alana. I'm going to be playing with my band and after we are done with the party here, let's go to the beach. Chez and Nina can come along."

   I didn't give him an answer and just gave a nod because I wasn't in a mood to argue and walked back to an empty table to eat my desert in silence. I had every intention of heading straight home.

   Rowan didn't seem to be in his usual spot. Minnie came running towards me and took my hand in hers. "I wana show you somethin."

   "What, where are you taking me, Sweetie?" I asked her as she dragged me through the lawn towards the mansion. Her friend Blake from the other day was with her.

    "It's a shecret." She whispered.

     When Minnie led me into the mansion, I overcame with a wave of nostalgia. I remembered being in this house a lot of times before Rowan had broken up with me. She dragged me towards the staircase and we stopped outside a room which I recognized was Rowan's bedroom.

     "Sweetheart...what are you doing?"

     Minnie threw the door open and beckoned me inside the dimply lit room.  "Come inside."

     I stepped in and she quickly walked out of the room. Blake broke into a hysterical laughter and Minnie laughed along with him. She said. "Now...Kisssssss."

    "Wait! Minnie!" I called out to her but the two brats shut the door on my face. I heard the lock turn from outside.

   I knocked on the door. "Minnie, sweetheart, this is not funny."

   I had never expected Minnie to do something like this. She was supposed to be an angel with a halo and white wings. It must be the little boy's idea.

   I scanned around the room to find Rowan standing by the window, glancing outside towards the road.

   I was alone. Locked in a dimly lit room together with Rowan. It was his bedroom. The décor seemed different.

    "I received a text from you asking me to come here." Rowan broke the silence.

   I realized my phone was missing. Was it possible that Minnie could have hid it somewhere?

   "I didn't text you. I don't have my phone." I replied.

  "I'm sorry, Alana. I didn't know what Minnie was planning."  He said softly, his voice did not betray any emotion and I wondered if he was still thinking about Troy."I tried to call everyone, but either they don't hear over the music or we have to assume this was a well sketched plan."

  "Well, how long are we going to be locked in here?" I asked.

   "I don't know."

   I tried to read his poker face to see if he was lying, but I realized he was just as clueless as I was. Suddenly, Rowan pulled the curtains, and stripped off his tux jacket and let it fall over the mattress.

My heart began pounding fiercely against my chest. "What are you doing?" I asked.

    His gaze fixed with mine as he began walking towards me slowly, like a predator analyzing his prey, ready to claim its first victim. "Does it really bother you that we are alone here?" he whispered.

    I swallowed and stepped back. He took a few steps closer.

   "Stop." I said moving back against the wall.

    Rowan placed both his arms behind me, trapping me completely. He raised his right hand and caressed my cheek. I thought I was going to melt into a puddle because of the intensity with which he was staring at me.

    "Don't look at me like that." I whispered, averting my eyes away from his gaze.

     He laced his fingers through the lose tendrils of my hair. "Or what?"

     I swallowed again. My heart only pounded faster with anticipation. I wanted him to touch me. So damn badly, I didn't want to admit. His fingers lifted my chin up to face him. "Tell me you don't love me and I'll stop touching you."

    "I...I don't." I strutted.

    "You're lying, baby." He said, closing his eyes for a second, and opening them. "When I asked you to consider me, that wasn't what I meant."

    "I don't understand."

     "I've always loved you. It has always been you." He said with so much sincerity in his eyes that I believed him. "And, I'm begging you, Alana. Come back to me, baby. Please. I want you."

   Rowan's arms traveled to my waist as he pulled me against him. I gasped when I felt his bulging manhood pressing against my stomach. I stopped breathing for a minute. I'd touched him there before, but that was two years ago. I'd forgotten what it was like to be held by a man you loved so deeply that it rendered to sheer madness.

    He brought his mouth to my collarbone and kissed the sensitive skin. I felt the wetness of his tongue drag against it, felt his masculine gruff jaw brushing me. I realized my breathing wasn't normal anymore. "I...I...."

    He wasn't listening as he put his fingers on my jaw and tilted my head back. He whispered So fucking beautiful and pressed his lips against mine. His other hand slipped to my butt as he squeezed gently. His lips moved slowly against mine in a slow torture like he wanted me to die a slow death. His teeth caught my bottom lip, his tongue teasing my mouth. I moaned loudly that I embarrassed myself. Nothing was better than this. When he pulled back to come for air, I forced his mouth back to mine and sure enough that caused him to mimic my groan.

    "Two years. I've imagined kissing you for two years and I'd forgotten how fucking amazing it felt." He said.

    He looked at me like I was his world. "I love you, baby."

   "Don't look away." He pleaded. "Talk to me. I want an answer."

    He took my silence as an indication to go on.

  "The thought of breaking up with you was maddening, but I wanted what was best for you and at that time, I couldn't give you that. I wanted you to have normal, but to be honest, I can't bear the thought of you with someone else. I'm a selfish man, Alana. I want you all for myself."

    And then he did something which I had never expected. He went down on his knees and looked up at me, his eyes hooded with apology. He caught my hand in his. "I'm begging you to come back to me, Alana. Please. I'll do anything you say."

   His fingers were balled into fists. Tears at the corner of his eyes. The mocha irises had diluted to a darker shade. Is this what I'd wanted? For Rowan to get down on his knees and beg me to come back to him like his life depended on it? He was acting like I was his life support. I felt guilty for thinking that it would please me to see him helpless like that. I didn't. My heart only broke more.

  "Stand up." I told him and he obeyed without a word.

    I wrapped my arms around him tightly, enjoying the way his hard body flexed beneath me. "You're so cheesy, you know that right?"

     I heard him sigh. "You didn't answer my question."

    I pulled away to look at him. Even with the killer heels, he was still so tall. "What can you do for me?"

    "Anything. Whatever you want, baby." He whispered.

    I traced my fingers along his jawline, the tiny unshaven hair along his jaw gave me goosebumps. "I like what you were doing with your hands just now and your mouth. Put those big hands to use."

    For the first time in a while, a smile spread across his face as his lips slammed against me and moved in a deep kiss. I put my arms around his neck and he slipped his beneath my butt as he lifted me off the ground. His mouth moved so deliciously slow that I forgot my name. His free hand groped my breasts and a moan escaped my mouth. My dress had bundled  up around my waist at this point and I was pretty sure my body was ready.

   He came back up for breath. "Don't kiss Troy or anyone. Don't let anyone touch you other than me. Please."

   "Why do you love me so much? I mean, you're a model now, I'm sure you can find some tall exotic blond." I teased him.

   "It's just you I want."

    "On one condition." I said, taking his hand. "You can't run away from your problems. You have to treat me as an equal in this relationship and talk to me when something bothers you. We can't keep fooling each other. I know you have issues, and I also know that if I have to be with you, I'll have to deal with it. But, I'm ready to do whatever it is that it takes to keep us together because I love you."

His eyes were brimming with unshed tears. "What did I do to deserve you."

"You deserve much more than this. Don't hurt yourself, baby. You're not alone in this." I said brushing the thick locks of his dark hair away from his gorgeous face.

"Thank you." He whispered.

Maybe time had stopped because I don't know how long I stood with Rowan wrapped so intimately in my arms, it's that time when I realized it's not just him that needed me. I wanted him too. Breathing hadn't seemed easier than this.


A.N: Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, been busy all week so to make up for it, the chapter was slightly longer than before. Hope you guys enjoyed!

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