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Since the whole chaos at Starcourt Mall, and the discovery of the hidden base below it—The mall was closed down, and many employees lost their jobs, forcing them all to find new ones. Which, had many of the businesses that were all about to close around Hawkins, to fully restore again.

Then, as usual, the truth of The Gate and monsters were left confidential and framed as Chemical Leaks, and Government corruption, it was probably for the best—especially since it would cause panic everywhere if the truth was exploited.

Jim Hopper had barely made it out alive, thankfully listening to Imogen's advice on using the Green Substance—which had acidic effects, making it take down Grigori, allowing him help Joyce close the gate.

Robin, Steve and Imogen ended up working at the Arcade for the remainder of the Summer Vacation, and it was not easy for the couple since Keith gave them a tough time hiring them—since he was one of the people they were horrible to in school, but Robin was able to convince him otherwise.

Since them working there, it had become popular by demand just like Robin had predicted, with the infamous Steve Harrington and Imogen Henderson both working there, and despite Keith not really warming up to them, he was still grateful in a way that the arcade had more female customers much to his liking.

At the end of the Summer, the goodbyes were the hardest, but Steve and Imogen did not tell them, that they were coming back—because Hawkins was their home despite all the difficulties they had gone through.


"You think Duffin told anyone?" Imogen looked over to her husband, who was driving. He didn't remove his eyes from the road.

"I hope not, but I think it's our parents who we should be more worried about" Steve mumbled making her chuckle.

Imogen looked down to her hand holding the photo of her ultrasound. She was 5 months pregnant, and it was again another unexpected surprise, but Steve and Imogen knew they were ready.

The pair of them finished college within 4 years, and both surprisingly got jobs that paid well, everything for them was going well until that the unexpected pregnancy. Since living in a large city for a few years now, both of them couldn't help but miss their small town.

So, it was a decision that took a few months, leading them to finally deciding to move back to Hawkins, like the saying goes Home is where the heart is, lives by for them at the most.

"Well, it's not really something—" Imogen looked down to her growing belly," I can easily hide, the moment I step out into the house—I bet the boys, Max and El are all there waiting with party poppers, and party horns"

"Even if they are in their twenties?" Steve asked

"Babe—we are talking about the boys and El here, no matter how much they grow up, they will always be our crazy kids"

Steve looked at her for a second "What about Max?"

"Oh, come on" Imogen waved," You know as much as the next, that Max is the most mature one out of the silly bunch"

Steve chuckled and looked at the sign coming in view that still had Hell spray-painted on it.

"Welcome to Hell?" Imogen cocked an eyebrow," I can't believe they never bothered to clean the sign after all these years"

"Well, after all we been through, don't you find it reminiscence?" Imogen turned to him and snorted," I guess?"

"Just go with it, Babe" Steve rolled his eyes as she laughed looking at the familiar scenery coming into view.

"We're finally home"


"Holy fucken Baby!!" Robin gawked the moment Imogen and Steve walked into her childhood home door. Instead of having party poppers or the blaring of the party horns, the Harrington couple just got wide eye stares and jaws dropped. Well except for Dustin and Suzie—since they knew about the pregnancy.

Imogen lifted her arms and opened it," Uh—I feel like you are supposed to be saying this, but—Surprise?"

Steve who was standing next to her held his stomach laughing quietly, not being able to keep a straight face at everyone's expressions.

Imogen hit his arm pursing her lips looking at him," Seriously?"

"What?" He said under his breath," Look at their faces! It's priceless!"

"Baby?" El looked at her stomach, making her tilt her head, despite the six years that had passed it was only normal for El to not be fully educated with everything, and besides Jim and Mike were hardly the ones to actually tell her every single thing that the female body was capable of.

Though she had Max, Joyce and probably Nancy to educate her about it all, El would probably take a few more years to understand everything.

"We talked about this El" Max pat her back," It's kind of—well" She quickly turned her eyes to Nancy and Robin for help both of them looked away from having the responsibility.

"I leave for six years, and come to find that none of you gave El the entire talk?!" Imogen hissed to the females in the group who all laughed.

"You try it then" Max folded her arms pouting

"Sure, it's simple," Imogen said nonchalantly turning her head to El," Look, El when a male and f—" Steve quickly covered her mouth," Okay! Save that for later!" Imogen reached her hand to pry his hand off sending him a glare," We are all adults here"

"Yeah, but" Lucas coughed," I think it's better to save that for later"

Imogen let out a groan and placed her hands on her hips," Okay, seriously, my feet are killing me—I am hungry, and a very moody pregnant woman. So, let me hear the 'Welcome Back' before I lose it"

Dustin laughed walking over quickly pulling his sister in a hug—or well an attempt at it, since her belly was in the way," You are like five months sis, why are you bigger than usual?"

"If I wasn't pregnant, I would have slapped you silly Duffin, but to answer your question" Imogen turned to Steve both of them grinning.

Steve took the dramatics of pulling out the ultrasound photos and flashed it to everyone," Twin baby Harrington's!"

"Holy shit!!" Robin squealed," Twins!!!" She ran over carefully hugging Imogen and tackling Steve, as she congratulated them. Robin started the chain reaction, making everyone else join in the happy moment.

Imogen and Steve had surprised the recently engaged couple, Nancy and Jonathan by asking them to be the secondary godparents, whereas Robin being the primary godmother.

Steve's parents and Claudia were overly excited than most, but it was expected since they had been wanting very much to be grandparents the moment Imogen and Steve had gotten married.

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