seventeen - the bite

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Imogen, Robin and Steve were sitting behind a small red cart, that Dustin was driving, with Erica in the passenger seat. The three older teens had no idea what was going on, except for that it was fun as hell, that it got them in laughing fits.

"Jesus, slow down!" Steve slurred with on hand holding the gated part of the small vehicle.

Robin let out a snort looking at Imogen who was sitting on Steve's lap, as he had his arm wrapped around her waist," Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?"

"It's the Indy 300" Steve shook his head in defiance

"No, dingus, it's 500!" Robin fought back with her voice heavily slurring

"It's 300!!"

Imogen snickered," Let's say a million!" She lifted her hands as they all laughed out loudly

"What is wrong with them!?" Erica shouted in complaints making Imogen lean her face to the kids in the front," Holy shit guys, we have elves driving us! We are going to see Santa Claus!!!"

"I don't know!" Dustin yelled but his voice was drowned by the drugged teenagers in the back.

"Santa Claus!" Robin cheered

"Oh—noo" Steve gasped," I am getting coal~"

"You been a bad boy Stevie?" Imogen shifted her body so that now she was straddling him as he nodded," Mhm, Stevie has been bad"

Robin snickered leaning her head to the direction of Dustin and Erica," I think Mom and Dad are going to do the dirty" She whispered

"Dustin watch out!!" The cart suddenly took a sharp turn, making the three teens in the back hit their heads all letting out groans and cries.

"You guys all right back there?" Dustin quickly turned to ask them

"Santa is going to be angry you crashed his sleigh" Imogen pulled back raising her hands on her cheek letting out a gasp.

"They're fine" Dustin tried to reassure Erica as both of them hopped out the front seats, making their way to the back. They opened the back door," Come on, we gotta go"

Imogen wrapped her arms around Steve and shook her head," No, I don't wanna go!"

"Oh my god, Imogen" Dustin let out a groan," Get the fuck up! All of you!"

"Let's go!" Erica shouted making the teens whine, Steve carrying out Imogen who had him in a Koala grip.

Dustin walked over to the electronic keypad, and let out a breath," Here goes nothing" He pushed the card in, making the door slowly open.

Once the Elevator was fully opened, they all filed in and the moment it started to move, Robin pushed over a red cart, making Steve and Imogen hop on it," Hey!! You look like you're surfing!!"

"Surfing, yeah!!" Steve agreed, and Imogen stood at the edge of the cart," Hang Ten!!"

Dustin and Erica watched them with both genuinely confused, Erica spoke up looking at Dustin," They seem drunk"

"Why would they be drunk?" Dustin turned to her in question

The trio laughed as Robin pulled the cart back both Imogen and Steve were sent flying to the floor. Steve landed on Imogen making her let out a grunt of pain," Wipeout!!" Robin giggled loudly raising her hands

The two on the floor just started to laugh," Hey Baby" Steve looked down to Imogen who scrunched her nose," You are heavy—I think you are the roast beef"

"I'm not fat"

"You so are"

"Am not!"

"Are so!"

"Nuh-uh" Steve shook his head, making Imogen chuckle, as she pushed him off," Roast beef!!!"

Dustin knelt down placing his hand on Steve and his sister's heads," They are burning up"

"You're burning up," Steve said back, meanwhile Robin tilted her head sitting down observing them.

Dustin removed his hand from his sister's head and went to open Steve's eyes," His pupils are super dilated" He then looked to Imogen," Same with my sister"

"Maybe they are drugged" Erica stated

Steve chuckled as he tapped on Dustin's nose," Boop!" when he did that Imogen did the same but on Steve making him nearly bit her finger letting her laugh out loud.

"Are you both drugged?" Dustin asked the two

"How many times dad, I don't do drugs" Steve sassed Dustin," It's only marijuana" Imogen hit Steve's chest," Shh! We can't let him know, we finished it—" She turned to Dustin pinching his cheeks," Duffin Bun, don't tell Mom" She raised her finger to his lips making Dustin push her hand away.

"I just need to know what they did you guys" Steve and Imogen giggled," Are you gonna die on us?"

"Boop!" Steve raised his hand again to Dustin's face

"We're all gonna die, my strange little child friend. It's just a matter of how" Robin said creepily," And when" She whispered

Imogen snorted," Life is not easy as they come, my sweet little Duffin Bun" She said slowly, and then frowned placing her hand on her torso," It can be taken away before your eyes, without your consent"

Dustin trailed his eyes to her stomach in confusion," What are you—" She then giggled laying on Steve, thought despite the laughter, Dustin saw a sadness in her eye that lingered.

Dustin hesitated to drop the subject, but he knew it was not the time," They're gonna be looking for us up there, so I need you to give me your car keys"

"Oh!! Can we make a pit stop at the food court?" Steve said in awe," Oh my god, food! Yes, I want onion rings—Oh Oh! Can we go to burger king?!" Imogen leaned her head up

"I would kill for a hotdog on a stick!" Robin spoke up making them go 'Ooooh'

"Yeah food" Dustin shook his head," Yes, we'll get as much food as you want, but only if you give me your car keys" He looked down to Steve

"Uh oh," Steve said wincing

"Uh-oh?" Dustin's face dropped making Steve looked at him," The car's off the board"


"They took the keys," He dug his hands in his pocket with Imogen digging in the other," Uh-oh, they took the keys" Her eyes widen letting out a gasp making Steve and Robin laugh," The Russians took the keys, like, forever ago" The three laughed loudly, with Robin clapping," That's a bummer. Right?"

Dustin turned back to Erica who looked down shaking her head. After a while, the elevator stopped and the group got out with the older teens last.

Robin laughed opening her mouth sticking her tongue out," Oh my God that tastes so good!!" She turned to them," Genny, Steve can you two taste it?"

Imogen giggled opening her mouth taking in the air," It tastes so good!" The two girls held hands as they spun around, with Steve started clapping and laughing at them.

Unexpectedly, the gate before them opened Erica and Dustin's eyes both widened, seeing two Russian guards coming their way," Shit!!" Come on! Come on!!" The two turned around grabbing the three holding on to them.

Steve let out a sigh," Why are we running?" He turned back as he opened the door. Imogen and Robin laughed loudly as they were shoved inside by Erica.


Imogen had her hands in both Steve and Robin's since their other hand was being held by Erica and Dustin. They were being dragged down a long hallway making Erica groan," Where are we going?"

"Just trust me" Dustin whispered to her.

They continued to run down the long hallway with Dustin letting go of Robin's hand, as he opened a door, peeking out," All clear" He told them, opened the door wide, making the group trail in one by one. Dustin took the first left turn and as they passed a trashcan, Steve reached in the garbage grabbing a half-eaten popcorn bag.

The trio all gawked in awe when Dustin opened the theatre door, and on the screen was playing Back to the future

Dustin ran first, with them following to two empty seats," No, no, no the seats are too close," Robin whined making Erica roll her eyes pushing her forward to the empty seat.

Steve dragged Imogen on his lap, while Robin took the other only empty seat," This seat blows!" Steve grunted stuffing popcorn in his mouth.

"Then don't watch the movie" Dustin retorted

"We want to watch it!" Robin argued

"Then watch it!!" Dustin raised his voice a little too high, making the guy behind them shush him.

Imogen snapped her head to the older man," You shush! No one shushes my brother but me!"

Dustin motioned his hand to the guy, Sorry!"

Imogen pouted on Steve's lap," He shushed my baby brother. How rude!" She huffed making Steve chuckle wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Whatever you do, don't go anywhere" Dustin eyed the three of them as he said slowly.

Steve rolled his eyes," Fine, dad" sarcasm filled his voice making the girls chuckle. Dustin and Erica both held back their annoyances and walked to the chairs across the room. Imogen leaned back wrapping her arm around Steve's neck.

"What is happening?" Robin leaned over asking them making Imogen giggle," I have no idea" Steve answered stuffing popcorn in his mouth. Imogen started to play with Steve's tie, as she leaned forward to his ear," I had a scary dream"

He turned looking down at her," What about?"

"Something took over my body" Imogen lifted her hands dramatically," And I went whoosh~!" Her fingers waved as she giggled. Steve opened his mouth about to say something, when Robin leaned over to them," Guys I'm like super thirsty"

Imogen gasped," Me too!!" She hopped off of Steve's legs, grabbing both of their hands," I think there is this machine thingy that gives us water!" The two laughed as she dragged them out of the theatre. Once the got out of the theatre, Imogen's eyes lit up when she saw the water fountain." There is the thingy!!"

Steve ran past them quickly making it to fountain leaning himself on it as he started to quench his thirst. Robin snickered catching Imogen who spun around nearly falling, the older Henderson peeked up and tapped on Robin's nose," Yay, Robby caught me!"

The two females leaned on the ball behind Steve as he slumped, and continued to drink the water.

Imogen leaning on Robin's shoulder," That's amazing!" Steve took a hefty gulp of the water and then going back down drinking more.

"So, like, I wasn't totally focused in there or anything, but... I'm pretty sure... that mom was trying to bang her son" Robin motioned her hands

Steve turned his head looking at the girls for a moment," Wait, wait, the hot chick was Alex P. Keaton's mom?" He questioned

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure" Imogen slurred making Steve furrow his brows," But they're the same age"

"No silly" Imogen shook her head waving her finger at him," he went back in time" Steve snorted pulling his head back," Then why is it called Back to the Future?"

"He has to go back to the future because he's in the past" Robin tilted her head explaining

Imogen removed her head from Robin's shoulder," So, the future is actually the present?"

Robin hummed," Yeah, which is his time"

"Wh-What?" Steve and Imogen said after gaping trying to process her words. Robin groaned pushing Steve and nearly making Imogen fall," No—No It's my turn" She took the fountain for herself, as Imogen caught Steve as they both stumbled a little further away.

Steve locked his hands with Imogen as he stared up at the ceiling making him giggle," Whoa~!"

Imogen looked at him confused," What?" He let out a slurred laugh putting his hand under her chin, lifting it to the ceiling," Ooh—look at the pretty stars~!"

"Hey, Robby" Imogen waved her hand not removing her eyes from the ceiling," Come look at the pretty stars"

"Yeah, you got to check this out" Steve also kept his eyes to the top. Robin took one last large gulp from the fountain and walked over to the pair," Whoa"

"This...ceiling, it's beautiful" Steve pointed

"No Babe, it's stars~" Imogen hummed

"Oh, wow" Robin let out a laugh as she gawked at the lights shining down on them, she spun around and each turn she took, the more her vision blurred. Steve and Imogen felt the same, as they took a gulp.

Imogen pursed her lips lifting her hands to her stomach," I think I'm gonna blow chunks" The other two nodded making them all run to the nearest restroom. Each of them went to a stall slamming it open and throwing up.

Once the feeling of gagging stopped, Imogen threw herself on the floor turning her head at Steve who gave her a small smile, as he sat against the wall flushing the toilet, he threw up in.

"I'm pissed" Imogen grumbled laying her head on the floor," At what Babe?" He asked

"That I remember everything" She pouted crawling over to him laying her head on his thighs.

"The ceiling stopped spinning for me" Robin spoke from her stall as she laid down plopping her legs up the wall," Is it still spinning for you guys?"

Steve looked up along with Imogen who both stared for a moment," Holy Shit" they said together," Jinx, you owe me a soda babe" She turned as he chuckled," After we just threw up?"

She scrunched her nose and shook her head," Later—there is no way I am putting anything in my stomach after this mess" He chuckled running a hand through her messy hair making her wince as his finger tugged on a tangle.

"Steve" Imogen looked up him," How the fuck is your fair still damn fabulous after this whole mess?"

"It's a talent" He winked but quickly wincing forgetting his eye was bruised," Yeah remind me not to do that," he said lifting his hand to his eye.

"I was kind of hoping the whole 'don't get beat up Steve' was going to stick" Imogen commented making him snicker," Kind of hard to when they beat the shit out of me—when I was telling the truth"

He raised his hand," Who do you work for?" He mocked in a horrible impersonation of a Russian accent

Robin laughed over at her stall," In the end, they were still morons" Imogen scoffed," Tell me about it"

"Do you think we puked all the drugs up?" Steve asked them

"Maybe" Robin answered," Interrogate me," She said in a Russian accent.

"That's how you do it" Imogen tapped on his chest making him chuckle.

"Okay. Interrogate you. Sure." Steve spoke up," When was the last time. you, uh, peed your pants?

"Today," Robin said nonchalantly

"What?" Steve turned his head her direction and Imogen snickered

"When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw"

Steve and Imogen broke out in laughter," Oh. My. God"

"It was just a little bit, though" They couldn't see it but Robin lifted her hand in a gesture of how little with her fingers.

"Yeah, it's definitely still in her system," Imogen commented making them snicker

"All right, my turn" Robin got up from the floor," Have you" She went silent trying to think," Ever been in love with anyone but Imogen?" Imogen slightly froze on his leg, as Steve did the same, making him then smile.

"No" Steve answered honestly making Imogen sit up looking at him shocked," I think ever since grade school, when Imogen and I met, I thought to myself despite being only five years old—that she was the one. That she was going to be my future"

Imogen peered at him as he continued leaving his eyes on her," I always got things easy for me, since you know—being the rich kid, that Daddy always gave whatever he wanted—Well, Imogen was the one thing I wanted but couldn't have—without working for it"

Steve licked his lips as he reached over to Imogen," I loved you too much, and god damn, I am so glad I never stopped" Imogen felt her eyes water as she let out a breath.

"I love you too, Stupid" Imogen said in between her tears," God you're such a sop"

"You know Robin" Imogen started," I wish we knew you in school—and maybe all the shit we have gone through, wouldn't have happened. The time we spend together this summer has probably been one of the best things that ever happened for me in this town, that I honestly was just full of shit"

Steve nodded as he continued," For once I actually think I didn't care about how stupid I look. I never laughed this much back in school, and I feel like if we knew you—we could have all been best of friends"

Robin kept silent in her stall making Imogen turn," Hey Robin, did you OD in there?"

The said girl chuckled "No...Hey can I confess something" Robin spoke up as she crawled over to their stall "I feel like—if you guys actually knew me, you wouldn't like me"

"Why?" Imogen brought her knees up hugging it," Rob, I think you're so amazing"

She smiled patting Imogen's knee," I—I don't think you guys would...want to be my friend"

Steve leaned forward and looked at her," That's not true, there is no way that's true"

"You both remember what I said about Ms Clicks class?"

"Yeah," Imogen and Steve said moving to give her room," Do you remember when I said I was obsessed with you guys?" Imogen nodded along with Steve

"Well, the truth is was that I was jealous—because she would stare at you both. She would constantly talk about how she could find a guy who made her smile the way Imogen did each day"

"Who?" Steve tilted his head," Ms Click?"

Robin snickered and shook her head," No" She licked her lips and looked down," Tammy Thompson. I wanted her to look at me—but no" She shook her head," She couldn't pull her eyes away from the perfect couple—The couple that made her want to find her prince charming"

Steve furrowed his brow," But Tammy Thompson is a girl"

Imogen tapped on Steve's chest," Steve" He looked at her confused and then back to Robin. His eyes lingered on her for a moment, trying to process what was going on. Robin's eyes watered, and his eyes widened finally understanding

"Oh" He dragged and Robin repeated it," Oh" as she averted her eyes.

"Holy shit," Steve said out of his breath leaning back.

"Yeah" She mumbles awkwardly as she looked up," Holy shit"

The silence filled the room and only their light breathing was heard. Steve looked down and Robin looked at him," Steve did you OD over there?"

"No, I just, uh..." Steve trailed off making Imogen reached over grabbing Robin's hand," Rob, I don't know why you'd think we would not want to be your friend"

"Yeah" Steve smiled looked up," You are still the badass, smartypants Robin, I enjoy scooping ice cream with. You know, I wouldn't have asked for another co-worker ever—because you made those days at work, a lot of fun"

"Even if I had that board?" Robin asked him

"Even if you had the board" He reached over putting his hand on Imogen and Robin's that was interlaced," I'm glad, I've met you despite it being so close to when Immy and I leave"

Robin had a tear fall down her face, as she let out a soft sound of laughter," You two are a lot better than you were back in school"

"I couldn't agree more" Steve laughed and then looked at her," Tammy Thompson, you know, she's cute and all, but... I mean...she's a total dud."

Robin raised her eyebrows," She is not"

Steve snorted," Yes she is, She wants to be, like, a singer. She wants to move to, like, Nashville and shit."

"She had dreams" Robin stopped him making Imogen laugh," But no offence, she can't hold a tune"

"She's practically tone-deaf." Steve added," Have you heard her?" Robin started to chuckle, as Imogen and Steve went on trying to mimic Tammy's singing.

"She does not sound like that" Robin said in between her laughs

"She so does" Imogen pointed," He may not be good in impersonating, but I am"

The group started to laugh all together adding, mainly Robin defending Tammy and the two teased her," God you sound like a Muppet, Steve"

"She sounds like a Muppet, giving birth" Steve retorted making Robin's laugher pick up. Imogen then changed her voice to sound like Kermit the frog, as she started to sing, and the two joined her. The door then suddenly swung in, revealing a distressed and annoyed Dustin and Erica," Okay, what the hell!"

The trio shared looks and just started to laugh even more leaning on each other.


The three previously drugged teens, along with Dustin and Erica stayed in the restroom, waiting for the movie to end. Dustin stayed near the door, and peeked through hearing the commotion of the crowd outside, making him nod and turn back to them," And...blend"

They all walked out and made it between the crowds, trying to act inconspicuous. Steve held onto Imogen's hand as they kept their heads low.

"Well, shit that worked," Erica said impressed to Dustin who laughed," Of course it—We just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home, here we come"

"Oh shit" Imogen leaned forward," Uh, Duffin that's not a good idea for us actually"

"Why?" He turned to them making Imogen frown pointing to Steve," This dingus told them your full name during interrogating"

"Holy shit—what is wrong with you?!" Dustin whispered yelled

"I was drugged—" Steve defended himself

Dustin glared at him "So?"

"So?" Steve pulled his head back

"You tough it out—" Dustin explained," You tough it out like a man!"

"To be fair" Imogen raised her hand," They were trying to torture me, and pull my nail out so—"

"Guys" Robin tapped on their shoulders stopping them. They looked up seeing the two Russian guards that chased them," Fuck" Imogen whispered

"Abort" Dustin shouted making them all turn and run, they reached the escalator and Imogen took the first move and slid down the middle, making them follow him.

They all ran to Great Cookie and hid behind the counter, though the tension was intense and the countless footsteps were enough for them to think it was over.

Steve held onto Imogen's hand, while she held his and her brothers, as chain reaction as all of them each had a hand in their own. Their breathing all uneven, each of them accepting that there was nowhere to run.

They all closed their eyes, but they all jumped to the sound of a car horn making them all gasp loudly. All they could hear was the sound of loud crashing, making them share looks and slowly get up looking over the counter.

Imogen's eyes lit up seeing the overturned car, and let out a laugh," Oh my god" They all turned their heads up too, Eleven, Will, Mike, Max, Nancy, Lucas and Jonathan at the top floor.

"I take them over the US Calvary any day" Imogen leaned over to Steve whispering making him let out a laugh. They each jumped over the counter and met halfway with the other group that came down the escalator.

Dustin ran ahead," You flung that thing like a Hot Wheel!!" He shouted hugging Eleven and Mike.

Erica came into view and stopped running," Lucas?!"

"What are you doing here?!" He motioned his hands narrowing his eyes to her

Erica huffed pointed her thumb to Robin, Steve and Imogen," Ask them it's their fault!"

"Yeah, totally true—it's or fault" Steve nodded placing his hands on his hip.

"Well, yeah she is right—but little Sinclair here, kind of saved our asses" Imogen grinned patting her back.

"I don't understand what happened to that car" Robin looked back and looking confused

"El has superpowers" Dustin pointed

"I'm sorry?" Robin raised her eyebrow

Steve threw his arm over Imogen's shoulder, "Superpowers. She threw it with her mind. C'mon catch up"

Erica then looked at Eleven," That's El?"

"Who's El?" Robin looked around

"I'm sorry" Nancy started," Who are you?" She averted the question back to Robin.

"I'm Robin, I work with Steve"

"She translated the top-secret code, and cracked it with Imogen" Dustin grinned motioning to his sister and her.

"Which is how we found about the Russians" Steve explained making Jonathan tilt his head," Russians? What Russians?"

"The Russians!" Steve yelled pointed to the ones El had hit with the car.

Max's eyes widen, "Those were Russians?"

"Some of them," Erica said blankly

"What are you talking about?" Lucas raised his hands

"Did you hear our code red?"

Imogen felt a ringing in her ears making her raise her hands to her head. She stepped back and looked at Eleven who also stepped away from the group. She turned to Imogen making her eyes widen, seeing her nose both bleeding.

Imogen could barely hear the bickering between the groups, as she tried to reach over to Eleven, but fell forward on the ground, along with Eleven. The sound of their bodies hitting the floor alerted the group, making them all turn.

"El! Imogen!!"

"What's wrong?!" El was still conscious as she answered," My leg!"

Steve had reached over to Imogen," Hey, baby, hey!" The situation had only gotten worse, as the group unwrapped the Eleven's wound, as she started to scream.

Robin noticed Imogen's mouth moving making her lean forward," Billy—" was all she could hear, making her pull back," Who is Billy?"

The group turned to Robin's question as they drowned in El's screams.

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