eighteen - the battle of starcourt

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After the gruesome, and painful extraction of removing the small creature in El's leg and the sudden appearance of Joyce, Hopper and Bauman, they all gathered in the food court. Imogen was still unconscious and in Steve's aover and Dustin was holding her hand as he tried to keep up with all the things they missed since being trapped in the underground Russian base.

"The Mind Flayer, it built this monster in Hawkins, to stop El, to kill her and pave a way into our world" Mike explained

"And it almost did" Nancy spoke up," That was just one tiny piece of it"

"How big is this thing?" Jim asked grimly

Jonathan let out a sigh," It's big. Thirty feet, at least."

"Yeah" Lucas nodded," It sorta destroyed your cabin," He said to Hopper who just sighed running a hand on El's head, as he held her in his arms.

"Sorry" Lucas whispered

"Okay, so, just to be clear, this...this big flesh spider thing that hurt El, it's kind of gigantic...weapon?" Steve asked looking up from Imogen

"Yes" Nancy looked at him

"But instead of, like, screw and metal, the Mind Flayer made its weapon with melted people"

"Yes, exactly"

Steve let out a breath," Yeah, okay. I—Yeah, I'm just making sure"

"Are we sure this thing is still out there, still alive?" Joyce said looking at everyone

"El beat the shit out of it, but yeah, it's still alive" Max cringed

"Oh yeah, it's fucken alive, very alive, and only getting stronger" Imogen suddenly spoke up, as she winced in Steve's arm," I can feel the bastard"

"Hey, Imogen" Dustin quickly leaned over to her," Are you okay?"

"Are you hurt?" Steve asked and soon enough, a bunch of them were asking her

"I think you all need to chill" Erica spoke up," She can't answer everything at once" Imogen sent the young girl a grateful smile, as Steve slowly made her sit up as she held her head, since it was practically pounding ," Billy is near—I heard him screaming"

Max turned to her as her eyes widened," What?" All of them all looked at her in questioning.

"He's fighting it" She turned to them, but kept her eyes on Max mainly," When—" She swallowed," When Steve, Robin and I were kept hostage by the Russians, they took each of us to separate rooms to interrogate us"

She looked at the pair," The leader, the old man, came in my room—and well, one thing led to another, and I somehow was—" Imogen trailed off hugging herself making Steve and Dustin move closer.

She looked at Will," I think for a moment, a part of him was in my body"

Eleven looked at her leaning up," So, I did hear you" She suddenly said making Imogen look at her confused," Huh?"

Mike turned to El," What do you mean?"

Eleven gulped leaning on Hopper for support," When I...last saw Billy—I heard Imogen for a moment— She was talking to him"

Imogen nodded," Yeah, I was—

Steve tensed up as he spoke," Earlier in the theatre, you told me you had a dream—that something took over your body, and you gestured that you vanished"

The Older Henderson closed her eyes," Yeah, that's where it gets strange" She reopened her eyes face El," When you saw me talking to Billy, it was the real him—not the flayed him"

"So, he's still very much still in there" Max let out a breath in relief

"Yeah, he is" Imogen smiled," the flayer finds me as a threat...that much I know"

Will then spoke up "But, If we close the gate again—

Max continued "We cut the brain off from the body"

"And kill it...Theoretically" Lucas stated

"We can" Imogen leaned on Steve feeling her energy slowly restoring," But—You need to make Billy fight it, or else he'll die with the creature"

"How do you know that for sure?" Joyce turned to her

"Because unlike the time it possessed Will the year prior—it grown in strength with what you all said. It's manifested from" She made a face trying not to gag," Melted flesh, and it's latched part of itself on me—but I think Billy is stopping it from transferring to me"

"Yoo-hoo!!" Bauman suddenly yelled waving a stack of paper's," Yoo-hoo" They all made faces as his voice echoed around the mall. He walked over and put the papers on the table," Okay, this is what Alexei called "the hub". Now, the hub takes us to the vault room"

"Okay, where's the gate?" Jim asked

"Right here. I don't know the scale on this, but I think it's fairly close to the vaults room, maybe 50 feet or so" Bauman ran his hand around the paper unsure.

"More like 500" Erica stepped forward," What, you're just gonna waltz in there like it's commie Disneyland or something?"

Bauman raised his eyebrow," I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Erica Sinclair. Who are you?"

"Murray...Bauman" He said slowly

"Listen, Mr Bunman, I'm not trying to tell you how to do things, but I been down in that shithole for 24 hours. And with all due respect, you do what this man tells you, you're all gonna die"

"I'm sorry, why is this four-year-old speaking to me?" Bauman said with attitude as he stepped back

"Um, I'm ten, you bald bastard!"

"Erica!" Lucas scolded here

She snapped at him glaring," Just the facts!"

"She is right" Imogen stepped forward," We dropped down a god damn horribly made elevator and were trapped in it for maybe 8 to 9 hours. But Erica is right, it's not something that" She looked down at the map," That a map like this can help you"

"You're all gonna die, but you don't have to" Dustin walked forward," Excuse me"

He leaned forward," Sorry, may I?"

"Please," Bauman said sarcastically making Imogen step forward glaring," Careful with that tone Bald man—my brother and Erica might not seem like much, but they know more than what you do. From experience"

Dustin sat down on the chair," Okay, see this room here? This is a storage facility" He drew a circle on the paper," There's a hatch in here that feeds int their underground ventilation system"

He then drew a line across the paper," That will lead you to the base of the weapon. It's a bit of a maze down there, but between me and Erica, we can show you the way"

"You can show us the way?" Jim said slowly

"Don't worry, you can do all the fighting and dangerous hero shit, and we'll just be your...navigators"

Erica and Dustin smiled but Jim shook his head," No...Nope"

Imogen had pulled Jim to the side speaking with him privately for a moment, after a few minutes she walked away to where Robin and Steve were sitting on the counter of Hut Sam.

While they snacked on some of the food, Imogen was standing behind the counter between Steve's legs, as she held a packet of ice to his eye.

"I hardly think this is necessary Babe" He winced at the cold, she snickered continuing to give him first aid.

"Oh, stop being a baby, if I don't ice it down—It'll take longer to heal," Imogen told him. She lifted the ice pack again, and let out a sigh," You can ask me, Steve"

He looked down at her," What?"

She forced a smile and looked at him," I know you are literally dying to ask me about what happened—especially when I told you about the dream in the theatre"

"It's not just that" Steve shook his head," It's about the elevator—" Her face fell making her lower her eyes," Oh...that"

"We never talked about it you know, about how you felt—when you"

"Miscarried" She mumbled making him slowly nod his head," yeah"

"Well" She licked her lips turned back facing him," It was true, what I said—I may not have been ready at the time, but...it still really hurt...If I was careful, then it could have been avoided, Steve"

"Hey" He reached over placing his hands on her hips," I know you heard this probably countless times, but some things happen—that we can't control—But I think that's not what is fully bothering you"

She tilted her head at him," What?"

"What is really bothering you, is not telling your brother and your Mom" Imogen opened her mouth slightly, instantly closing it," God damn it, Steve, I can never hide anything from you huh?"

"No" He smirked," Never"

"I love you" She whispered leaning forward

"I love you too"


The same group, which Dustin and the boys called the Scoops Troop which consisted of, Robin, Erica, Imogen, Steve and Dustin walked out of the mall after Jim gave them to the keys to the car he had 'appropriately borrowed' from a random bystander at the gas station—they were headed to Weathertop, where Dustin's super-powered handcrafted radio tower was located.

Steve opened the door and let out a delighted awe "Oh, man now this..." He tossed the keys," This is what I'm talkin' about!"

"Toddfather?" Robin said unimpressed as she read the license plate making Imogen snicker.

"Oh, screw Todd!" Steve answered," Steve's her daddy now"

"I just threw up in my mouth a little bit" Imogen commented

Robin frowned "Did you just talk about yourself in the third person?"

"Did he just call himself daddy?" Erica cringed

"All right, where are we going?" Steve hopped in the driver seat as they all packed into the car.

"Weathertop," Dustin said

"Weather-what?" Steve asked confused

"Just drive, babe" Imogen chuckled buckling her seat belt, making Steve grumble as he reversed out the lot and quickly driving off. The drive, was surprisingly longer than most of them anticipated, making them all antsy.

"Jesus, how far is this place, man?" Steve kept his eyes on the road but said loudly over the music playing on the stereo.

"Relax, we're almost there" Dustin leaned forward telling Steve.

"Suzie must be pretty special, huh?" Robin asked," I mean if you built this thing and lugged it all the way to the middle of nowhere just to talk to her?"

"I mean, nobody's scientifically perfect, but Suzie's about as close to being perfect as any human could possibly be"

"Whoa brother, low blow" Imogen peeked over her shoulder from the front seat," I think I felt my heart shatter" He rolled his eyes as Erica laughed," She sounds made-up to me"

"She sounds made-up to you?" Erica asked the older teens

"Nope," Steve and Imogen said immediately

"Left. Turn left!" Dustin shouted suddenly

"There's not a road here" Steve's eye widened

"Turn left now!!" Dustin yelled

"Jesus! Hang on!" Steve turned the wheel sharply to the side destroyed a wooden fence on the way.

"Dustin!! Where are we going!?" Imogen shouted trying her best to hold back her screaming


"Oh, Jesus!!" Steve turned up the road," We're not gonna make it!" Robin shouted from the back

"Yes, we are. Come on, baby. Come on, baby!!" Steve whispered to the car, making Imogen roll her eyes," Is it bad that I am getting slightly jealous of the car at the moment" She mumbled to Robin who was leaning forward making her chuckle.

Once it was half-way up the hill, the engine let out a strained noise, as Steve kept stepping on the gas," Come on. Come on!!"

"Guess the Toddfather has its limitations" Robin commented since the car was showing no sign of moving at all.

They all got out of the car, walking up the hill. The moment they reached it the tower, Dustin walked over changing the signal to reached Joyce, Jim and Bauman's radio.

"Bald Eagle, do you copy?" Dustin voiced," Bald Eagle, I repeat, this is Scoops Troop, do you copy?"

"Yes, I copy," Bauman said in irritation at their group name.

They all laughed in relief at it connected, "Call sign?" Dustin stated

"Bald Eagle"

"Please repeat," Dustin said slowly

"Bald Eagle. This is Bald Eagle!" Imogen and Robin snorted at his tone

"Copy that," Dustin said in amusement," Good to hear your voice, Bald Eagle. What's your 20?"

"We reached the vent. I'll contact you when I need you. Until then, silence"

"Roger that, Bald Eagle. This is Scoops Troop, going radio silent. 10-10 over" Steve reached over patting his back, he looked up to notice Imogen was standing a little far away with her hand on her neck. He quickly walked to her side," Babe?"

Imogen swallowed as she looked at the Starcourt Mall in the distance," I think the Griswold Family is in trouble" She said making Steve narrow his gaze at the Mall," Oh—shit" He whispered

"Hey, guys!" He shouted getting the other three's attention, making them run over quickly observing what Imogen and Steve did.

"Shit!" Dustin ran over to the radio tower," Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Do you copy? Over!" They didn't get a response making Dustin panic," Griswold Family. I repeat this is Scoops Troop. Do you—"

A snarling screech filled the relay making Imogen cover her hear since it sounded very loud," It's there" She let out a cry as Steve wrapped his arm around her. Dustin kept yelling over the radio despite the creature's loud shriek.

Imogen grit her teeth running," Where are you going?!" Erica shouted

"To get them the hell outta there! Come on Steve! Robin!" She ran down the hill, with Dustin tossing Robin a radio to stay in touch with them.

Steve tossed the Keys to Imogen since she was more stable to drive under pressure," Buckle up you two because I am going to bring Toddfather over it's limits tonight"

Robin and Steve swore they saw their life flash before their eyes with how fast Imogen was driving. The mall wasn't far from them, and soon enough it came into view," Gen! What are you doing?!" Robin shouted seeing her not slow down despite the mall being right before them.

"I can feel him," Imogen said grimly

"Feel who?!!" Steve shouted in panic

"Hold on tight!" She switched the gear and pressed the gas as far as she could, making the two yell at her driving straight for a car.

"Holy shit!! Holy Shit!!" Steve cursed

"I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die!!" Robin closed her eyes holding the sides of the car. Billy's car was just a few more inches away from running over Nancy, but Imogen crashed the car into his sending him sliding to the side.

"Holy fucken shit" Steve mumbled as the car slid coming to a halt.

"Now that is what I call a wild ride!" Robin commented with her eyes widen, as she tried to catch her breath.

"Are you guys okay?" Imogen asked

"Ask me tomorrow?" Robin said slowly

The sound of the snarling creature filled their ears, making them stand up in the car," Oh, Shit!"

They all took large gulps, looking at the large creature, but were cut off to Jonathan honking the horn, parking next to them," Get in!!" Nancy shouted making the trio quickly get out of the destroyed car.

Imogen stopped before getting in and looked at Billy who was in his car," Fight it Hargrove" She whispered, as Steve grabbed her arm pulling her in the trunk of the car. He quickly shut the door, closing it as Jonathan sped off, with the creature following them.

They drove off the lot to the long road," Dusty-bun, you copy?" The trio turned to the radio on Robin's lap," I copy, Suzie-poo. It sounds much better now, thanks"

"Well I'll be damned, he finally connected," Imogen chuckled hearing the voices

"Okay, listen, do you know Planck's constant?" Dustin's asked her

"Do you know the Earth orbits the sun?" Suzie questioned back

"Okay, so I know it starts with two sixes, and then a, W-what is it?"

"Okay, let me be clear on this, I haven't heard from you in a week, and now you want a mathematical equation that you should know, so you can...save the world?"

"Suzie-poo, I promise, I will make it up to you as soon as possible"

"You can make it up to me now"

Imogen snickered," I feel like I should turn off the radio," She said her voice filling the car, making Lucas turn back," Don't"

"I wasn't planning on it, Sinclair—I need something to get back at Duffin for always teasing Steve and I— It's perfect blackmail"

Steve let out a laugh," Oh god, what are we all going to witness?"

"The best thing yet" Imogen smirked, as she cranked the radio higher

Suddenly Dustin was singing as Imogen let out a laugh," Oh. My. God!!" After the pair stopped singing, Steve suddenly looked back as his eyes widened," It's turning around"

"What?!" Nancy shouted from the front

"It's turning around!" Imogen and Steve yelled together

"Maybe we wore it out" Lucas looked back and forth

"I don't think so" Imogen answered," Byers turn around!"

"Got it!" He shouted to her, quickly making the fastest and sharp U-turn making everyone in the car fly to one side. Once they reached the mall, Imogen jumped out of the trunk making the two yell, for her, but she ignored them.

She could hear Billy, and she needed to help him fight it before it ends horribly. Once she came into view, she saw Billy standing next to Eleven who was laying on the ground.

"Billy!!!" Imogen shouted; the Flayed Billy turned to her smirking, the large flesh monster looked at her, making her stand frozen in place. It opened it's mouth sending out the smaller part as it was about to reach her, but it wailed to fireworks thrown to the side of its face.

"Flay this, you ugly piece of shit!!" Lucas yelled from the second floor.

"Imogen!! God damn it!" Steve yelled over the railing," Get away from there"

"No!" She turned her head to him," I need to help Billy"

Steve was about to run down at her stubbornness, but Robin grabbed his wrist," We can help her, by throwing the fireworks, Steve! Just trust her!"


"Steve, trust her" Robin's voice strained looking at him as he bit his lip," Toss me a firework" Robin grinned doing as so, making him turn to the creature," Hey!! Asshole! Over here!!" He threw large lit up firework, that flew straight into its mouth.

Steve locked eyes with her as Imogen sent him a smile. He returned it, making her run over to Billy who was slowly bending down in pain, he was letting out the same screeching pain as the flesh monster.

"Billy!" Imogen shouted getting closer, El took the chance to crawl, but Billy grabbed her ankle dragging her back and he then swung his arm back hitting Imogen in the stomach, making her fall to the ground in pain.

He took the chance and dragged her along with El, making him hover over them, as he placed his hand on their necks," Billy" Imogen said trying to remove his hand only for it to get tighter, El, connected her hand to Imogen's making her see what she saw. It was a gamble, but it was a chance El was willing to take—She didn't even know if it was possible for her to make Imogen see Billy's past.

Imogen let out a gasp seeing the memories flash through her mind," Seven..." She whimpered making the grip on her next loosen," Seven...feet"

"You told her...the wave was seven feet" El continued.

Imogen risked it when she raised her hand to Billy's cheek," She was wearing a beautiful long white dress, that brought out her beautiful light blond hair Billy" Imogen said slowly

Billy let out a small gasp like he was seeing the memory, of his mom.

"You ran to her, on the beach" Eleven cried," There were seagulls"

"She wore a hat with a blue ribbon" Imogen continued," On that dress, was a blue and red flower"

Eleven let out another sob," Yell—Yellow sandals, covered in sand"

"She was beautiful, Billy—and her laugh, it was almost angelic" Imogen felt a tear fall down Billy's face, as it landed on her cheek," You can fight it Billy" She watched as the black veins slowly disappear under her had," That's it, Billy, fight it"

Imogen could hear the groups shout that they were out of fireworks, making the creature avert it's attention back to where they were at. Billy stood up, and Imogen saw the creature turn to Billy who no longer was flayed.

It was like slow motion, as the creature opened its mouth sending out the creature inside to El's direction— but Billy stood in front of the creature catching the claw-like part holding it from killing El. Billy was screaming as he held onto it, and Imogen saw smaller versions coming out of its body.

Her eyes widened, making her act fast, and quickly get up throwing her body on Billy's making them fly back right before any of them could impale them. As the pair of them were on the ground, it went for a second attack, and it made them both close their eyes waiting for the impact.

But it never came—because the creature suddenly froze in place. Imogen slowly opened her eyes lifting her head off of Billy's chest seeing it stand and not moving a single inch.

The creature finally moved but it swayed and screeched hitting the sides of the mall and eventually falling.

"Holy fucken shit" Imogen whispered and looked down to Billy who slowly opened his eyes," Hey there, Blue Eyes"

"Hey Hargrove looks like you kept your promise and I kept mine" She smiled as he let out a chuckle.

"Imogen!" She turned her head, seeing Steve and Robin running over to her, and before she could speak, they tackled her making them all fall to the ground all of them laughing.

"You crazy dingus!" Robin let out a sob as Imogen followed, also crying. It was hitting her, all of it—the entire thing. Robin pulled out of the hug, but Steve remained. He was crying and she could confirm it with her shirt becoming drenched.

"Hey Babe" She lifted her hand running it in his hair," Everything is okay—I'm okay" Her eyes trailed to Billy who was hugging Max. He mouthed 'thank you' to her making her send him a smile.

"I thought I was going to lose you" Steve sniffled still not looking at her, wanting to hide his tear-stained face.

"Well, I sort of want to kiss you right now, but if you pref— Steve placed his lips on her own making both of them not caring how sloppy It was. They both tasted the blood and salt from their tears," I fucken love you Imogen" Steve pulled out of the kiss," Don't do something that stupid again"

"I love you too, Steve" She whispered looking at him, her Blue eyes not removing from his Hazel ones.

It was finally over.

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